Only if you've played 20+ hours of each: which did you prefer?

  • I've played 20 hours of each. I preferred BOTW.

    Votes: 869 72.2%
  • I've played 20 hours of each. I preferred Skyward.

    Votes: 147 12.2%
  • I have only played one of these two games.

    Votes: 106 8.8%
  • I have played both but I haven't played both for 20 hours apiece, and I preferred BOTW.

    Votes: 68 5.6%
  • I have played both but I haven't played both for 20 hours apiece, and I preferred Skyward.

    Votes: 14 1.2%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
Please do not vote if you have not played both games for at least 20 hours apiece.

I'm definining "a substantial amount of both" as at least 20 hours. How Long To Beat has Skyward at 38 hours on average for a regular playthrough and BOTW at 46.5 hours for the same. So, 20 hours seems like plenty of time to see a good amount of what each game has to offer.

So, in one corner, BOTW, the ever popular, universally acclaimed open world take on the Zelda series. One of the best selling games in the series and a pioneer in emergent gaming.


In the other corner, the very well reviewed but undoubtedly polarizing Skyward Sword, touted for its immersive motion controls*, epic dungeons and compelling origin story for the entire series.

(*I understand the game is also maligned for its motion controls. Personally I had much better luck using a Wiimote Plus than a Wiimote with the Plus accessory attached. I was terrible at the game at first and thought I was supposed to be making lots of quick waggle-type movements and at the previous forum many posters bestowed me with some excellent tips and I was able to get much more into it after that, and came to love the controls.)


(Please note I wrote this in 09/2014.)

My wife and I have been playing the game for several weeks, and we beat it a couple of days ago. (There are going to be unmarked spoilers in this post, BTW.) We ended up clocking 90+ hours on the save file, although we semi-regularly left it paused for multiple hours, so I'd say a good 20 or so hours of that is from the game sitting there paused, calling to us to forget about meals and sleep and to come play it some more. So 70ish hours is probably more accurate, which I'd say is quite a lengthy Zelda game. We did complete all of the sidequests (excepting optional games which we at least tried out), rescued Batreaux, collected all pieces of heart, completed each Goddess Cube and respective treasure chest, and upgraded all necessary equipment.


As I said, I don't even know where to start, really. I guess I should say first and foremost that I absolutely loved the game and it's certain to be one of my favorite Zeldas, although I've finished it too recently to have the perspective just yet to know where I'd rank it overall in the games I've played in the series (pretty much all of them except 1/2 and the DS ones).


To me, what made the game so special is what I understand was a turn-off for a lot of players. Rather than vast, open and connected spaces to explore, the game sections off various chunks of the world into explorable puzzles to be solved, like outdoor dungeons. I like NPCs as much as the next person. Heck, I love the sidequests in Majora's Mask, which really make the game for me. But I felt like this game had a great and different idea for how to explore a world in Zelda. I'm not sure it's important to me that every subsequent Zelda follow this same philosophy--one thing I love about the franchise is that it's always reinventing itself--but it worked really well for me, here. I love that you revisit these puzzling areas in new and creative ways, be it through use of a new item, or those amazing forays into the Silent Realm.


Though flying, like swordplay, took me some practice to get used to, I came to really enjoy my time soaring through The Sky. It's a bit like sailing in Wind Waker. I will say I was hoping the upgrade air-spin move would help me to fly around more quickly, a la the Swift Sail, but you fly around decently quickly to begin with so that wasn't too much of a disappointment. I liked exploring the islands, especially once the Thunderhead was unlocked. The Lumpy Pumpkin was a neat little locale to check out, and Skyloft itself felt like a large combination of Windfall Island and Kakariko Village (the OoT version), plenty lively and the NPCs were definitely plenty diverse and engaging.


Specifically, I loved the Batreaux sidequest. I thought it was endlessly fascinating that his human form ended up being a person who looked pretty much exactly like he did as a "monster." Just goes to show that (a) it's possible people would have accepted him as he already was and (b) the grass is often greener on the other side, and I guess (c) if the people of SkyLoft really were terrified of Batreaux in his original form but accepted him as a human, that says something interesting to me about xenophobia and how a slight change in a person's appearance is enough for acceptance or rejection, as we often see in real life. It actually makes me think of that movie Focus, where William H. Macy plays a man who gets a new pair of glasses and is accused by anti-Semites of being Jewish because of that small change in his appearances. Anyway, I enjoyed the Batreaux sidequests quite a bit. The individual NPC gratitude crystal quests helped add flavor to Skyloft and reminded me of a cross between the Bomber's Notebook and Kinstone Fusion sidequests in MM and MC, respectively.


I'm really jumping around here quite a bit, so I'll talk a bit about bosses. This game has some of the most epic and memorable bosses of any Zelda I've played, and that's really saying something. Even though a battle like Tentalus wasn't terribly difficult, it was plenty epic and cinematic to play through. I'd say Koloktos was my overall fave, though it's hard to pick. The Ghirahim battles were extraordinarily visceral and really relied on your swordsmanship (which took some time to learn, as did the controls in general, but felt so good once you got the hang of 'em), even more so than the final battle with Demise. I did 8/10 Thunder Dragon battles to get the Hylian Shield. Koloktos was my final battle and I landed the final blow with 1/2 heart to my name. Just brutal! Totally satisfying, though.


What can I say of the twist with Impa? I hoped I was right in predicting it and it was so satisfying when it was revealed. It revealed hidden depths to her character and deepened the importance of Groose to the overall plot. It's endlessly fascinating to me to try to parse out the Zelda lore, and connections like this (past to future Impa) really strike a chord with me. I presume as well that just as the Zoras and Kokiri one day evolve into the Ritos and Koroks of the Great Sea, the Parella and Kikwis would one day become Zoras and Kokiri. Really neat touch with the timeline placement, there. Same thing with Demise's hatred reincarnating as Ganon (and presumably others). I believe this was also the first time Zelda was confirmed to be the descendant/reincarnation of Hylia, although I might be mistaken about that.


I suppose now's as good a time as any to talk about Fi, who's always a polarizing figure around these parts. Going in I was armed with the knowledge of how much a lot of people disliked her as a companion, so maybe I just kind of knew what to expect, but I really actually liked her character, and I didn't find her too grating or intrusive at all, and not anything worse than other Zelda companions. Sure, on occasion she told me r e a l l y slowly about the Wiimote batteries being low, but in general she wasn't too bad, and I found her interpretive dances kind of hilarious, and I liked the bond between her and the player. I like that she is within the Master Sword now, protecting future Links and allowing them to wield its full power. I like that she and Ghirahim are subtly revealed to be two sides of the same coin, each serving their own Master, one the picture of poise and calm, the other filled with delusion and unbridled madness.


I'm sure there are other things I could still talk about. The epic dungeons, which I barely touched upon, from the brilliant Timeshift Stone mechanics in the Lanayru Mining Facility to the Buddhist minimalism of the Ancient Cistern, to the modular brilliance of Sky Keep. The OST, which was Zelda music at its classic, sweeping best. The various collectable bugs and treasure with their subtle interactions with the environment (I had to look up in the guide to find out I could collect bird feathers and bees!), the delight of catching a string of Tadtones successfully, and the satisfying click of correctly deciphering the placement of a thematic Boss Key, be it an Ancient Circuit or a Blessed Idol. For now, though, I'll just leave it at this: this is a great Zelda game, and I loved every minute of it.

BOTW had to have been one of my most anticipated games of all time, and I'm sure this is true of many reading. I saw quite a bit of what was available in the game from the E3 blowout , which provided a link at the game worthy of the lens of truth, and then went on media blackout for the TGA trailer, January Switch Event trailer, previews, et al.

When the game launched my wife and I dove right in and proceeded to play 110+ hours across Hyrule, picking it up at most every opportunity over the course of a month or so, taking snapshots for our personal Nintendo gallery along the way with the handy in-game camera.

We beat one divine beast (Goron), and mostly focused on exploring the world. We did about half the shrines, got 200+ korok seeds, met an ancient robot, and progressed through a good bit of sidequests and some memories. We also opened probably 75% of the world and explored a decently vast swath of it in great detail, literally seeing the trees for the forests.

As Zelda fans foremost for the dungeons and the story, we found ourselves disappointed with the generic Saturday morning cartoon feeling to the story and the dungeon we played didn't strike our fancy much. I'd say 1/3 of the shrines we enjoyed pretty well, a few we liked a ton, and the rest didn't do much for us. A certain secluded island was one of the highlights, as overcoming that area caused a sharp tingle of excitement.

After seed and shrine hunting for a good long while, we realized it was starting to feel like work. But the alternative to scouring the land in detail was returning to the main story, which seemed even less appealing. So we set aside the game for a time, not even venturing to a sword and shield maze in Akkala.

Several months later, long after the DLC was made available, we tried the game again and utilized the Hero's Path to check out areas we hadn't gone too much. We sort of fell back to our own patterns of korok seed hunting and exploring too many nooks and crannies. So we went back to the main story and beat another divine beast (Zora), and found it a good bit more interesting than the first one we had been to. We also did a bunch of side quests and shrines. We probably added 15 hours or so to our play total. We got to the desert and got bored of the game again around the entrance to Gerudo Town. The game is just not for us, even if the other areas are way more interesting, we just weren't feeling it. The emergent systems are really impressive, but we just prefer a highly curated Zelda experience.

Dark Cloud

Oct 27, 2017
Botw. No game can really compare to the first time you come out of the chamber and have all this freedom to explore and when you get off of the great plateau there's this euphoria about the whole experience.


Oct 25, 2017
Gotta be honest, I love both to death. But BOTW has my preference. I do wish we could still get BOTH styles of 3D zelda games though.


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
While I have my issues with BotW, and I think it's a deeply flawed game; there's just not comparison. BotW is a superior to SS in so many ways it's kinda funny. The only think that SS is better than BotW is story and music.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely Breath of the Wild. Skyward Sword is the antithesis of what I want Zelda to be, Breath of the Wild is the best game I have ever played and what the series was always hinting at since the first game.
Skyward Sword's excessive tutorialization, horrible pacing, forced motion controls, lack of exploration, lack of agency, and awful railroading made it the only game in the series I have not completed, in spite of three separate attempts (though I do get as far as the Ancient Ship each time, at least).
Breath of the Wild, I have over 150 hours in the game, and I still won't stop playing.

There are things Skyward Sword does well that I greatly appreciate, such as some great dungeon design, great art, fantastic music, and a neat story. Breath of the Wild has flaws, which I also recognize. But on the whole, Skyward Sword is the most personally disappointing game I have ever played, while Breath of the Wild is, well, Breath of the Wild.

Deleted member 5491

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sure Skyward had some neat dungeons and idead (time bubble) but with no overworld, no real sidequests, BS like the flooded forest and a formular that felt dated it's one of the weaker Zeldas


Oct 25, 2017
I like Skyward Sword better because it has some of the best dungeons in the series. I also loved the motion control.

Daddy JeanPi

Prophet of Truth that's Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think saying BOTW is miles better is a jab at Skyward Sword, as it's also a very good game. It just so happens that BOTW is probably the GOAT.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
BotW is easily the better game, though SS is still a great game in its own right. It's just smaller in scope than other 3D Zelda games.


Oct 25, 2017
Skyward Sword has real dungeons and a more traditional soundtrack (not necessarily better than BotW's, just different) but I think BotW does everything else better. Visually more interesting (granted its in HD which certainly helps), a dramatically better and more interesting overworld, fantastic cutscenes, better combat and controls.

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017

however Skyward Sword has much better boss battles/combat.

Everything else is the same or better in BotW, SS is the mosr linear and competes with the most tedious with Twilight Princess it doesn't feel like an adventure but a big puzzle/platforming game


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Skyward Sword does the things I want from a Zelda game exponentially better than Breath of the Wild. Breath of the Wild is a good game in it's own right, but it's the weakest 3D console Zelda.

Also, if I wanted to play a traditional 3D console Zelda, Zelda is basically the only franchise doing what Zelda does, whereas big open world games are everywhere, even if they might not be as good as BotW.


Oct 26, 2017
Finished them both. Liked them both, however Breath Of The Wild is on a whole other level.

And let's not forget the sometimes infuriating motion controls.


Oct 25, 2017
I've played and completed both. BotW twice (once on Master Mode). I definitely enjoyed BotW more; but, as a Zelda game, I liked Skyward Sword more. Loved the relationship between Zelda and Link, what the game did to expand the lore, some of the dungeons were fucking top notch, and the soundtrack has a lot going for it (though I like BotW's more). SS controls suck though. Like, I was actively struggling from start to finish. It's the only thing that has kept me from replaying it.

Future Gazer

▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Skyward Sword has dungeons and actually feels like a Zelda game, so it pretty easily gets my vote.

Zen Hero

Oct 25, 2017
I love Skyward Sword but it doesn't compare to BotW. The freedom of BotW and the way you can play it however you want really makes the game so much more fun.


Dec 13, 2017
60/70 hours of Skyward Sword and 170 hours of Breath of the Wild.
As much as I have enjoyed SS, Botw is miles better in my opinion, especially on the story side. SS has better bosses and that amazing pirate ship dungeon, that's it.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly? I had a much better time with Skyward Sword. I bounced off BOTW pretty hard. I just don't like the game they made, and I'm terrified that it's gonna be the template for the future of the series.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished both games and Breath of the Wild easily wins. Skyward Sword is probably my least favourite 3D Zelda, maybe TP is worse I don't really care for either. Breath of the Wild is magical, though. I'm also glad Breath of the Wild killed the silly "Zelda cycle" theory (which was always a case of different people liking and disliking different Zelda games.)


Oct 25, 2017
This is going to be SO one sided.

Skyward Sword is the weakest 3D Zelda

BOTW is the best 3D Zelda since my favourite OOT.


Apr 26, 2018
They both have their strong suits...

Skyward Sword has better dungeons and maybe the best story in Zelda franchise history.

BOTW has one of the best open worlds ever and the lack of mandatory motion controls is a plus.

I'll go with BOTW just because it was more of a surprise, but Skyward Sword doesn't deserve the hate it gets from some.


Oct 27, 2017
Skyward Sword has a much better story and Zelda. I also loved how you would change the environments over time to create shortcuts or open new paths. I had really hoped BoTW would've expanded on that idea and let you change your environment over time.

All that being said, it's BoTW easily. Just more enjoyable to play.


Oct 25, 2017
Skyward Sword has better music, story and the best Princess Zelda in the series.
That's about it, BOTW beats it out.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Botw is one of the best games ever made. Skyward Sword is in the bottom half of Zelda games.

I really like the story elements of Skyward Sword and some of the aesthetic choices, but the gameplay is often a mess and the convoluted controls are not worth the hassle. Breath of the Wild's visual aesthetics and world design are phenomenal, albeit relatively simple, and the gameplay gives you a weird variety of options for every scenario in a way that feels more inviting than other similar games. Its story is a little weak, but because it feels like a genuine adventure more than any other entry in the series, it does fine regardless.


Oct 27, 2017
I've played more than 20 hours of both - but only barely for Skyward Sword and significantly more for Breath of the Wild.

Skyward Sword never pulled me in. Didn't like the controls, every time I took a break from the game and picked up a regular-ass basic item Fi would pop up and tell me in excruciating detail what it was.

For me the only good thing about Skyward Sword was Groose.


Jan 1, 2018
Mimicking a lot of what is being said here already, I do prefer BoTW overall for it's exploration and sense of adventure, but I did prefer Skyward Swords dungeons and story. I think a 'best of both' approach would make the next Zelda game absolutely amazing.
I just imagine how BoTW could have been if those Divine Beasts acted as fully-fledged dungeons like the games before it.


Oct 25, 2017
I prefer Skyward Sword. It has better dungeons, puzzles, characters, and story.


Oct 27, 2017
Only things SS have over BotW are the OST and more proper dungeons. The dungeons in SS were great, its too bad most things between them were a chore to play. Its why I call SS "Skyward Chores."


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
SS has one of the best dungeon designs of the series

Thats the only good thing about it

BOTW wipes the floor with it


Oct 27, 2017
Oh, my god, BotW for sure. The problems with 3D Zeldas were accumulating to such a point that I didn't even bother to finish Skyward Sword, a first for me with the series, even though I didn't mind the motion controls. BotW was incredibly bold, addressing most of those issues, and is an amazing game too.


Oct 25, 2017

Skyward Sword has its moments, but overall it was an barely engaging bore for me. I liked Ghirahim's boss battles, that time-shifting stones mechanic, wailing on that multi-armed boss with a massive sword, Bamboo Island and... not that much else. One Groose cutscene made me laugh, I guess.

I recall having some early issues with the controls, but the problems I had with the game go beyond that. I didn't find it charming, I didn't find it impressive... overall I would just describe it as unremarkable.
Jan 7, 2018
I've beaten both. I love both of them, but I slightly prefer Skyward Sword.
Dungeons are my favorite part of a Zelda game, and BOTW's were mediocre, though the rest of the game was almost perfect. However, I didn't mind SS's linearity, and loved its dungeons and dungeon-like areas. The entirety of Lanayru was fantastic.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017
I put about 200 hours into BotW and almost 100 into SS. I prefer BotW (my favorite game of all time), but I also really, really love Skyward Sword. It's also strange to compare the two- it's like comparing apples and oranges. I suppose the tone of each game is similar, however.


Oct 25, 2017
Breath of the Wild by a mile. Skyward Sword had some great dungeons and fun boss battles, but found the overworld super boring with the tiny isles being a big step back from how the WindWaker did it. I also wasn't a fan of the motion controls, there must of been something wrong with my controller when I played it because I constantly had to calibrate it and felt like the combat was just annoying because of it. It is by far and away my least favorite 3D Zelda and only better than the DS games in my opinion. The final battle with Demise was pretty sick though.

BotW I found super fun, I don't mind the simple story because the story for me is just running around and exploring and having fun in the world. I know some people find the world boring, but for me there was always something I wanted to check out and seemed to be constantly rewarded with either korok seeds, gem caches or treasure chests. The biggest draw back was from the lack of huge dungeons, but the beasts were fun and the world itself was the main focus. I think if they iterate and expand on the dungeons then it could make for the best Zelda game ever.
Dec 6, 2017
Honestly? I had a much better time with Skyward Sword. I bounced off BOTW pretty hard. I just don't like the game they made, and I'm terrified that it's gonna be the template for the future of the series.

Same experience. I hope BotW is more of a template going forward and they improve on that formula but as it stands, BotW left me incredibly cold and anxious that this is Zelda going forward. Zelda is huge for me and ALttP is one of my defining gaming moments but I'd have to see some significant improvements to BotW formula to continue following the main series.

So yes, Skyward Sword for me. The controls were cumbersome and I wished for an option to turn that motion shit off, but I still really enjoyed it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Skyward sword has the better story, characters, bossrs, dungeons and combat system so that

Botw was a nice change but it ends up falling short.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'll defend Skyward Sword more than most and think it was a great game, but Breath of the Wild is an actual milestone for video games a medium.