
Nov 4, 2017

No-one can be told how VR feels. You have to feel it for yourself....


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
It feels alright. I've personally never felt like "I'm there" myself but others swear by it.
Probably just a case of needing to find the right game, but RE7 didn't do it for me and that's one of the biggest ones people say to try first.


Apr 16, 2019
Feel meh to me because i absolutely dont care seeing low detailed textures or any unteresting part of game world. Not like any of you even look up that much to your surroundings in real life but care to see whats behind some unrelated desk in Resident Evil game.

If they make actually thoughtful and good looking vr game like AAA it might worth it. But thats not gonna happen anytime soon


Oct 25, 2017
For me, it's not really "feeling like you're there" but more about forgetting you're in a room.


Nov 6, 2017
Whats cool about VR is everytime i put the head set on i say damn, this is wizardry.

Astro bot was one of the best experiences in my life.

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
You feel like you are there. Your body is in the game. It doesn't feel like a screen.

Yes, the first thing I learned was that my brain doesn't need realistic, detailed graphics to be fooled.

For me it felt like putting my head under water in a swimming pool. A different sensation washes over you and you have to adjust your eye focus, sense of place and breathing. It feels like you're somewhere else.

What a great way to describe diving. Now I want to go to a pool.


Dec 15, 2017
I'd say that if you can afford it, it's a lot of fun.
I will always treasure the co-op gaming I did with my nephew playing frisbee-golf in Recroom, it was really something you know? Like he was far away but we were both right there.
Having said that, my Vive has been tucked away in my closet the past 15 months.
It is not that I regret buying it but honestly it cost me an arm and a leg and I got around a year of use before I found it to be too much of a hassle to put up the base stations, especially since my new landlord dislikes tenants drilling holes into the wall.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
VR is on the cusp. With better resolution and much lighter/less awkward headsets id say its worth the price, but its still so expensive.

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Feel meh to me because i absolutely dont care seeing low detailed textures or any unteresting part of game world. Not like any of you even look up that much to your surroundings in real life but care to see whats behind some unrelated desk in Resident Evil game.

If they make actually thoughtful and good looking vr game like AAA it might worth it. But thats not gonna happen anytime soon

You kind of sound like you haven't actually tried VR.

I played a VR game where I decided to hide under a desk whilst silly robots were hunting me, and it was more effective than most encounters in RE7.


Apr 9, 2019
But I am curious; how does VR truly feel? Do you ACTUALLY feel like you're there? Is it just a 3D mask and nothing more?
Depends how well the game is made. Sometimes you can forget where you are and thats when the magic really happens.

One thing that not a lot of people talk about and is something we will see improved come better body tracking but even now people are waay more human in the way they move and talk with VR with hand and head tracking (let alone leg tracking). Its actually kinda nuts. Even the most animated characters in regular games look like cardboard cutouts compared to players in VRChat for example.

Some games cant pull me in and then its meh but when it does its pretty crazy. Back when I was on break I spent a solid 14hrs straight in VRChat followed by like a 1hr break to get food then I watched Black Mirror with the same people I was with on VRChat using Bigscreen.


Oct 27, 2017
It's amazing. Superhot in VR is my favorite gaming experience ever. You feel like you're there. If the level has you looking down over a ledge you feel like you're actually looking down over a ledge. It's the coolest thing ever.

Unfortunately my brain can't handle it - even though I'm fine while playing for days afterward I feel completely terrible. It takes too much of a toll on me that I can't even attempt to gain my VR legs. It really makes me sad, especially with No Man's Sky VR coming out soon.

Deleted member 51848

Jan 10, 2019
When you consider that 7 years ago I could buy a Sony hmd to watch movies that cost ÂŁ1500 and now my gear VR and skybox media player allows me to sit in my own cinema for under ÂŁ50 I think it's amazing. Even low-end VR with low res and low spec can transport you.


May 14, 2018

I smashed my face on the floor trying to look out a ceiling tile that was missing in Budget Cuts. I was crawling on the floor because I was up in the ceiling in the game environment and completely forgot I was just on my living room floor. One of the most hilarious moments in VR I've had.

Can't wait to get my Quest on the 21st! Portable Beat Saber is going to be awesome!


Oct 25, 2017
The low FOV and resolution of most headsets may take you out of it somewhat but yeah it pretty much does feel like you're there. The biggest thing that nobody really talks about is the scale. Everything is to scale with how big it would look in real life

Deleted member 13645

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It's really awesome. That sense of 'presence' that people talk about is hit or miss for me, but when it hits it's unlike anything else. I remember in Budget Cuts where I was looking around a room for a key, and I tried to lean on the railing in front of me to just take a gaze around. In my mind, that railing was absolutely there. Then my arms went through it and I nearly fell on my face. That sense of presence, really feeling like you're there, is so amazing. VRChat is also one that gives me it pretty strongly but that's likely because you can look down and see a body, so it makes me feel way more immersed -- even though the body isn't mine.

The biggest thing that nobody really talks about is the scale. Everything is to scale with how big it would look in real life

And when it's not, it's really fun! It's the most immersive for the world to look correct, but it's fun when games when you get to experience being taller or shorter than normal and how different it can make the world look.

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017

Yes, that's the one! I only played the demo on Vive.

I smashed my face on the floor trying to look out a ceiling tile that was missing in Budget Cuts. I was crawling on the floor because I was up in the ceiling in the game environment and completely forgot I was just on my living room floor. One of the most hilarious moments in VR I've had.

Can't wait to get my Quest on the 21st! Portable Beat Saber is going to be awesome!

I smashed my headset on the floor as well.. haha

The first time I was held up at gunpoint in Budget Cuts.. I screamed. I felt so vulnerable.


Oct 27, 2017
It makes me feel nauseous after about 30 minutes to an hour using it.... I never seem to get VR legs.


Oct 28, 2017
Are the move controllers a must for PVSR? They don't come included right? I've been on the fence.

Deleted member 18161

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I am considering taking my first venture into VR with the Oculus Quest.

But I am curious; how does VR truly feel? Do you ACTUALLY feel like you're there? Is it just a 3D mask and nothing more?

Share with me your VR experiences!

It's more an extra layer of depth to the game World than feeling like you're actually "there" imo.

I think I read we'd need 4k per eye with ridiculous PPI screens that wrap around to cover your peripheral vision at 120fps before that true feeling of persistence (feeling "there") would be achieved.

Even then 8k/120fps is going to drastically limit what kind of visual fidelity developers could target and then there's the issue of there not being a big enough high end VR install base to cover the insane development costs.


Oct 29, 2017
I dig it but I really want it to be so much better and after seeing what the index offers for a thousand god damn dollars it's a bit depressing that we're likely years away from what I want out of it.

But hey, playing Skyrim with natural locomotion, foot trackers and voice recognition is still pretty neat.

Deleted member 41931

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Apr 10, 2018
It varies game to game. I tend find the overly limited titles where you're completely stationary to not be especially immersive. It also varies aspect to aspect. Take Creed VR. I obviously know I'm not punching anything, but I still got really into it.

Basically any VR game(unless its really bad) you try first will be cool. After awhile you'll get over the baseline gimmick, but there's still plenty of great experiences to be had.


Oct 26, 2017
Depends on game. A fun game that you get into will feel real and quickly. A boring or annoying game will feel like you're wearing a helmet.


Oct 25, 2017
Its like wearing ski googles with a mosquito filter in a low resolution world. Notice that you 100% feel you are physicaly placed in that world its just that this world is strange as heck.


Oct 27, 2017
New England
I'd say that VR feels like being a ghost in a space. There's no physical feedback, and you have this weird sort of half vision, where you can kind of see depth but also see that everything is flat. But at the same time, there is some sense that you're there—a ghostly sort of presence.

I'm not the biggest fan of it. I'd rather do an escape room or a larp than strap a headset to my face and worry about tripping over the cat. But some people are really into it, so ...


Oct 26, 2017
Its like trying to explain the feeling of parachute jumping. You have to experience it yourself, its impossible to explain in words.

Also, do buy Moss VR. It is the best PSVR game ever. Playing it with the Oculus Quest is going to be much better, since you can walk around and have room scale like the PC version.
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Oct 29, 2017
It's cool as shit but you'll get used to it as some point.

Also not every type of game works in VR. First person games are not by default better in VR. From a design perspective I feel like you have to design something either for VR, or for a regular screen.

There are some things that work both ways, like Rez, or Thumper. But these games are abstract and don't change the controls – except for Rez where you can aim with your face which makes it easier.

What I'm trying to say is that VR is not necessarily the future of gaming. There's value in making something for a normal screen, for a frame. Camera stuff yada yada.


Nov 8, 2017
I am considering taking my first venture into VR with the Oculus Quest.

But I am curious; how does VR truly feel? Do you ACTUALLY feel like you're there? Is it just a 3D mask and nothing more?

Share with me your VR experiences!

The key word is sensation of presence. Not all games cause the sensation of "I'm there" to the same level, but the ones that do make you completely forget about the real word.

Deleted member 22002

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Oct 28, 2017
The feeling of presence is a bit exaggerated by fans: it goes away very quickly but it makes for a great first week honeymoon.

What everybody undersells is how being in a real 3D space with actual depth improves gameplay: platforming is massively improved, shooting is glorious as real scale makes enemies threatening, and how most actions like ducking, hiding, looking around corners become natural part of gameplay because they do not require thinking or extra buttons. Games that look hard, like beat saber, suddenly feel clear and easy as your brain gets real data from the eyes and don't need to decipher fake perspective on a flat surface.


Oct 26, 2017
The first time I tried a Rift I went out and bought one the next day. If you've never done it before its absolutely mind blowing.
Mar 29, 2018
Absolutely glorious to see so much VR positivity in this thread

Thank you all 🙏

I remember a couple years ago the positive: negative post ratio was HORRIFIC, so many drive bys and low quality posts from people who had never tried it

It feels alright. I've personally never felt like "I'm there" myself but others swear by it.
Probably just a case of needing to find the right game, but RE7 didn't do it for me and that's one of the biggest ones people say to try first.
PSVR is also not the best VR experience. It's great, but Rift or Vive with a very high end machine and full 360 roomscale + body tracking is a next-level gaming and immersion experience
Mar 29, 2018
I'd say that VR feels like being a ghost in a space. There's no physical feedback, and you have this weird sort of half vision, where you can kind of see depth but also see that everything is flat. But at the same time, there is some sense that you're there—a ghostly sort of presence.

I'm not the biggest fan of it. I'd rather do an escape room or a larp than strap a headset to my face and worry about tripping over the cat. But some people are really into it, so ...
What sets have you tried? Every headset is different, this sounds like a lower end experience


Dec 2, 2017
The first time I tried the Vive I knew that I had to get it down the road, a couple moths later my wife and I got it and it's just mindblowing...i mean even Skyrim feels completely different in it's Vanilla form in VR. Don't know about psvr though, heard that it's a significant downgrade from Oculus or Vive...


Oct 25, 2017
Well.... This thread is certainly interesting.. where the hell were all of you guys when I was contemplating buying a VR headset?!?! Now I'm hyped again for the VR future!
Oct 26, 2017
As with everything game related it depends on execution, but the sense of presence with a good VR experience is remarkable. The main thing is the feeling that the world surrounds you and because it involves wearing a headset, you're isolated within the world with no distractions to pull you out of the experience.
The craziest experience for me was the level in Super Hot VR where you fall off the roof, the lurch my stomach gave was a genuine physical reaction to my brain being told it was falling and the rush I felt was intense. I kept playing the level over and over just to get that sensation.

My friends and myself are in our 30's and generally have a "been there, done that" outlook on games, we still very much enjoy them but for the most part we haven't experienced anything new for a while.
VR had us all grinning from ear to ear and exclaiming in amazement in a way we haven't done for so, so long. It was like we were all kids again.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
It depends on the game and hardware. My favorite moment in VR was when I accidentally kicked something in real life and freaked out because there was nothing there.

It was in that moment I realized not that it felt like I was there, but instead I realized that I wasn't.
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Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
I love the immersion that VR gives. The sense of scale is amazing and it does give a feeling of being in the game environment, even if a games graphics aren't super realistic, it can still trick the brain into thinking you are there, even though you know you aren't really, it can be a strange sensation.

Playing a game like SuperHOT VR is a good game to experience a lot of what VR is good at. Having a sense of presence in the world, dodging bullets, throw items or shoot back, it's immersive and best of all, makes you feel like a badass.


Oct 28, 2017
After trying any 6DOF VR you will think that calling any flat game "immersive" is a sick joke.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Absolutely glorious to see so much VR positivity in this thread

Thank you all 🙏

I remember a couple years ago the positive: negative post ratio was HORRIFIC, so many drive bys and low quality posts from people who had never tried it

I remember it as well. By a wide margin, the most embarrassed I've ever been at GAF / Era. Seems most of these have turned into a myriad "I've tried VR and wow, now I'm a believer" threads, and I guess the few people that haven't tried it yet are at least wisening up to the likelihood of eating crow about it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The best VR deal of all time was January 2018 when all those WMR headsets were on sale for about $200 due to a stock surplus. They were a bit poopy then only because of software and driver issues, but now they're up there with best of Gen 1 headsets. I'd rather keep my $200 Lenovo versus have a $400 Rift S.