
Oct 27, 2017

Sen. Rand Paul won't wear mask, says he has immunity to coronavirus despite lack of evidence

While senators were anxious returning to Washington due to the coronavirus this week, at least two senators said they didn't need to wear masks.

Paul dismissed news of a possible new strain of the virus, which he may still be susceptible to, saying there was no evidence of such new strains.

"It's not true," he said. "I can't get it again, nor can I transmit it, so of all the people you'll meet here I'm about the only safe person in Washington you'll meet."



if there was already a thread since this story appears to be from yesterday just blame it on Rand's stupidity...


Aug 13, 2019
Someone doesn't listen to the experts. It hasn't been proven that you can't get re-infected.

Besides, Moscow Mitch gotta put those judges through.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
"despite lack of evidence" can be added to almost any headline from the past 4 years and it would be accurate.


Oct 28, 2017
Even if it mutated (which is heavily disputed) it's unlikely to mutate so much that previously infected have no immunity


Oct 27, 2017
It hasn't been proven that you can't get re-infected.

It also hasn't been proven that a teapot doesn't exist between Earth and Mars. Asking people to prove a negative is a ridiculous demand. If it's proven to be the case then yeah, we need to take further caution and alter our behavior patterns but under normal circumstances Rand is all but right and there's nothing to say that this is any different from normal.


Oct 27, 2017
But we don't know and that's the point.

We don't know when any disease is going to go deadly or evade normal immune responses. It's maintaining prudency in the face of the risk and given the current spreading of the virus and that reinfection has been either purely anecdotal or false positives, it seems we have a rough consensus that this is operating under normal immunity rules.
Oct 25, 2017
IIRC he's an optometrist

and at present the evidence does point to him being correct that you can't get it again.

that's not how immunity works. If you are immune to something you can still get it again. Your body is just effective at fighting it off. You can still potentially be able to transmit it to others during that time. It depends on how fast your body fights of the reinfection. Immunity allows your white blood cells to quickly identify an infection as an infection and hopefully fight it off faster. Sometimes that is so quick you don't get ill, sometimes that still may take a little bit of time but you don't get as sick as you would have without immunity.


Oct 27, 2017
Says who?

Or maybe he'll be a COVID- Rand and infect hundreds?

We just don't know.


Oct 26, 2017
Regardless of the facts on immunity, it's become obvious that Republicans have decided not wearing a mask makes you a true patriot.

Someone get me out of here.


Oct 27, 2017
LOL man.. theres so many people that are in positions of power ..that seem to be so ignorant and dumb.

Can you get coronavirus twice or does it cause immunity?

President Trump tweeted that he could no longer get Covid-19 after testing positive during the election campaign

WHO says it cannot be definitively stated you cannot get re-infected.

Unless he's had the Oxford Vaccine, he could get it again .

6 monkeys given an experimental coronavirus vaccine from Oxford did not catch COVID-19 after heavy exposure, raising hopes for a human vaccine

A team from the University of Oxford is leading the way in the search for an effective vaccine for the coronavirus. Human trials started last week.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
It shouldn't be about defending Rand Paul or not. If Obama or Bernie had said the same thing they'd be cavalier but just as right.

It's a Walter situation. He's not wrong, he's just an asshole. But because he's an asshole people want him to be wrong.

I think people are also scared and there is a lack of knowledge, which leads to an assumption that anything an asshole like Paul says is probably wrong by default. Which is his fault. He's been saying stupid shit for years.


Oct 25, 2017
I think people are also scared and there is a lack of knowledge, which leads to an assumption that anything an asshole like Paul says is probably wrong by default. Which is his fault. He's been saying stupid shit for years.
you can treat it with intense skepticism sure

but if we started going after 'but we don't know for 100% certainty' im not sure the field of biology would even exist, or any science really


Oct 27, 2017
that's not how immunity works. If you are immune to something you can still get it again. Your body is just effective at fighting it off. You can still potentially be able to transmit it to others during that time. It depends on how fast your body fights of the reinfection. Immunity allows your white blood cells to quickly identify an infection as an infection and hopefully fight it off faster. Sometimes that is so quick you don't get ill, sometimes that still may take a little bit of time but you don't get as sick as you would have without immunity.
If immunity worked as you described it, how would herd immunity work? And I don't mean how would herd immunity work in a Covid context, I mean how would herd immunity work in general? Herd immunity as a concept works in that people are never incubated and thus can never transmit that virus.


Oct 26, 2017
Even though he's been an ass through this entire ideal, there has not been any confirmed cases of re-infection of COVID-19. All theorized "re-infections" have been shown to be faulty tests.


Oct 29, 2017
It also hasn't been proven that a teapot doesn't exist between Earth and Mars. Asking people to prove a negative is a ridiculous demand. If it's proven to be the case then yeah, we need to take further caution and alter our behavior patterns but under normal circumstances Rand is all but right and there's nothing to say that this is any different from normal.
Whilst technically true, there hardly has been enough time to do any serious concluding research on this. Its likely, but it's hardly been a couple of months. Way too early to draw definite conclusions, and dangerous coming from a person of authority in a still unstable situation.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I'm still pissed that he survived without even breaking a sweat. He should have at least suffered a bit given how fucking careless he was. But karma don't exist so only the poor innocent people will die.


Oct 27, 2017
LOL man.. theres so many people that are in positions of power ..that seem to be so ignorant and dumb.

Can you get coronavirus twice or does it cause immunity?

President Trump tweeted that he could no longer get Covid-19 after testing positive during the election campaign

WHO says it cannot be definitively stated you cannot get re-infected.

The WHO is a scientific organisation and won't definitively state anything until the relevant studies have been conducted and peer reviewed, which takes months.

The more relevant info to ponder is that there is absolutely nothing about COVID that makes it different to other viruses, so why are people running scared at the prospect of reinfection? Because anecdotal stories are being published by non-scientific media to get clicks.


Oct 26, 2017
Someone please tell my immune system that I can't get norovirus again after it put me in the hospital three times. What's good for the 'rona must be good for the noro, and Rand Paul knows more about viruses than viruses.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
...I can't tell if people are defending Rand Paul here or not.
The argument isn't (or at least shouldn't be) about who is saying it but what they're saying. Someone could just as easily say "... I can't tell if people are rooting for COVID here or not." and it would be equally invalid as an argument.

The initial fear of reinfection came about primarily because of people in South Korea who were thought to have been reinfected. A few days ago South Korea's CDC came out and said that those weren't really reinfections but just flawed tests. Rand Paul is a dick but he's likely to be right about this and that's a good thing as reinfection would make COVID dramatically worse.


Oct 27, 2017
Whilst technically true, there hardly has been enough time to do any serious concluding research on this. Its likely, but it's hardly been a couple of months. Way too early to draw definite conclusions, and dangerous coming from a person of authority in a still unstable situation.

If there was going to be mass reinfections we would have started seeing it by now.

Someone please tell my immune system that I can't get norovirus again after it put me in the hospital three times. What's good for the 'rona must be good for the noro, and Rand Paul knows more about viruses than viruses.

First of all, are you immunocompromised or are you literally eating shit sandwiches?

Secondly, norovirus mutates quickly compared to SARS-CoV-2. We've been tracking the genome of SARS-CoV-2 and there hasn't been any appreciable change in the spike protein at all which is where most of the antibodies are hitting. It changes so little that people who suffered from SARS over 15 years ago have antibodies that are still effective against SARS-CoV-2.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I get that. I'm just saying the problem is who is delivering the info. If it was Fauci saying this no one would bat an eye.
yeah sorry i was agreeing, not trying to get after you

but between epistemology problems and humes induction i kind of never want to talk philosophy of science ever again, so maybe I'll just leave this thread lol


Oct 25, 2017
Toscana, Italy
Source for South Korean "re-infections" being determined to have been a flaw of the test they use there.

Tests in recovered patients found false positives, not reinfections, experts say

South Korea’s infectious disease experts said Thursday that dead virus fragments were the likely cause of over 260 people here testing positive again for the novel coronavirus days and even weeks after marking full recoveries. Oh Myoung-don, who leads the central clinical committee for...


Oct 27, 2017
Someone please tell my immune system that I can't get norovirus again after it put me in the hospital three times. What's good for the 'rona must be good for the noro, and Rand Paul knows more about viruses than viruses.
He clearly knows more. He isn't comparing a single virus to an entire family. You are getting sick again because you are getting another norovirus. And the norovirus usually causes hospitalisation in people with a bad immune system.

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Isn't this moron a doctor?!
Paul dropped out of Baylor without completing his baccalaureate degree, when he was accepted into his father's alma mater, the Duke University School of Medicine, which, at the time, did not require an undergraduate degree for admission to its graduate school. He earned an M.D. degree in 1988 and completed his residency in 1993.

Maybe he's a genius.