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Mar 30, 2018
Rio de Janeiro
The only console maker you care for is the one wielding its power to make acquisitions, to gain exclusivity.

Oh how easy it is to preach with an "it is what it is" attitude.
Honestly I wouldnt care if MS brought their games to every console and I keep saying if they do they shouldnt make them timed exclusives, just having these games gamepass day 1 is enough.

I understand this is not how busines works though when people say they should just make a deal for day 1 gamepass games with a publisher or that the platform holders should make a deal to put their games on each others platforms, I know how unrealistic things along those lines are.

With the it is what is attitude, sony will eventually make a move some dislike as well and it is hard to say which would bring out more people complaining about it though. I do know however most have been conditioned to accep this is the norm going forward and also that as big as MS is, they wont acquire everyone, so when the time comes someone else does it, everyone better accept the games wont be coming to xbox, pc and xcloud, be it google, apple, amazon, facebook, sony, tencent, nintendo or whoever else. This is the it is what it is attitude.


Aug 20, 2020
I mean, that one showed care and respect for the franchise, no? You said you couldn't remember the last time Sonic was bought up as anything but an oddity.

Sonic Mania would be the last time I think?

I'm talking about the franchise as a whole, I already said that there have been good games released and there'll be more in the future. I get what you're saying, just talking about different things.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'd actually go the other way on it and say that the IP is healthier than the games themselves. With stuff like the movie, cartoons (both Boom and the upcoming Netflix one), plus merchandising and relatively successful spin offs like the racing and olympics games, the IP is pretty healthy all things considered. Like, you hook up a game release with the next movie coming out and I'd bet it sells like hot cakes.

The games quality however...Sonic Team can't stop self sabotaging. They get to Generations in 2011 and for once have a workable 3D template they can refine. But what do they do? Throw it all out and make Lost Words. Then there's Mania, a successful throwback that is universally acclaimed. What do they do? Scatter the devs that made it to the wind, and get butt hurt about how their game (Forces) did worse than the "indie" Sonic.

If there was a buyout, I would hope that whatever company snatched them up recognized how important a Sonic is to the brand (not to mention gaming history), how do-able a good game is, and kick Sonic Team to the curb and get decent devs in that spot.
Sonic Team needs to stop being spread so thin, and tighter management.
Both things that would be helped by a higher budget.


Oct 27, 2017
Let me get this straight: People believe Microsoft is going to buy Sega because:
a) Sega separated its gaming division from its pachinko division (a division that is hurting due to the pandemic and could negatively affect the gaming division), and
b) because Microsoft has a Series X|S controller that is blue.

More than that
  1. MS CEO said they are looking for more opportunities and he wants established names (was right after the Bethesda announcement)
  2. New rumor that MS is looking for another Bethesda-sized deal, with multiple insiders suggesting they are looking
  3. Spencer mentioned a year ago or so that he thinks they are missing an Asian studio and, more recently, that they need more family-friendly games
  4. History between Sega and Xbox since the launch of the (original Xbox, which aligns with the recent acquisitions going back to dev partners of the original Xbox
  5. Relic Entertainment currently making Age of Empires IV
  6. Creative Assembly made Halo Wars 2
  7. Football Manager coming to Xbox (and not Playstation)
  8. Sega bringing more titles like Yakuza and Phantasy Star Online 2 to Game Pass
  9. Sega financial statement pointing to streaming and subscription model as a growth path

It's likely just Xbox and Sega continuing to develop their relationship. However, if another company like Tencent, Amazon, or Google came along with intentions to acquire Sega then I wouldn't be surprised to learn MS put in a bid.


Oct 27, 2017
reading way too much into the company's restructuring... reminding me a bit of the konami "news" :p

sammy bought sega for added upside to their main business while also getting a vehicle to diversify from gaming equipment if needed. they saw opportunity in the assets, namely the amusement center operations providing a growth opportunity for their business. the consumer facing side of sega was a mixed bag. they eventually forced a squeeze on the company after investing in sega to reassure itself as a publisher of software. things didn't pan out well post acquisition. when sales faltered, sammy took more control and cuts came. the software business floated in the wind for sometime until sega began to rationalize the loss of the hardware business and what it meant to be a software publisher with a new formula.

on the flip end, sammy tried to take what it could from sega (IP/arcade/amusement centers/western operations) to help grow its entertainment/gambling operations. this worked well for a period of time. sammys strength financially offered sega the time to rebuild and even though sammy did force some questionable cuts, they kept their commitment to segas future funded when it was in doubt at times.

today things at sammy-sega are way different... pachinko and gambling machines have been a drag for sometime on the company. sammy hasn't expressed much confidence in their pachi business going forward. covid added death weight to the business. their expansion into a third tier with operating resorts didn't pan out well/covid.

the signs of a realignment began as sammy saw less upside to their traditional business. forced retirements for hundreds of employees. the amusement center operations being sold off. strong assets still under sammy (a dartboard company is all that comes to mind lol) was moved under sega.

sammy has increasingly been left with a shrinking focus. pachinko machines, gambling equipment, their products aren't going anywhere soon but they require economic recovery, large reinvestment and a debatable future with younger generations. sega is now the getaway vehicle they planned years ago. the holding company is putting every loss/drag component it owns under one entity while the company is largely shifting to sega. there was always a possibility sammy would cash out by selling sega but this news makes it seem very unlikely.

hopefully it ends up being a new chapter for sega, though i still don't trust sammys management style with sega.
Oct 28, 2017
Sonic Team needs to stop being spread so thin, and tighter management.
Both things that would be helped by a higher budget.
I'd love for them to prove me wrong, but I just don't believe they have it in them at this point to be honest even with a large budget. Mania was likely produced for a fraction of what Forces was. ST just doesn't have the vision, or the creative filter at this point.


Oct 27, 2017
It would be a fitting cap to the stupidity of Atlus as a publisher if it took Microsoft buying Sega to get Persona 5 on pc.


Aug 11, 2018
Sorry, but this post is as clear as water that comes from a ' MS lens'
And ironically, many now cheering these adquisitions have gone mad when other business practices (as legal as adquisitions) like exclusivity deals come from the other shore.
Hypocrisy in this forum is at an all time high

The only console maker you care for is the one wielding its power to make acquisitions, to gain exclusivity.

Oh how easy it is to preach with an "it is what it is" attitude.
The problem with these posts is that they assume that my views change based on what Microsoft does. They do not, and my post history is clear on this. These are some posts I may before the Bethesda acquisition, and a good amount in the thread where Sony was getting timed exclusives.

All I am saying is that there are better ways to use that money, and they seem to understand that.
They have:
a) Bought new studios and seen their expansion.
b) Spent money to bring bigger games into Game Pass.

These two are a vastly better return to me as a consumer than spending money on timed exclusive content.

Microsoft will have to play ball, simple as. The market will not change to suit them.

They either pay for content, or make a big play to continue expanding their first party if Game Pass is all they are concerned about. Plus the exclusive DLC game was something that they perfected last generation, so they really have no one to blame when it comes to this.

Trying to lock out content out of the competitor's console has been a thing ever since I was a child. It is just what happens in gaming. You spend money to get content, that locks in sales and you make royalties off other sales that may come from that consumer. It might piss people off, but this is business, and business in its nature is not an emotional construct, although that is something that a corporation will leverage.

Always say that these companies need to do what they think makes them competitive. Sony is simply leveraging a stronger position and is trying to ensure that that position of strength in what is a key business is maintained.

Microsoft can do whatever they think is right for their business too.

Gaming is a content related business. Such businesses lend themselves to the practice of buying exclusivity. It is not going to change today, it is not going to change tomorrow, it is not going to change a 100 years from now as long as gaming is still a viable business with competition.

I am not going to make an argument as to why the consumer should care what these companies want. It is a silly argument. You get to choose with your wallet.

You are not entitled to anything. They put out a product in front of you, you can choose to buy it or not, it is no different to anything else sold out there in the free market. Support who you want with your dollars (or respective currency) but do not expect the entire business of gaming that has existed for decades to change on a whim.

As stated earlier, go where the games you love are. If it is PlayStation output and not having to wait for FF games, or having CoD content, then the place to be is on a Sony console. If it is Game Pass, WRPG's, shooters then get into Microsoft's ecosystem. If it is Mario, Zelda, SSBM, Xeno, you go to Nintendo.
Make a choice, live with it. If you want better from your platform holder, make it known.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
More than that
  1. MS CEO said they are looking for more opportunities and he wants established names (was right after the Bethesda announcement)
  2. New rumor that MS is looking for another Bethesda-sized deal, with multiple insiders suggesting they are looking
  3. Spencer mentioned a year ago or so that he thinks they are missing an Asian studio and, more recently, that they need more family-friendly games
  4. History between Sega and Xbox since the launch of the (original Xbox, which aligns with the recent acquisitions going back to dev partners of the original Xbox
  5. Relic Entertainment currently making Age of Empires IV
  6. Creative Assembly made Halo Wars 2
  7. Football Manager coming to Xbox (and not Playstation)
  8. Sega bringing more titles like Yakuza and Phantasy Star Online 2 to Game Pass
  9. Sega financial statement pointing to streaming and subscription model as a growth path

It's likely just Xbox and Sega continuing to develop their relationship. However, if another company like Tencent, Amazon, or Google came along with intentions to acquire Sega then I wouldn't be surprised to learn MS put in a bid.
Thanks for distilling that into a list. Something is up, even if it means a closer partnership with Sega in general.

There's also the future outlook and broad goals set by Sega, it lines up with what MS are doing as a platform.

Shpeshal Nick

Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
The only console maker you care for is the one wielding its power to make acquisitions, to gain exclusivity.

Oh how easy it is to preach with an "it is what it is" attitude.

So what do you suggest champion?

because with or without Microsoft, studios and developers are going to be bought. The fact that Sony and Nintendo can't afford to get into this upcoming arms race shouldn't result in you making these kinds of posts towards others.


Oct 27, 2017
More than that
  1. MS CEO said they are looking for more opportunities and he wants established names (was right after the Bethesda announcement)
  2. New rumor that MS is looking for another Bethesda-sized deal, with multiple insiders suggesting they are looking
  3. Spencer mentioned a year ago or so that he thinks they are missing an Asian studio and, more recently, that they need more family-friendly games
  4. History between Sega and Xbox since the launch of the (original Xbox, which aligns with the recent acquisitions going back to dev partners of the original Xbox
  5. Relic Entertainment currently making Age of Empires IV
  6. Creative Assembly made Halo Wars 2
  7. Football Manager coming to Xbox (and not Playstation)
  8. Sega bringing more titles like Yakuza and Phantasy Star Online 2 to Game Pass
  9. Sega financial statement pointing to streaming and subscription model as a growth path

It's likely just Xbox and Sega continuing to develop their relationship. However, if another company like Tencent, Amazon, or Google came along with intentions to acquire Sega then I wouldn't be surprised to learn MS put in a bid.
yup... it is all coming together. I wouldn't be surprised if MS actually announced an acquisition of Sega.
Oct 27, 2017
If MS buying Sega means there's a chance we could have a full well-funded Shenmue 4, then come on MS let's open up that war chest.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think MS is going to buy Sega, and IMO it would be an enormous tragedy if they did.
Dec 31, 2017
I don't think MS is going to buy Sega, and IMO it would be an enormous tragedy if they did.
Considering the efforts MS has put into making all their generations of consoles playable on their latest system, the possibility of playing games from the Master System to Dreamcast in 4K and HDR is reason enough to want them to buy Sega; it's the best case scenario. I'd also like a well funded Sega so that they can bring back the magic and diversity of the Dreamcast generation. How someone could see this as a tragedy is beyond me.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
So what do you suggest champion?

because with or without Microsoft, studios and developers are going to be bought. The fact that Sony and Nintendo can't afford to get into this upcoming arms race shouldn't result in you making these kinds of posts towards others.

I am just showing my appreciation of performative displays.
Jun 23, 2019
I am just showing my appreciation of performative displays.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Apologies if it's been covered in the thread already, but where would TMS fall after the restructuring, under Sega or Sammy? I'm assuming it'll be Sega but the report doesn't say.


May 31, 2019
Sofia, Bulgaria
So what do you suggest champion?

because with or without Microsoft, studios and developers are going to be bought. The fact that Sony and Nintendo can't afford to get into this upcoming arms race shouldn't result in you making these kinds of posts towards others.

Why are you so confident about the inability of Sony and Nintendo to compete? May be for the big guns like Take Two, EA and Activision-Blizzard or constant pouring of money for acquisitions. But for midscale publishers and third party studios, both companies have enough funds.


Jan 15, 2020
Apologies if it's been covered in the thread already, but where would TMS fall after the restructuring, under Sega or Sammy? I'm assuming it'll be Sega but the report doesn't say.
In the filing it says that pachinko, arcades, casino resort and other Sammy interests go one way and Sega interests like console and pc development go another. I'm not sure where each individual company falls I couldn't see the listing of studios


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
In the filing it says that pachinko, arcades, casino resort and other Sammy interests go one way and Sega interests like console and pc development go another. I'm not sure where each individual company falls I couldn't see the listing of studios
TMS has several animation studios that work on movies and TV shows and sometimes games. I guess we'll have to wait until end of fiscal year to find out where they land.

Shpeshal Nick

Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Why are you so confident about the inability of Sony and Nintendo to compete? May be for the big guns like Take Two, EA and Activision-Blizzard or constant pouring of money for acquisitions. But for midscale publishers and third party studios, both companies have enough funds.

This thread's discussion is around bigger publishers no?

Also the closed thread was also about bigger publishers.

OF COURSE Sony and Nintendo can afford individuals studios. Sony bought Insomniac and Nintendo bought Next Level. But that's about the ceiling. A studio here and there realistically.

Sony and Nintendo aren't in the discussion for:

Take Two

et al


Jan 15, 2020
Why are you so confident about the inability of Sony and Nintendo to compete? May be for the big guns like Take Two, EA and Activision-Blizzard or constant pouring of money for acquisitions. But for midscale publishers and third party studios, both companies have enough funds.
I'm not the op your replying to but I would welcome statements and actions that show intent from either company to do so but right now based on past actions and the general read of the room from analysts and insiders the chests are being opened by MS / Tencent and Amazon with a chance Apple and Google are lurking around kicking the tyres of a few things aswell.

I'm not saying they can't but the largest thing we've seen is EA / T2 bid over code masters for a billion while the figures we are talking about is multi billion dollar integrations


May 31, 2019
Sofia, Bulgaria
This thread's discussion is around bigger publishers no?

Also the closed thread was also about bigger publishers.

OF COURSE Sony and Nintendo can afford individuals studios. Sony bought Insomniac and Nintendo bought Next Level. But that's about the ceiling. A studio here and there realistically.

Sony and Nintendo aren't in the discussion for:

Take Two

et al

While i agree for EA, Activision and Take Two (and for Ubisoft because of their massive size that would be nightmarish for any integration), the rest seems to be an assumption.

PS: Not saying at all that Sony or Nintendo will buy anyone big.


Aug 23, 2018
lol Nobody is ignoring it, it's just that it's so far from reality that nobody is acknowledging it. It's basically him justifying MS grabbing as many studios/publishers as they can. If you agree with that, more power to you, but don't get defensive when others as well as people in the industry share their concern. Consolidation is a negative whether Sony, MS, Nintendo, etc. do it.

You realize we all can see your posts from 2019 when you were extremely enthused about the possibility of Sony acquiring studios? Going so far as to recommend the studios they could purchase?

Shpeshal Nick

Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
While i agree for EA, Activision and Take Two (and for Ubisoft because of their massive size that would be nightmarish for any integration), the rest seems to be an assumption.

PS: Not saying at all that Sony or Nintendo will buy anyone big.

If I was Sony or Nintendo right now, I'd worry more about which of the big 5/6 is eyeing them off.

Microsoft has tried and failed repeatedly to buy Nintendo.

Suzuki Yu

Oct 25, 2017
Considering the efforts MS has put into making all their generations of consoles playable on their latest system, the possibility of playing games from the Master System to Dreamcast in 4K and HDR is reason enough to want them to buy Sega; it's the best case scenario. I'd also like a well funded Sega so that they can bring back the magic and diversity of the Dreamcast generation. How someone could see this as a tragedy is beyond me.
I think people who don't want this to happen is either:
1- want their games on a platform of their own preferences despite how underutilized the company really is.
2- think SEGA/ATLUS are going to die and limit themselves despite how Gamepass works for 1st party content and how many options are there to play their games.

when I say that SEGA (especially SEGA of Japan) is underutilized I mean they are SEVERELY UNDERUTILIZED..
SEGA doesn't lack the talents like some are claiming here.. far from that! they just need a brave & powerful management who can take the full potential of what the company is capable of with a strong vision driven by ambition and with the Gamepass as a different kind of platform will make them thrives and give them even more creative freedom and make things that were otherwise considered "hard sell"
Sammy on the other hand (with gambling operations as their background) was never going to do that. and if the past 15+ years didn't convince you I don't know what will. they are just sticking to what works and milking stuff to death while also using their best resources in the worst ways possible like what they are doing with AM2 recently with all of these licensed anime/otaku stuff or RGG studio stuck for years with those annual releases of Yakuza.
they did some great steps as of late like the focus on the globalization & the bigger shift towards the consumer side of business but I don't trust them in the long run as they tend to break everything they built the moment anything underperforms.

I miss SEGA the risktakers and want them to return back and I am willing to bet on Microsoft at this point really.

Apologies if it's been covered in the thread already, but where would TMS fall after the restructuring, under Sega or Sammy? I'm assuming it'll be Sega but the report doesn't say.
under the SEGA group, along with Marza Animation Planet & SEGA Toys.
but all together only make up about 5-10% of the SEGA Group's overall revenue.
Last edited:


Dec 16, 2019
I think people who don't want this to happen is either:
1- want their games on a platform of their own preferences despite how underutilized the company really is.
2- think SEGA/ATLUS are going to die and limit themselves despite how Gamepass works for 1st party content and how many options are there to play their games.

when I say that SEGA (especially SEGA of Japan) is underutilized I mean they are SEVERELY UNDERUTILIZED..
SEGA doesn't lack the talents like some are claiming here.. far from that! they just need a brave & powerful management who can take the full potential of what the company is capable of with a strong vision driven by ambition and with the Gamepass as a different kind of platform will make them thrives and give them even more creative freedom and make things that were otherwise considered "hard sell"
Sammy on the other hand (with gambling operations as their background) was never going to do that. and if the past 15+ years didn't convince you I don't know what will. they are just sticking to what works and milking stuff to death while also using their best resources in the worst ways possible like what they are doing with AM2 recently with all of these licensed anime/otaku stuff or RGG studio stuck for years with those annual releases of Yakuza.
they did some great steps as of late like the focus on the globalization & the bigger shift towards the consumer side of business but I don't trust them in the long run as they tend to break everything they built the moment anything underperforms.

I miss SEGA the risktakers and want them to return back and I am willing to bet on Microsoft at this point really.

under the SEGA group, along with Marza Animation Planet & SEGA Toys.
but all together only make up about 5-10% of the SEGA Group's overall revenue.

This is a great post about game curation, and the importance of what could be possible. It definitely seems compelling... Though there's probably a lot blocking their ability technically and possibly licensing... But hey, I'd be all in to get Sega's back catalog on a stable platform with all the wizardry MS has done on other legacy titles.

Either way, history aside, Sega's been a crappy publisher/dev for a long time outside a few bright points. I almost don't care who buys them - something's gotta change their and doesn't seem to be happening with the current management.


Feb 18, 2018
Los Angeles, CA
Microsoft acquisition incoming.

Especially with that amount of shares after the split.

+1 for an acquisition / sell off of gaming division on the horizon. I personally would like another Japanese company to acquire them (ex: Nintendo or Sony) but if its Microsoft, I wouldn't be mad at that either.

I think people who don't want this to happen is either:
1- want their games on a platform of their own preferences despite how underutilized the company really is.
2- think SEGA/ATLUS are going to die and limit themselves despite how Gamepass works for 1st party content and how many options are there to play their games.

when I say that SEGA (especially SEGA of Japan) is underutilized I mean they are SEVERELY UNDERUTILIZED..
SEGA doesn't lack the talents like some are claiming here.. far from that! they just need a brave & powerful management who can take the full potential of what the company is capable of with a strong vision driven by ambition and with the Gamepass as a different kind of platform will make them thrives and give them even more creative freedom and make things that were otherwise considered "hard sell"
Sammy on the other hand (with gambling operations as their background) was never going to do that. and if the past 15+ years didn't convince you I don't know what will. they are just sticking to what works and milking stuff to death while also using their best resources in the worst ways possible like what they are doing with AM2 recently with all of these licensed anime/otaku stuff or RGG studio stuck for years with those annual releases of Yakuza.
they did some great steps as of late like the focus on the globalization & the bigger shift towards the consumer side of business but I don't trust them in the long run as they tend to break everything they built the moment anything underperforms.

I miss SEGA the risktakers and want them to return back and I am willing to bet on Microsoft at this point really.

under the SEGA group, along with Marza Animation Planet & SEGA Toys.
but all together only make up about 5-10% of the SEGA Group's overall revenue.

Great post. This is why I believe out of all of the companies that could acquire Sega, Microsoft would be a good company to do so. Maybe Microsoft may suggest more GAAS titles from Sega IPs but they wouldn't stifle creativity unlike Google and Amazon, because their business model and pricniples just don't line up with the gaming industry.
Last edited:

Deleted member 23046

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
Microsoft was literally convicted of anti-trust. They shouldn't exist in this form. Bill Gates and his lawyers had enough political clout to get away with actual market manipulation and exploitation.
No one gets established in the gaming business without leveraging money from elsewhere.
It's an irrelevant equivalency that doesn't take account of respective companies positions. The point was how Microsoft got that money and how it has carried them to their current position, a unique one in the industry that is still unchallenged because it has been secured to not be.

These are valid objections not only to consolidation, but specifically about the one started by MS, regarding how they are already omnipotent in the computing world. And there is nothing to argue about such worries; it would be true for any sector.

Saying "I don't care, as an Xbox owner I would be happy to have the SEGA catalog all for me" would be a more accurate response than your fallacious advocacy, because it doesn't mistake positions and needs between customers, divisions, companies and markets.


Aug 11, 2018
It's an irrelevant equivalency that doesn't take account of respective companies positions. The point was how Microsoft got that money and how it has carried them to their current position, a unique one in the industry that is still unchallenged because it has been secured to not be.

These are valid objections not only to consolidation, but specifically about the one started by MS, regarding how they are already omnipotent in the computing world, and there is nothing to argue about it, it would be true for any sector.

Saying "I don't care, as an Xbox owner I would be happy to have the SEGA catalog all for me" would be a more accurate response than your fallacious advocacy, because it doesn't mistake positions and needs between customers, divisions, companies and markets.
1. I understand how gaming works, and how hard it is for new players to break in. Sony when they came into gaming had more money than anyone else and they used that to establish themselves. Microsoft simply woke up from their slumber and realized that they can also spend some freakin money to make their platform more desirable.

2. I honestly do not have an issue with timed exclusives and acquisitions. They are all done to benefit the party spending money, to make platforms more appealing. That is how I look at them. I have always been of the opinion that true exclusives are the dogs bollocks compared to throwing money at timed stuff. To each their own.

3. I think Game Pass is the best service in gaming. I want to see it get better because it benefits me as a user. I would love to tell you that I care about how others spend their money, or how they justify what to would be a lie. I move where the games I want to play are; they have always been scattered across different platforms. It is inconvenient, but it is what it is.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The way Sammy is run I can totally see them selling Sega off for a few bill to fund their possible Yokohama integrated resort (still in RFP though) and when Covid recedes makes billions from gaming VIP which is in line with their original line of business.

As for Sega risktaking, I think most of the talent are happier doing other things and with other companies these days and as much as a 'return to the good old times' sound nice I can't help but think Balan Wonderland (Naka/Oshima as char design) is being thrown under the bus compared to 'what could have been with Sega magic'


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 5, 2019
the Spanish Basque Country
Why would they sell the video game part of the company? Is the other part even that successful? Pachinko has been in decline for a while, and all the resort business and so on is way les recession-proof than gaming.


Mar 30, 2018
Rio de Janeiro
The way Sammy is run I can totally see them selling Sega off for a few bill to fund their possible Yokohama integrated resort (still in RFP though) and when Covid recedes makes billions from gaming VIP which is in line with their original line of business.

As for Sega risktaking, I think most of the talent are happier doing other things and with other companies these days and as much as a 'return to the good old times' sound nice I can't help but think Balan Wonderland (Naka/Oshima as char design) is being thrown under the bus compared to 'what could have been with Sega magic'
Dont you think that such a deal with MS would include sammy being able to use their IP outside of gaming, movied and related media?

If anything I think that makes things easier.


Jan 9, 2018
More than that
  1. MS CEO said they are looking for more opportunities and he wants established names (was right after the Bethesda announcement)
  2. New rumor that MS is looking for another Bethesda-sized deal, with multiple insiders suggesting they are looking
  3. Spencer mentioned a year ago or so that he thinks they are missing an Asian studio and, more recently, that they need more family-friendly games
  4. History between Sega and Xbox since the launch of the (original Xbox, which aligns with the recent acquisitions going back to dev partners of the original Xbox
  5. Relic Entertainment currently making Age of Empires IV
  6. Creative Assembly made Halo Wars 2
  7. Football Manager coming to Xbox (and not Playstation)
  8. Sega bringing more titles like Yakuza and Phantasy Star Online 2 to Game Pass
  9. Sega financial statement pointing to streaming and subscription model as a growth path

It's likely just Xbox and Sega continuing to develop their relationship. However, if another company like Tencent, Amazon, or Google came along with intentions to acquire Sega then I wouldn't be surprised to learn MS put in a bid.

Don't forget this tweet from Sega that came together with the announcement of the blue controller.


Oct 27, 2017
OF COURSE Sony and Nintendo can afford individuals studios. Sony bought Insomniac and Nintendo bought Next Level. But that's about the ceiling. A studio here and there realistically.

Not sure I understand you right: you mean they can't afford anything bigger than individuals studios ? If yes, have you seen their financials after 2010?

They make a lot less money than MS, but they still make BILLIONS $ a year.
Nintendo has 11 billions $ cash available, Sony has about 40billions $ cash available and made several aquistions over a billion those last years...
That's enough cash for 5x Bethesda or Ubi+Capcom+SE...

A company can also buy a company with stock options or just needs to ask a bank for lending some money.

MS and Sony have different strategies right now concerning their studios.
But they will definitely buy someone if MS continues this trend.


Sega makes a lot of sense for MS, they have great PC games. Doubt their consoles franchises are big enough to make a real impact.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
No one gets established in the gaming business without leveraging money from elsewhere. Sony had to spend their way in, Microsoft had to spend their way in. Google has the infrastructure, but to get exclusive content that will bring people into their ecosystem will require spending from their ad revenue business.

Epic wants to establish a PC store, and guess what, they are spending their way to try and establish themselves as an alternative to Steam.

Gaming requires those building ecosystems to eat a loss early, and sustain those losses before critical mass is achieved.

Microsoft needs to cultivate competitive gaming studios is nonsense by the way. Microsoft has traditionally had a small first party studio organization, and it is something that Sony had too up until the PS3 generation where they lost exclusivity with a lot of titles going multiplatform; releasing day and date on other consoles.

Microsoft was dumb. It was in gaming without ever committing fully to the venture. This is how they came into this generation with 5 studios, one making a game that was available on everything. This was how they got into proper relationships with developers, but never ever solidified those relationships by acquiring Angel Studios, BioWare, DICE, Double Helix, Bizarre or even trying to get Team Ninja.

They sat around as reliable partners were swallowed up, or saw some developers move in another direction because the parent company was working in its own interest. They also got into deals where they got games but did not own the IP. They published Sunset Overdrive, did not own the IP, they published Gears of War, did not own the IP. They published Ryse, and they do not own that IP. Where on earth have you seen a game being a cornerstone of a platform, published by the platform holder and not owned by it?
Microsoft was extremely careless around talent and IP.

The moment I see people state that games are being taken away from a user base, I honestly cringe. You are a singular user being asked to make a decision as to what platform you would want to invest in. The only way any party becomes a factor is when they offer something compelling to users. In short, the people that are against purchases most of time simply do not want to make another purchase. They are usually the same users that have disproportionately benefited from Sony doing what every business in a position of strength does i.e. perpetuate dominance.

So these moves, tend to be viewed from a pro Sony lens despite the fact that we now have a divergence in business models. Microsoft needs content to fuel Game Pass, and they are not going to get to where they need to be by buying a studio here, a studio there. They need to accelerate that timeline and the easiest way to really make a case to consumers is by getting the talent and recognizable IP. Today, you cannot play a Final Fantasy game on Nintendo systems or Street Fighter for that matter because there is a party that pays to keep them off other systems. You could play the Xeno games on PlayStation, and today you have to get a Nintendo console to play that because Nintendo bought Monolith.

I was never going to get the original Xbox up until it was announced that Dead or Alive 3 was going to release exclusively on it. A third party title that had been on PlayStation and Sega systems. No brand loyalty, just a gamer moving to where a must have game had moved. I was similarly willing to miss the XB1 generation if Microsoft did not make changes to what they presented at E3 in 2013. It is amazing how simple life becomes when people worry about the decisions they can make.

Platforms taking games away from others is normal. Platforms keeping games away from others, even for some time, is normal. Publishers being bought out is also normal, albeit infrequent. My advice, if you want games on PlayStation, there is something out there for you. If you desire what Microsoft is doing with Game Pass or their exclusives, they have multiple entry points for you. The persistent moaning about how stuff is being taken away is entitlement that needs to end seeing that it is common place.

I once asked whether there were people that were allergic to getting games on anything that is not PlayStation, and going through threads, there are those that have platform loyalty that is hard to explain. The world will move on as these complain.

good post


Oct 30, 2017
Why would they sell the video game part of the company? Is the other part even that successful? Pachinko has been in decline for a while, and all the resort business and so on is way les recession-proof than gaming.

Videogame developer/publisher valuations are at an all time high, this may well be the best possible time to cash in their original investment in Sega. If the board believe Microsoft or whoever else, is willing to pay an inflated price that is well above market rate for Sega, then that may well be seen as the best way to return value to their shareholders.

Codemasters were just sold for $1.2 billion to EA; they were worth a quarter of that just a couple of years ago.


Dec 18, 2017
Brigerbad, Switzerland
OF COURSE Sony and Nintendo can afford individuals studios. Sony bought Insomniac and Nintendo bought Next Level. But that's about the ceiling. A studio here and there realistically.
I don't think Sony or Nintendo will buy anything major soon (nor do I want them too), but the bolded is weird. They could afford much more if they felt the need to do so. That's ultimately the most important factor. Microsoft had the funds to do these moves since Xbox was founded, but they never bought anything the size of Zenimax. Because they never felt the need to. That changed with GamePass. That's the driver, not the fabled "warchest".
Sony for instance was part of the bidding war for Fox, a deal that ultimately cost Disney 70+ billion $. Much, much, much more than most of those publishers would cost. It's more about strategy then money, otherwise Microsoft would have started these aquisitions sooner than three generations in.


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Jan 5, 2019
the Spanish Basque Country
Videogame developer/publisher valuations are at an all time high, this may well be the best possible time to cash in their original investment in Sega. If the board believe Microsoft or whoever else, is willing to pay an inflated price that is well above market rate for Sega, then that may well be seen as the best way to return value to their shareholders.

Codemasters were just sold for $1.2 billion to EA; they were worth a quarter of that just a couple of years ago.
Yeah, that's a good point.
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