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Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
lmao don't give up angie! Love your sekiro rapunzel :p

Nah. I'm good.


Nov 27, 2018
Can someone who beat the game tell me how far I am?

I don't remember area names so I'll just say major bosses I've done:
  • Lady butterfly
  • Horse guy
  • Gen-lighting sword
  • Guardian Ape
  • Monkeys
  • I'm currently on corrupted Monk fight
I just want to know how many more major boss fights there are. (ones that require shinobi execution)

Blade Wolf

Oct 27, 2017
This is literally the only thing I did for the bull and it worked beautifully:


Then just attack the butt and blow some firecrackers whenever you can.

Hahaha this is the perfect way to explain it.

I haven't upgraded it at all but I've found it underwhelming so far, couldn't get the poison to proc so far...

Me too, and I don't even like the poison, I just like the knife.

I'm still going to upgrade it to max, hopefully it will be a beast.


Oct 25, 2017
Can someone who beat the game tell me how far I am?

I don't remember area names so I'll just say major bosses I've done:
  • Lady butterfly
  • Horse guy
  • Gen-lighting sword
  • Guardian Ape
  • Monkeys
  • I'm currently on corrupted Monk fight
You're getting close to the end. There's one major area left and then you'll be at the endgame.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

the snake and landes on a platform I've never been before... I then fell off the bridge and I can't return to the platform. HELP, what did I miss out?[/quote]


Oct 27, 2017
Oct 25, 2017
So watching some streamers play, I realized I fought

Lady Butterfly


Most people went after her poise, but I whitled down her health by constantly waiting for counter moments. I really don't think I like the poise mechanic, because it constantly feels like I am hitting nothing, and the actual damage I do inflict feels miniscule.


Oct 25, 2017
I just realized that I never found the other side of the shinobi door in the dilapidated temple. Where is it?


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 29, 2017
I'm almost getting the hang of this stupid Ape. I keep forgetting to use my mist raven because I'm so focused on its patters but I would have won if just now if I used it a couple of times :l


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
So watching some streamers play, I realized I fought

Lady Butterfly


Most people went after her poise, but I whitled down her health by constantly waiting for counter moments. I really don't think I like the poise mechanic, because it constantly feels like I am hitting nothing, and the actual damage I do inflict feels miniscule.

Err, that's how you are supposed to fight her. There's a tutorial popup about high poise enemies. You need to whittle her down like halfway before she can really be posture broken.

Tyrant Rave

Has A Pretty Cool Jacket
Oct 25, 2017
No fucking joke that was the most difficult boss in this game or possibly any game I've ever played in my entire life. Do you know how long I spent grinding it before I finally beat it??? 7 HOURS. yes 7 full hours devoted to just trying to fight one god damn boss!!!! The first two phases I could do without taking damage, but that third phase..... Good fucking Lord.
Yeah it took me like 2-3 hours to get down. I think it will be too much for a lot of people. I think it's the hardest boss I've fought across From's Souls games and BB.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Where? And how close to the sculptor idol is it?

I'm trying to farm up to a certain skill so that i can cheese Genichiro, so i may not have unlocked the right area yet

Mt. Kenpo(?) or whatever is called has enemies that gives quite the amount of exp, but it was more of a mention farming xp that early in the game is not really needed, but if you really needed them that much, go for it.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 29, 2017
I wish people here would at least mention what their spoiler is about. Feels like I can't read half of each page because it could be anything lol


Jan 29, 2018
To those who finished the game, how would you compare it to other Soulsborne games content-wise? I made it to a part where the game really opened up and I can explore like 4-5 new areas.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Mt. Kenpo(?) or whatever is called has enemies that gives quite the amount of exp, but it was more of a mention farming xp that early in the game is not really needed, but if you really needed them that much, go for it.
Are you referring to...

The monk type enemies on the grassy path towards the temple?


Oct 26, 2017
So I have a question about a boss,sorry if already asked and answered, im trying not to read the thread too much before i finish the game.
I'm like 20 hours in but died A LOT during that time for reference. I m talking about
the second encounter with the guardian ape

I have a hard time with this one. Is the only way to win
bursting through the add when he pops? Cause I tried that even with a red candy, but it didnt turned out well, and Im scared of spending all my hard earned red candies in too much tries on this boss,so if theres another way I havent figured out I'm all hears

On a more general note, I really love this game. The feeling of progressing and getting better keeps happening constantly. I find the game really hard, plenty of bosses and sub bosses gave me a hard time, but everytime you get better, the feeling is really well done here.
Even with that boss thats beating me up, Im doing much better today than i was yesterday with the exact same stuff on my character, I actually got better overnight after getting destroyed around 20 times yesterday, and thats what I really enjoy about the game.

Edit : lol I press post and see a post containing "Sekiro OT 2 : parry on my wayward son" and this is gold, thanks for the laugh :) and obviously perfect title


Oct 28, 2017
Can someone who beat the game tell me how far I am?

I don't remember area names so I'll just say major bosses I've done:
  • Lady butterfly
  • Horse guy
  • Gen-lighting sword
  • Guardian Ape
  • Monkeys
  • I'm currently on corrupted Monk fight
I just want to know how many more major boss fights there are. (ones that require shinobi execution)
In terms of boss fights, there are 6 more for the typical path (but some are optional).


Nov 28, 2017
First off, I've never really liked/played many stealth games nor character action games. The former I hated wonky detection/exploration aspect, the latter I hated the reflex heavy nature/difficulty of those games. Despite all this, I really wanted to give From's next title after Bloodborne a shot.

I'm only 4 mini-bosses in so far (amazed seeing people beating this nearly/already beating this - kudos to those of you that have). And I'm not gonna lie, just the first mini-boss I thought that maybe I have no business playing this game.

That first mini boss (General) absolutely destroyed me. Repeatedly. I'm pretty sure I died here 15-20 times (certainly over 10). I naturally followed the "commonly suggested" play tactic of going in aggressively and deflecting as much as possible only to see my posture drain greatly while his barely went down. Somehow I eventually got through this fight.

Then I beat the Ogre and the first mini-boss in Hirata Estate barely dying. I thought hey, maybe I'm finally starting to get the hang of things.

Then the Second General (Yamauchi?) happened. I wound up beating him with 4 deaths, but I completely changed my play-style on my 4th and (successful) 5th attempts. Instead of going in, I just dodged all his attacks and went in for one attack or two. I also pulled off a couple of Mikiri Counters, here. Instead of feeling frustrated by my seemingly slow reflexes as I had previously been, I had very little issue beating him this way.

I also messed up the stealth attack on my successful attempt and wound up taking both bars off of him in actual combat. Amazing what a small difference in play style made for the difficulty in the fight for me.

Now I just have to get through the Drunkard and hopefully my first real boss, or two. I don't know how far I'm going to be able to get, but I'm definitely going to stick with it as long as I'm able to. All these comments of having to go in and always deflect have me a bit worried - but as I saw with the Second General, maybe there are other ways of playing and playing successfully (although going in was useful against the Ogre/first mini-boss in Hirata estate).

The game is certainly very difficult (for me) and definitely frustrating at times, but I think that hook of believing that winning is possible is still there for me (just as it was with what I played of Bloodborne, my only real previous SoulsBourne experience). Glad that I've stuck with it through the weekend and at least made at least a little bit of progress.

One tip that I just learned that I wish the game had explicitly stated is that staying in a blocking stance makes posture regen faster than not being in a blocking stance. I found this out on a tip video and would have never discovered this on my own, as I never previously entered blocking stances.

I think you've hit the nail on the head there as to why i think some folks are having trouble getting in the swing of things. In the opening segments the game through your interaction with the cannon fodder guys, you are lead to think, or at least i was lead to think - perfect parry for the win. So people, myself included will get hung up on getting the perfect parry aspect. The problem comes because your health is so thin, you miss a parry and you are ground meat. And that loading screen gets longer and longer.

I turned around off my need to perfect parry everyone, and swichted on survivability which includes healthy doses of only blocking to learn the parry windows, and dashing about with infinite speed.


Oct 26, 2017
PlanetSmasher Something that just came to me regarding the similarities...
Remember this guy from the chalice dungeons? Was only that way after it didn't have a head anymore...

Vaati explained that the english name is misleading, and the japanese name was "host of the beastblood"



Oct 25, 2017
So if I've used a coin purse, but I die without having used the sen from it, do I lose it or not?
is a pain in the ass. I keep getting close but not quite there. I can even beat the first two forms without any Shinobi arms. But that last form is hard to practice on when you die pretty quickly whenever you get to it.
Just stay close and wail on him. He's easier in that phase. And jump whenever he does the lightning stuff, even if you don't get the counter you can still dodge.

Tyrant Rave

Has A Pretty Cool Jacket
Oct 25, 2017
To those who finished the game, how would you compare it to other Soulsborne games content-wise? I made it to a part where the game really opened up and I can explore like 4-5 new areas.
It's not as long as the others. It took me around 26 hours but I left some optional stuff.

I don't think that's bad at all though, there were never any points I disliked or felt dragged on. It was extremely well paced and each area was fun to explore.


Nov 27, 2018
I was afraid that this was going to have less bosses than other soulsbourne games but I would consider some of these mini bosses just as interesting/hard as some other souls bosses.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
So if I've used a coin purse, but I die without having used the sen from it, do I lose it or not?

Just stay close and wail on him. He's easier in that phase. And jump whenever he does the lightning stuff, even if you don't get the counter you can still dodge.

you'll lose half of your total sen on death, doesn't matter if it was from a pouch or not.

They're basically the clumps of souls from the other games, you can pay merchants to basically move your money into pouches so that they're safe on death, but anything actively on you can be lost.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Yeah it took me like 2-3 hours to get down. I think it will be too much for a lot of people. I think it's the hardest boss I've fought across From's Souls games and BB.
I think it'll be too much for a lot of people as well. And to them I'd suggest going for one of the earlier and easier endings haha! Prior to this guy, I think the final boss on Shinobi for PlayStation 2(on whatever the harder difficulty was called) was my most difficult and time consuming final boss of all time. There's a new King in town after this game. I love these ninja games but goddamn their end battles!!! Haha


Oct 27, 2017
I'm really not sure what I feel about this game. When things get going, the game is really intense and fun. The stealth is a bit primitive but fun. On the other hand, I really don't find it fun to grind on a boss for a few hours, especially when some of them have questionable hitboxes/tracking. For example (late game boss spoilers)
The giant ape grab when he jumps in the air, lady butterfly grab, the bull miniboss is just dumb and boring and they use him twice, the final boss has a vertical attack where it's kind of just a big wave still hits sometimes when I clearly dodged it
. It basically just gets exhausting grinding bosses and the game is just a bit too punishing. Having to deal with loading screens and cutscenes for some of them get tiring too.

I'm also not a fan of some items in this game, especially confetti and ammo for tools. Some items just don't last long enough and the confetti being practically needed for some bosses despite being limited in quantity is just dumb design imo. It can be mitigated in later playthroughs when you know the bosses more but for new players, needing to grind confetti is too punishing and you can't buy it until later when it becomes pointless.

I'm also not a fan of ammo having to be a farmable item. It's not hard at all to grind for but it's a step I'd wish they got rid of. Make your ammo just refill when you rest, it can be kinda discouraging testing out all your tools on enemies and bosses when you realize you'll need to farm for ammo soon.

The game is still great though. I prefer the RPGness in souls games but these games are completely different. I just prefer different action games since I find sekiro too punishing at times. I'm still glad Fromsoft did something new at least. I'll go practice the final boss soon, I'm a bit into his second phase so I'm getting it down at least.


Oct 27, 2017
So watching some streamers play, I realized I fought

Lady Butterfly


Most people went after her poise, but I whitled down her health by constantly waiting for counter moments. I really don't think I like the poise mechanic, because it constantly feels like I am hitting nothing, and the actual damage I do inflict feels miniscule.

I learned that fairly early on: There are two types of enemies (as far as I am understand) those who regain posture quickly which you should focus on their health, and those who recover it slowly, to those you should focus on posture instead of health.


May 12, 2018
Can someone point out where should i be going
Where should i go? I just got the shelter stone but everything is locked to the ahsina castle

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
PlanetSmasher Something that just came to me regarding the similarities...
Remember this guy from the chalice dungeons? Was only that way after it didn't have a head anymore...

Vaati explained that the english name is misleading, and the japanese name was "host of the beastblood"


Looking at the story of the might not be a coincidence


Nov 27, 2018
So I have a question about a boss,sorry if already asked and answered, im trying not to read the thread too much before i finish the game.
I'm like 20 hours in but died A LOT during that time for reference. I m talking about
the second encounter with the guardian ape

I have a hard time with this one. Is the only way to win
bursting through the add when he pops? Cause I tried that even with a red candy, but it didnt turned out well, and Im scared of spending all my hard earned red candies in too much tries on this boss,so if theres another way I havent figured out I'm all hears

On a more general note, I really love this game. The feeling of progressing and getting better keeps happening constantly. I find the game really hard, plenty of bosses and sub bosses gave me a hard time, but everytime you get better, the feeling is really well done here.
Even with that boss thats beating me up, Im doing much better today than i was yesterday with the exact same stuff on my character, I actually got better overnight after getting destroyed around 20 times yesterday, and thats what I really enjoy about the game.

Edit : lol I press post and see a post containing "Sekiro OT 2 : parry on my wayward son" and this is gold, thanks for the laugh :) and obviously perfect title

I killed the add first but I took my time and waited for clear openings. Once the add was down, the other guy was easy. I didn't use any candy's at all just take your time and attack when it's clear you wont get hit by either of them


Oct 27, 2017
Guardian Ape down on my fifth try. Phase one is really easy, just block constantly and hit him a couple of times when it's obvious. Using firecrackers makes it even easier. Phase two? Just cheese him (will take you 5 - 10 minutes). Sprint around in circles around him and attack him only when he does the plunging attack, jump over him (and his slash attack simultaneously) then whack him a couple of times before you bail. Repeat. He didn't even touch me in the second phase.
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