How is Episode 9 going to do at the box office

  • Episode 9 is going to do fine

    Votes: 1,619 80.6%
  • Episode 9 is going to be a box office dissapointment

    Votes: 389 19.4%

  • Total voters
Dec 22, 2017
I wanted to see Rogue One because it was a prequel story about characters I didn't know. I didn't see solo, because I know his story, and I don't really care to see more of it.

Bingo. The Kessel Run was a throwaway line to explain how fast the Falcon is, and to show Han is arrogant enough to think everyone in the galaxy has heard of it. I don't care enough to actually watch a movie on that, especially when there is an entire galaxy to explore.


Oct 25, 2017
This is anecdotal, but I didn't feel any hype surrounding Solo... the release was pretty ho hum for a Star Wars installment... you can bet Disney will be cranking up the marketing and hype for Episode 9, billing it as must watch.


Oct 25, 2017
I would say it depends how JJ makes IX. VII's ending acts as a cliffhanger and ending to a trilogy which is a bit jarring, but's it's also nice to not have a very good idea of where they're going with IX so they can just surprise you.

I mean, for all that VIII 'deconstructs', it ends fairly similar to how Empire did.

Heroes are down on their luck, one of the big heroes from the just bit it (albeit Luke being more likely dead here, unlike Han in carbonite) and the rebellion is at a low point, but there's still a fighting chance.

Any big potential 'surprise' is going to be if Rey pulls a(nother) redeem attempt off on Kylo, but even that's been done with Vader - the other potential 'twist' will be what ends up happening with 'the Jedi'.

(That is, unless JJ decides to pull something out of his ass a la retconning Johnson's explanation of Rey's being a nobody back into her being a skywalker, but I'd say the odds against that happening are pretty good)
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Deleted member 40053

User requested account closure
Feb 17, 2018
The fact that you're ignoring the fact that "audience score" has already been discussed in this thread is more "halarious."

You made this thread to ask a question but you're spending most of the thread arguing with people over factually incorrect statements like "The Last Jedi is considered bad."

Given I replied and discussed the audience score af length I'm not ignoring it at all.

Also what's the difference between arguing and civil conversation? I'm not calling anybody names here.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
The funny thing is that if the problem was Last jedi than Solo should have made dinossauric numbers since Solo is EVERYTHING people complained about Last Jedi fixed in a movie
I think if Solo did well, some people would indeed make the argument that it's because audiences didn't like TLJ and they'll do it if even a modestly successful IX is less edgy.


Oct 27, 2017
No one wanted a prequel Solo movie.

People want to see the Episodic Star Wars films, see box office and blu ray sales of TLJ.

Episode 9 won't bomb.

First post nails it.

People loved TLJ, they'll come back to see the end of the story (no matter how badly JJ fucks it up) in droves. Solo was a movie nobody cared about starring a character who only works as part of an ensemble, covering part of his life no one asked about.

Ironically Solo skips over the part of Han's life that would have made an actually interesting origin movie, his time in the Imperial military.


Oct 26, 2017
I really want to know what the people that said Ep IX is going to be a BO disappointment are thinking.

Some people treat these cinematic universes like a linear track. So you get thinking like "Black Panther and Infinity War did amazing, therefore Ant-Man and Wasp will hit a billion!" which doesn't really hold true. The average person going to see these movies aren't basing their choices off that. When you take a step back, Solo only shared the universe of Star Wars. None of the actors, none of the newer characters, not a continuing story or anything like that.
Oct 25, 2017
people hating tlj and liking solo is hands down the worst thing about this forum. you probably eat vomit for dinner and say, "mmmmm good!"


Oct 27, 2017
everybody I know who saw solo seemed to enjoy it and rate it above Last Jedi, yet it bombed at the box office and lost money.

Do people think Episode 9 is going to suffer a similiar fate? If not, why not? I'm more interested in why people think Episode 9 is going to do gang busters when Last Jedi reception was so mixed.

LOL.I guess OP did some rigorous polling. Case closed.

No one wanted to see Solo because Harrison Ford is Han Solo. People don't care about anyone else playing the character. Episode 9 will do fine.


Oct 26, 2017
It lost money? Wow. I thought it just didn't meet expectations. I didn't see the film either because The Last Jedi was a disappointment and I didn't want to drop cinema money on Star Wars anymore.

I didn't dislike Episode VIII, but it was low on the scale.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh boy, let's go through the reasons:

You don't recast a role as iconic as Han Solo. You just don't. That should be common sense. Ford is too old and doesn't want to play Han anymore? Sucks, make different movies.

Releasing a Star Wars movie 6 months after the previous (very divisive) entry isn't going to fly. Star Wars isn't Marvel, and you can't turn it into Marvel.

Spending $300m+ on a Star Wars spinoff is bananas.

The trailers mostly sucked, I know this is subjective, but I thought every piece of marketing was really lame.

The reviews weren't good enough to get people excited for a film that nobody was really all that excited for in the first place.

Release date was awful, too much competition from other big blockbuster movies.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Episode 9 will do just fine but the internet will call it a disappointment
Dec 12, 2017
Ironically Solo skips over the part of Han's life that would have made an actually interesting origin movie, his time in the Imperial military.

That's funny. I haven't seen Solo but The Rock did a movie called Hercules and instead of making it about the Labors (which could have been awesome) they turned that into a montage and instead told a derivative af story.


Oct 27, 2017
everybody I know who saw solo seemed to enjoy it and rate it above Last Jedi, yet it bombed at the box office and lost money.

Do people think Episode 9 is going to suffer a similiar fate? If not, why not? I'm more interested in why people think Episode 9 is going to do gang busters when Last Jedi reception was so mixed.
The main episodic movies still do very well, no reason to suspect it won't at least as well as TLJ, maybe a bit less overtime if word of mouth continues to be down... even haters won't be able to resist
Oct 28, 2017
It came out 5 months after The Last Jedi. Star Wars fans hated The Last Jedi and was not ready to get back to liking Star Wars as a franchise.

9 will be just fine.


Oct 27, 2017
Solo was

1. Unwarranted
2. Mediocre

That's why.

Episode 9 will most likely be a much better film serving as a final chapter to a trilogy a lot of people are already invested in. Pretty sure it'll be fine.


May 12, 2018
Im basing that on rotten tomatoes audience score and again my group of friends. I've been clear on that.

yup that's exactly what I said, enjoy having a good faith discussion.

poster said TLJ was fuck awful. I provided him the critical consensus that is 91%. Posting the user score would've still only made it divisive, which just as well would've proved my point.


Oct 25, 2017
The Star Wars trilogy box office pattern:

The first movie breaks records, with absolutely insane grosses.
The second movie does well, but not as well as the first movie.
The third out grosses the second, but can't match the bonkers numbers of the first.

This has already happened with the past two trilogies and it's set up perfectly to happen again.

Deleted member 268

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Solo is a film that would've appealed mostly to hardcore fans whose enthusiasm and word of mouth would help spread the word and drum up interest and hype.

I think TLJ left such a bad taste in people's mouth the hardcore was just to divided on it.

I think IX will do better though, Abrams is directing it. I don't think it'll outgross TFA.
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Oct 27, 2017
I have so many friends and family that are into Star Wars. Absolutely none of them saw Solo. Even after I told them it was solid enough. None of them were against the movie either. Just total apathy.
Oct 27, 2017
Solo came out at a bad time (surrounded by other Disney movies) with little advertising and it's not a mainline film. It was never gonna do as good as the others.

9 will be huge. Just like 8 was. A vocal minority hating 8 won't mean shit cause they're all gonna still go see it. Shit apparently their hate of the movie didn't even stop them from buying the 4K Blu-ray of it.

Solos performance is not invicitive of some "Disney killed Star Wars" bullshit. It really did have everything against it but it's really convenient for those ridiculous arguments so here we are.


Oct 25, 2017
In previous years it wasn't and the bigger films seem to be Bumblebee and Spider-verse this year but which will be big but seem like Solo could ha e competed or outright beat them during that month with more time for marketing .

Mary Poppins
Alita (prolly gonna flop but whatever)

December is packed. Solo wasn't going to do any better there.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
In previous years it wasn't and the bigger films seem to be Bumblebee and Spider-verse this year but which will be big but seem like Solo could ha e competed or outright beat them during that month with more time for marketing .

You also have Aquaman and Mary Poppins.


Oct 25, 2017
People who judge and think entirely based on anecdotes and feelings don't deserve to guide a discussion like this, or really any discussion of any type.


Oct 28, 2017
Too close to VIII, too crowded of a time to release, unappealing subject, troubled development with a whole film being scrapped and directors fired, not released in the winter like every modern Star Wars movie, backlash from some fans from VIII, etc. It goes on and on. Everything was working against this movie and we were lucky to get something as good as we did.

I think LucasFilm quickly learned that they cannot follow the Marvel formula. Star Wars has to be an annual event, people get way too drowned down by the massive promotion. I hope they also learned their lesson and will stop trying to push Star Wars to the summer. They have the winter for the taking and they need to embrace it. That was a dumb decision that they could have avoided.

IX will do fine. The sequel trilogy has largely followed the same % drops of the other two trilogies.


Oct 27, 2017
It's not gonna make episode 7 money, probably fall in between 7 and 8. I personally will wait for it to come out on streaming to see it, no urgency. Still have to watch TLJ, I'm more interested in TV and comic stuff in the Star Wars universe at this point.


Nov 20, 2017
No one wanted a prequel Solo movie.

People want to see the Episodic Star Wars films, see box office and blu ray sales of TLJ.

Episode 9 won't bomb.

First post gets it.

There's no question of Episode 9 bombing. The question is whether is does any better than Last Jedi at the box office or not.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
But a better movie than the last jedi with better word of mouth and a higher RT score.




Also, before you go on about the audience score, 45% of 200k people is still more people than 64% of 37k people. More people said they like TLJ than Solo.


Oct 28, 2017
Mary Poppins
Alita (prolly gonna flop but whatever)

December is packed. Solo wasn't going to do any better there.
Forgot about Aquaman, I would assume Poppins would get.moved if Disney released Solo in December.
I have no faith in Aquaman doing well unless it's a remarably good .