
Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Yeah, and a gunfight is apolitical. Everything leading up to it? Absolutely. But once that Marine was told to enter that city and start going door-to-door, clearing an entire city, they aren't thinking about that. They're wondering what is around this next corner? Is there a boobytrap at this next house? Where are the snipers? Is that an IED? My buddy just died but I've got 12+ more hours of clearing houses.

Again, from my understanding, that is their entire intent of this game. Show the hell on the ground that these dudes went to.

Funny that you sympathize with the soldiers but not the people on the houses.


Oct 6, 2020
But, but Liana told us the game was not pro-US and much different from the trailer! Lol
She's awfully quiet now and telling people to DM her in order to get her take on the interview. Now suddenly she won't delve 100 tweets deep into the game, yet instead chooses to reserve voicing her opinion.

Don't worry though, you can read her take in their coverage of the game very soon in GI! I feel like she's being used due to her good nature and vet background to serve as mouthpiece for the game. They served her some drivel that hit the sweet spot and she took it and went with it.

I'm so peeved at her for serving as their PR and even attacking Daniel about all this. The man was completely right (to noones surprise).

I really enjoyed and respected her much needed articles and even defended her on Twitter in the past with the whole Cyberpunk crunch situation, but this story made me look back at that with a different perspective and made me realize that she's way too easily swayed to play into the dev's hands rather than being a critical journalist.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
They wont, but the various digital store owners should outright refuse to have this game listed in their stores. Just imagine if Valve, Sony or Microsoft came out and said "no, fuck this propaganda piece of shit, not in our store!". Would be amazing.


Feb 13, 2021
What a load of BS. Im honestly sick and tired of these companies white washing crimes of american troops. This needs to stop. You can clearly see that they are not going to tell a complete story.


Oct 25, 2017
a parallel universe
I just saw the trailer and they sure as hell are marketing it like they are telling it how it "really" went down. Excluding the most fucked up parts about it because it's.... political?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

Like we can 100% just call this game military propaganda at this point right?

So the dude behind the resurrection of a canceled controversial propaganda game who claims the thing is apolitical is actually a right wing shithead?



Oct 27, 2017
Never fear, they won't ask us to be an insurgent? wtf?
"Don't worry, we won't ever ask you to be on the receiving end of US war crimes, and, in fact, we're going to write the war crimes out of the story entirely!"

There is surely an actual narrative story you could carve out of the absolute hell on earth that was this battle, but this sure as fuck ain't it. Fuck every last person working on this project. You could not possibly convince me this isn't a military psy-op at this point.
Oct 27, 2017
In other news, Spec Ops the Line is on sale on Xbox for $6

Buy Spec Ops: The Line | Xbox

(Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB) It’s been 6 months since Dubai was wiped off the map by a cataclysmic sandstorm. Thousands of lives were lost, including those of American soldiers sent to evacuate the city. Today, the city lies buried under sand, the world’s most opulent ruin.

best possible response

Also, I may be misremembering but I think whoever was promoting this game the first time also said something to this effect.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I remember laughing at morons saying FF7 and MGS were not political, but this takes the cake


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
lol at these cowardly fucks.

Them turning out to be right wing shitheads is quite appropriate.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, and a gunfight is apolitical. Everything leading up to it? Absolutely. But once that Marine was told to enter that city and start going door-to-door, clearing an entire city, they aren't thinking about that. They're wondering what is around this next corner? Is there a boobytrap at this next house? Where are the snipers? Is that an IED? My buddy just died but I've got 12+ more hours of clearing houses.

Again, from my understanding, that is their entire intent of this game. Show the hell on the ground that these dudes went to.


Oct 26, 2017
I can't wait for the mission where the player gets to use depleted uranium weapons which go on to cause generations of horrific birth defects for the next few decades.

This game is really looking more and more like a CIA op with every new piece of info that comes out.


Nov 5, 2017
It's an abhorrent piece of propaganda.

I feel this thread brings out a worrying, long-held gamer trope though which goes something like "this game just portrays the harsh reality of the soldier so it is not political because it's a simulator".

I remember reading this in video game mags in 1980s, and it still seems to be holding up.

The marriage between the US military and Hollywood has been thoroughly documented from the collaboration with Pentagon in Top Gun to the stated policy: "If you want full cooperation from the Navy, we have a considerable amount of power, because it's our ships, it's our cooperation, and until the script is in a form that we can approve, then the production doesn't go forward."

I think since America's Army there has been clear but less visible use of games as propaganda – I wonder if Call of Duties etc. benefit from military access and support.

But the main point I wanted to emphasize is simply that it's scary we think anything "shows the world as it is/was". There is always a lens – in the case of Six Days a Republican-donating, war crime denying lens – that chooses what to show and what to emphasize.

There is no such thing as an objective simulation game.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
The audacity of this guy is staggering, but I'm sure this game will be the next shitty rallying point for the unfuckables of 4chan.

You can go ahead and fuck right off with that noise. Take a look at my post history to see if I'm some right wing troll.

guess what? I'm not. But I can also have a nuanced view of things.
I know you're already banned, but because you're probably still reading this - your takes throughout this thread have had absolutely no nuance whatsoever. Discussing the political themes of a controversial war and the atrocities committed by those who participated, that's a nuanced conversation. You're here taking literal propaganda at face value and putting a lampshade over the inherent political themes. It's the most one-dimensional garglebrain position to take possible, but for some reason you think you're the smartest person in the room for taking it.

A lot of folks who join the military aren't joining for political reasons, but often for socio-economic reasons.
I literally can't think of anything more political than socioeconomics.

I said this in the announcement thread but this needs to be a banned game on Era post-release. It's transparently propaganda and there are war on terror victims who use this site.
I'm on board with this. I'd be on board for this for basically any military shooter to be honest, but this game in particular.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Can't wait for their next (even though not announced yet, we know it's coming) apolitical game 'Benghazi'


Oct 25, 2017

Like we can 100% just call this game military propaganda at this point right?

Not only did Peter Tamte collaborate with CIA for training programs in 2005 for "Judgmental Shooting Simulator", he also had a game called Close Combat First To Fight that was collaboration with In-Q-Tel, a private venture group funded by the CIA. If a developer didn't want to make right wing military propaganda games, why have such a history?

‘Six Days in Fallujah’: A Bloody Iraq Battle and Video Game That Almost Was

The Second Battle of Fallujah remains untold in interactive form because of political concerns, marketing fumbles, press pressure, and more.


June 16, 2005 Videogame developer and publisher Destineer today announced it has signed a strategic development agreement with In-Q-Tel, a […]


Oct 30, 2017
Yeah, and a gunfight is apolitical. Everything leading up to it? Absolutely. But once that Marine was told to enter that city and start going door-to-door, clearing an entire city, they aren't thinking about that. They're wondering what is around this next corner? Is there a boobytrap at this next house? Where are the snipers? Is that an IED? My buddy just died but I've got 12+ more hours of clearing houses.

Again, from my understanding, that is their entire intent of this game. Show the hell on the ground that these dudes went to.

Think to yourself - is the game likely to be House Clearing Simulator 2021?

Even innocuously phrasing it as "clearing houses" is so disingenuous. More like "crashing into civilian houses at gunpoint, going through their shit, and terrorizing/possibly murdering them".
Oct 28, 2017
Funny how dehumanising us brown people and brown men in particular is supposed to be this non political consensus.
Fuck off with that shit.
Also I'm glad that asshole who was justifying this is threadbanned.

Mars People

Comics Council 2020
Oct 25, 2017
Why do developers always say this?

Stand by your politics and your statements, or don't make them in the first place.
Have some fucking backbone.

If you have qualms about saying something that you are not sure of. Maybe you shouldn't say it in the first place.
Oct 28, 2017
Why do developers always say this?

Stand by your politics and your statements, or don't make them in the first place.
Have some fucking backbone.

If you have qualms about saying something that you are not sure of. Maybe you shouldn't say it in the first place.
Because deep down they know that their politics are abhorred by civilised society but they still want to express them and make money out of them.