Oct 31, 2017

Police arrested the 21-year-old son of a sheriff's deputy in connection to fires at three historically black churches in one Louisiana Parish in just 10 days. CBS News has learned it was the suspect's father, Deputy Roy Matthews, who turned him in to authorities. The fires were devastating to the St. Landry Parish community.

Investigators arrested suspect Holden Matthews Wednesday evening. Matthews' social media shows he had an interest in black metal music and is the lead singer for a band called Vodka Vultures.

Records show Matthews lives in Saint Landry Parish, where the churches burned just a few miles apart. Police have not yet revealed a motive.

The churches were empty at the time of each fire and no one was hurt.

Earlier this week, the NAACP said the church burnings were "domestic terrorism," targeting people because of their skin color and faith.

Attacks on black churches have long been used as a way to intimidate the black community, most notably during the civil rights era. Though police in Saint Landry Parish have heightened security at nearby churches, parishioners have not stopped their Sunday worship and all the pastors say they will rebuild.

I'll give it to the deputy on this one; turning in your own son is some Bass Reeves shit.

These fucking white kids though.. 21 years old and throwing their lives away to be domestic terrorists like that's fucking cool? "I'm in a black metal band" fucking coward.

There's supposed to be a press conference later this morning, let's see what else they reveal
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Oct 27, 2017
Louisville, KY
I got the alert when they took him into custody. I didn't know the dad turned him in. Good on him for sure.

No words for an asshole that commits a hate crime. At least none that would be civil.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
So it wasn't lightning that took out these churches, like the excuse was in 2016? I'm shocked!

Props to the dad for turning his son in, I wouldn't be able to do it.
Elegant Weapon
Oct 31, 2017
I wonder how the dad found out.

Right but I figure most parents know when their kid ain't shit.

and some 21 year old burning down three different buildings, unless he had a secret lair or something; it couldn't have been that hard to find some evidence on his clothes

but he probably knew his son is a racist piece of shit that was gonna do some despicable acts
Official Staff Communication
Fixed the typo in the title.

thank you lol


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know... The dad turning him in to me sounds like he didn't want his son man handled in the arrest...


Oct 26, 2017
Good on a father. Unless of course he knew, and three was two too many lol.

If only fellow law enforcement officers would report/turn in their own shitty children, and co-workers.
Oct 25, 2017
So instead of just emulating the music of black metal bands, you emulate their crimes. Pretty sure acting like Varg Vikernes isn't going to get you anywhere other than prison. Especially when YOUR DAD IS A POLICE OFFICER!



Oct 27, 2017
Good on him turning his son in. I had a good friend of mine call me one night and let me know the burglary we were working at a store was done by his son. Son came home with stuff he had taken. When he heard the news report of the stuff missing from the break-in, he found it in his sons closet, and called me to report it.


Oct 25, 2017
Was it really necessary to put his musical interests in the article?

But this has been all over the news down here, surprised they got him.
Elegant Weapon
Oct 31, 2017
Where was he radicalized

for real though

people hear the words "white supremacists" and act like it's name calling instead of simple classification of terrorists and regressive oppressive policy makers/upholders

but way too many young white men are committing mass murders and other domestic terror acts like this one for our society to keep shrugging this shit off

I really hope they address this in the press conference and not pretend this kid is some lone wolf who arrived at the idea of firebombing black churches by himself


Oct 25, 2017
So instead of just emulating the music of black metal bands, you emulate their crimes. Pretty sure acting like Varg Vikernes isn't going to get you anywhere other than prison. Especially when YOUR DAD IS A POLICE OFFICER!

Fortunate I suppose that he was caught before he tried to kill someone.


Oct 25, 2017
Black metal has always had a fetish for burning churches, so it's entirely possible that this wasn't driven by racism.

That said, black metal also has a big problem with racism.
Oct 27, 2017
The crime will be portrayed as a lone wolf, with pagan beliefs. Very little time will be spent exploring neo-Nazi influences in neo-pagan beliefs. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the best reporting of this angle--so far--is Daily Beast


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The crime will be portrayed as a lone wolf, with pagan beliefs. Very little time will be spent exploring neo-Nazi influences in neo-pagan beliefs. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the best reporting of this angle--so far--is Daily Beast

An awful lot of lone wolves have exact same ideas and hang out in groups together


Oct 25, 2017
This is Louisiana, so it may be a high chance the father is the reason the son turned out this way.

Pretty fucked up thing to say. It's pretty prejudice to say because of where someone is from they must be racist, especially when this father clearly made a difficult (but correct) choice in turning his kid in. Most parents would not turn in their own kid for a crime, especially one as appalling as this that all but guarantees a lengthy time behind bars.

Racism is no doubt prevalent in areas like Louisiana, and the culture of it is far more likely the cause for the radicalization than his dad being a racist asshole when his dad did the difficult but right thing. Show some compassion to the father, instead of instantly jumping to the conclusion that "he must be racist too".
Oct 28, 2017
So instead of just emulating the music of black metal bands, you emulate their crimes. Pretty sure acting like Varg Vikernes isn't going to get you anywhere other than prison. Especially when YOUR DAD IS A POLICE OFFICER!


I've seen too many people on the on the internet claiming they just like Burzum for the music and don't care about Varg Vikernes' political views. Shit like this is why 'separate the art from the artist' is bullshit when you're talking about neo-nazis

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
Father's totally in the right. You know how refreshing it is to see a white person in power not try to protect their kids from the consequences of their crimes? Sometimes, if you love your children, you gotta say, "You did wrong and you can't act like nothing happened. You GOTTA PAY THE PRICE. YOU GOTTA REAP WHAT YOU SOW. I love you and that's why I can't let you off the hook."

So many people of power crawling over themselves to get their dumbass kids outta jail (Matt Gaetz, the affluent teen,...) and coddle their shit children, and they become monsters because of it (they've learned they could do anything and never fear the consequences of their actions). Fuck them!

Black metal has always had a fetish for burning churches, so it's entirely possible that this wasn't driven by racism.

That said, black metal also has a big problem with racism.
Your last bit hit the nail on the head, yo!


Nov 14, 2017
for real though

people hear the words "white supremacists" and act like it's name calling instead of simple classification of terrorists and regressive oppressive policy makers/upholders

but way too many young white men are committing mass murders and other domestic terror acts like this one for our society to keep shrugging this shit off

I really hope they address this in the press conference and not pretend this kid is some lone wolf who arrived at the idea of firebombing black churches by himself

But Candace Owens said we have nothing to fear from White Nationalism.
Nov 9, 2017
Black metal has always had a fetish for burning churches, so it's entirely possible that this wasn't driven by racism.

That said, black metal also has a big problem with racism.

One of my favorite songs by Of Montreal has a line about this. I also knew a loser who was into black metal who talked about some crazy murderer who burned down churches. This guy was probably racist too though.

I spent the winter on the verge of a total breakdown
While living in Norway
I felt the darkness of the black metal bands
But being such fawn of a man
I didn't burn down any old churches
Just slept way too much, just slept


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Nov 17, 2017