Do you care about the awards?

  • Hell yeah I do

    Votes: 398 17.6%
  • No why would I?

    Votes: 1,857 82.4%

  • Total voters

Amibguous Cad

Oct 25, 2017
It's a decent idea of where "mainstream" opinion of the year's games is. Checking out who won the players' choice is usually interesting, and any more obscure titles managing to win something is usually sign that they've had a breakthrough. Hades and AC getting GOTY nominations are signs that indie and social games are starting to be treated as 'serious' among both critics and gamers as a whole.

Sometimes they can point the way to things I'd otherwise miss, too - the "Games For Change" nominees are usually all worth a look, and free most of the time.

I can't really explain the persistent negativity here. It's not the Oscars, but it's a damn sight better than the Golden Globes (and we've got our own Oscars in DICE, anyway).


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I've seen this come up a few times in this thread, and I don't really agree. Care isn't a very strong word. It's easy to care, but it seems a lot are equating it with throwing a tantrum after the awards, which is not a requirement of caring.

Fair enough. For me at least, caring implies a level of investment which I simply don't have for this sort of gubbins. Like I said though, it's nice to smaller devs win because it brings them much needed attention, but outside of that, awards seem inherently a bit silly to me.


Nov 8, 2017
i stopped caring about awards in general for a long time now. all im rooting for is laura bailey to win because of all the bullshit she had to go through on top of an excellent performance.


Oct 27, 2017
Like the Super Bowl. I just watch it for the trailers and announcements. Award shows are dumb in general.


Oct 25, 2017
Nope just there to see new games because I know half life alyx will be robbed :P


Oct 25, 2017
Layton, UT
The handful of games I would have been rooting for didn't even get noms so I don't really care this year. Wake me up when we get an off year from Sony so the field looks interesting.


Oct 25, 2017
I watch the trailers, then once the GOTY gets revealed I sigh and say Really? And that's the extend of me caring


Aug 25, 2020
if a game wins that deserves it in mine opionion ill like it.
if a game wins because of hype and its just an bad game overall i dont like that but hey everyone wins when an game show is good with some cool anoucements.
and thats what i hope to see.
but please for the love of god. please let that damn hard rock music out.
now all gamers like hard rock. there are music types. its must be something with an game related with the music.
not some dude screaming


Oct 25, 2017
Don't really care for it, I think all of these hard working devs deserve the recognition so it's all fair.


Oct 28, 2017
Never cared. I like to cynically predict the award winners. Las of Us 2 will win GOTY and 3 more. Also, did more games come out this year? Cause those awards sure as hell mostly are composed of the same.


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Oct 27, 2017
Rip City
I care so much as in as I pick my own winner & hope they win.


VFX Rendering Pipeline Developer
Jun 8, 2020
I absolutely root for my favorite games to win. But that would mean two or three or even four winners per category? Food for thoughts.

As much as I'm happy when critics liked the same games I liked, and I certainly use their judgement to figure out if I take a chance on a game I wasn't initially sold on... critical consensus is already expressed on metacritic and opencritic so looking at the winner as some sort of meaningful statement from "selected" critics is redundant to me.

The nominations are important because it's a reminder of the games I missed, and should try. These events are more about games getting a public recognition, some might not have had the publicity they deserved, there are hidden gems among the list of nominees, and as they say it's a celebration gaming. I guess we have a lot to celebrate regardless of the winners.

And yes, I definitely watch this for the games being announced, I usually watch it delayed on youtube so I can skip the live rock.


Nov 4, 2017
I don't really care about awards in general, but I think the DICE awards, voted on by the industry, are much more important than these ones, which are voted by the press.
Feb 29, 2020
Not really.

My game of the year is FF VII remake.

I don't care about reviews and about other people opinion's about a game. If I like it, I play it :D


Oct 25, 2017
I tried to watch it last year... And just couldn't. I only care about the announcements, and I can see what those are the next morning without all the tedious shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Why celebrate what has been released when we can look off into the distance and hype and shill for things that have yet to betray us? /s

In all seriousness while I may not care tremendously to get mad at whatever horse in backing losing, it's a evening of dumb fun and if the people who literally kill themselves making these games feel like they've earned some recognition from being nominated then that's good too.

I look forward to the day we can have a dumb fun night like this and humane working conditions cuz I'm pretty sure all the big names are problematic as fuck on that specific issue.

TLDR; I'm super conflicted about it, cuz it's celebratory yay (I'm all for that) but wait, what are we celebrating? But I'm all for the dev teams getting their due when they do happen to win those awards I just worry it'll be another checkmark for them to fill so that they can get paid what they're owed by virtue of their long hours of labor.


Senior Games Artist
Dec 10, 2018
Los Angeles
For sure I care. I'm not devastated by it by any means, but it sets a point in history and something to remember. I sometimes search for past winners just to see. Also its nice to be recognized for your efforts.


Oct 25, 2017
"Care" might be too strong a word.

It's interesting. And if a game I like wins something, that's a good feeling.

But it won't be something I think about 2 minutes after the show ends. Definitely won't feel any negative emotions.


Oct 27, 2017
somewhat mainly for the laughs when its something unexpected that wins but for the most part i give no fucks.


Oct 26, 2017
It's a decent idea of where "mainstream" opinion of the year's games is. Checking out who won the players' choice is usually interesting, and any more obscure titles managing to win something is usually sign that they've had a breakthrough. Hades and AC getting GOTY nominations are signs that indie and social games are starting to be treated as 'serious' among both critics and gamers as a whole.

Sometimes they can point the way to things I'd otherwise miss, too - the "Games For Change" nominees are usually all worth a look, and free most of the time.

I can't really explain the persistent negativity here. It's not the Oscars, but it's a damn sight better than the Golden Globes (and we've got our own Oscars in DICE, anyway).

GDC Awards> DICE


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Brie Larson giving "Abby" the Best Performance award




Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jul 6, 2020
I personally watch The Game Awards for the game announcements. I keep it open on my other monitor at a low volume while playing and every so often I'll look over.