Are you just going to sit there eating pizza?

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▲ Legend ▲
Sep 18, 2020
I'm not sure about the strategy of being totally quiet on silent hill for decades and then suddenly announce a dozen things at the same time.
I personally felt it kind of watered down the impact of individual announcements.


Oct 28, 2017
I mean, yeah, right? Sorry, maybe I'm missing what you're saying. Are you saying that Bloober is going to make that more explicit or something?

Yes, honestly I wouldn't count that the tweet as canon anyway, but there's definitely going to be an ending where it's made painfully obvious (the nervous panting in the trailer...)


Mar 28, 2018
Whenever the prices for that first Red Pyramid Thing and Dog Ending statues were shown go up, I will either decide to spend a stupid amount of money or not. Please don't kill my wallet.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm pretty okay with all of that lol. Even SH2. It can be something different but similar. I'm open to it anyway.

I'm just happy SH is back.

I do think it's hilarious that they didn't do anything with it for years and then suddenly, 5 projects!!!! Haha.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm pretty okay with all of that lol. Even SH2. It can be something different but similar. I'm open to it anyway.

I'm just happy SH is back.

I do think it's hilarious that they didn't do anything with it for years and then suddenly, 5 projects!!!! Haha.

My feelings too. I am secretly hoping these all are gonna release within like 5 months of each other because that feels like a classic Konami move


Oct 27, 2017
My feelings too. I am secretly hoping these all are gonna release within like 5 months of each other because that feels like a classic Konami move

Within 5 weeks, one each week, is the true Konami way lol.

I'm somewhat confused over Ito apparently doing that Sakura concept art, but the concept artist for the trailer that looks most like Sakura ("f") isn't the Ito game. 🤔


Jul 3, 2020
Silent Hill f looks beautiful... but it's being developed by Neobards. Let's see what happens.

Silent Hill 2 Remake looks interesting. So far it seems that they respected the characters designs, nothing crazy here and that's for the better.

I was a bit disappointed with No Code. Another Trauma Town adventure? Mmm... I hope there's more.

The interactive story was confusing. I don't know what it is exactly. Is it some kind of multiplayer game?


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Silent Hill f looks beautiful... but it's being developed by Neobards. Let's see what happens.

Silent Hill 2 Remake looks interesting. So far it seems that they respected the characters designs, nothing crazy here and that's for the better.

I was a bit disappointed with No Code. Another Trauma Town adventure? Mmm... I hope there's more.

The interactive story was confusing. I don't know what it is exactly. Is it some kind of multiplayer game?

The CEO of the company making Ascension is actually in the reveal thread talking about it (as much as he can right now, at least).


Ban made permanent due to harassment of staff
May 27, 2020
Finally finished the stream. My general thoughts.

Silent Hill 5 / The Short Message / Sakura

Wow. The project with former Team Silent members that most fans were actually hyped about wasn't even shown. That alone makes the transmission a bust for me, personally.

Silent Hill (No Code)

It looks interesting and reminds me of Ringu, but I need to see more.

Silent Hill f

This looks pretty damn good, but it needs to be a totally new concept to be taken as canon. The Otherworld only exists in Silent Hill and was caused by the events of the first game, so putting the Fog/Otherworld as we know it in Feudal Japan makes zero sense. However, this looks unique enough that it might work.

But even if it's not consistent lore-wise, I'm interested in seeing more because it does look good for what it is and that's more important than continuity.

Silent Hill 2 remake

Oh boy, where to begin. The Otherworld is a paranormal state where dream and reality intersect, causing the physical manifestation of subconscious delusions, and one of the series biggest inspirations were the works of David Lynch. This remakes completely misunderstood that, with every bit of dreaminess, surrealism, motion blur, dutch camera angle, and visual static removed. Instead, what we get is overly melodramatic, westernised, and conventional cutscenes, cartoony character models and environments, melodramatic (and cartoonish) voice acting and overly exaggerated facial expressions/emotions from a character that's supposed to be detached from reality, and generally every bit of subtlety and nuance from the original game sucked out of it. Akira Yamaoka is even redoing the already-perfect sound design and music (but at least it's him doing it) and a snippet on a computer screen seems to show James doing a Homecoming-style dodge, which is just... Hard pass.

The use of over-the-shoulder camera and James Sunderland's new walking animation are also major flaws. The original camera was meant to reflect the mental state of the protagonist and was a major contributor to the atmosphere, whereas Resident Evil 2 camera conveys the opposite. That you're a clear-headed character with a firm grasp on reality.

Overall, this looks like a AA game at best that isn't even on par with other contemporary horror games and a total bastardisation of Silent Hill 2. It doesn't look like Masahiro Ito's involvement is enough to save it from Bloober. Masahiro Ito said on Twitter that he doesn't want a Silent Hill 2 remake, so he's probably trying to make the best of a bad situation.


(Left to right) Original, HD Collection, Bloober Team demake

Return to Silent Hill

I assumed we were getting a new story from the new film, but instead we're getting two watered down bastardisations of Silent Hill 2. Excellent /s

The 2006 film got the aesthetics and music right, but basically nothing else. It was a B-horror blockbuster and not even in the same subgenre as the games with monsters ripping people's skin off and whatnot. I'm not convinced that Christophe Gans has the skill or writing chops to pull off something as difficult as Silent Hill 2, although he at least has the right influences this time (It Follows, Midsommar, Hereditary, The Babadook). We'll see how he does in 2023. Aesthetically, I think it will look and sound faithful. Under the surface, I think it will ultimately miss the point.

Silent Hill: Ascension

I didn't think there would be a worse announcement than the Bloober Team bastardisation, but here we are. What is that monster (not something out of Silent Hill)? Why are J.J. Abrams and BVHR of all creators involved with a Silent Hill game? Why are they using Alessa's rusty Otherworld without Alessa and copying the movie again? The Otherworld also isn't an alternate dimension and the monsters aren't "often" manifestations, they are manifestations.

Konami still doesn't understand their own franchise and that's unfortunate. This is something straight out of 2006-2012.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Konami still doesn't understand their own franchise and that's unfortunate. This is something straight out of 2006-2012.

I respect your opinion, knight- but I hard disagree here.
The game projects (even Ascension, which had a confusing reveal- but the further explanations in the actual thread intrigued me) have me more excited than I've been for this series since 2004.

We'll obviously see how this all pans out, but I'm pretty happy right now.
Silent Hill f, even if just a CG trailer, has me completely fascinated.


Ban made permanent due to harassment of staff
May 27, 2020
I respect your opinion, knight- but I hard disagree here.
The game projects (even Ascension, which had a confusing reveal- but the further explanations in the actual thread intrigued me) have me more excited than I've been for this series since 2004.

We'll obviously see how this all pans out, but I'm pretty happy right now.
Silent Hill f, even if just a CG trailer, has me completely fascinated.
Silent Hill f and the No Code game definitely have me interested. I want to see more. Ascension was just baffling for me, though.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Silent Hill f and the No Code game definitely have me interested. I want to see more. Ascension was just baffling for me, though.

Really curious why The Short Message didn't show- especially if it's playable (and supposedly has been).

Some are speculating it could be a SoP/Showcase reveal, but, with Sony having marketing/exclusivity for SH2:R, I wonder why those weren't swapped?

I hope Dusk can give more clarity, but I'm not counting on it.
He DID tell us this revival was going to be 'interesting'. He wasn't lying. 😂


Ban made permanent due to harassment of staff
May 27, 2020
Really curious why The Short Message didn't show- especially if it's playable (and supposedly has been).

Some are speculating it could be a SoP/Showcase reveal, but, with Sony having marketing/exclusivity for SH2:R, I wonder why those weren't swapped?

I hope Dusk can give more clarity, but I'm not counting on it.
He DID tell us this revival was going to be 'interesting'. He wasn't lying. 😂
They only showed Masahiro Ito and Akira Yamaoka involved with the remake, so I'm hoping Dusk Golem says who the other Team Silent members involved are.


Jun 9, 2018
Silent Hill F feels like the monkey paw take on "I wish we had another Asian-developed Silent Hill game" since they decided to make it a straight up J-Horror game set in Japan instead of a foreign take on a distinctly American horror setting.

When I think Silent Hill I think of Stephen King and Jacobs Ladder viewed through a foreign lens. Silent Hill F seems completely divorced from that idea.

It'll probably be a cool horror game though.

Big Powder

Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't super into what was shown today, but I still hope for the best and, let's be real here, I'm going to consume everything Silent Hill that comes out regardless of how good or bad it is. A big worry of mine is that these games aren't going to do well and that Konami is going to blame it on the franchise not being profitable instead on these announcements not really looking that good (outside of that No Code announcement which looks fantastic but I need to see more, and as a big Higurashi/Umineko fan of course I'm STOKED that Ryukishi07 is involved with f, but I'm not super into the aesthetic of the trailer).

Something about the art direction for these projects is just not working for me. Silent Hill 2 and f both kind of have a cartoony edge to the style that feels like a step in the wrong direction. I'd really love a Silent Hill 2 remake that was focused on making the entire game have the ethereal, floaty vibe that the FMV cutscenes from the original game had, but I suppose that's incredibly unlikely now (though it could be that the current game *is* that and I just don't realize it yet). When I think about Silent Hill in general, my mind's eye perceives the style as extremely mindblowingly realistic. I remember when I played SH2-4 as a kid, the most amazing thing was the graphics, which were always so far beyond anything else on the PS2. For them to kind of add this cartoonyness to the look really feels like a stylistic choice that I just can't vibe with. To me it's really not what I think of when I think of Silent Hill. I want to see graphics that rival Naughty Dog. Actually, get them to work on one!!! Alas, I can dream...

So, yeah. I'm glad Silent Hill is getting all this attention as a franchise, I just really hope that at least one of these ends up being really good, because I want the franchise to keep going. Thus far I'm not super hopeful, but I will still be following these and definitely will be getting pretty much all of them day one.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
I'm still giving everything that was shown off time to sit. I might write up my feelings on everything fully in a bit.

Silent Hill f

This looks pretty damn good, but it needs to be a totally new concept to be taken as canon. The Otherworld only exists in Silent Hill and was caused by the events of the first game, so putting the Fog/Otherworld as we know it in Feudal Japan makes zero sense. However, this looks unique enough that it might work.

But even if it's not consistent lore-wise, I'm interested in seeing more because it does look good for what it is and that's more important than continuity.
It's not Feudal Japan, it's the 1960s. The events of SH1 did not create the power of the town itself, it caused it to expand and grow. We have canon references to mysterious events happening in the town way before it.

Also if the unique properties of Silent Hill can manifest outside of the town itself in SH3 and SH4 there's no reason why it can't reach all the way to Japan.

That said, it is clearly a huge shift in setting and very far removed from anything we've seen before. That's part of what makes it so interesting. I'm sure how it connects to the town of Silent Hill itself will be explained in the game. Though I suspect some people who aren't willing to accept new additions to the lore will be unhappy.


Ban made permanent due to harassment of staff
May 27, 2020
I'm still giving everything that was shown off time to sit. I might write up my feelings on everything fully in a bit.

It's not Feudal Japan, it's the 1960s. The events of SH1 did not create the power of the town itself, it caused it to expand and grow. We have canon references to mysterious events happening in the town way before it.

Also if the unique properties of Silent Hill can manifest outside of the town itself in SH3 and SH4 there's no reason why it can't reach all the way to Japan.

That said, it is clearly a huge shift in setting and very far removed from anything we've seen before. That's part of what makes it so interesting. I'm sure how it connects to the town of Silent Hill itself will be explained in the game. Though I suspect some people who aren't willing to accept new additions to the lore will be unhappy.
There's a distinction between the Otherworld and the innate spiritual power of the town. The town's spiritual power isn't malevolent or whatever, but is tied to the dead bodies in Toluca Lake and was revered by Native Americans. Throughout the town's history, it was impacted in various ways.

The Fog/Otherworld is a paranormal state where dream and reality intersect, with the Otherworld and monsters being a reflection of a person's pscyhe. It was caused by the events of Silent Hill 1 when Alessa's nightmare was projected onto the town through her powers. That game impacted the town's power in a way that individuals started experiencing their own Otherworlds by the time of the sequels.

According to Hiroyuki Owaku, the Otherworld only exists in Silent Hill and can only appear outside of the town temporarily through a specific power. In Silent Hill 3, it had to do with Claudia and the God fetus. Silent Hill 4 was a different Otherworld caused by a separate ritual with its own attributes.

Silent Hill f is set in Japan and a decade or two before the first game, so it will need to create its own mythology that's rooted in Silent Hill (which is what it appears to be doing).


Oct 25, 2017
I'll be honest - despite the several announcements... Im not really hyped at all. Just a bunch more outsourced SH games... I know Team Silent is no more, so that makes any inherent SH sequel difficult, but I cant help but feel that Konami is just trying to do what they did post SH4 again and hoping for a different outcome. It might well turn out better, but Im certainly not getting hyped ahead of time. I'll see how the games turn out. Well, except 2's remake, I have 0 hopes for that based on Bloobers past track record, it'd be a minor miracle that they dont fuck up one of the best games of all time.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
There's a distinction between the Otherworld and the innate spiritual power of the town. The town's spiritual power isn't malevolent or whatever, but is tied to the dead bodies in Toluca Lake and was revered by Native Americans. Throughout the town's history, it was impacted in various ways.

The Fog/Otherworld is a paranormal state where dream and reality intersect, with the Otherworld and monsters being a reflection of a person's pscyhe. It was caused by the events of Silent Hill 1 when Alessa's nightmare was projected onto the town through her powers. That game impacted the town's power in a way that individuals started experiencing their own Otherworlds by the time of the sequels.

According to Hiroyuki Owaku, the Otherworld only exists in Silent Hill and can only appear outside of the town temporarily through a specific power. In Silent Hill 3, it had to do with Claudia and the God fetus. Silent Hill 4 was a different Otherworld caused by a separate ritual with its own attributes.

Silent Hill f is set in Japan and a decade or two before the first game, so it will need to create its own mythology that's rooted in Silent Hill (which is what it appears to be doing).

Their wording is usually very careful to suggest that the events of SH1 are what caused the state of Silent Hill to expand and take on the role it has now but it's always been implied that there was more going on before it anyway. Even without taking into account things like Origins and Past Life which make it explicit, you have pretty consistent references to mysterious events in the town's history way before. Little Baroness is an easy example, which was in the 1910s. You've also got mentions of mysterious disappearances and deaths as early as the town's construction. Though it's up to interpretation if these things are the cause or the effect. Indeed it's been stated that the town's spiritual power was not initially malevolent but it's also never been explained what that power even is and the history of the town has been steeped in violence, tragedy, and mystery from the beginning.

As for Silent Hill f, it would have been an easy thing to just say "SH3 and SH4 prove that we can set a Silent Hill game anywhere", but the exact combination of the long distance together with the early timeframe is... interesting but complicated. I wonder how much they're going to address the original lore. I could see Ryukishi choosing to tie it in directly but I can also see him just doing his own thing and leaving it to the fans to figure out how they can connect.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Started playing NoCode's OBSERVATION (on PS+ Extra) and damn… I understand why there was so much excitement for the SH:Townfall reveal.

This game is unique and unsettling.
Can't wait to see what they do with the SH property!

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
Alright so I slept on my thoughts and I think I've settled on... I'm cautiously excited but also fairly nervous.

So I think the biggest takeaway from the event last night is that Konami's approach to the revival of Silent Hill is the same approach that killed the series a decade ago. They're going all in on a million smaller projects with lesser known developers rather than putting all their focus in something bigger. It's really hard to look at all these announcements and not flash back to 2012 where we got miss after miss after miss. So how successful all of this is really is going to come down to the talent at the studios in question. So with that said...

Return to Silent Hill seems to be the reason all of this is happening which is... a bit of a sting, I won't lie. I actually can't believe they admitted that. But I'm not really interested in seeing Silent Hill 2 through the eyes of the guy who said they changed Harry into Rose because Harry being scared and vulnerable meant he was inherently feminine in nature (something he revealed to make sure people knew he wasn't trying to be "politically correct" with the change).

Silent Hill Ascension is interesting. It's honestly a really weird concept but the CEO's comments on this forum kind of helped explain it to me. I'm curious to see how it turns out but without any details on the story or presentation it's hard to say one way or another.

Similarly, Silent Hill Townfall gave us basically nothing. People seem to like No Code's previous work though! I'll have to check them out but I'll remain positive on this one as a smaller indie take on Silent Hill if their reputation is good.

Silent Hill f seems to be the actual big next mainline entry. Given to a development company known for helping develop the poorly received multiplayer modes of recent Resident Evil games is... worrying... but Ryukishi wrote one of my favorite stories of all time. I cannot contain my excitement to see his take on Silent Hill. This game is really interesting to me but I hope the developers are up to the task. From what I can tell they are unproven on a project this big which is... again, a very familiar situation.

And then there's Bloober Team's SH2.
... yeah, that is definitely Silent Hill 2 through the filter of Bloober Team.
Honestly, I need to see more. I'm going to play it regardless. But I haven't been won over yet. There are some fantastic shots. I loved the shot of the parking lot outside the bathroom and the shot of him walking through the foggy street looked great. But everything else... I'm not feeling it right now. I don't want to write the game off before I see more or get my hands on it, but I haven't seen anything that's convinced me this project was worth it over them doing a proper GOOD 4K remaster of the original like they did for Zone of the Enders 2.

Between the Bloobmake and the Gans movie we sure are going to get a lot of new interpretations of Silent Hill 2 while the original is MIA. They couldn't even put the broken PC ports up on GOG like they did SH4 so it's easier for people to get the fan remaster patch? Guess they don't want the original to distract from the new versions. But that alone is cause for worry.


Oct 27, 2017
In regards to Gan's new movie being the reason all this is happening, it seems history has repeated itself. He mentioned in an interview back in the day that Silent Hill 5 (when it was still being worked on by Team Silent) did not originally get the greenlight to be made. The movie was what convinced Konami to fund a fifth game.

But about the artistic part, I only stay in my illustrating role. I tried to put on the screen the textures, the shades, the game visual aspect. When I compare Silent Hill to contemporary art, one must not forget that that was the purpose of the game. It was not me who found about that comparison, it was the idea of Akira Yamaoka and the Silent Team. In fact I'd like to remake the path we both had to build that film. There are a lot of stories. For example it was vital for Yamaoka to make the film as Silent Hill 5 didn't received the agreement to be made. Like everybody know, the game budgets didn't stop to increase and the upcoming movie could convince Konami to give funds for a fifth episode.
DuskGolem Breakdown of the Silent Hill f Trailer


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
DuskGolem has a really fascinating breakdown of the Silent Hill f imagery shown in the trailer.


Going to just quote it here, if he doesn't mind. The Twitter thread also has a lot of visual aid that Dusk has supplied:

The 1960s, which Silent Hill f is set in, is further back. Japan in the 1960s was a time of civil unrest, when "old" Japan & "new" Japan was at an all-time high in confliction, the government was changed & uprooted many rural Japanese people's lives.
Mass industrialization lead to the destruction of many small towns, leaving many homeless w/nowhere to go. As Silent Hill is about a small town, that might be relevant. There was also a big social issue in 1950s/1960s Japan about prostitution of minors, which has a really
dark, conspiracy ridden & complex history I can't get fully into here, but it's worth noting. Also a time many workers who protested were beaten to death who wouldn't move from their land.

I suspect w/Ryukishi07's love for historical horror pieces, probably relevant.

The flowers blooming in the Silent Hill f trailer are the "Red Spider Lily", which only grow in Japan. Also known as the "Death Flower", or, "The Flower of the Other Shore". It ties to a story of the Sanzu River, which is believed to bridge the world of the dead.
The Sanzu River is supposed to be a trial of the Soul where the weight of one's sins in life drag you to its depths if they're too heavy. It is split into three trials, bridge, a stretch of deep waters, & finally a snake-infested ocean. The reason in many Japanese funerals put the casket to water is to let the Soul pass through these trials it must face to enter the afterlife.

Obviously, that might tie a bit strongly into Silent Hill's themes.

I'll also mention Torii Gate specifically looks like a very famous one from Miyajima Island.

So, backtracking now to the trailer itself.

We begin w/a shot of a rice field on a foggy day. The scarecrow is what catches my attention; It's wearing a schoolgirl uniform, abve water, with its body gnarled & twisted, but also the wood seems to be growing even though it shouldn't, the arm turning into a root. I can't shake the feeling that scarecrow is full of meaning.

We see a shot of an old-fashioned Japanese town. There's a store to the right which promises toys & goods for children. I believe its in this store we see the Okiku doll.
The Okiku Doll is a famous Japanese urban legend about a doll who's hair keeps on growing, specifically its supposed to be the growing hair of a dead child.

You're going to start seeing some themes of death in relation to children here, its literally all over this trailer.
We see a school girl standing in front of a dead gnarled tree in front of a broken statue Jizo Statue. The Jizo Statue is supposed to be a charm to SPECIFICALLY help dead children pass on easier to the afterlife, of the belief children deserve more a chance to get into heaven than adults, a spiritual guide to make sure children's souls pass on pleasantly. Of course, the implication of a broken Jizo Statue is telling. We also see the flowers growing & festering around the broken statue & the dead tree. This is also where I'm going to mention a Silent Hill 1 connection. White Claudia was a plant that only grew in Silent Hill, which was used by the Cult for its mystical & psychedelic properties in religious ceremonies. Used also to create the SH drug, PTV, which Kaufmann sold, & Lisa in SH1 was on.
Its never really explained why a flower that only grows in Silent Hill is given attention to in SH1, but its mentioned these flowers "grow near water" & near death. Its also shown in Origins' bad ending Kaufmann was doing experiments w/White Claudia on patients. But again this is a very underexplored area of the Silent Hill mythos, but might be important here.

This is where we begin to see a theme of "infection" in the trailer. We see red stringy roots grow out of the environment, framed around the school girl, walking in a daze into a more industrialized part of the town, dragging a pipe along. This is where everything starts coming together.
The girl in a daze here vaguely reminds me of Rena from Higurashi. All of the trailer to this point being set in a clearly rural place to then transition to a more industrial place sheeted in metal. She's walking vaguely nurse-like in the SH series, & red stringy roots begin to grow rapidly in the environment, infecting the town. A literal infestation. To drive the themes even more, we get a shot back inside of the store, seeing the Okiku Doll, now w/longer hair than before, but the stringy roots especially growing & wrapping themselves around the doll.

The theme of these roots infecting & destroying children continues as we see the earlier school girl, seemingly coming from a fight, w/clear injuries, here clothes slightly torn, limping, no longer w/her pipe, as a bunch of roots rapidly grow all around & begin to ensnare her. Noticably, when the roots touch her skin, it becomes immediately infected. We also begin to see a theme of the roots sucking blood out & growing from becomes relevant, thematically it could even be tied to the Okiku Doll's hair growing. The girl struggles against & tries to run away, but can't escape as flowers grow everywhere over the town. Funnily enough, the piano fortes in this scene.

We now see the Schoolgirl, floating on a bed of overgrowing flowers, the roots holding her down. She's floating to the Torii Gate (which is supposed to signify the movement from the ordinary to the sacred, a transition in the world), not moving at all.

Down the river, we see various body parts severed begin to float down past her. They don't seem to be her limbs though, possibly a suggestion in her daze she butchered someone. From the limbs, a bunch of holes appear, & a bunch of flowers begin to grow from the flesh & blood. We hear a squelching sound of meat as the flowers bloom. The flowers begin to bloom over the entire river, stopping her from passing through the Torii Gates. This also ties into all of the earlier imagery; the flowers are preventing dead children from passing onto the afterlife.
They destroyed the guardian spirit that helped kids move on, they infest & wrap themselves around children & the spirits of children, & they bloom to prevent the girls from being able to cross the Sanzu River. It reminds me a lot of how Alessa wasn't allowed to die in SH1.
Flowers begin to grow all over her body, we hear actually a last choked breath from the girl, see a tear come from her eyes, which we no longer can see covered by flowers. Then, we begin to hear some squelchy meat sounds, and begin to see blood form around her face, &
warch grotesquely as her face peels off, seeing the roots growing inside of her.

Hopefully that was all interesting, & gives some insights into maybe some of the themes of Silent Hill f, meaning to the imagery, & some ways it may connect to Silent Hill.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
I've seen so many people get tripped up by the name "Red Pyramid Thing" being used for all the merch. Like a lot of people seem unaware that is what James called him in-dialogue in SH2 and it's a name that's been used in merch for a long time so I've seen so many people laughing at the name and making jokes about how they can't use the real name.

However what's even more amusing are the people who are aware of it then respond "actually he's never called Pyramid Head in the game, he was always Red Pyramid Thing originally"... which is also not true. He's called Pyramid Head when you examine his body at the end and in the item descriptions. Both names are used in Silent Hill 2 and in fact James wasn't saying "Red Pyramid Thing" as a name, it was a description of the creature, "that red pyramid thing".


Ban made permanent due to harassment of staff
May 27, 2020
How does Resident Evil 4 look more atmospheric than Silent Hill 2?

I guess that could change in future trailers (since this was an announcement), but my expectations aren't high.


Oct 28, 2017
I was wondering why we hadn't seen much Townfall secrets yet from the transmission, the guy in the video pretty much pointed out that there's some


Ban made permanent due to harassment of staff
May 27, 2020




This is something that needs to be shared around tbh:



"No, no, no, the remake is what the original was SUPPOSED to be! Team Silent was just too incompetent and held back to properly depict their creative intentions."

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020




This is something that needs to be shared around tbh:



"No, no, no, the remake is what the original was SUPPOSED to be! Team Silent was just too incompetent and held back to properly depict their creative intentions."

Yeah, the takes in the remake thread about the expressions are beyond dumb. I'm convinced most of them have never played the original honestly


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Exhaustion from this SH2 Remake conversation aside for a moment, I want to touch on a comment from the Transmission:

Okamoto, I believe, indicated that the upcoming SH movie inspired them to push forward with new games- unless in my buzzed state I misunderstood.

Dusk indicated way back in January of 2020 that Konami had been accepting pitches for new SH games dating back to 2018, with some of these new projects starting at least pre-production in 2019.
Now, it's entirely possible that Konami/Columbia Pictures/Davis Films/whoever had decided to make a new SH that far back, but… man, that's an impressive potential 5 year gap between deciding to bring the series back via film and start of production of Gans' film for Feb. 2023. 😅

Also, on the topic of Return to Silent Hill, I'm curious as hell who they will cast. I feel like after the disaster that was the last cinematic attempt (Revelations), they'll want to make a splash with this one. And despite Silent Hill (2006)'s problems, I felt the overall cast was pretty damn good.
All I ask- please… PLEASE no Marky Mark as James.


Oct 27, 2017
People responding to Ito are going to drive that man off a cliff. But I did see this fun interaction from someone excited to see more.



It's got to be excruciatingly annoying to be working on something and have a ton of people actively criticizing it, often directly to you in a way that they could not before, even as you're actively doing the work. The man is a saint.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
Exhaustion from this SH2 Remake conversation aside for a moment, I want to touch on a comment from the Transmission:

Okamoto, I believe, indicated that the upcoming SH movie inspired them to push forward with new games- unless in my buzzed state I misunderstood.

Dusk indicated way back in January of 2020 that Konami had been accepting pitches for new SH games dating back to 2018, with some of these new projects starting at least pre-production in 2019.
Now, it's entirely possible that Konami/Columbia Pictures/Davis Films/whoever had decided to make a new SH that far back, but… man, that's an impressive potential 5 year gap between deciding to bring the series back via film and start of production of Gans' film for Feb. 2023. 😅

Also, on the topic of Return to Silent Hill, I'm curious as hell who they will cast. I feel like after the disaster that was the last cinematic attempt (Revelations), they'll want to make a splash with this one. And despite Silent Hill (2006)'s problems, I felt the overall cast was pretty damn good.
All I ask- please… PLEASE no Marky Mark as James.
He also said that it had been three years since they approached Ito to work on SH2R, which is presumably after they agreed to Bloober Team's pitch. So that lines up with pre-production starting in 2019. Does indeed seem that these have been brewing in the background for awhile.

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
Exhaustion from this SH2 Remake conversation aside for a moment, I want to touch on a comment from the Transmission:

Okamoto, I believe, indicated that the upcoming SH movie inspired them to push forward with new games- unless in my buzzed state I misunderstood.

Dusk indicated way back in January of 2020 that Konami had been accepting pitches for new SH games dating back to 2018, with some of these new projects starting at least pre-production in 2019.
Now, it's entirely possible that Konami/Columbia Pictures/Davis Films/whoever had decided to make a new SH that far back, but… man, that's an impressive potential 5 year gap between deciding to bring the series back via film and start of production of Gans' film for Feb. 2023. 😅

Also, on the topic of Return to Silent Hill, I'm curious as hell who they will cast. I feel like after the disaster that was the last cinematic attempt (Revelations), they'll want to make a splash with this one. And despite Silent Hill (2006)'s problems, I felt the overall cast was pretty damn good.
All I ask- please… PLEASE no Marky Mark as James.
Gans has said in his own interviews the Silent Hill reboot started before he approached Konami for the reboot, the film revival & the idea to revive the series were separate & he just came to them at the right time for his film to become part of their plans. He said that in the interview from a couple months ago, not the one at the start of this month.

Konami approached multiple studios to greenlight two projects (a soft reboot & an episodic narrative focused game, though obviously in the end they greenlit a bit more) in the summer of 2018, & development started in 2019. Gans wrote his movie script in 2020 & pitched it to Konami then.

I do think its a bit clear the idea to the Silent Hill Revival grew in size & expanded its scope, & they greenlit more than they originally intended to, and this became bigger than the original plan. I think that's what they mean in the Transmission.


Oct 28, 2017
Gans has said in his own interviews the Silent Hill reboot started before he approached Konami for the reboot, the film revival & the idea to revive the series were separate & he just came to them at the right time for his film to become part of their plans. He said that in the interview from a couple months ago, not the one at the start of this month.

Konami approached multiple studios to greenlight two projects (a soft reboot & an episodic narrative focused game, though obviously in the end they greenlit a bit more) in the summer of 2018, & development started in 2019. Gans wrote his movie script in 2020 & pitched it to Konami then.

I do think its a bit clear the idea to the Silent Hill Revival grew in size & expanded its scope, & they greenlit more than they originally intended to, and this became bigger than the original plan. I think that's what they mean in the Transmission.

The full quote is from the video is

"Christopher Gans, who directed the first film, said he would direct again. We received a fantastic film concept and script and we though, "This is going to be a great film!". However, part of me wondered whether it was enough just to make a new film. We wanted to bring back the game series as well, so since then, together with Mr. Okamoto, we have been on the road to revive the games".

Which is quite clear, unless there's a mistranslation or Rui Naito and Okamoto were not involved until the movie came along. Or that is just a narrative they are pushing, which would be weird, unless they meant that just the movie version of Silent Hill 2 was not enough, but they wanted to do the remake too. They also mention in the video that they receive pitches for Silent Hill all the time. So something is clearly not matching there.