
Feb 13, 2021
We've seen all the talk about six days in Fallujah being the most accurate depiction of war and what the innocent marines have to go through. Looks good right? Then why the hell are some 'WOKE' people trying to cancel the game. Why are they attacking our right to free speech? Well, enter this house gingerbread, cake, and pastries and you'll know the person feeding you cookies is the real witch.

A Brief History
To understand the problem with the game it is paramount to understand the real life events. In 2002, the Bush administration along with UK and other allies decided to launch an operation on Iraq. The premise of the attack was simple, Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction (coming from two nuclear powers) and that the government was supporting Al-Qaeda. In March of 2003 an operation was launched and by 1st of May "major combat operations" ended. One of the mightiest military in the history of mankind was assembled to complete the task. Over 177,000 American led coalition troops were sent to neutralize the government and give back power to Iraqis. The coalition would later form a transitional government to restore order in the country.

The Problem
The problem starts with the premise. The coalition spread lies about Iraq's access to WMDs. The claims were later debunked as the coalition failed to find any evidence of WMDs. Coalition's claim of Iraq sponsoring Al-Qaeda were also debunked by various reports. The 9/11 Commission concluded that "to date we have seen no evidence that these or the earlier contacts ever developed into a collaborative operational relationship. To make matters worse, the transitional government failed to restore order which would later result in the creation of ISIS. The war also gave birth to sectarian violence in the region.
While it is very hard to get an accurate estimate of civilian casualties, some efforts have been made. As per Iraq Body Count around 185,593 – 208,667 have lost their lives due to this invasion. Other reports suggest that over 600,000 people died due to the war.
The war has been categorically declared illegal.

What happened in Fallujah?
A lot of things happened but I'll try to share some. On 28th of April, 2003, Americans opened fire on some 200 civilians who had violated a curfew they had imposed. This resulted in the death of some 17 civilians and wounded more than 70 others. Human rights watch has confirmed the event. US would later reestablish their control over the city and for that they would use white phosphorus. Now the use of white phosphorus based incendiaries on people is considered illegal. Surprisingly, they had called out the Iraqi government in 1991 over the use of white phosphorus. The US forces would also kill 100s of innocent civilians and children which they defended by saying that civilians were given enough time to evacuate the city (men of fighting age were stopped). In the two battles of Fallujah around 1200 civilians were killed. Overall since the start of war on terror, over 7000 civilians have lost their lives.

So what's the Problem with six days in Fallujah?
The problem in game stems from its chosen narrative perspective. The game promises to deliver an authentic account of the events in Fallujah, however, it portrays the marines (the murderers, war criminals) as the innocents who had to endure such a hard time. The game trailers use these real life america's got talent style interviews to give you a very personal perspective. The interviewees have these watery eyes to make us sympathize with them. Mate, these are the killers. Why do you want us to feel sorry for them?? The game trailers actively portray the americans as the liberators when we know that's not the case. The entire damn war was illegal to begin with. As stated by Peter Tamte, founder and CEO, defended the studio saying "this generation showed great sacrifice and courage in Iraq as remarkable as any in history" Aaaa no? The US forces killed civilians in Fallujah, there is nothing remarkable in that.

The game actively claims that it's trying to tell you what it feels to be in Fallujah, but it puts a veil on the monstrosities that were committed by the military. As Tamte said, "Six Days in Fallujah is not about whether the US and its allies should have invaded Iraq." How can you not discuss something so critical? But it gets worse,
"Just as that [Marine] cannot second-guess the choices by the policymakers, we're not trying to make a political commentary about whether or not the war itself was a good or a bad idea." The entire war was wrong, its premise, its execution, post war everything. How can you not think about the REAL victims of the war before you ask us to sympathize with war criminals? But wait they want us to think about people, but in a way that keeps the image of the marines upright, "There are things that divide us, and including those really divisive things, I think, distracts people from the human stories that we can all identify with," Tamte said. It gets worse. White phosphorus, that illegal thing, ya, its not in the game and his reason for not including in the game is because the marines didn't confess using them. LIKE WTF? Use google goddamnit.

Why the hate?
This game isn't about an accurate depiction. This game isn't about telling you the real events of Fallujah. The sole purpose of the game is to alter the mainstream perception of the events. Many people who play this game might not know what happened in Fallujah, they might not have researched it or they might have not been born when everything was going down. This will be their history book. For the longest time games like COD have used references to mask history. It is perfectly possible that when you mention highway of death people think about that COD mission where "evil Russians" wreak havoc and not the highway that was bombed to shit by the coalition forces. However, 6 days in fallujah takes things a step further. By choosing what to tell and what not to tell, and how to tell, they mask the war crimes committed by the marines. It is an attempt to change history. The plan is simple, repeat the lie so many times that everyone believes it's the truth. This isn't free speech, this is injustice to the victims of the war. The developers have a responsibility to accurately depict the events and if they can't for any reason then they should just quite the development.

The worst thing is that there are more sympathizers of marines then there are people who would make the effort to understand everything. The idea of this game doing good in sales (perfectly plausible) makes me sick. Who knows this game becomes such a massive hit that it starts getting yearly installments with each trying to mask another massacre.

Take a moment and try to put yourself in the shoes of the poor souls of Fallujah. Think about it. First you are invaded, kicked out and killed, and then movies and games are made showing how difficult it was for the invaders. Take a moment, think about their pain. First they suffered physically, and now they'll suffer mentally. I end this piece with a quote from Tamte's GIbiz interview,


Some interesting tweets have been shared in the comments by FormatCompatible. Thought I might add them to the original post.

Apparently, criticizing the game is extremely risky.

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Oct 28, 2017
From the moment I first heard about this game, I had my doubts. Now that it is slowly becoming a reality, I wish it had stayed vaporware. The latest trailer truly shows their intent with this game, and it's abhorrent. The war crimes committed in the Iraq war, or rather invasion, are deplorable and those responsible should be held to account.

It was always about the resources, always. W. wanted to get in his dad's good graces, finish what his father couldn't. Using 9/11 for this by the warmongers was atrocious.

When it was cancelled by Konami I was quite vocal about them cancelling it, simply because I felt it was a story that needed to be told. Back then it wasn't completely clear what it would become, but I can totally get why they cancelled it. This is pure, vile, propaganda aimed at impressionable young minds who love to play titles like Call of Duty and Battlefront. So yes, I agree with you, teenaxta.

PS: I never wish for a game to fail, but this one definitely should.


Oct 25, 2017
Should be posted in every thread relating to this game. Especially the OT if it ever gets one here.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the synopsis of the situation. This game is disgusting. What were Highwire Games thinking?

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
Nvm, I'll probably make an OT thread, maybe. I'll give myself some time today and think it over, but I'll probably be the one to make an OT thread so we can talk about how much this game sucks after it's released. teenaxta


Oct 27, 2017
Given the situation around Fallujah itself, I think this would make a much better game to show what "really happened", is to have it be from the perspective of civilians trying to help their families get out of the city or just survive the battle. I can't imagine the amount of general internet hate the concept would get though, to have a game specifically showing the American troops as being the bad guys.

Deleted member 46948

Account closed at user request
Aug 22, 2018
Well put together summary, OP. This game and its makers are reprehensible. I don't understand how anyone can think this is a good idea, unless they're really actively trying to alter the public perception of history.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I listened to the IGN interview with the devs and honestly it was a little jarring how quick and casually they were to dehumanize the civilians. I really wish the dude did more than surface level questions


Nov 1, 2017
This game should have been a survival horror where you, as an Iraqi civilian, try to escape the inhumanity of the situation. Something like a Spec Ops: The Line type thing but demonizing all coalition troops.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, fuck the people who are making this game, fuck the people who are producing it, and fuck the people who'll buy it.

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
On another note, if anyone wants to help me do the OT thread, assuming the moderators allow it, I'm open to that.

The whole point is to basically just criticize the game (and all-around shit on it), talk about the War on Terror swindle during the 2000s, and basically just talk about the war crimes committed there. If the mod team wants to talk about it with me, that's fine. If they don't want me to go ahead with the OT thread, that's also fine. I was just hoping to use the eventual OT thread to educate people on the whole thing, nothing more, and shine a light on what happened.

Let me know to any that wants to help out.


Dec 17, 2020
Well put together summary, OP. This game and its makers are reprehensible. I don't understand how anyone can think this is a good idea, unless they're really actively trying to alter the public perception of history.

I'm certain that's what the game was resurrected for, nobody suddenly pushes project like this back into public consciousness for charity or artistic purposes.

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
I'm certain that's what the game was resurrected for, nobody suddenly pushes project like this back into public consciousness for charity or artistic purposes.
I believe that the intelligence community is trying to do just that.

Edit: For the record, this is just a hunch on my part; I hope nobody takes it seriously.


Oct 25, 2017
Given the situation around Fallujah itself, I think this would make a much better game to show what "really happened", is to have it be from the perspective of civilians trying to help their families get out of the city or just survive the battle. I can't imagine the amount of general internet hate the concept would get though, to have a game specifically showing the American troops as being the bad guys.

Who exactly is playing this game? Do you think they want to be shown and told they were the baddies?


Dec 13, 2017
I still don't understand how this game is getting made and why it's doing the things it is from only the marines perspective. The whole thing was a bloody mess and should be left for the History books. The gameplay reminds me of GRAW and more recently Siege and Squad or Insurgance, but with the baggage and context attached it's pretty disgusting.

Is it being brought back and released for the braindead and blind followers of Right Wing Propaganda? I feel for anyone involved in this conflict...it's a terrible time in US and world history. I really don't think a military game is the best way to recount the events.
Apr 25, 2020
This game should have been a survival horror where you, as an Iraqi civilian, try to escape the inhumanity of the situation. Something like a Spec Ops: The Line type thing but demonizing all coalition troops.

Yeahbutbut the controversy tho.....

If you want to play an actual good war narrative shooter, play Spec Ops: The Line.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
On another note, if anyone wants to help me do the OT thread, assuming the moderators allow it, I'm open to that.

The whole point is to basically just criticize the game (and all-around shit on it), talk about the War on Terror swindle during the 2000s, and basically just talk about the war crimes committed there. If the mod team wants to talk about it with me, that's fine. If they don't want me to go ahead with the OT thread, that's also fine. I was just hoping to use the eventual OT thread to educate people on the whole thing, nothing more, and shine a light on what happened.

Let me know to any that wants to help out.
Given the bad faith surrounding the project, it shouldn't have a platform at all. You can make the most informed OP you want, you'll still have a thread full of "has anyone gotten good ray tracing performance in our murder simulator?"

It deserves 0 benefit of the doubt, 0 education, 0 advertising because it's a reprehensible game.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Dec 4, 2017
Given the bad faith surrounding the project, it shouldn't have a platform at all. You can make the most informed OP you want, you'll still have a thread full of "has anyone gotten good ray tracing performance in our murder simulator?"

It deserves 0 benefit of the doubt, 0 education, 0 advertising because it's a reprehensible game.
I agree with this. The game shouldn't get a OT at all.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Given the bad faith surrounding the project, it shouldn't have a platform at all. You can make the most informed OP you want, you'll still have a thread full of "has anyone gotten good ray tracing performance in our murder simulator?"

It deserves 0 benefit of the doubt, 0 education, 0 advertising because it's a reprehensible game.
This exactly. Hell in the last thread about the game there was already a bunch of people going ''wow procedurally generated looks cool!''. A OT would be a goddamn mess.


Oct 26, 2017
And this right here is why I love Era. Thanks for the excellent write-up, and I hope mods pin this to a single catch-all thread for the game like Cyberpunk 2077.
Oct 25, 2017
Wait wait the developer was funded by the fucking CIA and they have experience making FBI and CIA training systems? How is this game not a conflict of interest? I know in general FPS games are largely on some level military propaganda do a but to be so blatant with this is next level stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
Is this game coming out for consoles as well? Is there anyway we can let MS and Sony know that they should not approve the release of this game.


Oct 25, 2017
I do not wish to see an OT here. However you may present it. People will attempt to use it to discuss gameplay and disregard the rest.


Apr 30, 2018
At this point I am just waiting to be disappointed for Gamergate types to buy millions of copies of this to trigger the left or whatever.

Comrade Grogu

Jun 20, 2020
Given the bad faith surrounding the project, it shouldn't have a platform at all. You can make the most informed OP you want, you'll still have a thread full of "has anyone gotten good ray tracing performance in our murder simulator?"

It deserves 0 benefit of the doubt, 0 education, 0 advertising because it's a reprehensible game.
Honestly, I think the mod team will take care of that, but it's ultimately up to them.

Deleted member 9207

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I guess it was too much to ask to play a civilian while watching foreign forces murder everyone around you for no reason.


Oct 28, 2017
I agree with you, OP. Rarely do I begrudge a game's existence, but this never should have been made.