
May 30, 2019
For a week, but still. I'm now on some smoke cessation meds and I have no cravings whatsoever, but something is off. Like randomly I get those thoughts bringing me images of happiness in my life always accompanied by a cigarette. I'm starting to feel that quitting smoking is taking something of value from my life. Yeah, I know it's stupid.

Don't really want to start smoking again (been clean for 2 months - not counting that week of weakness (sic!) - after 14 years of inhaling shit), but the whole ritual is so rooted in my life that it's crazy. Fucking cancer sticks.
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Deleted member 41178

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Mar 18, 2018
I hate to say it but I gave up nearly 4 years ago and I still get those pangs where I really miss smoking. It can be a multitude of things that trigger it but funnily enough never stress.

I can go weeks without thinking about it but that feeling always comes back, like now after reading this, I'd love to be sat in the garden having a toke with a cup of coffee.


Oct 27, 2017
I have been there many times (I am clean for 12 years now). I had the same feelings and thoughts. Remember that this is your brain playing tricks on you. If you start smoking again, you may feel good with the first few cigarettes but very shortly you will feel really bad. You will not get the gratification your brain now tries to lure you with and on top of that you will have massive regrets. My advice - find something new that is healthy and that you enjoy. Make a pact with yourself that you can enjoy it only because you are not smoking. This will add new value to your life, one that you will lose once you start smoking again.


May 30, 2019
I hate to say it but I gave up nearly 4 years ago and I still get those pangs where I really miss smoking. It can be a multitude of things that trigger it but funnily enough never stress.

I can go weeks without thinking about it but that feeling always comes back, like now after reading this, I'd love to be sat in the garden having a toke with a cup of coffee.
This isn't helping, Roland 🙂


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah smoking sucks. I was free from it for a whole year once but then started smoking while on vacation and ruined everything.
Now I've been smoking for a total of 16years I think? Shit gotta go.

Still think those cravings are gonna be there forever though. After sex, when drinking coffe - or alcohol especially - or on the way to work etc.


Oct 27, 2017
This is just a setback mate, throw away the cigarettes and continue with not smoking. You can do it.
Don't let this bump in the road distract you from your goal.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
I've been off cigs and my vape for a long time now. Always get ups and downs of wanting one.
Maybe I have little life experience or something but a cup of coffee and a cig is like peak happiness


Oct 26, 2017
For a week, but still. I'm now on some smoke cessation meds and I have no cravings whatsoever, but something is off. Like randomly I get those thoughts bringing me images of happiness in my life always accompanied by a cigarette. I'm starting to feel that quitting smoking is taking something of value from my life. Yeah, I know it's stupid.

Don't really want to start smoking again (been clean for 2 months - not counting that week of weakness (sic!) - after 14 years of inhaling shit), but the whole ritual is so rooted in my life that it's crazy. Fucking cancer sticks.

I can tell you that this feeling of "Uff, now a cigarette" will never go away as bad as it sounds. You just learn to live with it.
Oct 27, 2017
I've been on and off smoking after like 10+ attempts at quitting. It's the worse feeling in the world getting those urges to smoke again. They always say it goes away quickly but I've had urges that lasted like 8 plus hours. Stay strong you can quit again and get through it.


Oct 27, 2017
Worst thing for me was when playing Yakuza 6. After a rough night, Kiryu gets home and lights up a cigarette and it looks like all his troubles went away for a minute. I never had such a strong urge to pick up a cigarette again as during that scene.

Now I'm only smoking e-cig. Still not great, but already better than cigarettes.
Oct 27, 2017
I hate to say it but I gave up nearly 4 years ago and I still get those pangs where I really miss smoking. It can be a multitude of things that trigger it but funnily enough never stress.

I can go weeks without thinking about it but that feeling always comes back, like now after reading this, I'd love to be sat in the garden having a toke with a cup of coffee.

I quit smoking 10 years ago, I still miss it, the first smoke in the morning, a smoke with coffe. It was so good haha.

Awesome Kev

Jan 10, 2018
I quit 2.5 years ago and I know exactly what you're talking about. I still think of going back to smoking one day but man, the rewards since I've quit have been well worth it. Wellllll fucking worth it brother.

Stick to it and give the shit up.


May 30, 2019
I quit 2.5 years ago and I know exactly what you're talking about. I still think of going back to smoking one day but man, the rewards since I've quit have been well worth it. Wellllll fucking worth it brother.

Stick to it and give the shit up.
Could you evaluate a bit about the rewards, Kevin?


Oct 27, 2017
These stories here remind me how my mother quit smoking after being a *heavy* smoker for than 40 years. And she did it from one day to the next.

I had to drive her to a ... dunno what it's called in english ... naturopath? ... and she got some small injections in her ears. And after that, done, no smoking anymore. She didn't even have any withdrawal effects, nothing. Not even the urge in the common situations. Really, absolutely nothing.

Up to this day, i still can't believe that this stuff worked. I didn't believe this would work when i was driving her there, thinking of this treatment as a waste of money and time.


Nov 2, 2017
This thread makes me glad that I never started with that shit. Though I've got my own addictions, so It's not like I'm any better really.
Hope you stay strong OP.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
I fail pretty much every week. But Im down from a pack a day to maybe 3 or 4 a week. So dont beat yourself up too bad.

3 or 4 cigarettes that is.


Jan 9, 2018
Could you evaluate a bit about the rewards, Kevin?
No shortness of breath, no slight nauseated feeling when you smoke to much, waking up and not thinking you swallowed a dead rat because of your breath after having half a pack the day before.

Well, that's the rewards for me anyway :)


Jun 10, 2019
So I fucked up and started smoking again


I had to, sorry.


Oct 25, 2017
It took me several attempts to quit, and there were tons of mini-failures(stress, seeing a smoker friend I hadn't seen in years, drinking too much alcohol) after I was sure I was done with it. It's been 4-5 years since I've broken my streak, and though I will once in while crave a cigarette, it's never strong enough to act on -- it's just a passing thought.


Dec 18, 2017
Roseburg Oregon
I quit smoking for I think five years? Smoked on and off again after those fire years then switched to vaping. Been vaping the last six years, kind of want to stop now that Oregon is banning flavors, but it's hard for me to quite, unlike smoking I'm not having any issues that at really pushing me to stop. Cigs was giving me massive coughing attacks to the point I would almost pass out. Have not had one since going to vapor. The five years I did not smoke or vape was not really that hard, got cravings like once a month but they went away after like ten minutes.


Jan 4, 2018
I always put on a heaps of weight when I quit so I always associate smoking with skinny, happy go lucky me. Shit sucks but patch and gum and seeing my mums cancer (not smoking related but still) treatment (and knowing I'm not strong enough to go through it) got me over it. Now I'm just fat.


Editor/Writer at
Oct 26, 2017
I went to the doctor a month ago with chest-pains. They couldn't figure out what did it. So the did some x-rays and stuff.. the x-rays showed some kind of irritation in my lungs, so they offered me a lung test to see what might be the cause for the irritation. I went for the test a month ago, and had a meeting with my doctor after the test.
She told me they suspect one of two things.. asthma or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), but they had to do more tests to figure out what it is.
So I am scheduled for more tests at the end of this month and "final" answers 2 days later..

You see... I am 44 years old, and I have been smoking since I was 18. I have tried to stop one time before, was clean for a whole year, until a stupid excuse made me start again.

I smoke like 15-20 cigs a day... or rather I used to smoke that. I stopped smoking the same second the doctor told me I might have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), I have seen people live and die with that disease, not very pleasant at all.
And I will never ever smoke again..NEVER. I have 4 daughters (21,15,14 and 9 years old), and the worlds most beautiful wife, I owe it to myself and them to live as long and possible and as good as possible.. I will never ever touch a cigarette again. And I am going cold turkey without any meds, this has to be done by me..

So do yourself a failure.. STOP NOW...


Dec 13, 2017
Since the first time I quit in 2013, I had more than one relapse, often quite strong coming from 7 cigs a day (e-cig made all this worse, taking me to 20 cigs a day). I just quit again last week and for now I'm doing great but yeah, sometimes my brain just tells me "how good would this be if we had a cigarette?"
Also I love smoking weed and that doesn't help.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Just stick at it. We all react differently. I smoked for 15 years and gave up. No cravings at all after the first month. Just stick to it as yoyo'ing on it will be a harder cycle to break.

Awesome Kev

Jan 10, 2018
Could you evaluate a bit about the rewards, Kevin?
Money - i saved a couple thousand in the first year (i was pack and a half a day). because of money i was able to put a down payment on a new car and afford my own apartment, i'm also going back to school now

Time - i'd get into a bad bad habbit of smoking one cig, only to sit out there on my phone so long i'd be ready to have another. i'd do this for hours at a time and basically waste entire morning before work or evenings after work. hell, at least i could have been playing video games or something more fun, but no, i would sit there watching youtube, browsing and posting on Era (or GAF back then) and it always felt like a massive waste of time. now I have all that time back and it fucking great, i get so much shit done and feel accomplished af every day.

Energy - smoking just made me feel sluggish and ave no motivation for doing much else for that day. it fed into itself and made me not want to get chores done, workout, run errands, get out of the house and do something fun, etc. my energy level is at an all time high. and it's been like since i quit. i want to get stuff done in the morning (prime smoking time before i quit) like chores, errands, whatever, which leads into me having time to workout, plan something fun, go see my parents and more

Health - i was coughing up black pretty regularly, my chest hurt, it was difficult to breath sometimes (not always, but bad enough at times) so i couldn't really run, working out felt twice as hard because of no energy and my breathing was terriby so i wasn't getting the oxygen i needed, so because i had no cardio and i was barely using my muscles all day i was in terrrrbile shape. oh and my skin looked like shit

after i quit i started working out 3-5 days a week, eventually got up to running 2.5 miles a day, got fucking ripped lol, my skin cleared up like crazy, my eyes brightened and my teeth whitened, my appetite was back so i started eating well again, i mean, just in general i started to look hot lol! and have been told so by people here on Era and in real life. a lot of it had to do with working out hardcore though, so... here's a before and after comparison, i think the time is about a year and half after i quit, but had i not quit smoking i'm sure i'd never have had the time or energy or general healthy lungs to get this far...

Diet and tasting food again - i started being able to smell again, because smoking really desensitizes that, and thus began to taste my food again. this was a thing i had no idea how much i was missing because i had been smoking for so long i'd forgotten it... or really just never realized it to begin with. as a result i started eating healthier because the junk food i ate was too sweet or too salty, i actually couldn't stand as much of it as i used to be able to. i know kale salad isn't everyones cup o' tea but if you do it up right and can really taste all those fresh ingredients, it's a game changer for your food life.

not burning holes in my clothes on accident. it happened enough times.

keeping windows up in my car. which helped keep the clean fresh smell of my car in. also, cigs have flown back into my car (because i threw them out the window and littered like a fucking asshole) and burned the floors or seats

not smelling like cigs everywhere i went. people at work would comment, my parents would say something, my niece and nephew hated it and i loooove playing with them

no cigarette breath of course

when i leave the dentist i keep that nice fresh clean mouth feeling for hours afterwards, instead of lighting up immedately which is what i normally would do

girls... oh man, the girls came flocking. lol ok no they didn't... but it definitely helped a lot. and it's pretty much a result of all the above things.

i honestly could think of more but those are the first i spit out without even thinking about it. it's so worth it. smoking only feels nice for a short moment, that's literally the only good thing about it, but over time it feels fucking awful so even that doesn't make sense! Stick to it man. i can say that the craving never fully stooped, but they got much, much easier. i'm even at the point now where i don't really like the smell of someone smoking a cigarette like i used to. it's way too strong. so smelling someone else smoking is actually a turn off now.

sorry for the essay, i just love trying to help people see from my perspective when it comes to smoking and drinking because my quality of life has improved so vastly that i want other to experience that as well. good luck to you!

Dixie Flatline

alt account
Sep 4, 2019
New Orleans
I went cold turkey when I overheard how disappointed my sister was in me because I was smoking. You need to find the reason why you quit in the first place and revisit that.


May 30, 2019
Shit, bought a pack as I feel that the smoking cessation drug fucks up with my anti-depression meds. But I ain't going back to pack a day smoking. At least for now...
Oct 25, 2017
It's just your brain playing tricks on you, OP. You're not happy when you're smoking, you only think you are: you have a thinking problem.

And yes, that thinking problem never goes away, *but* it gets reduced to a very, very small one, to a point where you don't think about it all 99.9% of the time.


Aug 29, 2019
There is no "wagon" and there is no "starting smoking." That is a defeatist attitude and does not really reflect human behavior. It is something sold by AA and other orgs. You smoked some cigarettes. That is all. Big whoop.

Don't beat yourself up over it. Look at why you smoked a cigarette, and see if you can think of a way to not have the same thing happen again.

Getting worked up over it, or having the attitude of "well I already messed up, might as well double down" isn't helpful... Especially for cigarettes. You're going to be fine.


Aug 29, 2019
Follow up to my previous post: there is a book called "Over the influence" that is a great guide to changing your own behavior.


May 30, 2019
There is no "wagon" and there is no "starting smoking." That is a defeatist attitude and does not really reflect human behavior. It is something sold by AA and other orgs. You smoked some cigarettes. That is all. Big whoop.

Don't beat yourself up over it. Look at why you smoked a cigarette, and see if you can think of a way to not have the same thing happen again.

Getting worked up over it, or having the attitude of "well I already messed up, might as well double down" isn't helpful... Especially for cigarettes. You're going to be fine.
Thanks, but for now on I'll stick with smoking form time to time (see my previous post).
Oct 27, 2017
My father stopped smoking due to health reasons and he stopped by basically throwing away the cigarettes he had. No, he didn't wait until he was finished with the last cigarettes he had, he just stopped. Period.

So if you want to stop then you need to tell yourself that you won't smoke from this minute and throw away the cigarettes instantly. You will still get the urge from time to time but you will learn to hate the smoke of cigarettes and control yourself. It only gets easier the faster you stop.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been smoking since I was 12 and I'm thirty four now. It's so much a part of my daily routine don't I'm not sure I'll ever be able to stop. It sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
I tried to quit smoking for years and nothing helped. I had to try every technique and alternative to finally quit, almost by accident. Havent touched a cigarette in 5 years and yeah the first couple years I had cravings sometimes, but now I never think about it and my life is WAY better quality.
Dec 2, 2017
I actually broke my streak This week OP as well. I only had one cigarette mind, didn't really enjoy it. Gave me awful chest pains.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I quit off an on with the help of vaping. What sealed the deal was doing kick boxing. It eventually made me hate smoking because now I feel like my lungs will explode in my body. Prior to kick boxing, I absolutely loved smoking, which made it really hard to quit for good. I still think about it, but everytime I've slipped, I hate myself withing hours. KB also is a much more gratifying way to release all the pent up stress of the day. Hitting and kicking things is amazing.

Best upside is not being self conscious of smelling like an ash tray. Used to have elaborate systems to avoid it like a smoking jacket with a hood and gloves because I was really embarrassed. Not having that worry is a huge relief. Breath as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Just try to remember that the good feeling in your life was from the event, not the associated cigarette. That's just your brain playing tricks on you.

I have never smoked but I watched my dad fight the fight. He smoked from age 13 until he was about 40. After that he struggled with the addiction, but dabbled with chewing tobacco instead. The damage was done for him though and he died at 54 from lung cancer. One of the hardest things I ever heard was him asking me to go get him a pack of smokes after he got his diagnosis. I guess that's a sign that the addiction is never really gone. I didn't do it and to my knowledge he didn't smoke again but I don't know if I was right or wrong. Just know that I couldn't do it.