
Oct 25, 2017
Are you a fan yourself that can relate?

I kind of get the impression, from posts like this, that there's people imagining that Shenmue fans are expecting an astounding game that will smash technical barriers, being as far ahead of the industry in 2019 as Shenmue was in 1999, and that literally anything would be a disappointment.

There aren't really many Shenmue fans who think that the series is going to become massively popular or that it will set new standards and revolutionise the industry. My own expectation, and that of almost every other Shenmue fan that I've seen write about their expectations for Shenmue III, is for something that carries on the Shenmue storyline and hits most of the same gameplay beats of the first two games. Like, I'm nearly happy just to be able to write the words "the first two games" rather than "the two games".
I haven't played the previous games and am just going by the hype the announcement created. If the fan expectations are like the above post then I am wrong.

To be honest I wasn't thinking fan expectations was for the game to be revolutionary or set new standards but just qol improvements, better controls, gameplay improvements etc... I feel like the money they got through Kickstarter is not huge and I am not sure how big of a team they have.


Oct 27, 2017
Game will sell fine worldwide. Ppl seem to forget that Tencent is publishing it in China and its competing with none of those games. Also ppl buy multiple games during the holidays.


Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta, GA
November is a bad month to sell this trying to get a new audience at that time will no low thus sales won't be great. Diehards is not enough for this game to be successful. Some of y'all are a little too optimistic for a niche game against full blockbusters coming that month and I'm a diehard fan

Kage Maru

Oct 27, 2017
I'm fine with the delay, I want them to take their time with this game. However I'm now concerned about this getting overlooked in the holiday months.


Dec 2, 2017
To be honest I wasn't thinking fan expectations was for the game to be revolutionary or set new standards but just qol improvements, better controls, gameplay improvements etc... I feel like the money they got through Kickstarter is not huge and I am not sure how big of a team they have.
About 45 people at Ys Net proper according to a slide from a Deep Silver presentation. Doesn't include partner studios like Neilo (headed by former head programmer of Shenmue and AM2 alumni), or art outsourcing companies like Lakshya Digital that are assisting to build the 500+ strong NPC cast.

Shenmue III won't be the old games in a new graphics engine. New controls, revised and refurbished gameplay, QoL improvements, and a 50/50 split between new and old ideas.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Would be fine with him delaying it for a year to get as much polish necessary.

However it's going to get lost with Death Stranding, Gears 5, Starwars in Nov.

Delay untill mid 2020 Yu, mi boogie.


Oct 27, 2017
Sadly any heat this game had has evaporated

Plus November release? Wow the story writes itself. They may as well delay it to feb/march 2020

November is the death knell for that sort of game.

Virtua King

Dec 29, 2017
Fine by me. I wasn't going to have time to play it in August/September, and there's nothing coming out in the Fall that I care about.


Oct 27, 2017
Game will sell fine worldwide. Ppl seem to forget that Tencent is publishing it in China and its competing with none of those games. Also ppl buy multiple games during the holidays.

Yeah games like Call of duty and whatever mega marketed AAA behemoth is out around then.

I guarantee you even the superfans on here will do the old "I'm going to wait on a sale on the game before purchasing it" when it comes near to release.

It sucks to say but this game has extreme price cut within a few weeks written all over it.


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't know about August, but that definitely feels way too soon. At least we know they won't just rush it out the door.

After all these years since Shenmue 2, i'm willing to wait as long as it takes for the game to be as good as it can be.


Dec 28, 2017
I always had a feeling they wouldn't make the August release date so it doesn't really come as a shock, but November is going to be a busy month.

Sumio Mondo

Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Welp. Another delay. If it makes the final product better then that's fine.

Here's hoping that's far enough away from Death Stranding and the Star Wars game taking all the potential sales.


Mar 25, 2019
They really shouldn't have announced August unless 110% sure but a few months more or less doesn't matter to me personally. Got it on lock since the Kickstarter anyways. Also, I think this kind of title have longer legs than most, building on word-of-mouth.


Oct 25, 2017
It's fine by me, but I really want this to be successful because I remember Yu saying this isn't the end of the series, which means they really need to be successful for us to get another installment.

Best of luck to the dev team. I know we are gonna get a great game.


Oct 27, 2017
Homie you do not know Shenmue superfans.

I'm one ;)

But we'll see. But we've seen this kind of story play out so many times and companies sadly never learn.

I know another delay would be costly but a 2020 release would at least give it less competition.

Oct/nov/Dec is the death walk for any game asking full price that is not advertised obscenely or has a MP hook.

Lets hope the Shenmue 1&2 release gives the game a boost again.


Oct 27, 2017
That's great and all, but there couldn't be a more crowded spot to launch in. Might be another delay to summer 2020 coming.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
I really wish they were making III a definitive conclusion to the franchise because it's unlikely we'll get anything after this.


Oct 30, 2017
Guys, don't worry about the game being "sent to die". The development has already been paid, remember? That's the point of Kickstarter.


Oct 27, 2017
I want the game to be as good as possible but this is the worst possible time for me... I'm moving to Japan in November and my $500 tier is being shipped to the UK...
Good news. fangamers will gladly switch your game region based on your new shipping address for free.

You will get an R2 disk and DLC for PlayStation and Steam keys tied to your new Steam account in Japan.


Jun 1, 2019
Competing against Death Stranding and Star Wars ?

Good luck.

what are the big releases for novermber this year?

death stranding
jedi fallen order
possibly pokemon
anything else?

I doubt Pokemon will have an impact since Shenmue III won't release on Switch (at least, on release). Death Stranding and Jedi Fallen Order will kill any possible momentum the game could have had though. I always thought Shenmue III would bomb, but the bomb could be even bigger than anticipated. Death Stranding alone will overshadow everything for months on PS4, except Star Wars. Kojima game + big PS4 exclusivity + huge Sony marketing push + TLOU2 delayed to give some room to the game + probably one of the best game ever made + metacritic score probably through the roof... Like I said, good luck to Shenmue III.

Only possible positive outcome I see is the game become a success on PC.


Dec 2, 2017
I know another delay would be costly but a 2020 release would at least give it less competition.

Oct/nov/Dec is the death walk for any game asking full price that is not advertised obscenely or has a MP hook.
This could change after next week but this November... doesn't seem that crowded? In the back half at least.

Like Q1 next year could be a fucking bloodbath by comparison if enough games start jockeying for that increasingly popular early year spot, and then people would be calling for it to be delayed again~

They're in the final stages, and they're not going to just sit on it indefinitely because other games are coming. I already saw people screaming for it to be moved from August because of Control and WoW Classic. You've got to pull the trigger eventually. If the game has decent enough word of mouth (previews so far have all been positive), then why can't it do okay? It's not like it's even competing in the same space as Death Stranding or the Star Wars game.


Oct 25, 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
Oof. That's a really, really bad release window considering everything else that's dropping around that time.

I'm hoping that Deep Silver lets them take all the time they need to polish, bug fix, and ensure as complete an experience as possible. I wouldn't mind another delay if it means we end up getting a sequel that is deserving of this franchise.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a big Shenmue fan but agree with this

Sticking Shenmue HD on PS Plus in December would be also a good plan to woo new buyers as sales must be low by now, but appreciate that may not be their call
That's actually not a bad idea. It goes on sale often, so it's probably not an unreasonable title to expect.


Oct 28, 2017
With a november release it will remain an obscure franchise forever. Then again, this is for the fans.