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Oct 25, 2017
I was wondering about some classics that would be a perfect fit for the Nintendo Switch, now that games like FF7 made the jump to the best console/handheld available, and that got me thinking... will we see Breath of Fire 3 and 4 on Switch? I would kill for those games to play while being on my daily train trips. Please do it, Capcom!

Dear companies, just release every game you've ever made on the Switch. Yes, the Switch is that good and that important.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Capcoms support for the switch is pretty fucking bad. BoF on the switch is a straight pipe dream


Oct 27, 2017
Capcoms support for the switch is pretty fucking bad. BoF on the switch is a straight pipe dream
How so? They've released quite a lot of ports for the Switch. Output is fine, it's usually the price people complain about.

As to the topic, I would get both although I've always been curious about 5, so they should release 3, 4 and 5.


Oct 25, 2017
Video Games
I was wondering about some classics that would be a perfect fit for the Nintendo Switch, now that games like FF7 made the jump to the best console/handheld available, and that got me thinking... will we see Breath of Fire 3 and 4 on Switch? I would kill for those games to play while being on my daily train trips. Please do it, Capcom!

Dear companies, just release every game you've ever made on the Switch. Yes, the Switch is that good and that important.
Capcom doesn't port this kind of game around. Don't hold your breath.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
The whole Breath of Fire series needs to get ported to Steam and current consoles, like everything else in the Capcom library that hasn't been ported yet. My expectations are low, though.


Oct 28, 2017
Buy a psp and play both. Portable life was always good. Welcome to 2006 ;)


Dec 1, 2017

But forreal though.. You can expect a mobile port of both games first before you see it on the switch.


Oct 26, 2017
How about asking for a new game in the series for switch instead of ports of old ass games, at the very least
Jan 20, 2019
What timing! I've actually been replaying BoF IV recently. It'd be nice on the Switch, but I don't see it happening.

How about asking for a new game in the series for switch instead of ports of old ass games, at the very least

Yes please! I remember being let down by V when it launched and would like to see the series make a comeback.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
They're already available on a relatively recent portable system (Vita) and for dirt-cheap as well.

Now, a full collection of BoF1-5, that I can get behind. 5 is genius, 3 & 4 are great, and 1 & 2 are decent. It's a shame they never made a 6th game.

They never made a 6th game.


Oct 25, 2017
Unfortunately Capcom has no interest in making a new Breath of Fire game when their last one (6) bombed and the one before that did poorly to the point they were desperate to make 6 the way it ya no ;(

The most we can hope for is a Breath of Fire Anniversary Collection which low chance by itself.


Nov 1, 2017
So Onimusha can come but not Breath of Fire ?

Yeah sure.

They SHOULD come to the Switch exactly like FF, Grandia...
I sure hope they will.
Edit : I think Capcom indeed forgot about the series quiet a bit, but some people just seem against it for some reason.


Oct 25, 2017
All games will come to the Switch. Not today, not this year, maybe not in ten years, but before the heat death of the universe you can play it on Switch.


Oct 28, 2017
Why Switch specifically? Why not just say a general port of these games to modern consoles?


Nov 30, 2018
I was wondering about some classics that would be a perfect fit for the Nintendo Switch, now that games like FF7 made the jump to the best console/handheld available, and that got me thinking... will we see Breath of Fire 3 and 4 on Switch? I would kill for those games to play while being on my daily train trips. Please do it, Capcom!

Dear companies, just release every game you've ever made on the Switch. Yes, the Switch is that good and that important.

Or you could not make a portbegging "Switch is the best console" thread and get yourself a Vita.
Oct 26, 2017
Sure, why not? It'd be neat to maybe give these games a shot

Why Switch specifically? Why not just say a general port of these games to modern consoles?
Because didn't you know things are only perfect on Switch and everyone cares only about portability.
Lol Jeez, it's not that serious. It's no different than when people solely ask for ports on the PS4 or PC, which, for some reason, is never an issue. It's not like the OP is against the games coming to other systems

Or you could not make a portbegging "Switch is the best console" thread and get yourself a Vita.
I think its much more sensible to want a game to come to a system that people actually own than one hardly anyone does

Fairy Godmother

Backward compatible
Oct 27, 2017
From our General Guide:

Avoid Port-Begging

Whenever there is a new and popular third-party game there will usually be 'begging' for ports to other platforms; this trend is repetitive, low on substance, and often an impediment to better discussion. It can often be seen in replies to existing threads, and sometimes even in the creation of new threads. It is not always easy to determine where the line is between harmless speculation and actionable port-begging, but the latter generally refers to comments that are disruptive to an existing discussion, fuel for console wars, or completely without substantive basis. Please do not make such posts or threads. If no platforms have announced for a game, speculation about potential platforms is acceptable.
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