
Oct 29, 2017
TR2013's story if you mainline it is probably the shortest, I recently played it again with my brother. Played on his account and clocked at around 8.5 hours on normal.
I think Rise's main story is significantly longer (13-14h). Shadow felt like it was roughly between the two of them. I finished in 15h, but I have lots of side content (a few tombs included) left to do.


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
I was able to get to paititi in 5 hours or less with all the stuff in the last region, that i could do, done. peruvian was at 50% or 60% , dont remember. i think thats 3 tombs. i feel like i can finish this in 8 or so hours EASILY if i skip the optional tombs. Not like theres much combat for me to need all those skills. 2013 took me 20 plus hours for sure and i skipped a bit of the optional content. Rise, I quit around the 15 hour mark (very close to the end) and did next to no optional content.

And more than just the hours, i think the opening stuff is way too long for its own good. The game doesnt feel like its started till you get to yaku but 1 story mission later youre already closing in on the halfway point. And even then, not much seems to happen. Im just jumping from one puzzle based dungeon to the next.
Twenty hours is really long for TR13. Were you having trouble with the combat? It definitely felt to me like combat was in TR13 and Rise to pad the games out.


Nov 1, 2017
Raccoon City
Typing out something I wanted to type for some time and wanted to discuss with the people who have finished the game, but meanwhile, let us appreciate the legend that is this game's soundtrack....



Oct 26, 2017
Didn't play too much over the weekend due to the Blackout beta, but I managed to get to the first town hub and do the side quest. Gotta say - so far loving how little shooting there is. I think by this point in Rise the killcount was nearing triple digits or at least it felt like it. Much nicer focus on the tombs and exploration in this!


Nov 2, 2017
Hmmm, Season Pass is only £11 on the Turkish Xbox Store (it's £24.99 on the UK store) but I can't find anywhere that sells Turkish gift cards. They're sold out everywhere.

Yeah, trying to buy from the Turkish store is a logitistical nightmare. I looked into it a little while ago for Dead Cells, which was only less than half price, but there's just too many hoops to jump through — it used to be easier to buy from foreign stores but they closed some of the loopholes.

I am Turkish and even I can't find a place to buy outside of the TR Xbox Store. Gift cards are sold out everywhere for some reason.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm honestly super confused about why anyone would take any of the 'combat' perks early on - even if you're playing on a harder difficulty, the survivor (Blue) perks are better for sensing enemies, and stealth is still generous enough that you'd be better off going stealth kills, lures, and other such perks in the 'green' (forgot the branch name) tree.

Combat just isn't plentiful enough to justify going into the tree at all unless you really want one of the perks like the tri-lock-on arrow shot, and/or for trophy-related combat feats.

That being 52% or so (presumably farther in the main story, but not trying to clear out each area of collectibles), and aside from the lack of combat (which IMO does hurt the pacing a little), it's not been too bad.

The sidequests are pretty meh, but the main story is fun, and the VA is (at least at times ) putting more emphasis/variety into her vocal delivery.

Deleted member 43077

User requested account closure
May 9, 2018
finished the game yesterday and it was damn good.

wanna 100% but man...getting all the collectibles when I was getting the collectables is going to be a nightmare


Oct 25, 2017
Really impressed at the restraint this game is showing from a combat perspective. I'm over three hours in now (just finished the flashback/dream sequence), and I've still killed probably less than ten human enemies. That's crazy for an action adventure game in 2018. It's really refreshing to see a game that's confident letting exploration, puzzles, and the environment carry so much weight.


Writer at
Oct 28, 2017
I love the game because the exploration is fun. The game also looks phenomenal too, I rarely do that but had to take some screenshots while playing. There are performance issues though on base ps4 and lots of glitches

Deleted member 43077

User requested account closure
May 9, 2018
Really impressed at the restraint this game is showing from a combat perspective. I'm over three hours in now (just finished the flashback/dream sequence), and I've still killed probably less than ten human enemies. That's crazy for an action adventure game in 2018. It's really refreshing to see a game that's confident letting exploration, puzzles, and the environment carry so much weight.
trust me when you get into the late game you really notice that Tomb Raiding is the focus over any combat. There is probably like 3 or 4 bits that are forced full on combat with a couple sections where there is only like 6 enemies and you can kill em all in stealth or walk past it via stealth


Oct 25, 2017
So the map and collection numbers in this game are really wonky. Sometimes I see like, a relic on the map and it's out in the jungle somewhere and I don't know which path out of the city will take me there. Then sometimes the numbers don't add up. In this screenshot, you can see that I have 4/5 base camps found, yet I count six camps on the map in this region.



Nov 1, 2017
Raccoon City
I have made it very clear that I think Shadow of the Tomb Raider is one of the best games this year and undoubtedly the best Tomb Raider game out of all the TR's released so far.

However, like a lot of games it is not perfect in every aspect by any means. In most of those aspects, the game's "great", if not "amazing". But, the tone shift and arc structure and plot progression is not one of those aspects.

If you have not finished the game, DO NOT QUOTE THIS POST NOR CLICK THE SPOILER TAG BELOW!

I'm going to quote you because I'd love a discussion about this as I totally agree with you on some points:
I just finished the story, super confused.
At what point exactly did I "become the Tomb Raider"? If anything, I became a god, was sacrificed, yet I still survived without explanation and two days later I'm ready to make some quips and restore Patiti? The closure of the parents storyline was nice but how the hell did I survive the sacrifice? Am I imbued with god-like powers now?

The post credit scene was clearly supposed to be the "I'm Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" moment but that doesn't explain how the hell I survived what I just went through. Can anyone explain that bit?
It seemed a major development for her was supposed to be the moment when she grabbed the dagger and decided not to revive her parents with the power? I was really unclear on that part.
What does come across well is the obsession Lara has for finding these artifacts and stopping Trinity. Girl was a straight up psychopath in that scene at the oil refinery, which does actually seem fitting for Lara fucking Croft. But then she cried afterwards and it seemed diminished.

As for the story itself, I didn't care much. I never felt any sense of urgency, the calamities were reduced to a couple of forced running segments (did the vulcano even erupt?) and I didn't understand what they meant by "restoring the sun" until I saw the eclipse in the final scene. The villain felt weak, and Trinity turning out to come from just Paititi felt disappointing. I thought they were gonna be some global power that seeks ancient artifacts. Ah well.

Overall I greatly enjoyed my time with it. It's the strongest of the reboot trilogy to me, and might even find a spot among my Top 3 Tomb Raider games.

That 1 thing ruined the entire game for me.

Again, overall I think this is one of the best games this year and best TR game in general but I agree with you guys on the points you have brought up and especially that whole "Become the Tomb Raider" premise. Here are my overall thoughts on the game's two weakest points.


Regarding the tone shift, my issues with it I think are perfectly summarized in this post:
The opening of the game perfectly established the tone and stakes. The "apocalypse set in motion". The dichotomy between Lara and the villain where her reckless actions cause these disasters to start and he's trying to stop them. The tsunami setting the tone for the harsh situations Lara's going to face here and with the other disasters to come. A real pressing sense of urgency, complete with a ticking clock laid out in mural form. We understand the stakes, the threats to come, the themes, the villain's motivations, Lara's motivations and the flaws she'll be struggling with.

And then the game just flings all of that out the window.
The game's tone and overall theme (and hell, marketing campaign!) CENTERS around "Shadows", "Darkness" and "Destruction" -- this is supposed to be a very dark (as dark as TR gets, at least) entry and an exploration of Lara's character and the interpersonal conflict within her. A peak at Lara's struggles within herself, her reckless actions and deadly obsessions. All of which are relatable to every person; we all have our own demons that we have to fight and conquer, and this game had the golden opportunity to make Lara a vessel that players can see themselves in and use to eventually establish that "I am the Tomb Raider now!" vibe that the developers were going for in this game, hence the "Become the Tomb Raider" tagline.

Now, one of my absolute favorite things about this "Darkness" theme is that it's conveyed very nicely in the world in Shadow of the Tomb Raider:

The stealth emphasis and more expanded tools at your disposal for your stealth killing compliments this well. The enemies might remark how Lara's a "shadow"; she can't be seen but she does exist next to them, in the darkness. To remain "in the shadows" is a reoccuring thing throughout the game: you go undercover even as part of the main-plot. It's a theme that Lara's constantly there, but not seen. This is a fantastic metaphor for what the game's intending to deliver and the foreshadowing of the impending eclipse that will destroy the world by making the world live in the sun's shadow... A sun's shadow will destroy the world. Notice the connection between being a Shadow and Destruction. Lara (a shadow) is leading herself into a path of self-destruction due to her not confronting her inner demons and come to terms with herself, who she is and her purpose in life, which I thought would happen as she decided to "become the Tomb Raider"... I was waiting for that to happen, and it ALMOST did (that fucking Oil Field section was so well done)... but the game didn't commit, in fact, it's as if they retcon that outstanding character development immediately after. In addition, the eclipse that's supposed to come and overshadow everything else is another metaphorical and narrative tool used here, but is completely underutilized.

This is conveyed in exploration: the tombs, the underwater swimming, and the rope descent into the underground where there is no light. The music is at most times not light at all: it's depressing, sad and emotional. Lara's also always descending in exploration, whether in exploring tombs and gathering artifacts, or swimming even further below. A good metaphor for her mental state: the girl is slowly descending into madness, which brings us to the next point...

As mentioned above, Lara's actions have caused the impending destruction of the world, but the interesting parallel here is that her actions are leading her into a path of not the destruction of the world, but the destruction of herself -- quite figuratively and literally. The end of the world means the end of her as well, but she's been on a self-destructive path and she doesn't realize it. If she doesn't recognize and resolve this soon, and continues to run away and never truly confront herself, then she might snap and become something else that she never intended to be.... Sounds dark and grim, but that's what a Shadow and Destruction convey. Her "snapping" is what I thought was finally happening when she emerges from the the fire behind her in a dark silhouette in the Oil Field section.
It's a very dark turn, but that is a metaphor for life in general -- nothing always comes out positively, we don't always win, and we don't always end up where we thought we would or wanted to. The whole segment entering the Oil Field I thought was gonna be the climax and the realization of this! "All that for another riddle..." Lara says looking down, you can tell she's fed up. The boat crashes and she's washed ashore. A trinity soldier finds her as she wakes up with the angriest facial expression Lara Croft has ever shown. "Don't try me...." in the most badass and "I've had fucking enough" tone I've heard Lara say, before fucking up poor Trinity soldier #24924. She then decides to cover herself in mud and for this section she lets her hair loose because she doesn't give a flying fuck anymore; she looks a mess. "You're fucking dead," she says as she destroys humans around her in a savage and monstrous way. Rourke tells her that Jonah's dead. Her reaction? Not a single sad tear, but a single "Fuck. You. Rourke." This is it... she has snapped.

Oh, she snapped alright: shortly after, the 'emerging from the fire' scene when she actually absolutely SNAPS.. her tone, the swearing, the psychopathic behavior... The scene was FUCKING PERFECT and screamed fitting for the character of Lara Croft. I don't know how else to describe this scene other than perfection.

However, it's ALL thrown out of the window almost immediately after (more on that later).
The moment you get to Peru (the church), literally all of what the game built up to so far in terms of tone and themes is thrown aside and never ever utilized again. Lara's "snap", interpersonal conflict, tension with the situation, and most importantly: THE FUCKING END OF THE WORLD?! Which is never emphasized from here on out. It's not about "saving the world" as much as it becomes "we must keep Paititi hidden and respect it!" and I'm like WHAT?! The world is so much bigger than a fucking hidden city with like 100 inhabitants; I think what's at stake here is MUCH larger than what the game is telling me to believe. I was so confused as the entire theme has just changed suddenly, it became more about saving Paititi and respecting culture? Like, those aren't even related themes to the ones established above. It was very jarring, it felt like I was playing a DLC or another game for that whole segment and onward...

More_Badass touches upon this briefly and I agree with their points, too:
That great sense of urgency and looming doom, a coming apocalypse? Set aside for hidden city tribal politics and another rebellion plot
The apocalyptic threat established by the opening tsunami? Oh, the town endured the storm no problem. The storm that basically happened off-screen by the way. And those apocalyptic disasters only seem to effect the immediate area/town around Lara. Definitely didn't get the sense that "apocalypse" and "save us all" was meant to only apply to Paititi in that cutscene
The clear motivations of the villain setting up a race against time to stop the apocalypse? The villain now with the duty to "save us all" from the coming doom? Wait, he's basically moonlighting as a cult leader in some secret city while also leading a massive global secret organization and the whole plot is about familial relationships and an ancient prophecy between characters we don't care about.

Overall, I found the theme and tone to be one of the best ever found in a video game in 70% of the game, but that remaining 30% is so meh it seriously drags the overall package.

The first half of the game, this is perfect. It's super well-done, easy to follow but intricate enough to invest yourself in "what's gonna happen next?" But then structure gets incredibly strange and unusual. You never even get to experience the cataclysms of the "apocalypse", if you're gunning for something so epic but then omit the epic parts... yeah. However yhe main issue I have is the unclear mission Lara has and the inconsistencies behind where the story is supposed to go. At this point, we're intrduced to two more antagonists. Now, the antaognist's motivations and overall "villain" seemed to change, get introduced and then ended in a very anti-climactic way. Domiguez, Rourke and Lopez all have weirdly paced arcs.

Dominguez: The game was doing a fantastic job of making me go "okay, I don't think he's as bad as Lara thinks he is." By showing me helping the kid in Mexico, being nice to Lara when he meets her, and the game showing me that he's the leader the Cult of Kukulkan. However, the 892472 names they keep using to refer to him are immersion breaking. When I'm following a cutscene and he's being referred to as "Kukulkan" I have to pause the cutscene and remind myself.. who the fuck was that supposed to be again? Or when two characters are discussing him and one is saying "Amaru" while the other is saying "Dominguez," I'm just like um... But that's not the part I found to be the worst about his arc; it's his character growth and the ending for him that I found so out of place. So, the game showed me he's actually a pretty chill guy, but then the game throws that away pretty OBVIOUSLY by showing he's got a "cult" mindset with a very narrow and selfish vision. This guy is /NOT/ level-headed nor smart, so all the work the game was trying to do to make me sympatheize with him is thrown out at this point... which brings us to his ending: "I'm sorry," Lara says as she holds his hand. "Protect Paititi," he says before trusting her with an amulet... Um, why the FUCK is Lara being sympathetic with him!? The /players/ were *supposed* to feel that - not Lara as she just swore she would end him 2 minutes ago. The motivations are so inconsistent for these two at this point that it was immersion-breaking. Speaking of the ending, Lara has become Kukulkan - a God - and she chooses to sacrifice herself to restore the sun. How on earth is she still alive? And if you need to sacrifice a God to remake the world, then who was Dominguez gonna sacrifice?

Rourke: Okay, so this guy's introduction was actually pretty cool. I love the fact that he's introduced as Ana's killer from Rise of the Tomb Raider and the one sniping her at the end of that game before Dominguez told him not to kill her. The conversations he has with Lara are also much more "villainy" and I loved that, he's always tempting and teasing her and trying to get her to snap (and he succeeded! lol) or maybe because he's a sadist and wants to see her suffer, but my issue with him is how LITTLE screen time he got, and that disappointing ending for him. This fucker almost killed me in Siberia and killed my stepmom before she got the chance to disclose important information, I wanted the satisfacation to kill him, in Psycho Lara mode, myself. But instead we got.... what we got.

Lopez: This fucking guy. I am still so confused? He's introduced as a guy who found the Silver Box and first, but knew that the temptations are too strong that it's dangerous to be out there in the open for anyone, so he takes it and hides it away? Uses it? I still don't really know. But then he goes out of his way to hide it and only making it accessible to people who are clever enough to follow his clues to avoid making the Silver Box fall in the wrong hands, which means he believe that only good people should use it for the greater good. Okay, a noble effort, but then Jonah's comments and Lara's explanations paint him out as a really bad guy? I'm honestly still so confused about him and how he died exactly. I kind of wish they omitted his storyline to further focus on the two above.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
This game has one huge flaw.
It's easy, way too challenging at all.
You're pretty much a stealth god and the puzzles while being awesome aren't difficult. There is no real suspense during the whole game imo..:(


Oct 27, 2017
Just wondering how far I am:

I'm in Paititi, did the side quest where you talk to the outcasts to get the boy's dice back, and have scoured the area a lot. Did the challenge tomb, too. Now, I've crawled among and over top of bodies to get to the Snake's Eye (an open area I need to traverse) in the next story mission, after finding out who the cult leader is. I've killed the first guy, watched the blood sacrifice and set fire to the pool of oil to get past the flammable door.


Nov 1, 2017
Raccoon City
This game has one huge flaw.
It's easy, way too challenging at all.
You're pretty much a stealth god and the puzzles while being awesome aren't difficult. There is no real suspense during the whole game imo..:(
What. That's... an unusual claim. Are you playing it on "One with the Jungle" difficulty, AKA the only correct way lol? If so, then you might be God enough to tackle Deadly Obsession difficulty...

Just wondering how far I am:

I'm in Paititi, did the side quest where you talk to the outcasts to get the boy's dice back, and have scoured the area a lot. Did the challenge tomb, too. Now, I've crawled among and over top of bodies to get to the Snake's Eye (an open area I need to traverse) in the next story mission, after finding out who the cult leader is. I've killed the first guy, watched the blood sacrifice and set fire to the pool of oil to get past the flammable door.

About 60-65%, I'd say.


Oct 27, 2017
If you have not finished the game, DO NOT QUOTE THIS POST NOR CLICK THE SPOILER TAG BELOW!

Lopez: This fucking guy. I am still so confused? He's introduced as a guy who found the Silver Box and first, but knew that the temptations are too strong that it's dangerous to be out there in the open for anyone, so he takes it and hides it away? Uses it? I still don't really know. But then he goes out of his way to hide it and only making it accessible to people who are clever enough to follow his clues to avoid making the Silver Box fall in the wrong hands, which means he believe that only good people should use it for the greater good. Okay, a noble effort, but then Jonah's comments and Lara's explanations paint him out as a really bad guy? I'm honestly still so confused about him and how he died exactly. I kind of wish they omitted his storyline to further focus on the two above.
Just commenting on this part
Agreed with how much of a pace killer his section. I can't add much clarity other than the box was never used, just hidden. More confusing to me was that he and his team had managed to piece together clues, survive the gauntlet, and retrieve the artifact, yet he didn't consider himself the chosen one? Why didn't they search for the dagger? Everything with Lopez seemed so superfluous, and worse, it cheapened everything in Cenote. After making it through all those horrors alone Lara finds nothing because some asshole managed to swipe it and over complicated things. The story does talk about the box, or maybe both artifacts, having the power to corrupt people. Also something about Lopez feeling extreme guilt over abandoning someone called Perez, I think. His corruption is illustrated by his planning of that macabre underground tomb which he made obsessively to hide the box.

Running through some extra stuff and I missed how horrifying some of the soundtrack is. There's an area where the music is fast exasperated breathing and its unnerving as hell.
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly as much as one element kinda ruined the entire game for me and immediately turned me away from buying it.
Im actually kinda coming back around on buying the Croft Edition when I get paid.

Was originally planning to buy Rise as well which I played late thanks to Redbox but the second Shadow was announced the price skyrocketed for it.
It had pretty much been under $30 on PSN forever but now has been $59.99 since the reveal.


Oct 27, 2017
The side missions are pretty dull. I just got done with the one where you run around talking to people and it just felt pointless. The writing and VA really aren't good enough to carry thr mission.


Oct 29, 2017
The side missions are pretty dull. I just got done with the one where you run around talking to people and it just felt pointless. The writing and VA really aren't good enough to carry thr mission.

The side quests reminded me of AC Origins. Some of them are pretty cool. Some of them are just bad.


Nov 1, 2017
Raccoon City
Honestly as much as one element kinda ruined the entire game for me and immediately turned me away from buying it.
Im actually kinda coming back around on buying the Croft Edition when I get paid.

Was originally planning to buy Rise as well which I played late thanks to Redbox but the second Shadow was announced the price skyrocketed for it.
It had pretty much been under $30 on PSN forever but now has been $59.99 since the reveal.

Honestly, I would still tell you to get Shadow of the Tomb Raider despite what I had mentioned. The experience of Eidos Montreal's take on the combat (the lure and fear arrows, the mud and camo, the rope killing, etc) or popping an Endurance pill and going RAMBO on those motherfucks lmfao. There are SO many options that it makes it so much fun whenever you do find yourself in a combat section. And then traversing the jungles, the towns, and the tombs alone are worthy of $59.99 IMO. If you want to get a Tomb Raider game, you should get it for the gameplay experience (which Shadow is fantastic on) and not really for the story. It fell flat for me, but it didn't destroy the fact that I would pay -- in my case -- $90 for this all over again. :)

Just commenting on this part
Agreed with how much of a pace killer his section. I can't add much clarity other than the box was never used, just hidden. More confusing to me was that he and his team had managed to piece together clues, survive the gauntlet, and retrieve the artifact, yet he didn't consider himself the chosen one? Why didn't they search for the dagger? Everything with Lopez seemed so superfluous, and worse, it cheapened everything in Cenote. After making it through all those horrors alone Lara finds nothing because some asshole managed to swipe it and over complicated things. The story does talk about the box, or maybe both artifacts, having the power to corrupt people. Also something about Lopez feeling extreme guilt over abandoning someone called Perez, I think. His corruption is illustrated by his planning of that macabre underground tomb which he made obsessively to hide the box.

Running through some extra stuff and I missed how horrifying some of the soundtrack is. There's an area where the music is fast exasperated breathing and its unnerving as hell.

Absolutely agreed, "superfluous" is definitely the word to describe that point. And goddamn YES! The music is INSANELY well-done. Even the
Croft Manor soundtrack
has its own "innocent and ambitious" and dream-like identity. I love the OST so much, I seriously do.


Nov 1, 2017
Raccoon City
One thing I want to mention is I LOVE how you can play this game having no idea what the fuck is a Tomb Raider (2013) or a Rise of the Tomb Raider and still get the most of it, but also play the previous games to death and feel like they were essential to your experience in Shadow. That's one thing they tackled really well with this finale to the trilogy!


The End of the World

Partial Eclipse

Total Eclipse


Nov 2, 2017
This game... I really don't know how I feel about this. I am trying to squeeze fun out of it and it's not a bad one for sure but the lack of combat encounters and lackluster side missions/challenges makes it a bit dull, to be honest. I think I am 60% into the story and need to finish it before giving my final thoughts but it is a 7.5/10 game at best.
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, I would still tell you to get Shadow of the Tomb Raider despite what I had mentioned. The experience of Eidos Montreal's take on the combat (the lure and fear arrows, the mud and camo, the rope killing, etc) or popping an Endurance pill and going RAMBO on those motherfucks lmfao. There are SO many options that it makes it so much fun whenever you do find yourself in a combat section. And then traversing the jungles, the towns, and the tombs alone are worthy of $59.99 IMO. If you want to get a Tomb Raider game, you should get it for the gameplay experience (which Shadow is fantastic on) and not really for the story. It fell flat for me, but it didn't destroy the fact that I would pay -- in my case -- $90 for this all over again. :)
I was literally 100% on buying it until
the whole "2 days later" cut
after that I was kinda like "nah, F this" but im coming back around because legitimately I loved 99.9% of the game.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
One of the things I thought was in the game pre-launch was NPCs speaking their language but Lara not understanding them.

I know you can toggle so they speak either your chosen language or their native language but if you chose the latter then Lara understands what they say and replies in English, and they understand that and reply in their native language.

I really thought you'd start out not understanding them but as you got more relics and your translation skills grew you could begin to understand what was being said.

I wanted to immerse myself in with their native languages but the contrast between that and Lara's English prompted me to have it all in English.


Nov 1, 2017
Raccoon City
I was literally 100% on buying it until
the whole "2 days later" cut
after that I was kinda like "nah, F this" but im coming back around because legitimately I loved 99.9% of the game.
Me too, I hated how "lol everything is fine lmao" um no bitch you got sacrificed and you're still here aren't you a little bit fazed? XD I was turned off BUT then the Post-Credits scene totally redeemed that atrocity. I loved the monologue Lara gives (pretty inspirational actually), and the references to TR2013 (Yamatai artifacts) and Rise (The Atlas), and the classic games (T-Rex and Pyramid in drawing). And lastly, the Classic Lara nod with the butler, her "Lovely." line and "I'm not going to take myself too seriously." It was a great bandaid to make up for that 2 days later crap to wrap up the trilogy!

One of the things I thought was in the game pre-launch was NPCs speaking their language but Lara not understanding them.

I know you can toggle so they speak either your chosen language or their native language but if you chose the latter then Lara understands what they say and replies in English, and they understand that and reply in their native language.

I really thought you'd start out not understanding them but as you got more relics and your translation skills grew you could begin to understand what was being said.

I wanted to immerse myself in with their native languages but the contrast between that and Lara's English prompted me to have it all in English.

Speaking of that "immersion" option: I would argue to everyone to NOT turn that option on lmfao. It's so weird and misleading; it implies that no one will speak in their native language unless you turn it on which is totally false. Everyone already will speak in their native language unless they're directly speaking to Lara, which makes sense. So in reality, turning on "Immersion" is actually pretty Immersion Breaking lol. Leave the option on the default "off".[/spoiler]


Oct 25, 2017
Found the last two side missions in The Hidden City that I was missing after completing the game. You need the Serpent's Guard outfit to initiate them. They're called "Widow's Tears" and "Ancient Studies". The latter contains a combat scenario and if like me you don't do that before completing the game, it's likely the last chance to farm off some of those combat achievements without restarting.



Oct 27, 2017
This game has one huge flaw.
It's easy, way too challenging at all.
You're pretty much a stealth god and the puzzles while being awesome aren't difficult. There is no real suspense during the whole game imo..:(

I can see what you mean and I do agree somewhat, but I also don't mind because I like that the exploration is unchallenging and relaxing. A couple of the challenge tombs have threw me somewhat.

Much like I did in Spiderman, I'm finding the stealth sections patronisingly easy, almost baby like. I feel like somebody is holding my hand throughout every stealth section, always telling me where to go and what to do. (I'm aware this may not happen on the higher difficulties, but even whilst playing in normal I expect some mild challenge and not to be treat like I'm a kid)


Nov 19, 2017
Very enjoyable, closed it out at 100% completion.
Preferred it to 'Rise', though I'd still count 'TR2013' as the best of the trilogy.


Oct 25, 2017
So is it the consensus that if you loved Rise that this is a no brainer?

I was day one until I saw reviews and I'm sure I'd love it but just wondering what others here thought about Shadow if they enjoyed Rise as well.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
I am Turkish and even I can't find a place to buy outside of the TR Xbox Store. Gift cards are sold out everywhere for some reason.

Weird. Wonder if they're stopping production of them or something. So strange!

So is it the consensus that if you loved Rise that this is a no brainer?

I was day one until I saw reviews and I'm sure I'd love it but just wondering what others here thought about Shadow if they enjoyed Rise as well.

I loved Rise and, so far, I think Shadow is far and away the better game. It's close in a lot of gameplay ways but I just adore everything about Shadow. Feels Tomb Raider-y. I dunno. Loving it.


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
I'm reading impressions here and can't wait to start playing But I still am replaying two previous games . From what i saw this one is more similar to reboot in tone right? Just darker and grittier unlike rise.


Oct 29, 2017
Finished the game last night. Slept on it to clear my head a bit. No spoilers.

Yep, still my favorite of the reboot games. It's not without its problems and TR2013 may have been a more well rounded experience, but rebalancing the combat/exploration/puzzles in Shadow made the combat encounters and set pieces feel much more earned, and in general gave the game more of a "tomb raider" feel. The hub areas are also significantly better, and in general the entire world just feels more fun to explore. I think the story peaks at the start (seriously loved the intro!) but the character writing of Lara and Jonah remain strong throughout the game which is a huge improvement over the previous 2 games. Rhianna Pratchett's writing definitely didn't help previously, Jill Murray's work far exceeded hers IMO. Seeing Lara smile a few times, have light banter with Jonah, and display some playfulness was so damn great to see. Really, really missed that from the previous 2 games. It's really nice that the developers understood how much flavour those little moments add to the game.

The tombs felt very well designed. They aren't particularly complex, but they're very fun to solve IMO. And most of them feel monumental; it's refreshing to see not just action set pieces, but puzzle set pieces. The other side content.. well, it's a bit more of a mixed bag. Crypts are fun to traverse, and some of the side missions are actually quite nice. They can lead you to tombs, crypts, combat encounters and even reward you with some gear. But then there's a couple that literally consist of Lara running back and forth listening to people ramble on about stuff. I kinda "get" it, because those side missions exist to make you more familiar with the culture, I suppose, but they felt far too dry and uninteresting mechanically. Then the absolute worst part - collectibles. Frankly, if there's one thing I hope they change for the next game (if there's gonna be one...) is cleaning up the clutter. Get rid of the XP bars as well, they're pointless, especially when combat isn't even the main focus. I don't mind collectibles, as long as they feel appropiate. I think both Rise and Shadow just go way overboard with it. However, I do like the lost documents and diaries, especially with Lara reading it out now. Oh, speaking of which - Camilla has turned in the best performance of the trilogy by far. I never thought she was bad, but this game she definitely shows a lot more range than before. Which may actually be connected to what I said about the game having little light hearted moments scattered around. So yeah, those little moments definitely go a long way improving the game.

The combat mechanics are very solid, the new stealth stuff feels great with how brutal it is. It is very easy though - but I did just play it on normal. Probably gonna turn the difficulty up for ng+. One thing worth pointing out that the game has similiar amount of weaponry, combat skills and upgrades as the previous 2 games, which feels a little unbalanced given that there's only a fraction of the combat. Giving players choice isn't a bad thing, but it does feel a bit wasted. I actually bought my favorite AR+suppressor combo *after* I finished the story, lol. NG+ makes it hurt a little less. But perhaps adding combat focused side content would've been a good resolve. Maybe optional trinity camps that you can clear for a small reward (instead of challenge tombs, combat challenges?)

Perhaps there's a few more things that could've been polished a little - some of the animation work does feel a bit dated now, and there's a few moments where the animations don't really match up the distance of Lara's jump. Or the side quest cutscenes, definitely could've used better lip syncing. But I am not all that bothered by these tiny technical things personally.

As closing thoughts I guess I should mention how much more prevalent the music was in this game compared to the previous installments, and how much I loved it. Or how absolutely breathe taking the graphics are, and how impressive the HDR implementation is. But I think those things have been mentioned so many times at this point that I'm not saying anything new.

The story ends on a very good note, that feels like both a closure and the potential for new adventures. I certainly hope the latter will happen, because I really enjoy these games, but if not, at least it had a very nice wrap up in the end. If I had to put a number on it, it's probably a 8.5.


Oct 27, 2017

Loved the reboot but got tired of the combat. And heard Rise was a disappointment so had written this one off.

There's more exploration in the main story of Rise compared to the first one. Personally I liked Rise a lot, so I recommend you should try it out. Never fall into the vocal minority trap when it comes to not liking certain games. The haters are usually the more vocal ones, by far.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Philly ❤️
They found the perfect balance of combat and exploration/tombs....I'm really loving this game and SE needs to pay AdaWong for the marketing in the popERA discord. Would love to see a combat/narrative focus dlc tho because I think the combat could be very interesting if given the same craft and care that the world and puzzels have.


Oct 25, 2017
While I'm really enjoying this game, does anyone think the game lacks the, um, "grit" of the previous games?

It's not about the actual content of the game (there is some really dark stuff here) but it feels like they have drastically cut back on things like letting Lara show wear and tear. For example there was a sequence I went through last night that should be fairly horrifying (story sequence involving "the smell of death") and I feel like in the first two games she would have come out the other end coated in grime and gore. Instead here she just had 2 or 3 very light dirt patches. Combined with her elegant tribal wear that still looked like it came right out of the dry cleaners and it all just really undersold the horror of the scene. Same goes with the toning down of blood splotches in combat.

The game alsos lacks extreme weather elements (so far). Both previous games were great about making the player "feel" the weather (seriously, just playing Rise can make me feel cold in the middle of summer) but Shadow kind of presents this deep jungle as a tropical vacation.

One other thing- Eidos Montreal has done a great job with the environmental design in making it feel real but it kills me that they totally cheated the internal geography. The views of the first little town you visit in Peru (Kabat Yaku or something) prior to arriving don't line up with the physical location on the map. You consistently see the town in the distance to the south on the opposite bank of the river but it is actually east on the same bank when you get there.


Oct 27, 2017
Started playing it. Kind of disappointed. I just got to the second town.

"More exploration" is running in a straight line with no combat. Game is very linear. The combat in the previous games helped break that up.

"More tombs" are so far still just linear rooms that's basically solving one big puzzle. Maybe that changes later.

Lara seems oddly not effected with that fact she unleashed a flood and killed thousands of people.

I apprentice them trying to "go back to the roots" but the game is to linear and the lack of combat makes it more obvious. And "more exploration and tombs" doesn't seem any different from the previous game.

Now, I'm enjoying it, it's just a lot of running forward until a cut scene.


Oct 27, 2017
São Paulo, Brazil
Played a bit this weekend.

I'm surprised with the graphics (textures, models, artwork, materials are pretty impressive which is pretty much expected since they are using Quixel) but the controls were rubbish.

I mean, terrible input latency, the jumps at some times doesn't work properly (the mysterious case of the invisible boost while in the air not kicking in).

I'm a huge graphic whore, I'm terribly disappointed that the only way possible to play this on my Ps4 Pro is using the framerate mode due to input lag (it helps a lot even If the game stutters and hovers around 50 fps most of the time).