
Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017

Zipper made most of them, Slant-Six made one on console and one on PSP i believe. But they're both dead developers. Honestly, i'd love a SOCOM 2 remake from Bluepoint, just fix the movement a little bit to make it less clunky and more modern and i would play that shit every day.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The new term? The time was now with the weakened state of Xbox. Literally only Killzone and some VR stuff. No Resistance, no Socom, no Warhawk. No MAG sequel with the dawn of Battle Royals? Not even a freaking Killzone sequel. Tons of dormant MP focused franchises just left to rot.


Aug 27, 2018
It's 100% announcing games to early.

Let the devs cook in silence, give them the time they need to make sure they make the game they want to make and the polish is there. Just do that without announcing the game waaay before it's due to launch.

12-18 months is plenty of time to market a game.

Consistently leaving it 2 years+ is exhausting.

I disagree. If I am about to purchase a product for a few hundred euros, then I want to know what I will be using it for in the next 2-3 years. I don't mind waiting more than 12 months for a release, but I want to know that something is coming.

Announcing a game at an early stage also helps the studio to find and hire new developers. Which in turn helps to finish the game faster.


Oct 27, 2017
SOCOM could totally be that GAAS multiplayer hit that Sony has been craving. It's a third person tactical military shooter, so you could do the typical squad type matches, throw in a BR, single player campaign missions, etc. And tons of cosmetic skins and gear.

I have no idea why they ditched the franchise. It could be massive if they give it the proper treatment.

Rami Seb

Sep 28, 2018
A Bluepoint Socom remake would be fking fire. Sony could be sitting on their own Rainbow Six Siege assuming they can continue support it with content like Ubisoft has been with RS6


Aug 20, 2018
We need another attempt in trying to make PS All Stars work...

you have more 1st party characters and stronger pull with 3rd party this gen than last gen, sony....maybe 2nd time's a charm?


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 25, 2017
Here's hoping that means there are a lot of development resources going into TLoU II multiplayer. If they take the base combat, add more modes, and potentially do a battle royale thing, it could be huge.


Banned for use of alt account
Dec 22, 2018
Multiplayer to be a major focus next gen?

Socom would be a great move especially if it's like Counter Strike


Oct 25, 2017
We need another attempt in trying to make PS All Stars work...

you have more 1st party characters and stronger pull with 3rd party this gen than last gen, sony....maybe 2nd time's a charm?

Literally all they have to do is copy the damage build up + being able to knock opponents off screen from Smash and they'd be fine.

Only allowing kills by using specials was dumb and ruined any enjoyment the game might bring.


Oct 27, 2017
Sony is doing a great job with its development times and even games that took forever like The Last Guardian still turned out alright. The one developer I do think they need to put a tigher leash on is Polyphony Digital. Some may also disagree but they should really stop showing games they know are over a year out of release.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
Shawn Layden: "Multiplayer is important."

Also Shawn Layden: "It's your own fault if your game doesn't have crossplay approved."

How important is multiplayer, Shawn?


Nov 7, 2017
I freaking loved socom confrontration on ps3. Never really played the ps2 games (only for like an hour on x-link kai). Was never sure why it wasn't popular.

They really do need a hit multiplayer exclusive for ps5. They really have nothing on ps4 now that I think of it.

Like how can anyone watch that video and not think that's fun as hell? Makes me so nostalgic.

Sony, make Socom for Ps5!


Oct 25, 2017
if it aint broke...
3rd parties have multiplayer covered, but they got nothing on sony single player games.


Aug 20, 2018
It's so important to him, he will make more 1st part multiplayer games now.

Can't approve crossplay if all your multiplayer games are 1st party exclusives.


I just give you a reason to deny crossplay, Shawn. Get to it.
Last edited:

Kage Maru

Oct 27, 2017
They always say the right things with developer support while backing it up with great relationships and great games. They should be proud of where they are at with that.

Will be interesting to see what they do for MP games. Hopefully they put a focus on co-op games since that could fall closer in line with their narrative roots.


Oct 26, 2017
For crying outloud, people praise Sony for their SP game offerings. Please don't switch your focus towards online multiplayer, much less when you just said that you were going to focus on less games. I couldn't care less about online multiplayer... Fucking hell...


Oct 30, 2017
For crying outloud, people praise Sony for their SP game offerings. Please don't switch your focus towards online multiplayer, much less when you just said that you were going to focus on less games. I couldn't care less about online multiplayer... Fucking hell...

Doesn't have to be something big or interfere with the SinglePlayer Studios.

They have many IPs they can use for that.
Even the The Last of Us IP would work perfectly and the Studio/Part of Naughty Dog already exists.

Just as an Idea instead of having them focus on a Multiplayer Game added onto a SinglePlayer Game split the people doing the Multiplayer on for example
The Last of Us away from the "Single Player Side" and let them create a "F2P AAA BR The Last of Us Multiplayer Game".
The slower nature would work perfectly on consoles and would be pretty unique too so far.

Bring it on PC too and sell cosmetics.

Guarantee you with the hype from the SinglePlayer Game which will likely get a million GOTY Awards something like that could make them a lot of money if done right.


Oct 27, 2017
As long as it is additive and not a part of their current studios design mandate (the Mocap facility got their own team, MLB team has buffed up, and there's that new studio as well...) make new studios to focus on that stuff

Though this improves the odds of a PSABR successor

Deleted member 40133

User requested account closure
Feb 19, 2018
Multiplayer to be a major focus next gen?

Socom would be a great move especially if it's like Counter Strike
I was thinking about this, and they started/rebooted a crazy amount first party IPs. Bloodborne, Days Gone, God of War, HZD, Ghost of Tsushima, Ratchet and Clank just off the top of my head. And all of those are first in their series or new series. So no one will be like "Ugg, another one!". The second game is always what people are must hungry for, the most improved one (usually). They really could focus on multiplayer next gen because of the "headstart" they have. Now focus doesn't mean only multiplayer exclusives, but they are in that crazy ideal position where they can focus on it without real drawback


Aug 27, 2018

Arrowhead is working on a 3rd person online coop game. The article is published October 2018. Sony says they're going to have more focus on online, hmmmmmm......

Helldivers has also recently received new content, indicating that Arrowhead is still on Sony's payroll.
I think it's pretty likely that Sony is the publisher of their new game, which is also Arrowhead's biggest yet.


Oct 26, 2017
Why the hell people want more MP games? 3rd parties making more than enough high quality MP games

Because having a robust portfolio matters, even if you have your strengths in a particular area?

In a perfect world, every publisher would aim to have a lineup of IPs and games across different genres, styles that appeal to the as much of the Venn diagram as possible. It doesn't mean being a jack of all genres, because for example Ubisoft still has a bulk of their resources in third-person adventure open worlds, but Ubisoft lineup are also robust enough to have major titles in genres you don't associate with them like Siege, For Honor, etc.

The important thing is that one would hope Sony doesn't take away resources from their core SP teams or force MP modes onto studios that ain't about that life. But if say, they were taking what they used to budget for Quantic Dream and give it to a studio that can make a good MP game, I wouldn't mind it all that much.

Deleted member 40133

User requested account closure
Feb 19, 2018
Helldivers has also recently received new content, indicating that Arrowhead is still on Sony's payroll.
I think it's pretty likely that Sony is the publisher of their new game, which is also Arrowhead's biggest yet.

It got new content!? What did it get? Love that game

Edit: Sony tends to have very long lasting relationships with studios too
Feb 26, 2018
Because having a robust portfolio matters, even if you have your strengths in a particular area?

In a perfect world, every publisher would aim to have a lineup of IPs and games across different genres, styles that appeal to the as much of the Venn diagram as possible. It doesn't mean being a jack of all genres, because for example Ubisoft still has a bulk of their resources in third-person adventure open worlds, but Ubisoft lineup are also robust enough to have major titles in genres you don't associate with them like Siege, For Honor, etc.

The important thing is that one would hope Sony doesn't take away resources from their core SP teams or force MP modes onto studios that ain't about that life. But if say, they were taking what they used to budget for Quantic Dream and give it to a studio that can make a good MP game, I wouldn't mind it all that much.
But Sony is successful without lots of MP games. Why bother with competing with their own 3rd party partners who have much more experience in this field.
And its not like Sony doesnt have MP games at all.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd like to see a fighting game directly from them (again). Most of sony's other type of multiplayer games have tanked for whatever reason but I'd like to see them try that.


Oct 26, 2017
But Sony is successful without lots of MP games. Why bother with competing with their own 3rd party partners who have much more experience in this field.
And its not like Sony doesnt have MP games at all.

Let's give a general example.

Going into next-gen, Sony will be rotating between GoW/TLOU/Ghost/DG/Spidey/Cory or ND new IP/Horizon/etc across its generation.

That will be 8-9 major games under the open-world/wide-linear single player focused story-driven narrative adventure games. ( most likely )

And then there's stuff like Dreams/GT/MLB.

I think in those general broad lineup of IPs over a generation, if Sony adds 2-3 games that doesn't fall under the above umbrella, it would help to make their overall portfolio more robust.

It doesn't mean that those games are suddenly major high-frequency franchises or anything, but at least something where it's like a GT, where maybe we only see one or two releases a gen.