
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah on PC I just rebound the speed up key to an unused controller key in steam's controller settings so I didn't have to pause, same with the Auto battle.

Oh, that's a great tip. So, as I understand it, with the keyboard bindings you don't need to pause to manage game speed, but with a controller you do. So then you bind the F-keys to the controller instead. I'll definitely be getting on Steam version then.


Oct 25, 2017
They're two of the best rpgs ever made so you can't really go wrong with either but if you must choose you should pick IX.

I enjoyed the story in both although IX is definitely more coherent and understandable with tighter writing, VIII has more elements of mystery and piecing things together as you play which is fun as well.

For characters IX wins easily, it has one of the broadest and most detailed casts in the genre. Even side characters get plenty of attention with ATE's.
VIII is much more focused on a small number of main characters who dictate everything in the story and it often feels like some of the other party members are just along for the ride.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Oh, that's a great tip. So, as I understand it, with the keyboard bindings you don't need to pause to manage game speed? Then I'll definitely be getting on Steam.

Yeah, it's like F1 -F4 I wanna say, and you aren't required to pause to use them if done that way. So I bound F1 (the speed up) to the L3 and auto battle to R3. There's a couple other functions that were basically just cheats so didn't bind them.

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
I'd choose both. With VIII the way it portrays the story can be a bit frustrating and needs multiple playthroughs to really 'get' some of the deeper layers to it. The twist in the game is handled rather poorly but isn't as bad as some people claim it is. IX is a much more simpler game and has the more concise story and the supporting cast is handled far better than VIII's. If you can only get one for now, get IX but please try and get both because both are worth it.

I try to separate my bias in this case since I vastly prefer VIII in almost every aspect.

As a safe option when it comes to writing I think you'll prefer IX to VIII. VIII has a great story and cast but the game is heavily reliant on players interest in exploring and interacting with the world and NPC's. The game even has scene differences depending on choices made earlier that offer more information and background to characters. It's got a massive focus on making the system, world and story connect together so while the main story still makes sense on it's own it doesn't always come across fully without that level of interaction outside it.

IX DOES have it's moments of bad writing(I would say most FF games do) but the majority of the game isn't overly complex or nonsensical so it definitely is easier for people to find more coherent than VIII.

When it comes to battle systems IX is as traditional as you get. Armor/weapon system, leveling makes you stronger and grinding is a thing if you want to overpower fights. VIII is more unique in that enemies scale to your parties average level and magic is acquired by drawing from enemies or refining items into spells. There isn't a traditional armour system but instead spells link to character stats and boost them similar to equipping armor. Same with elemental and debuff protections.

I do think you should eventually try both but right now I understand it's down to wanting only one at the moment so if anything here interests you grab what you think sounds best.

By the way, I don't know if soundtracks are important to you when it comes to a new game but if it is you should definitely listen to a few tracks from both and see which style you like more. They both are very different. We could also link some here if you don't want to search in fear of spoilers.

Edit: Also for a recommedation play Tactics Ogre 👀

Great post Wazzy
Oct 25, 2017
They're both phenomenal.

VIII is better if you want a more experimental approach to gameplay and story. IX is better if you want a highly polished, traditional approach to storytelling and gameplay.


Oct 25, 2017
Just platted FF9 recently it held up as my personal favorite. A lot of the things people criticize about it like Eiko and Amarant being weak characters didn't hold true for me although I fully expected that to be the case. But both of them have full character arcs and make transformations of their own but admittingly they're not like the most complex arcs. That said after dipping into 15 again I'd take a full party of amarants and eiko's over the trash that, that game was regarding it's characters(that game is just full of tell don't show and has basically no character arcs, I'm making my way through gladi dlc and it's laughable). Actually we had that game and it's called FF4 where kind of all characters aren't as fleshed out as Cecil.

I have no idea about FF8 though I'm musing about getting that myself.
Oct 25, 2017
A lot of people are gonna drag 8, but don't dismiss it OP. Yes, it has glaring issues, but it also has a really cool world, stunning OST, cool characters and a flawed but still interesting battle system. Story is also ridiculous, but I thought it was a fun ride of a plot.

That said, 9 is a gem.


Oct 27, 2017
Both games are amazing in my opinion, among the best JRPGs to date.

As others have said, which game is considered better depends on personal taste.
The most obvious difference is that FF9 is more traditional in both gameplay and story. Medieval feeling, traditional magic, airships etc. It hits a good balance between not taking itself too seriously and actual good drama. I enjoyed the light-heartedness and the humor a lot in this one.
FF8 plays it less safe with its modern day setting story that can come across as more convoluted and inconsistent (or on the other hand it could also be seen as more interesting or enthralling). Core gameplay is similar but has more unique quirks to it. The tone is a bit more serious, and all in all the game is just a great and moving experience.


Dec 6, 2018
The only debate against 9 if your other option was 6.
9 is the most final fantasy of final fantasies


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Both. But IX is better if you have to choose


Mar 13, 2018
Having played none, I'd jump at 9 if I ever saw it at that price on the switch.
Though it's because I associate Final Fantasy with the colorful fantasy of the earlier games.


Feb 13, 2019
I feel like they are asking a lot of money for a port, even at 50% (13$ CAD), but since they are the only FF i didn't do, there's nothing i can change.

Im looking for the one with the best story amd characters. I know nothing about the games beside 8 have a gunblade and 9 looks like chibi characters.

9, best FF from the PSone era.
Oct 27, 2017
FF8 is the bolder and more daring game and is somewhat divisive for that reason.

FF9 is safe and unambitious but probably the more approachable of the two.

Get FF8.


Oct 25, 2017
8 is my favorite. I've played them all since FF1 came out. It's got a messy yet satisfying system you can exploit.

9 is my least favorite. It was created to appeal to old FF fans that wanted more of the same at a time when they were buried by better games.
Nov 4, 2017
HEY GUYS!! Remember how we were all raised in the same orphanage but then forgot because guardian forces erase your memory, a thing nobody mentioned before or warned us about? And how we never showed any signs of knowing each other before we even started using guardian forces?

Definitely get FFIX.

Shin Kojima

Oct 27, 2017
I got the platinum on FFVIII the other day and I enjoyed it immensely.
I enjoy it for other things than the story though, which I'll admit is pretty bad.

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
HEY GUYS!! Remember how we were all raised in the same orphanage but then forgot because guardian forces erase your memory, a thing nobody mentioned before or warned us about? And how we never showed any signs of knowing each other before we even started using guardian forces?

The game mentions this several times before the reveal, and the computer at your desk at the start of the game implies that you've been using GFs before the events of the game which is why none of the Balamb SeeD recognise each other. The only SeeD who didn't use GFs prior to joining the party is Irvine who coincidentally is the one who reminds everyone about the orphanage. The twist is far from pulled off well but let's not pretend that the game doesn't give you a single hint about it prior to it happening, because it does.
Last edited:
Nov 4, 2017
The game mentions this several times before the reveal, and the computer at your desk at the start of the game implies that you've been using GFs before the events of the game which is why none of the Balamb SeeD recognise each other. The only SeeD who didn't use GFs prior to joining the party is Irvine who coincidentally is the one who reminds everyone about the orphanage. The twist is far from pulled off well but let's not pretend that the game doesn't give you a single hint about it prior to it happening, because it does.
I was under the impression that the opening of the game was their first use of guardian forces. I recall being completely blindsided by the revelation when I played it 20 years ago, but I'll keep a look out for the telegraphing when I get around to playing it on Switch.
FFVIII is still a lot of fun and very much worth playing, despite its flaws. I feel like FFIX is easier to recommend to a newcomer, where as FFVIII is easier to love if you already love FF weirdness.

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
I was under the impression that the opening of the game was their first use of guardian forces. I recall being completely blindsided by the revelation when I played it 20 years ago, but I'll keep a look out for the telegraphing when I get around to playing it on Switch.
FFVIII is still a lot of fun and very much worth playing, despite its flaws. I feel like FFIX is easier to recommend to a newcomer, where as FFVIII is easier to love if you already love FF weirdness.

VIII's story hides a lot of subtley to it that requires you to explore, talk to a lot of NPCs and piece stuff together yourself which can be annoying when its not clear that you need to do that. For example one of the early misseable hints at GFs erasing memories is an NPC in Balamb Garden who tells you that it's basically propaganda and to not listen to it.

There are aspects of the twist that are just really poorly done (like no one recognizing each other even a little and Irvine not saying anything despite knowing) but the game does drop a couple of hints should you go out to look for them. Whether or not that's a good way of storytelling is a whole other discussion lol


Oct 28, 2017
FF9 is basically a loveletter to classic FF. It's great. Has great music, great themes, great characters. Battles are slow though


May 25, 2018
If you must pick one only, FFIX no question. FFVIII is still worth playing and you should go back to it in the future.
I like 8 better than 9 but you can't go wrong with either. Also the soundtrack to 8 is simply a masterpiece.
VIII is better if you want a more experimental approach to gameplay and story. IX is better if you want a highly polished, traditional approach to storytelling and gameplay.
FFVIII is still a lot of fun and very much worth playing, despite its flaws. I feel like FFIX is easier to recommend to a newcomer, where as FFVIII is easier to love if you already love FF weirdness.

This exactly. FFIX is an amazing game and a very easy jumping point. FFVIII is an amazing game too if you're already a FF nerd and if you don't mind spending HOURS in the menu getting your strategy on point. Junctioning is a big part of the fun, but I feel like it's only fun if you've already nailed other FFs and if you're into experimental RPG stuff.


Nov 1, 2017
I'd say get 9.

8 has a story full of ridiculous plotholes and very unappealing characters. It can be entertaining and original with its systems but it's still very weak overall.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm so thankful FF9 was my first entry into the FF world. It was the most charming FF experience.

+1 for FF9.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
Love FFVIII but FFIX is undoubtedly one of the best FF games. It's a steal at 50% off if you've never played it.

Deleted member 7883

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I try to separate my bias in this case since I vastly prefer VIII in almost every aspect.

As a safe option when it comes to writing I think you'll prefer IX to VIII. VIII has a great story and cast but the game is heavily reliant on players interest in exploring and interacting with the world and NPC's. The game even has scene differences depending on choices made earlier that offer more information and background to characters. It's got a massive focus on making the system, world and story connect together so while the main story still makes sense on it's own it doesn't always come across fully without that level of interaction outside it.

IX DOES have it's moments of bad writing(I would say most FF games do) but the majority of the game isn't overly complex or nonsensical so it definitely is easier for people to find more coherent than VIII.

When it comes to battle systems IX is as traditional as you get. Armor/weapon system, leveling makes you stronger and grinding is a thing if you want to overpower fights. VIII is more unique in that enemies scale to your parties average level and magic is acquired by drawing from enemies or refining items into spells. There isn't a traditional armour system but instead spells link to character stats and boost them similar to equipping armor. Same with elemental and debuff protections.

I do think you should eventually try both but right now I understand it's down to wanting only one at the moment so if anything here interests you grab what you think sounds best.

By the way, I don't know if soundtracks are important to you when it comes to a new game but if it is you should definitely listen to a few tracks from both and see which style you like more. They both are very different. We could also link some here if you don't want to search in fear of spoilers.

Edit: Also for a recommedation play Tactics Ogre 👀
This is the post you should be listening to!

Deleted member 47076

User requested account closure
Aug 25, 2018
I found VIII to have higher highs and lower lows. IX is more mediocre.

So I'd recommend VIII if you want something interesting and less safe.
May 1, 2018
Both are great games. I prefer 8 personally, but most seem to prefer 9 out of the two. I like 8's story and characters more, plus it has the greatest FF mini-game of all time with Triple Triad. Tetra Master in 9 is a regression on it instead of an evolution. For gameplay, it's preference. Many hate the Draw and Junction systems of 8. Still, I would suggest playing both. If you can only get one, get 8.


Oct 28, 2017
Both are great and worth your money imo. IX is the best game in the series tho if you really need to choose one.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like with the QoL features a lot of the problems of 8 and 9 are fixed.

They still can't fix the story issues in both games but both games have better stories than FFXV...

personally speaking I think I still prefer 8 over 9 even though it's got a lot of nonsense.


Feb 22, 2019
8 is my favorite game of all time. 9 is still an amazing game and imho very close to 8 and 7. All of those 3 games are probably in my all time top 10.

The only thing I still don't understand is why 8 is polarizing and some people have genuine strong opinions about it. Most of them are extremely harsh and condescending and think that the game is garbage. I have asked before and never got an answer why.

My advice is to get both. I love both and I think PS1 era Final Fantasy are top tier moments in gaming we will never see again and I am eternally grateful that I had the privilege of playing those game in 199X when they came out.


Oct 25, 2017
9 is easily the better of the two FF games mentioned.

Better story, characters, and combat system.

Get both eventually.


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
I think FFIX has better gameplay, but I like everything more in FFVIII. It has some of the best cinematics and music.


Oct 27, 2017
both deserve to be played. unless you're dying tomorrow play FVIII and then IX whenever you can afford it (release order puts the games into perspective)

whatever game is 'better' doesnt matter imo


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Ok i just woke up and i guess i should really play FF8 too

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
I prefer IX to VIII, but it's by an extremely thin margin. You'll find a solid number of people who think the plot & characters of VIII are "bad", but they never offer any reasons other than surface-level analysis or memes as justification. Not only is it one of the strongest FF entries in the series, it has a spectacular offering of interesting locations, gorgeous cities, varying biomes, and plot-driven moments that you'll wish you could witness with your own eyes after having played the game. It's a wild, imaginative game with a soundtrack that absolutely requires a nice pair of headphones to experience the glory.

Again, I prefer and suggest IX ... just don't sleep on VIII. It's phenomenal.