

Oct 27, 2017
I don't know what you do with a Shenmue 4.

If you conclude the series there, you're both limiting your reach to mostly the existing fanbase who kickstarted Shenmue 3 (and of those, some were turned off of the series by 3), as well as risking making a game that doesn't feel very "Shenmue" since the pace would have to be upped substantially, and all the charming dawdling you can do would feel less charming when the stakes are raised that much and that quickly.

If you revert back to the pace of 1 or 2 and otherwise carry on, you still have the "probably need to have played the other games" limitation and there's a good chance the series never finishes because it'll take forever.

If you try to advertise it as a the start of a new arc in Ryo's journey to be friendly to series newcomers, you risk annoying your core fanbase which is never a good PR move, and you still have to find a way to explain Lan Di et al to those people, and you're also committing to the narrative not being complete for another decade.

This is why there aren't many of these series with tons of necessary lore interconnected through decades of games, and those that do exist (Yakuza, Trails) have found ways to speed up their releases.

It's not a popular opinion, but low key, I would be interested in seeing what a Shenmue reboot would be like. I'm not saying turn it into Yakuza, but just modernise it a bit and clean up some of the stuff that was new and revolutionary back then, but hasn't aged so well today.

A retelling of the first two games in one with more modern mechanics would make a great entry point into the series I feel. The story is solid, and the anime proves that it can be retold effectively. I just wish it's something SEGA would explore.


Dec 4, 2017
Well, obviously, but it could be like a fun thing, like putting a loved one up there, etc. I would have thought it would have cost far more tbh.

These things usually come in packages, literally paid a company to advertise in their magazine this morning. Can't be for one time, has to be for 3 months or 12 months, so $40 for one time would be a crazy amount haha.

Guess the NYC Billboards probs just have a sentimental one time purchase for a clip, it's minimal effort and forgotten extremely quickly, so makes sense, just gotta make sure to grab a clip of it!


Oct 25, 2017
That's pretty cool.

From the many Shenmue threads I've read here (and in other places), most of the fandom seems to dislike the idea of a 4th game. I'm just wondering....is there anything that would make those particular fans change their minds? Or is there no chance of that based on how the 3rd entry turned out?

The issue with more sequels is one of budget (and Yu needing an editor). IIIs issue (well, primary issue, its got a lot of issues) was that it was pretty big in terms of areas, but pretty much a ghost town that nudged the plot along barely until that final 20 minutes. But the problem is, the second half of the games plot was the same as the first half (it really is), so when you start getting all this plot revelations, its mad rushed - Id say it "feels" rushed, but considering we know a third of the game was cut, and that cut was the final third, its easy to see said cuts.
While the game ends with some new revelations, they feel badly implemented and the issue with me (and others) is that a small kickstarter budget aint gonna give people the Shenmue sequel they want. I want something more like Shenmue II: 2, but that requires a budget.
Also III is terribly written, may be the worst written game Ive played with how many confusing plot holes and pointless moments there are... It seriously needed someone to look at the script, throw it in the bin, and start again.

At this point, Id more than welcome a story/book/encyclopedia on the series... we know Yu has a series of books outlining the game in its entirety (it was talked about in an interview last month), so honestly just translate and publish those... or even just release them in Japanese and let Switch on the Phantom Riverstone blog handle it (dude is a legend). That'd give most people closure. Wont be in the form of Shenmue's IV-VI but lets be realistic, that's not happening.

A retelling of the first two games in one with more modern mechanics would make a great entry point into the series I feel. The story is solid, and the anime proves that it can be retold effectively. I just wish it's something SEGA would explore.
Nope. It'll get Dead Space'd. It'll probably flop again, and then the series will continue to not be touched. At this point there's no point aiming for a remake, that's the worst thing to do. Sequel + material that wraps up the series or nothing at all. Im not interested in going back over parts that already exist just to absolutely watch them never get sequels again. Now THAT would be a waste of money.

is sega even interested in shenmue? pretty sure they rather make like a dragon spin off
Sega would want money. Shenmue sadly is money repelant lol. Meanwhile you have Yakuza 8 and even Gaiden doing well and we already know another Yakuza game is in the casting stages (at least for hostesses) so its clear that's where they'll continue to focus. And I dont blame them. Go with what makes you money.
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Oct 25, 2017
I think it's more of a shame the anime didn't continue. I feel like the story being finished in game format just isn't going to happen. Shenmue 3 just flubbed it too much when even people who love 1/2 like I do, couldn't even finish the game because it was so... mediocre.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm still not over how they handled the PC release. They burned a whole lot of goodwill by taking Epic's deal without considering how it would affect backers.

PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
If Suzuki puts out a graphic novel or something I think someone would just recreate them via mods to be unofficial sequels.


Oct 26, 2017
I definitely like Shenmue III, but seeing how little (to its detriment) Suzuki progressed Ryo's story in what was presumably a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity where he was taking money directly from fans and promising some amount of closure left me with frustration at his judgement. This will sound hyperbolic, but it honestly felt disrespectful. I think something like this billboard is just a waste of everyone's time and energy.

Akita One

Oct 30, 2017
Some of you guys are being super mean for no reason...holy moly...they spent $50 to put up an ad for fun...to judge them as if they were actually trying to get Sega's attention, or calling anything someone does for fun "a waste of money"...do some of you even know that some people like their games and also have happy lives...

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
I definitely like Shenmue III, but seeing how little (to its detriment) Suzuki progressed Ryo's story in what was presumably a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity where he was taking money directly from fans and promising some amount of closure left me with frustration at his judgement. I think this is a waste of everyone's time and energy.
I don't think he did promise a finale. He kept talking about the Legend of Akira book, which was the basis for Shenmue, and how it was this long saga, the story was in the middle of that outline, and not three games.


Oct 25, 2017
As soon as I heard about that I was baffled. You get this one shot to do a Shenmue again, to give people closure and then you do that? Just incomprehensible.
3 was never giving closure, that's expecting too much on the other end of the scale. Ryo couldnt land a hit on Xuiying at the end of II, there was literally 0% he'd take down Lan Di in III. They could certainly have focused more on his training and getting him in shape to fight him sure, but win? No chance. Also, story wise its really unlikely that Lan Di was end game in the story, considering he's only one of four general level villains, and there's at least one or two dudes above him... All that in one game would still be a mess,


Oct 28, 2017
I definitely like Shenmue III, but seeing how little (to its detriment) Suzuki progressed Ryo's story in what was presumably a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity where he was taking money directly from fans and promising some amount of closure left me with frustration at his judgement. This will sound hyperbolic, but it honestly felt disrespectful. I think something like this billboard is just a waste of everyone's time and energy.

100% agreed. The whole situation just feels incredibly selfish.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
3 was never giving closure, that's expecting too much on the other end of the scale. Ryo couldnt land a hit on Xuiying at the end of II, there was literally 0% he'd take down Lan Di in III. They could certainly have focused more on his training and getting him in shape to fight him sure, but win? No chance. Also, story wise its really unlikely that Lan Di was end game in the story, considering he's only one of four general level villains, and there's at least one or two dudes above him... All that in one game would still be a mess,
Yeah I'd probably make the CYM leader Tentei, secretly Yuanda Zhu, since he was leading Ryo from the start, has this secret network, and was even sending Zhang to keeps taps on Ryo in in 3, but we will probably never know.


Oct 25, 2017
The only people asking for Shenmue 4 at this point, are these guys. And they should be upset with 3 enough to not want to revive the game further IMO.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The unhinged Pikmin shitposts that got put up there are more my style
Jul 22, 2022
That's pretty cool.

From the many Shenmue threads I've read here (and in other places), most of the fandom seems to dislike the idea of a 4th game. I'm just wondering....is there anything that would make those particular fans change their minds? Or is there no chance of that based on how the 3rd entry turned out?
As a massive Shenmue fan, I think the only way I could get hyped for Shenmue 4 is Sega backing up the development big time. "Indie Shenmue" doesn't make the cut (at least, not in the way YS did Shenmue 3)


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I'd probably make the CYM leader Tentei, secretly Yuanda Zhu, since he was leading Ryo from the start, has this secret network, and was even sending Zhang to keeps taps on Ryo in in 3, but we will probably never know.
I still think Zhu is shifty. He's just... I dont know there's definitely something off about him. Plus its one of the things Yu's confirmed, that he's not being truthful/honest. Dude definitely has a bigger part to play.

The only people asking for Shenmue 4 at this point, are these guys. And they should be upset with 3 enough to not want to revive the game further IMO.
Ok, first off, that's false. Because I still want IV despite not being a big fan on how III handled plot (atmosphere is a different story). But your post is somewhat silly because what it boils down to is "no one should want IV because III wasnt good". Which is laughable when it comes to video game sequels. Imagine Capcom looking at critical response to RE6 and saying "gee this got mixed to bad reviews, lets never make RE7 because of it". Its silly, if one can make a better sequel, they should.

Heck, there's games (especially back in the day) that were mixed at best which still got several sequels despite their critical receptions, why is it seemingly only Shenmue that brings out posts like this? You dont see people going into Deadspace threads and saying "3 was shit, all of you should never want 4 because of it". Or "ME Andromeda was a mess, never ask for another one". Or "Yakuza Dead Souls killed the series over here, stop asking for games to be localised/made".


Oct 25, 2017
I definitely like Shenmue III, but seeing how little (to its detriment) Suzuki progressed Ryo's story in what was presumably a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity where he was taking money directly from fans and promising some amount of closure left me with frustration at his judgement. This will sound hyperbolic, but it honestly felt disrespectful. I think something like this billboard is just a waste of everyone's time and energy.

Not only it barely progressed, what was told was not good (on top of rewriting some major elements).

No big reveal and by the end of the game, you learn what you learned with Shenmue 2... Except Ryo sounds surprised.

Which makes things even more difficult for 4 and 5 (if they were to happen... Which I don't think so).

Not going to say Shenmue 4 shouldn't happen, since a lot of people want it. But yeah... I'm afraid the result might be even worse than 3.


Oct 28, 2017
I (like most) was disappointed with Shenmue III. I'd still buy the shit out of a Shenmue 4 though.

I think it is a complete lost cause at this point, way more than it was for 3 to get made,

Still, Shenmue Dojo team:


Charitable King
Oct 27, 2017
Shit is nuts.

But as long as they're spending their own disposable income and they're just having fun, there are worse atrocities in the world.


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
Since neither is capable of doing it on their own, I propose the following:

Have George R.R. Martin finish Shenmue.
Have Yu Suzuki finish ASoIaF.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think he did promise a finale. He kept talking about the Legend of Akira book, which was the basis for Shenmue, and how it was this long saga, the story was in the middle of that outline, and not three games.

I never saw anything re: promising a finale, but making a long-form game, you have control over how much you're able to progress it. You're the writer/director/planner. Given that it was an exceptional set of circumstances that even allowed Shenmue 3 to be made (and otherwise, a new game was long considered an impossibility), the idea that he chose to make minimal progression (I don't think that's overstating it) in that new part of the story is the problem. And the fundraising materials made tons of references to Shenmue being left unfinished as its "call to action," and that the new game was made in response to that.

Storytelling in general has myriad ways to convey the passage of time, or a wealth of experience taking place that's not shown laboriously. If Suzuki can only conceive of the Shenmue story in terms of having tons of game entries, then that's a problem in itself. If this only exists as a "treadmill" story and he doesn't have what I consider a "real" narrative, then I guess I was tricked pretty well.
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The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
I never saw anything re: promising a finale, but making a long-form game, you have control over how much you're able to progress it. You're the writer/director/planner. Given that it was an exceptional set of circumstances that even allowed Shenmue 3 to be made (and otherwise, a new game was long considered an impossibility), the idea that he chose to make minimal progression (I don't think that's overstating it) in that new part of the story is the problem. And the fundraising materials made tons of references to Shenmue being left unfinished as its "call to action," and that the new game was made in response to that.

Storytelling in general has myriad ways to convey the passage of time, or a wealth of experience taking place that's not shown laboriously. If Suzuki can only conceive of the Shenmue story in terms of having tons of game entries, then that's a problem in itself. If this only exists as a "treadmill" story and he doesn't have what I consider a "real" narrative, then I guess I was tricked pretty well.
You're free to believe it should have ended with 3 but I don't think you were "tricked" either when Suzuki expressed he imagined it as a grand saga across China and they only dipicted Hong Kong. There is a repeated poem in the first two games "The saga begins", "He shall appear from an Eastern Land across the sea" which is what happened. I think they contextualised it in-game that 3 wasn't meant to be the journey's end straight after.


Oct 26, 2017
You're free to believe it should have ended with 3 but I don't think you were "tricked" either when Suzuki expressed he imagined it as a grand saga across China and they only dipicted Hong Kong. There is a repeated poem in the first two games "The saga begins", "He shall appear from an Eastern Land across the sea" which was happened. I think they contextualised it in-game that 3 wasn't meant to be the journey's end straight after.

I'm gonna say this more simply for you because you keep talking past what I actually say: I'm not saying it should necessarily have been a finale or completed the story. I'm just saying not a ton happened, thematically or narratively, in Shenmue 3. And that's what I'm criticizing; A missed opportunity for seemingly no reason.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Always weird to see folks hating on a passionate fanbase for doing something other fanbases have already done. Playing with the silly Times Square screen has been used for a lot of sillier, more pointless video game nonsense than "we want another game."

Still, I really do wish the anime's second season wasn't cancelled by WB executive meddling. Would've been an easier way to finish the story than a game, and the second season had already started production before it and dozens of other projects were suddenly killed. The series really does feel like it's cursed or something.


Apr 1, 2023
Unless they can hand the fourth game off to a more competent developer? No thank you. The third game had some truly baffling decisions made that ruined it. All those years waiting, and I couldn't even be assed to finish it. Meanwhile, I can replay the first two every year, love it.