Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
This hits me in the feels. All the NWO shirts I bought back in the day was because of Hall and Nash.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
RIP to one of the last real ones. Props to Dimond Dallas. That guy probably gave Scott another 10 years than he was going to get.

This. Like I'm glad this is everyone remembering how cool he was and not how tragic he was when he was at his worst. Its awful that he's gone but at least he got a chance to enjoy his last years and mend relationships with his family and friends before he passed. Its the one little bit of solace here.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
The thing about Scott hall pitching a Scarface character to Vince, one reason it worked is because if you were a kid in 1993 as I was, 9 years old and a major new generation fan, *you had never seen Scarface* either so this concept of a cocky Miami Cuban guy heel was completely new to me too. I was 9, no chance I was ever going to watch Scarface, and so that was just as new to me as it was to Vince or Pat.

Scott Hall never got enough credit for being essentially the first anti-hero to get over with fans. Long before Steve Austin made it cool.
RIP to one of my favourite wrestlers growing up and a true innovator in the sport.

Interesting idea, but I think there were others before him and that's not taking anything away from Razor who became a traditional baby face after his face turn with 1-2-3 Kid. Flair was over with fans almost everywhere he wrestled as a peak heel, famously Sid was over Hogan in his '92 feud and WWF had to manipulate the audio. For other traditional anti-hero faces, Demolition and Legion of Doom fit that as well. But still razor was classic and those guys are some of the greatest in the business ever so it's good company.

In WWF he stood out but it's also because WWF manipulated crowd audio basically all throughout the 80s and 90s in broadcasts UNTIL Raw, which was supposed to be rough, real, unmanipulated. But it's definitely not a coincidence that Hall broke through in that medium and pushed Raw to be what it was. He thrived on that format in a way that he probably wouldn't have if he was wrestling in WWF 2 years earlier. They would have made him an alligator hunter or a car repossession guy or something.
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Oct 25, 2017
The greatest compliment I can give to Scott Hall is how much I hated his guts.

I was a grade-A WWF loyalist back in the day and Razor Ramon and Diesel jumping ship to the enemy filled me with red hot fury.

Oh, I would have denied it. I would have given any number of reasons why it didn't REALLY piss me off. No wrestler, in any federation, could GET me. I was too smart. I had an internet connection, which basically made me an expert. I booed who I wanted, cheered who I wanted, regardless of the intended story in the ring.

But the truth is he did get me; he got me to care. He got me invested. In him, his character, his matches. He got me to follow WCW news even though I refused to watch Nitro (loyalist, sigh; I ain't proud of that time).

He got me the way a true heel is supposed to worm his way into your heart (which is ironic 'cause of how de facto face-ish the NWO ultimately was).

I hated Hall because of how much I loved his body of work, which made his departure sting more, which made me hate him even more. How dare he leave? How DARE he? If I'd ever seen him in the ring I would have booed until I lost my voice.

Because he was that damn good.

And he got me.


edit: a word
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Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
The greatest compliment I can give to Scott Hall is how much I hated his guts.

I was a grade-A WWF loyalist back in the day and Razor Ramon and Diesel jumping ship to the enemy filled me with red hot fury.

Oh, I would have denied it. I would have given any number of reasons why it didn't REALLY piss me off. No wrestler, in any federation, could GET me. I was too smart. I had an internet connection, which basically made me an expert. I booed who I wanted, cheered who I wanted, regardless of the intended story in the ring.

But the truth is he did get me; he got me to care. He got me invested. In him, his character, his matches. He got me to follow WCW even though I refused to watch Nitro (loyalist, sigh; I ain't proud of that time).

He got me the way a true heel is supposed to worm his way into your heart (which is ironic 'cause of how de facto face-ish the NWO ultimately was).

I hated Hall because of how much I loved his body of work, which made his departure sting more, which made me hate him even more. How dare he leave? How DARE he? If I'd ever seen him in the ring I would have booed until I lost my voice.

Because he was that damn good.

And he got me.


When I was big into WWF during that era, it was Bret Hart and Razor Ramon as my one-and-two guys. When Hall bounced to WCW, that betrayal felt SO FUCKING REAL. I didn't do what you did and follow him to WCW, but I thought about it and, if I did jump, it would've been Hall and Nash that got me there.


Feb 28, 2018
Like others, this one hurts. I remember loving him as Razor and swearing to never watch WCW, until…

I mean both big sexy and the bad guy? How could I not be part of the nwo invasion. I was so obsessed at the time my high school girlfriend started to open our phone convos with "Hey Yo!"

RIP legend.


Nov 4, 2021
South Eastern PA
I said this in the AEW thread, but Scott Hall is the reason I'm a wrestling fan, not for himself, but for what he inadvertently gave me. Please indulge this reminiscent word salad I'm about to spew.

I loved The Crow as a kid (Still do) and I was flipping through channels in 1997 and immediately stopped and paid attention to a man in my screen. That man was Sting and from that moment, I was hooked on wrestling. WCW defined my childhood and made me a wrestling fan 4 life. Growing up I wanted to be a professional wrestler and sadly time and depression have made that impossible now.

Wrestling & Video games are my passions in life and I owe one of them to Scott Hall & Sting. Wrestling was something my mom and me liked to watch every Monday (She loved Kevin Nash) and it was something we could do together. With her passing last October and now Scott, it feels if my childhood is slowly dying. All of my fond memories as a kid now have a dark cloud over them (Thank god Sting is still around). It sucks getting older and watching the things you used to cherish die off.

I don't want to end this on a downer, so I want to sing the praises of DDP for a moment. Like Sting, DDP was one of my favorites and if not for that man, we probably would of lost Scott years ago. What DDP did for Scott & Jake is legendary. I got to imagine there's a sainthood spot reserved for DDP when he passed on. With DDP's help, Scott was able to have a few more years with his friends and family.

RIP Scott. I hope you realized just how important you were to people's lives and to the wrestling world in general. I hope you rest well because you deserve it after all the troubles you faced down here. Also if you see my mom up there, give her a Too Sweet from me.

"Bad times don't last, but BAD GUYS do"


Oct 26, 2017
The Razor Ramon vs 1-2-3 Kid feud is basically what got me seriously into wrestling. I had caught Wrestlemania 9 at a family member's house and liked it enough that I wanted to watch more. But then I watched Raw and seeing 1-2-3 Kid beat Razor was the moment I became hooked. Razor was just such a cool bad guy. I've watched his shoot interviews over the years and it's great he was able to get healthier and improve his life over the last portion of his life so he could hopefully feel the appreciation fans had for him to its greatest extent. RIP.


Oct 29, 2017
Damn, I love him during the Razor Ramon Era and the Nwo Era, the guy had Charisma like no other.
HEY YOOOO is one of the best catchphrases ever, and him selling the Stunner at WMX8 still make me fall in tears whenever i see it.

RIP to the Bad Guy.

data west

Oct 25, 2017
Scott was my guy. I really thought he was gonna get the title after ww3 97

And man when he was a face he was the second most over face during new gen after bret


Oct 27, 2017
Loved Razor Ramon, like mentioned his feud with the 1.2.3 Kid was one of my alltime favourites! Really hitting hard him passing, same for me with Mr Perfect, just re-watching WM9 (i really dont mind it though i know some dont rate it much at all), Razor <3 oozing machismo. Legend.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't watch wrestling anymore, but he was one of my favorites. Coolest wrestler ever. RIP


Oct 25, 2017
Hall also used to get in trouble for giving the rookie Hardy Boyz 'too much' in his squash matches because he knew they were special

It also is worth remembering, as several folks have brought up DDP and how he helped Scott out, how Scott helped him out when he was getting going in WCW as a wrestler. DDP being the first person to fire back at the nWo and drop Hall with the Diamond Cutter after faking him out about joining the nWo was a huge moment for DDP's career that eventually led to his feud with Randy Savage which shot him into the stratosphere.

Dallas, of course, having been Scott's manager way back in the day, also played a huge role in how close they were and I'm sure played a big role in why Scott Hall wanted to do what he could to help him out.


Oct 25, 2017
Hearing all of the stories about how Scott Hall gave back to the business lately, and I'm somewhat shocked to learned he gave to the rub to random Japanese wrestler Hiroshi Tanahashi, long before he became the ace for New Japan.


Host Samurai

Oct 27, 2017
Was always a massive fan of Hall. He's in my Top 5 of all time and he's the one that kicked off the wrestling boom of the late 90's. RIP

Also, I'll always consider him a WWF guy as I think his ring work was much better over WCW. Razor and Diesel will always be WWF guys to me. I really wonder how the WWF would have turned out if they never left, as the WWF was inching toward an attitude era at the end of 95 and the mature feel of the product was in full force by the end of 96, despite all the propaganda WWE wants to spew on how the product was still kiddie until late 97. The seeds of the attitude era were planted in 95 and it unofficially started in 96 with Diesel's tweener run.
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Oct 25, 2017


(RIP Scott Hall/Razor Ramon) WWF WrestleMania The Arcade Game - World Title Playthrough

Playing Arcade version on MAME Emulator.I've been planning on revisiting this game. News about Scott Hall motivated me to make that happen.

This game is literally how I became a wrestling fan. And Razor was such a great character in it. I love his occasional taunt when he wins. "You picked the wrong guy chico."

Or when he's doing the rug slam.

The Bad Guy


Oct 28, 2017
Like the way he talked, walked, moved in ring. Right away we knew he was one of the great, memorable ones. God bless him, rip.


Oct 25, 2017
Man. Still can't believe it. I guess we all assuned maybe one day he would succumb to addictions.
But instead he checks out like this.

I don't know. Yeah...this sucks.
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