Do you think Chief's story should end with Infinite?

  • Yes

    Votes: 147 28.9%
  • No

    Votes: 173 34.0%
  • I think Halo is a pretty cool guy

    Votes: 189 37.1%

  • Total voters


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I'm open to the idea of Master Chief taking less of a role in the franchise but that really depends on their ability to introduce new protagonists that can carry it on after him.


Oct 27, 2017
Gonna have to disagree. Halo is much larger than just one single character.

He always had characterization, 343i simply took the next logical step to impliment it in-game.

There is nothing logical about what they did.
Chief in Bungies games were totally different and much better imo. One of the most known iconic characters in gaming history. There is a reason why millions fell in love with 117.

Do you think Chief would have been a gaming icon and as known as he was in 1-3 halos if his first appearance was in 4 and 5? Nope. Not even close.

They made him into a talkative bitch with much drama it could fit into a soap opera.

If they are gonna continue this path I would rather seeing him retire so they can explore other areas in Halo. Such as their own creation Spartan Locke and his * Osiris team *
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Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
No, not unless they can find someone equally as iconic/interesting to throw in there (which they won't be able too).


Oct 27, 2017
They should Rick Grimes him. Spartans never die, and all that.

Although thinking about it, that's exactly what they did at the end of Halo 3 before doing Reach.

Flame Lord

Oct 26, 2017
I actually wouldn't mind it at this point. If they were to replace him I think the best way to do so would be with a similar character. I feel like I notice people feeling pretty positive about The Rookie or Noble 6, two characters who are mostly silent. It wasn't until they tried to introduce characters who have their helmets off half the time and are constantly talking that there was a backlash. Hell, I honestly don't like 343's Chief too much because they went way overboard with trying to humanize him.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I personally hope not because Halo 5 didn't give me a full Chief campaign. Also it just wouldn't be the same.

However if they were to replace him, it better be Jerome from Red Team.


Mokuzai Studio
Oct 28, 2017
San Antonio, TX
Should? I don't know. But if they decided to write him out somehow, it wouldn't feel wrong.

I definitely want this to be the end of Cortana, but I want to see a meaningful exit for her.


Jun 9, 2018
Chief in the Bungie games was pretty stoic, but he definitely had a personality. Yelling "boo!" at the Grunt in Halo 2, putting his hand on the scared marine's shoulder in Halo 1, the whole Halo 2 intro where he talks with Johnson, etc. The books flesh him out a lot, but even in the games he was FAR from an emotionless robot.

I think part of his character is the tragic notion that some of his humanity was taken from him so that he could serve a higher purpose. You can have him struggle with it, but I don't think he needs to have a "well-earned retirement" like Solid Snake for example. The guy has a sense of duty and self sacrifice.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Depends on how big and crazy 343 is aiming to be. I wouldn't mind if its done in a satisfactory manner.

But that would also mean the end of Halo so... I just want a very good game for now.

Navidson REC

Oct 31, 2017
To me Downes is Chief so I feel like Chief should retire when Downes does. I know he doesn't talk much (more so in the 343 games, which I don't mind at all), but the voice is still super iconic IMO.

Until then though, I'd love to see him stay the star of mainline games (although an even split as in Halo 2 would be fine by me too, especially if it's the Arbiter or an equally interesting character again; but don't do the weird 90/10 or so split that Halo 5 did again, ugh), but with interesting spin-offs focused on other characters.
ODST and Reach did this really well IMO.


Oct 27, 2017
I still think Reach has the best campaign, and that (essentially) doesn't have the Chief in.

He could be replaced by a good ensemble cast, but Osiris ain't it. Maybe if Locke does a Poochie, Buck takes over, and the Rookie comes back?


Oct 27, 2017
I'm open to the idea of Master Chief taking less of a role in the franchise but that really depends on their ability to introduce new protagonists that can carry it on after him.
Lots of people vote 'yes' on this kind of thing but when 343 introduces a different protagonist the internet revolts.
Its like replacing Super Mario at this point. He means so much while saying and doing so little personality wise. I don't understand why he needs replacing.


Dec 13, 2017
I think as long as there is a narrative reason for keeping him in the fight then I think its totally fine. To be frank though, I really don't think the Halo series exists without the Master Chief, since he is that iconic and essential to the IP. It would be like continuing The God of War series without Kratos, (in my eyes that is).


Nov 2, 2017
Is Infinite definitely a conclusion to 4 and 5 or is it a "soft reboot"...I always assumed the latter... but perhaps I've missed something?
Oct 25, 2017
He exists to be a player insert character. The half hearted attempts to give him emotions about his computer girlfriend were not very well received and hardly quality as a character arc. There's no point in ending his almost nothing story. People enjoy inhabiting him. Let him keep doing his job.


Nov 26, 2017
No...not yet.

They kinda tried already and failed. Palmer from H4 and Locke from H5 were bad attempts at introducing new replacements for him. The only new character that I personally liked was Lasky and he's not even a Spartan.
Dec 25, 2018
It needs to be the end of Cortana's, she had a decent send-off in 4, but 5 kinda undid it. Game could have maybe instead focused on Chief having a character arc of moving on and reconnecting with Blue Team (also allowing for better opportunity to better introduce them to players unfamiliar with the extended lore).


Oct 25, 2017
To a lot of people, Master Chief is Halo and vice versa. If it was any different, then 343i wouldn't have made this announcement:

343i Acknowledges Halo 5 Storytelling Mistake, Will Double Down on Master Chief Focus

Like Frankie said in the article, people have become attached to him over the last fifteen 17 1/2 years. It's not going to be easy to get rid of him and I doubt they are even considering it for Halo: Infinite or getting rid of him in general. Unfortunately, Steve Downed will also not be arround forever, so that will be an other very sad day.

Anyways, the Halo Universe has so much to offer and I'm sure there are many stories left to be told that don't involve the Master Chief. They just have to explore other options and see what works and what doesn't, which will probably be a pretty hard task. Personally, I would like to see crazy things like them going all the way back to the Forerunner vs. Ancient Humanity vs. Flood timeline and see what they can do with that setting. Just one of the many examples out there.

Is Infinite definitely a conclusion to 4 and 5 or is it a "soft reboot"...I always assumed the latter... but perhaps I've missed something?

We don't know if it's a conclusion, but it's definitely a sequel that takes place after Halo 5. That has been confirmed.


Nov 27, 2018
No, I think there are more stories you can tell with that character. I do think there should be more spin offs though. I think reach's campaign proves that you can tell a compelling story that doesn't revolve around master chief (IMO).


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
No, they need to keep Cheif, but if love to see more big budget side games like ODST and Halo Wars with campaigns that focus on other parts of the lore and settings with the main games more spaced out so it's a real event. Although the wait for infinite feels real long, and I actually loved the MP in five.


Oct 25, 2017
No, I think there are more stories you can tell with that character. I do think there should be more spin offs though. I think reach's campaign proves that you can tell a compelling story that doesn't revolve around master chief (IMO).
No, they need to keep Cheif, but if love to see more big budget side games like ODST and Halo Wars with campaigns that focus on other parts of the lore and settings with the main games more spaced out so it's a real event. Although the wait for infinite feels real long, and I actually loved the MP in five.

I kinda hope that at least one of the new acquired Xbox Game Studios will be tasked with such a project in the future.


Nov 27, 2018
Dang you beat me to saying practically the same thing lol.

Oct 27, 2017
Why? This is like people asking for future Metroid games that don't star Samus. Play a different series if you want that


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
To a lot of people, Master Chief is Halo and vice versa. If it was any different, then 343i wouldn't have made this announcement:

343i Acknowledges Halo 5 Storytelling Mistake, Will Double Down on Master Chief Focus

Like Frankie said in the article, people have become attached to him over the last fifteen 17 1/2 years. It's not going to be easy to get rid of him and I doubt they are even considering it for Halo: Infinite or getting rid of him in general. Unfortunately, Steve Downed will also not be arround forever, so that will be an other very sad day.

Anyways, the Halo Universe has so much to offer and I'm sure there are many stories left to be told that don't involve the Master Chief. They just have to explore other options and see what works and what doesn't, which will probably be a pretty hard task. Personally, I would like to see crazy things like them going all the way back to the Forerunner vs. Ancient Humanity vs. Flood timeline and see what they can do with that setting. Just one of the many examples out there.

We don't know if it's a conclusion, but it's definitely a sequel that takes place after Halo 5. That has been confirmed.

Honestly I don't think the issue was taking the focus off the master chief in halo 5. The issue is that the new characters were really boring and generic and the overall story was godawful. No one gives a shit about Locke but it would have been pretty damn cool to do some sniping missions with linda or some stealth missions with kelly or something like that.

Also I might be alone in this but I really liked the Halo 2 arbiter missions


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Why? This is like people asking for future Metroid games that don't star Samus. Play a different series if you want that

Exactly my thoughts. And I wish future Halo games were just chief alone on a planet. Fuck continuity.

343 has bigger story problems than chief anyway. Remember that time when ancient humans who looked like native Indians had a war with the Forerunnners who then devolved us into neanderthals?

Shit makes me shiver like the memory of something stupid I did when I was drunk. Really hope the Infinite is a soft reboot.


Oct 25, 2017
Might as well be asking if the next Metroid game should be the end of Samus's "story", or some similar comparison. The obvious answer is no.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
No, I think there are more stories you can tell with that character. I do think there should be more spin offs though. I think reach's campaign proves that you can tell a compelling story that doesn't revolve around master chief (IMO).

Basically this, we wouldn't have to have this discussion if there was a better way to expand Halo beyond being an fps. I think the fact that it is an fps people feel at home with Chief and he is the best option in that setting.

If Halo could be an rpg, or literally any other type of genre then that would give 343 more tools to branch out the story and explore something else. I don't know why this hasn't really happened yet other than Halo Wars.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
Too late for that

Master Chief is literally the face of the Xbox brand. He's like Mario and Zelda (do people still call Link, Zelda?). He's never going away