
Oct 25, 2017
So you think the game should get better scores than it deserves just because it's not the original team working on it?

Well that remains to be seen with this game. If anything the other 2 games should have received lower scores than they did but were given passes for a lot of stuff that I bet was criticized in this one. That's the trend the media takes with B teams. I still think Arkham Origins is the noticeably better game of the ps3/360 Arkham's, and that game was crushed by certain outlets.


Jan 15, 2018
Like ERA needed more fuel to trash Tomb Raider lol I'm still super excited and even more happy to see there's apparently even less combat on this one


Prophet of Truth
May 30, 2018
Now we're watching the meta score like it's a horse race. Just want to point out again how happy I am that Polygon got rid of review scores. I'm willing to bet a lot of the people in this thread glued to the Meta score haven't actually read a single review.

After reading one that spoiled a part of the game, ive stopped reading reviews


Oct 30, 2017
For those really wanting to know exactly what's mostly new or updated:

-More focus on platforming, exploration than prior games
-combat, when happening is the best it's been, more options
-puzzles are more elaborate then ever before
-new abilities with crafting like slowdown aiming, defense increase,etc
-new outfits that mix and match that give bonuses
- a few hub areas and side quests
-violet death scenes make a return
-hunting is back but now can find dead animals or pelts so hunting isn't so required anymore
-wall runninng/rappelling
-lots of underwater exploring

Otherwise everything else is standard Tomb Raider in style with new setting, story, set pieces, etc

Sounds really good to me. I was really indifferent about Rise but something tells me I'm going to enjoy this.


Oct 25, 2017
Great scores, especially after all the doom and gloom surrounding the game at E3.

Edit: Wait why is there such a big difference between the opencritic/MC scores?
Last edited:


Shinra Employee of The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
Opencritic should be in general the main source be imo. It combines them and doesnt have a weird multiplier for big sites. And sites should add reviews from youtubers. Like Easy Allies never gets taken into the score. Wich is also crazy.

Wait, I though Easy Allies was counted? They have some of the best reviews out there. Damn. Guess that mean ACG isn't either.

Also agreed, Opencritic compiles the reviews in a much better way.


Oct 27, 2017
Reviews are about in line with what I expected. Unfortunately this game will have to wait for me with all the other games releasing in this same fucking week.


Oct 26, 2017

Reading the review, I can't help but notice how much of their frustration with the game comes from them having imagined a survival RPG that mostly takes place in an open-world jungle, that Lara's support characters are non-white characters who reassure her conflicted feelings about what she's doing, that the game systems don't punish you for ignoring the crafting elements.

This seem more a [this isn't what I imagined] issue, combined with some sort of underlying hostility to the franchise as it is. It sounds like talking out of both sides of their mouth when they characterize the previous games as being so strong (as a posture point for the Shadow criticisms), but extend that to pontificate if it's "a sign that this version of Lara Croft might need to retire." It's set so closely to a previous comment that Lara in this series is a pale imitation of the original character ("She has gone from the wisecracking, enigmatic Lara of the original series to a whiny, bratty child") that the praise for the previous modern games comes across as hollow. I can't comment on the broader writing criticisms (which they repeatedly say it's incomprehensible, but don't expand). That may be closer to the heart of their issues, and would be fair if so.

from the review said:
The platforming and climbing is haphazard, with Lara often failing to register ledges or jumps for no apparent reason. The grapple rope in particular seems to initialize about 50% of the time, often leading to death.

This needs to be seen to be believed. I've watched enough player segments where this didn't seem to be so at all that I have to question it. And this much will be obvious (one way or another) as more data points come in.

I may feel differently with it in front of me, but I'm seeing adjacent complaints that are almost contradictory. A major contention is that there's little to do beside progress along a single path ("It's just a shame that at least during the mandatory parts of the story, there is very little to do save for progress along a single path"), but it's also wasteful that the many optional tombs are high quality ("It's strange that the only real standout moments are entirely optional"). If the core story sequences truly are poor and more restrictive than they've been in the past, I could understand. Conceptually though, having linear sequences for story beats alongside more open exploration than can reveal high quality puzzle-platforming tombs doesn't seem like something that would bother me about a game.

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Or just use the opencritic one. They have it all together.
Oh I do and the MC on PS4 will def catch up to OC score as well as they add more reviews, just thought it was funny how MS one was linked in the OP instead of PS4. That's all.

Anyway, it's sad to see this reception, but can't say I'm surprised. While I really loved TR2013 I felt like Rise wasn't as good as the first game (even tho they added a lot more) and everything I've seen of Shadow just reminds me of more of Rise.

Hopefully after Shadow, we can get a different TR. Even if they don't bring back the OG, I hope they do another reboot and go for a new style.


Oct 28, 2017
Decent reviews. This is a game where I'll wait for a PSN before buying, because these Tomb Raider games seem to go on sale quick. Plus with Spider-Man and Red Dead II next month, I won't have the time.


Oct 29, 2017
Here're some problems I have with OpenCritic (beside its questionable graphic design) - the aggregator has absurd leeway for its highest score tier - groaningly called "Mighty" - when reviews for games are already way too generously reviewed to begin with. It's fanboyism. It exists to say X title is as good as Y. And it weights all reviews identically? Cool, glad that a professional outlet or news periodical shares equal footing with Jimmy's YouTube Gamez.


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Looks like only her mouth is moving and the whole face stands still. Weird.

lmao this is so bad that it's actually good

hahaha! that is 2018's version of the Tidus laugh.

What is that laugh? It sounds like a person who never heard what a laugh sounds like...

...and a new meme was born.

oh my god i cant believe they put that into the game.

This is why its a shame things get posted without context. And then blows up for no reason. The game has lipsync issues but is fixed with the day one patch. As NXgamer said.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
okay i guess i'm not loving the fact that there's apparently a lot of underwater sections. just not a fan of coming up for air mechanic in games. hopefully they're generous with how much air she can hold in her lungs.