Doomguy Fieri

Nov 3, 2017
This person could be the most annoying, entitled, whiny, demanding asshole in the history of the world. She's also generated BILLIONS WITH A B for your company. If she called me up and said give me an extra Disney pass, I'd be delivering it myself dressed like Aladdin. I'd deliver 10 in case any other friends dropped by, and I'd make sure whoever was managing the park that day was always within earshot in case there was a drink order. There is no level of aggravation a person could put on me that would outweigh the value of them printing over $2 billion dollars in revenue.

Whoever lost their temper with her, that's a fireable offense IMO.


Oct 27, 2017
If anyone ever uttered the phrase to me "Don't you have enough?" in pretty much any context I can imagine, they would get a load of shit from me, no question. You don't talk like that to ANYBODY.


Oct 25, 2017
Lower level Disney employees get passes. From the few people I know, it seems Disney hands them out pretty freely to employees.

Shonda helped earn Disney over 2 billion dollars, and she knows it and Disney knows it. Asking for Disneyland passes is in no way a "diva request".

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
I thought this was supposed to be a woke site. This thread is embarrassing and it's scary how easily some of you just ignored the blatant racism and attacked Shonda for "not just buying the ticket".

Honestly getting so tired of having to explain over and over and over again that racism is a thing.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought this was supposed to be a woke site. This thread is embarrassing and it's scary how easily some of you just ignored the blatant racism and attacked Shonda for "not just buying the ticket".

Honestly getting so tired of having to explain over and over and over again that racism is a thing.

I think Disney being involved is no coincidence


Oct 25, 2017
I thought this was supposed to be a woke site. This thread is embarrassing and it's scary how easily some of you just ignored the blatant racism and attacked Shonda for "not just buying the ticket".

Honestly getting so tired of having to explain over and over and over again that racism is a thing.
Also no one reads the article before posting

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
I think Disney being involved is no coincidence
In what way? Not too familiar with how this site treats Disney as I'm not terribly interested in what they do these days.

Also no one reads the article before posting
While this is also true, You could tell this was a racial issue just by reading the OP. I'm sure quite a few people knew right away that this wasn't about not being able to afford the ticket.


Oct 25, 2017
You have to love all the people being dense for the sake of it. This is not about the money is about being a woman of color in a white rich environment they will not respect you..


Oct 25, 2017
I thought this was supposed to be a woke site. This thread is embarrassing and it's scary how easily some of you just ignored the blatant racism and attacked Shonda for "not just buying the ticket".

Honestly getting so tired of having to explain over and over and over again that racism is a thing.
Yeah, I assumed from the jump they were giving her more hassle than most folk would probably get about the ticket and it's no surprise. It's a bummer that folks don't try to see the other angles to this stuff.

Deleted member 3542

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Both sides are stupid here. Shonda can pay for one person at Disneyland like I pay for a candy bar, but Disneyland let's people in all the time for free (ask any cast member who can just sign a person in on a whim, I've went numerous times for free until all my friends got fired).
Oct 31, 2017
"don't you have enough?"

Remember black people, if you ever make it in any industry and command a fair market value, there will always, always be resentment.


You people are ridiculous if a manager at your job said "don't you have enough". You would be pissed.

I wish someone would tell me not to use my employee discount because I make enough money and I'd only be saving $20 or some shit...
Oct 31, 2017
Both sides are stupid here. Shonda can pay for one person at Disneyland like I pay for a candy bar, but Disneyland let's people in all the time for free (ask any cast member who can just sign a person in on a whim, I've went numerous times for free until all my friends got fired).
why would Shonda pay for a pass that they give out for free?

that was a dumbass take, honestly


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Some of y''all in here.

She made Disney billions. She does a lot of shows with incredibly diverse casts, showing minorities in roles that would normally have never been given to them. There are a ton of problems in Hollywood and she worked really hard to fight those issues. And people here are really going to be like, "wahhh but I only make 30k a year so she should have to pay." Are you fucking kidding me?

Them giving her so much shit over a pass to the park is absurd. She deserves it.

This is akin to being one the the best backroom stockers at Best Buy and having a 10% employee discount and the manager giving you shit when you try to use it to buy a coke during your break.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
Both sides are stupid here. Shonda can pay for one person at Disneyland like I pay for a candy bar, but Disneyland let's people in all the time for free (ask any cast member who can just sign a person in on a whim, I've went numerous times for free until all my friends got fired).
What if everyone was getting a candy bar for free but you were denied because of the color of your skin. Yeah, you can still pay for one, but would you? And would you feel respected in that scenario?


Oct 25, 2017
In what way? Not too familiar with how this site treats Disney as I'm not terribly interested in what they do these days.

While this is also true, You could tell this was a racial issue just by reading the OP. I'm sure quite a few people knew right away that this wasn't about not being able to afford the ticket.
While true but i feel like the ticket thing even if its dickish is such a distraction from the point that she generally didn't feel respected by Disney and had to fight for everything and the ticket was just one of many instances but we keep focusing on the fucking ticket like she gave up money just over this
Oct 27, 2017
Some of y''all in here.

She made Disney billions. She does a lot of shows with incredibly diverse casts, showing minorities in roles that would normally have never been given to them. There are a ton of problems in Hollywood and she worked really hard to fight those issues. And people here are really going to be like, "wahhh but I only make 30k a year so she should have to pay." Are you fucking kidding me?

Them giving her so much shit over a pass to the park is absurd. She deserves it.

This is akin to being one the the best backroom stockers at Best Buy and having a 10% employee discount and the manager giving you shit when you try to use it to buy a coke during your break.
On Era, I've noticed that all sense of intersectional awareness flies out the fucking window, when they find out the victim in a situation makes more money than them.

What should be a straight forward thread on how wealth stratification can not free WoC (especially Black women) from racial/sexist bias, devolves into "Fuck that rich lady too! My take is so smart!"

Edit: Post DIRECTLY above mine. Case and fucking point.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
you can't buy your own pass? man rich people are fucking weird.
It's almost as if being treated differently due to your skin color brings about a certain reaction.

Do people here really have no idea what it feels like to be treated differently? To be treated with a lack of respect? You can't even empathize with it?


user requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
On Era, I've noticed that all sense of intersectional awareness flies out the fucking window, when they find out the victim in a situation makes more money than them.

What should be a straight forward thread on how wealth stratification can not free WoC (especially Black women) from racial/sexist bias, devolves into "Fuck that rich lady too! My take is so smart!"

Edit: Post DIRECTLY above mine. Case and fucking point.
Performative wokeness from a lot of people here.

Deleted member 5086

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
People defending the exec or both sidesing this, you're at best being a useful idiot to racist misogynists. You're also defending a multi billion dollar corporation over a Black woman who has made them billions, yet is getting shit that a white man in the same situation would never have to face. Think about the bigger picture here.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
People saying why not just buy the ticket are pretty funny. I sort of doubt her family was stuck waiting at the ticket counter while she argued with some executive. Odds are they just bought a ticket and then later Rhimes called whoever she usually talked to about this stuff to ask what was up, was blown off for the last time, so she got the wheels in motion to jump ship. This is not "diva behavior"

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
Someone has to be killed before too many see racism is any situation
Honestly, I'm starting to just think people see it and don't care. This isn't even one of those cases where you have to dig a little to find the racism, it was pretty obvious to me from the OP and I think most knew and dismissed it because she's rich.

Having money doesn't mean you should have to deal with racism.


Oct 25, 2017
On Era, I've noticed that all sense of intersectional awareness flies out the fucking window, when they find out the victim in a situation makes more money than them.

What should be a straight forward thread on how wealth stratification can not free WoC (especially Black women) from racial/sexist bias, devolves into "Fuck that rich lady too! My take is so smart!"

Edit: Post DIRECTLY above mine. Case and fucking point.
I don't think that is an ERA thing. In general it is hard to have sympathy for rich people complaining when in reality these kind of issues are always about the relationship. I am guessing neither side gives two fucks about the free pass to disneyland its about respect. That is true of most jobs.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
you can't buy your own pass? man rich people are fucking weird.

Either everybody who works for Disney gets passes or nobody gets passes. It's not fair that everybody gets passes easy but she had to fight to get them then they didn't work. Shonda, a black woman who put ABC back on the map, deserved more respect than what she was given.


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
On the surface, it seems stupid and petty, but I, oddly enough, totally get where she's coming from. It's not about the ticket, or the cost of the ticket. It seems like a case of perpetual instances of disrespect, in which this tiny thing was the tipping point.

I think all of us have, at some point, worked for a company that didn't value or respect us, despite all of the hard work and effort we put into said company. It's demoralizing and exhausting. I have a rule for myself that the moment I loathe coming into the office, is when I start looking for a new job. No job should make you hate getting up in the morning, and no company should make you feel that way. Doesn't matter what the job is.

She's made them millions upon millions of dollars, and they can't spare a few free Disney tickets for her and her family? It's not like it's a case of "Well, if I give you one, then I'll have to give everyone one!" She was an employee, she actively contributed to their financial growth with her work, and in a pretty significant way, I think it's fair to get some perks here and there. Yes, she's already paid well, but that's not the point.

Besides, I think the Disney ticket thing was just the final straw, as silly as that may seem. I've definitely quit companies over a build up of issues that compounded and boiled over. It's a privilege to be able to walk away from a job, for sure, but sometimes you've just had enough, and are like "Fuck this." It's also very, very common for black people to be undervalued and underappreciated at their jobs. Even someone like Shonda Rhimes. And often, we're expected to just take everything on the chin and be "grateful" that we even "have a job," while others in the company receive preferential treatment, or get promotions, or opportunities for career advancement. I've seen this with my own eyes, as well as accounts from other people of color (but in particular Black people, Mexican people, and women as well). To be honest, there is almost always a not so subtle reminder for people of color in this country that no matter how high you may ascend on the success ladder, there is still a ceiling.

I'm pretty sure if Bob Iger showed up to the park with 20 of his family, they'd let them through the gates no sweat. But again, it's not the Disney incident that was the source of her frustration and disenfranchisement with ABC.


so I suppose she never got invited to Club 33 too

Dude, I got in to Club 33. ME. So Shonda better have gotten in lol
Last edited:


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
A black woman busts her ass in the upper echelons for one of the biggest media corporations ever and can't even get the same perks as the lower level employees. And this is okay for some of y'all?

Everyone casting her in a bad light ain't shit, and you don't deserve us.
Sep 14, 2018
Idk how anyone can read the actual thr article where the info came from and come away thinking that Shonda is "just as bad" "both sides" "diva" "wasting the exec's time" etc. Like... talk about completely missing the point.

It was about how she was being treated.
But by early 2017, her reps were back in discussions with the company about a new multiyear deal. They'd already made a hefty ask of her longtime home and were waiting as the TV group's then leadership prolonged the process, with one briefly tenured ABC executive determined to drive down the price tag on their most valuable creator. Meanwhile, Rhimes was growing creatively restless. "I felt like I was dying," she says now of the unforgiving pace and constraints of network TV. "Like I'd been pushing the same ball up the same hill in the exact same way for a really long time."

She knew her breaking point would come, but what it would be she never could have predicted.
Am I crazy? Is reading more than a title not a thing anymore?

I suggest people watch the speech she gave that the article talks about. You might learn something who knows.
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Oct 25, 2017
I do agree but it's hard to find sympathy for someone for whom $154 is literally minutes of work. I make $500 a week.

If they offered to other people what they denied to her, that's another story
Minutes? Try milliseconds. In the time it's taken me to write this post she's made more than a lot of folx do in a month 😭

With that said--fuck Disney. Should've given her all the free passes she wanted.


Oct 25, 2017

Free passes AND free food at the one restaurant in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride with the bomb clam chowder.
Eating that clam chowder while watching Fantasmic multiple times thru different visits each time with dear friends is one of my favorite memories at their parks. And as I said earlier in the thread being dicked around like that after making my employer $2 billion. I'd be mad too.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
This shouldn't need to be said but apparently does: money doesn't make racism and bigotry go away. Being rich, even billionaire rich, is not a vaccine against racism and bigotry. Rich people can be subject to bigotry. White supremacy, and bigotry in general, doesn't care if you have money.


Oct 25, 2017
This shouldn't need to be said but apparently does: money doesn't make racism and bigotry go away. Being rich, even billionaire rich, is not a vaccine against racism and bigotry. Rich people can be subject to bigotry. White supremacy, and bigotry in general, doesn't care if you have money.
Tell that to the socialist OT. It's why i left.


Oct 27, 2017
People are both sidesing this shit hard.

Yes, out of context, it seems dumb. With the ample amount of context provided, Disney is clearly the only piece of shit in this story across all levels.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
A little more texture to the story from the Hollywood Reporter article linked in the OP.
After some unwanted back-and-forth — "We never do this," she was told more than once — Rhimes was issued an additional pass. But when her daughters arrived in Anaheim, only one of the passes worked. Rhimes lobbed a call to a high-ranking executive at the company. Surely, he would get this sorted.

Instead, the exec allegedly replied, "Don't you have enough?"
The situation was the nanny and Rhimes' sister were taking Rhimes' children to Disneyland. There were three children, so just having one adult caretaker wouldn't have been enough for the outing. Rhimes couldn't go; she was working.

Once the family field trippers got to the park - with the two passes that were given to Rhimes begrudgingly but were nevertheless supposed to and should've worked - they were denied entry.

On top of everything else, for the family to make the trek to Disneyland and have all that expectation for the day and go through the trouble of getting toddler twins ready and driving there, only to have the pass they were given fail, and then have an executive get snide over this legitimate grievance.... I feel the weight of that final straw. That would be beyond aggravating.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
I think people are misunderstanding. Rhimes had options. That's why she left. If she felt dealing the Mouse was not worth it the disrespect that's her pregorative. She not a normal employee. Way different calculus.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
I don't think that is an ERA thing. In general it is hard to have sympathy for rich people complaining when in reality these kind of issues are always about the relationship. I am guessing neither side gives two fucks about the free pass to disneyland its about respect. That is true of most jobs.

Idk if it's an ERA thing but it is particularly bad on here.

We literally had a thread not too long ago where a poster that was clearly going through a tough time said, "money doesn't make you happy."

And like the whole first page was like, "well, at least you're not poor!" Not a lick of sympathizing or empathy was displayed lol. People just made it about them.
Oct 28, 2017
Is it highlighted some of the other issues she had with Disney? The quote in the OP seems shallow and the article does little to expound on it. (unless I'm missing it)


Oct 25, 2017
Is it highlighted some of the other issues she had with Disney? The quote in the OP seems shallow and the article does little to expound on it. (unless I'm missing it)
Best to read the original THR piece it covers the required context.

Shonda Rhimes Is Ready to “Own Her S***”: The Game-Changing Showrunner on Leaving ABC, “Culture Shock” at Netflix and Overcoming Her Fears

Three years into her groundbreaking deal and with her first projects finally arriving, the uber writer-producer talks about meeting her own high expectations and a newfound passion for her work: "Now I just want to enjoy this."