
Sep 4, 2022
Ya, that was a better trailer than the others. The main protagonist doesnt look bad anymore.

Already pre ordered at 30 bucks so worth it already


Oct 25, 2017

nailed it
Next-level nitpicking


Oct 28, 2017
Next-level nitpicking
Especially since we haven't actually seen how that plays out. I think the flashlight is meant to reveal the dress but the only footage of that scene all currently appear to have an abrupt edit right after James picks up the flashlight? At least all the footage I've seen definitely has an edit.


Oct 25, 2017
Needs a screenshot of the original lol. I know the open car door was a point of discussion but what else?

Also they really fucking fixed the scene where James looks in the mirror, I'd love a comparison of that too.

I really just posted it because of the door. But this is the scene in the original





Mar 26, 2024
I don't even know what to say every single trailer and thing released from bloober since reveal except that "combat" trailer has made the game look way better each time, literally this is how 10 years ago I would've imagined an remake of this game, I can't believe it


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
This really looks fantastic.
Admittedly I've been a blind optimist since announcement, so my opinion is likely pretty biased, but the footage I'm seeing is stunning.
The atmosphere seems perfect.

I won't be returning to Silent Hill until Friday evening, October 11th, but I am very, very ready!


Jul 27, 2018
Bloober has doomed this remake because of the flashlight

The failure of Konami smh


Oct 27, 2017
Not a fan of the character models, but everything else looks not bad. Cautiously optimistic.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Especially since we haven't actually seen how that plays out. I think the flashlight is meant to reveal the dress but the only footage of that scene all currently appear to have an abrupt edit right after James picks up the flashlight? At least all the footage I've seen definitely has an edit.

This is 100% it.
Undoubtedly James will take the flashlight and shine the light in front of him, revealing the dress.
It's a good visual move, IMO.
Sep 23, 2018
Has anyone seen any good deals on Preorder for PS5?
I've only seen Amazon UK doing it for £55, which I still might bite at once I get a £10 voucher via Ms Rewards next in a few weeks.


Oct 26, 2019
I think it looks pretty good, but is it me, or is the voice acting in the jail cell scene fall pretty flat? I'm talking mainly about the voice actress. Especially with the way she says "Remember that time in the hotel?" and "I'm not your Mary." There's just a lack of emotion. I don't know if lack of emotion is the point, but Maria in the original played with James's feelings by sounding warm and like Mary. Then at the end when she says "I'm not your Mary", her tone of voice changes slightly. It was super effective.


Dec 29, 2017

Oh no, How will the game recover after this artistic travesty
Honestly, it feels like a lot of people are on a crusade to prove that the original Silent Hill 2 is better. And it probably is. But, hot damn. Some people are taking hair-splitting to new levels.

The funny thing is if this were done the opposite way, I can imagine SH2 fans going - " Look how ubsubtle Bloober is by forcing you to stare at the dress when picking up the flashlight instead of it being discovered organically as part of the environmental story telling."

Not to mention we dont know how it plays out.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, positive on everything in the story trailer except for the Maria performance. The point of that scene isn't just for Maria to spout things only Mary and James would know but Maria is also supposed to say those things like Mary would and act like Mary. Then she delivers the line "Well I'm not your Mary" in an unsettling fashion. It's what makes that scene work. I genuinely think it's the best scene in the game and one of my favorites in a game.

In the remake she seems to sit still in a awkward more Maria-like pose and she just drones her dialogue at you in an almost monotone way. She doesn't act like Mary. There's no menace when she says "Well I'm not your Mary". I really hope they're not done with this scene.


Oct 25, 2017
Feels weird to say this on a videogame enthusiast forum, but I honestly don't care what hardcore fans of SH2 feel about this game haha. I care about what normies think, and hope it's going to be a good game in its own right. Trailers are looking great, so I'm feeling optimistic!


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
Feels weird to say this on a videogame enthusiast forum, but I honestly don't care what hardcore fans of SH2 feel about this game haha. I care about what normies think, and hope it's going to be a good game in its own right. Trailers are looking great, so I'm feeling optimistic!

Ever since this game was announced there's been a pretty open contempt for fans of the original game as 'haters' or 'stuck in the past' or whatever type of thing. So that's not weird of a thing to say in this context at all


Dec 11, 2017
I don't know what the hell was up with that story trailers music choice but that wasn't it.

Outside of that what will make or break this game for me is feel of gameplay/animations. Atmosphere and visuals are on point.


Oct 28, 2017
The game was not finished months ago. 🙃

"Hey the model has changed"
"Congratulations on discovering framing and lighting because that's the same model fam."
"Here's a list to the changes to the model"
"The game was not finished months ago."


The point is that Bloober Team is clearly listening to the common complaints and are willing to adjust them up until the last minute, no matter how small they seem, which is good.


The Three Eyed Raven
Oct 27, 2017
The hell did I see? Is that rain? the hell Bloober is doing destroying the series in all aspects? It is supposed to rain only in the other part of the town where Downpour happens and we all know how a paraiah that game was. It's like adding more ingredient to a dish till you make it toxic. This game has no single sign that shows it is going behave well. Oh boy, I hope the receptions won't be this harsh from the fans.
Joke post?


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Looks pretty darn faithful, tbh I am impressed. Great performances so far. Only thing is everything looks a bit flat to me, I can't put my finger on why though.
bruh who cares it's a remake
To be fair, with it being a remake there are probably going to be more people who care than for any other game. Every scene or part of a game when you're remaking it could be someone's favorite part that they have a lot of memories associated with.


Oct 27, 2017
Damn, I was excited for this game the moment they announced it but this trailer was great! And I may be in the minority, but I like Maria's voice/delivery. It almost reminded me of how a psychopath or a demon might taunt someone. Eddie was great and Laura too! I hope this does really well critically and commercially so we may get to see a modern remake of Silent Hill 1 and 3.
Jan 11, 2018
It looks really good. I'd be interested in seeing a behind the scenes look and interviews with the development team on how they've handled feedback etc during the game's development.


Oct 26, 2017
Tbh an actual flashlight in complete dark would look like the right image.
Yes, but Silent Hill shouldn't be beholden to realism. The original gives off an impression of an otherworldly glow, like Mary's an angel, and then it turns out to just be a flashlight. But if they want to be realistic there are ways to compose the scene so the dress is visible: have the flashlight buried more in the dress so the dress itself is illuminating the scene, have the flashlight on the floor in front of the dress pointing at the ceiling, turn down the brightness a smidge so you might think Mary is standing there, have the light shine on the dress when you pick it up.

Especially since we haven't actually seen how that plays out. I think the flashlight is meant to reveal the dress but the only footage of that scene all currently appear to have an abrupt edit right after James picks up the flashlight? At least all the footage I've seen definitely has an edit.
The footage shows James turning on the flashlight for the first time pointed at a monster and the text "Collected: flashlight" comes up. They definitely didn't edit out a scene of James looking at the dress.


Oct 25, 2017
Ever since this game was announced there's been a pretty open contempt for fans of the original game as 'haters' or 'stuck in the past' or whatever type of thing. So that's not weird of a thing to say in this context at all

Yeah, to each their own! I've just got no interest in analytical comparisons on this at all. Same way I approached RE2-RE4 remakes: just approaching them as modern titles that can do whatever they want with the source. All I care about is if it's a decent game on its own.


Sep 12, 2020
While I'll agree that this is the best trailer they've put out so far, it's still not doing it for me. The old voice actors and animation were much more uncanny valley that it just added to the bizarre world of silent hill. The "I'm not your Mary" line just feels a lot more flat than the original.


Oct 26, 2017
This has been completely under my radar after the initial reveal, but holy moly does this look great?! Colour me very surprised and now can't wait to pick it up


Oct 28, 2017
Ever since this game was announced there's been a pretty open contempt for fans of the original game as 'haters' or 'stuck in the past' or whatever type of thing. So that's not weird of a thing to say in this context at all

I'm a huge fan of the original and don't think I've felt any wrath. That being said I would also tend to agree that people who complain about contextless prerelease shot compositions not being perfectly aligned might be 'stuck in the past'.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
I'm a huge fan of the original and don't think I've felt any wrath. That being said I would also tend to agree that people who complain about contextless prerelease shot compositions not being perfectly aligned might be 'stuck in the past'.

Nah, there's definitely been that tone around this game and any fans of the original whether we want to pretend there was or not. Not saying some fans weren't doing the usual dumb stuff, but there was a lot of 'I have decided this game will be good and everyone who is skeptical is just a hater.' A lot of people decided this game was going to be good from the jump and hitched hard for it.

And it seems like it is going to to turn out pretty well based on what we're seeing and hearing, but there was nothing wrong with being skeptical based on the poor track record of the developer and some pretty questionable showings of the game before this. Especially since gamers are infamous for latching onto the new and shiny and thinking anything old should be turn to the dustbin of time


Jul 31, 2024
I have quite positive feeling about this remake quality. Not day 1 purchase for me, but will buy for my PS5 because of the exclusivity.