
I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
I searched and didn't find an OT on it. (I swear there was one... is it because I'm on mobile?)

Haven't seen much fanfare about it anywhere. Imagine my surprise when my brother told me out of the blue that it was out a few days ago!

Did anyone else really enjoy it? It had less of an overarching plot than season 1, but I feel the overall quality improved a lot. Better jokes, better pacing, a lot less time spent setting up the world. And a powerful stinger at the end, again!


Product Management
Oct 27, 2017
I kind of forced myself through season 1, but it was a somewhat enjoyable watch in the end. I'll definitely go in for S2 at some point, thanks for the heads up OP.
Oct 25, 2017
I was kind of waiting to see how the OT went. The tone of season one didn't really do it for me. I thought the jokes weren't funny and the drama wasn't intriguing. I hoped season two would turn it around, but then it dropped and nothin'.

There was like one article on /Film and no one else talked about it.


Oct 27, 2017
I had to force myself to get through season 1. They made a show full of jerkass Homer's and Bender's and it made it hard to care about what happened to anyone.


Oct 25, 2017
I think people are using the trailer thread for comments. Haven't really looked at the thread myself since the trailer drop because I want to avoid spoilers.

Did anyone else really enjoy it? It had less of an overarching plot than season 1, but I feel the overall quality improved a lot. Better jokes, better pacing, a lot less time spent setting up the world.

I watched 7 episodes so far and I completely agree. The show is beginning to find itself and I'm very much looking forward to season 3 and 4.


Dec 12, 2017
I thought season 1 finished strong after an up and down opening few episodes. So far I'm liking season 2. I just dig the Matt Groening formula for animated shows. Lots of subtle visual gags and memorable side characters.

It's not a groundbreaking show by any means, but it's fun and charming and it doesn't affect my emotional state the way something like Bojack does, which is sometimes what I need.


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
Let me give my own mini-review of S2, then, for those who found S1 ok or bad.

I watched and moderately enjoyed season 1. Season 2 is just much better in almost every way EXCEPT the one thing the first season had as a unique strength over its sister series The Simpsons and Futurama, which was a very strong continuity instead of self-contained episodes.

That said, the continuity is still there and you can see several hints of foreshadowing and world building that you simply wouldn't see in the other two shows. Disenchanted is trying to tell a serialized story, which is cool.

The humor is much better this season. I noticed many layered jokes and gags that harken back to The Simpsons' glory days. The characters feel more likable, especially Lucy and Elfo, and there is less "dry air" in scenes, a feeling I noticed quite a bit in the first season where the characters seemed to walk around accomplishing not a whole lot, or where the jokes fell flat. It feels much more put together and gave me very similar vibes to Futurama.

Many of the side characters from the first season are fleshed out here, which is nice.

The world building is very cool here - while each episode is more of a self contained story, unlike season 1, there is still a lot to love. You see and learn about other kingdoms, learn quite a bit about Dreamland's mysteries, and there are several teasers and plot threads clearly meant to set up future seasons that I found myself really wanting to know more about. The characters also develop and their relationships evolve over the course of the ten episodes. Overall, I feel like the serialized nature of the show is a huge strength.

I'd recommend it to anyone. I didn't really get into S1 until the last three episodes or so, but it hit its stride there and picks that up and runs with it here. I liked it a lot.


Oct 25, 2017
S2 finishes in a weird spot narratively.

The steamland place is really neat, hope they explore that more in the future.

It's finding itself but it's still not a must watch or anything like that.


Oct 25, 2017
Technically its Season One Part two. That is the official description on Netflix.

The first episode was okay the second and third I liked more. Hopefully it holds.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
I just finished it last night.

I liked part 1 ok, it's more Futurama than Simpsons, even though the jokes often don't seem to land. Part of the problem is the sound mixing, which is super flat and dry. The second part suffers from this too, which sucks because the soundtrack seems quite decent.

Part 2 is an improvement in most ways, but if you didn't like the first it's unlikely you'll like the second.
Disenchanted is oddly strongest when it focuses on the world building and plot, which is often the other way around for other comedies.

So overall, I liked it.
I guess it's another year long wait for the 3rd part (or season, I'm confused).
Oct 26, 2017
I tried poking someone to make an OT because I'm too lazy to do it myself. Only 4 episodes in. 1st episode was the worst so far. It's been getting better each episode since.

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Well, engagement with this thread seems to be about the same as inteeest with the show. A shame.
Prolly cause it's called disenchantment


Oct 25, 2017
Season 1 was fun, not laugh out loud funny aside from a couple of moments. I enjoyed it, but I didn't expect golden years Simpsons.


Nov 3, 2017
I'm enjoying season 2, but I totally get why there's little discussion.

If I had to describe the show, it would be as comfy.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I finished part 2 earlier and it was a decent step up over the first one, which was already improving as it went along. Glad it was renewed for 2 more parts at least.

Excuse me

Oct 30, 2017
I'll watch it but I'm not in a hurry. The first season was just bland and filled with bad animation and sound design, I need time to recover from S1 first. There was glimmer of hope so I'll check it out eventually.


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
part 2 was a lot more engaging than part 1. now that it's done establishing characters and places, it can explore them better. i had expected something similar out of the dragon prince, but that show wanted to amp up the annoying characters and mind-numbingly dumb situations from the word go for some reason.
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Oct 28, 2017
I loved it but not for its comedy. I just like the characters and the plot. World building is excellent too.


Oct 27, 2017
Agreed, OP. I thought it was much better than season 1, it feels like the show is really starting to find its footing now.

I especially loved the
Oct 26, 2017
I rewatched season 1 before season 2 hit and liked it better the second time. Liked season 2 more overall. Not something I'm rushing out to recommend though


Oct 27, 2017
Season 2 is overall better but I'm starting to think it's the medieval setting that has me feeling lukewarm about this show. The best episodes were the ones that left it behind like the one where they are in heaven and hell and the one in the steam punk city.
It's a very odd little show, and the second season really expands on its oddity. That's a good thing IMO. It doesn't push the sharp comedy anywhere near as hard as Futurama so I can see why it would be a bit dry or boring for a lot of people. But it has ideas and that's interesting. Being serialized also sets it apart from almost all western animated comedies.

I sorta feel the core concept of the show is to flip Futurama on its head - rather than being a strong comedy with a subversive pathos that occasionally breaks through as a sharp stinger, Disenchantment is an emotional show about pathos that uses comedy to keep things from getting too heavy. I mean, it's in the name.


May 20, 2019
I like it. It makes me want to rewatch Futurama. Also I'm hyped for The Simpsons on disney plus. (I'm not sure why the last part is under a 2nd spoiler tag; this was my first time using a spoiler tag.) minor spoilers:
I was glad the elf and demon friends returned to her side when at first it seemed they were gone. I wish her brain damaged uncle had lasted longer though, he could have been interesting.
I still have 2 or 3 episodes to go.
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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, it's a bummer this show isn't generating more interest. I guess that's what happens when the show starts out a bit slow. :(

I thought Part 2 improved a bit on Part 1, especially with the timing and pacing of the episodes. The pacing of individual scenes in Part 1 felt a little odd sometimes, like there were a few extra seconds in each scenes or too many transitions. Part 2 felt snappier from scene to scene, they really cut out some of that dead space. I notice the Part 2 episodes are a bit shorter than the Part 1 episodes, so am not sure if they did a re-edit or what.

I really liked the follow-up on the Queen Dagmar stuff in Part 1, although was a bit disappointed they didn't really give King Zog anything to do. It was especially puzzling that they went out of the way to spare Prince Derek at the end of Part 1 and didn't even do anything with him during that part. Although to be fair, Prince Derek is probably one of the biggest bright spots of Part 2, so maybe they didn't want to overuse him.

In planning for Season 2, I really hope the writers put a lot of work into Elfo. I was an apologist for his character after Part 1, but after seeing Part 2, I think they need to decide what they want to do with him. They're trying to go for the "fish out of water" archetype like Fry from Futurama, but it's not quite working for him. Fry had certain street smarts about him and came from a time and place that the audience is always going to inherently relate to. Whereas Elfo's quirks have a tendency to come off as intentionally annoying to the audience, we don't come from a world of elves where we it feels observational or relatable. Given his backstory, Elfo should be a very very relatable character, arguably one of the most relatable characters, but he isn't written sympathetically enough for us to truly care about him. Especially for a character who was done really dirty in Part 1, and has every right to feel bitter or feel dead inside. You definitely see a lot of that bitterness in Part 2. It's just conveyed very clumsily and inconsistently. It feels like the writers are fighting over how idealistic and cynical Elfo should be, and are not finding the right balance yet.

Looking forward to Season 2. Feels like they setup a lot of interesting stuff and places for the characters to go, am genuinely curious to see what they picked.

Mr Paptimus

Oct 26, 2017
Binged the whole second season a littl after realease. Honestly, I think I'm done with it.

I want to like it, I really do. But I just.... don't. It's kind of funny but not that funny. It's got kind of interesting plot hooks, but not really. Compared to something like Futurama it's like they cut out half the jokes for more plot, but they're dragging the plot out so nothing gets resolved. The only thing really resolved is what happened to Dagmar. They introduce something with huge ramifications, and then leave it out there. It will probably be resolved eventually. But I'm not really interested enough to hang around until then.


Oct 25, 2017
The show feels low energy. There's a lot of filler stuff like walking or running shots that go on for too long. There's not many jokes and a lot of the ones it does have aren't great


Oct 26, 2017
I finished season 2 yesterday and for me it was a let down EVEN after season 1. Like, it improved some stuff but still was a let down.

Frigid Eh

Oct 28, 2017
This show is just boring. Nothing really that interesting going on and the only reason I watch it is to scratch the Futurama itch but obviously it's not that kind of show.


Oct 25, 2017
Strange as it sounds, the music and audio choices make everything a little drab. I've never taken notice of this in a show before, but a lot of parts feel flat.

Whereas the Simpson and more so futurama have noticeable themes and jingles, the audio for this is ho-hum in a lot of places.

They improved a lot from season 1, but I still feel they need 2 or 3 more seasons before they find their groove, kinda like futurama.


Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed it well enough. It's at that sweet spot in Groening shows where it's just about figured out what it's going to be, but it hasn't been run into the ground with recurring characters yet.