
Oct 27, 2017
I still hope that somehow and somewhere somebody revives this game (or concept). Even though it had lackluster presentations (Giant Crab E3) it had a lot of promise.


Oct 26, 2017
I still don't understand why MS canceled it.The game looked amazing.

Putting aside the fact that we don't know what troubles might be brewing behind-the-scenes on the development side, Scalebound had some of the worst social metrics in terms of interest level of an unreleased AAA first-party title I've seen.

On average, looking at places like YouTube, Google trends, Twitter conversation points, I'd say that Scalebound on average does 1/5th to 1/7th the level of consumer interest/search awareness/youtube view of trailers generated compared to stuff like Horizon Zero Dawn, Splatoon, Crash Bandicoot, ( not new IP, but long dormant ) before those games got released.

Granted, social metrics of unannounced games prior to release and ramp-up in marketing doesn't automatically mean a game will sell good/bad, but if a game, intrinsically struggle to be 'appealing' to the mainstream audience from the get-go, it's extremely difficult for marketing to overcome that barrier.

In all honesty, if the level of social metrics interest for Scalebound is reflective of what it would've sold, we're talking sales in the range of The Order 1886 and Xenoblade Chronicles X.


Oct 27, 2017
Scalebound was looking like Platinum's biggest title to date, in size and complexity, how it posited an RPG world setting and signature Platinum action with an intricately made companion. I feel it was a game that warranted thoughtful reveal and careful showing, and I agree with post #6 that it got anything but that. Instead every showing looked like the team had had to hastily scramble a demo section together for a mandatory expo. Even so it managed to depict exciting possibilities and given the pedigree and the funding behind it I believed it could polish up well, even if the marketing was doing it no favors.

Thanks for the write up/insights.

Deleted member 23908

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I still can't believe this game got cancelled, sure it looked a little rough but with a bit more time im sure platinum could have made it work
Zeta Ori

Zeta Ori

Oct 25, 2017
Some more footage for you all, the second half of this is pretty much all stuff that was never discussed or shown again outside of this video, and relates to the more RPG focus Scalebound was going for:

You mean the 2015 one? When I saw it I wondered which direction the game will take. Well 2016 showed me not the right one. We haven't had seen much of the single player stuff and yet they showed mp only.

Multiplayer was there in the original announcement trailer for the game at E3 2014.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Still don't understand the cancellation of this game.

MS ultimately destroyed the vision of the game. This game did not need Co-op or multiplayer. However, it seems MS is allergic to Single player games. It is sad but true, Sony would have published this game without hesitation.


Oct 27, 2017
Washington DC
The thing about this game is that even if it turned out to be a mess with the multiplayer stuff, I'd still want it. The core ideas were cool enough to carry it to something interesting. At WORST it would have been an awesome mess like Devil's Third.


Oct 27, 2017
Great thread.

I wanted to like this, but the demos were not exciting and always left me hoping there was more to it. I remember checking on some laundry during the last E3 showing where they showed the giant crab boss battle.


Oct 27, 2017
That's a damn good post, OP.

I absolutely hated the protagonist design, but dragons are always awesome. Sad to see the project ended like it did.


Oct 28, 2017
The cancellation never really affected but after reading this brilliant thread, it hit me hard.

I can only the imagine how the devs felt when they were told to pull the plug.
Zeta Ori

Zeta Ori

Oct 25, 2017
Then my mind must play tricks on me. I thought this was the trailer:

That is the trailer.

And this is pretty clearly cooperative multiplayer being shown in said CGI trailer:



Oct 25, 2017
That dark time when it got canceled, when Platinum's brand had already been dirtied by Star Fox Zero and especially that awful TMNT game. Automata did a lot to erase that pessimism.

Still hoping footage of that Dragon Link feature pops up one day, the way Austin Walker talked of it made it seem like something as essential to the game as slow-mo was to Viewtiful Joe.
Oct 28, 2017
I don't know how true this is but behind closed doors, apparently it was demoed like a Platinum action game and on the E3 stage, they didn't know how to present it.


Oct 25, 2017
I really wanted to be hyped for this game but it looked so slow and boring everytime they showed it off.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
I still imagine that despite this beinf cancelled and making Kamiya sad. He's now working on a game he's really wanted to for years now.


Oct 25, 2017
I was honestly surprised at the backlash this game got early on and I wonder if much of that has to due with the fact it was on a console not PS4. To me it looked awesome from the jump.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Terrific OP, the game looked rough but seemed like it could be terrific. Shame that Microsoft canned it, because more Platinum would've been only good!


Oct 25, 2017
Still sad about this one, Scalebound was the main reason I ended up purchasing an Xbox One. The footage they released did look underwhelming but I thought the potential was still there, after all of the great games Kamiya & Platinum have made. At this point I don't have hope that the work on Scalebound will be salvaged but I hope that Kamiya & Platinum leverage this experience for their next project.

edit: I forgot to mention, great OP! Really captures how it all went down.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
MS really fucked this game up. They should have just let platinum make this a single player RPG and not force some multiplayer into this.


Oct 28, 2017
Between this and all the other stuff they've cancelled over the years Microsoft should be in the running for a lifetime development mess award about now.
I'm not sure why but if you take a competent and great game developer who could make a fun game out of sticks and stones and add Microsoft Management (TM) to it, it turns into train wreck.

Deleted member 25108

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
I'm sorry but even as a huge Platinum and kamiya fan, they simply didn't sell this game well to either Microsoft or to the general public.

The problem is Platinum misread their audience. While Nintendo fans and Nintendo themselves would obsess over the intricacies of something like TW101, slowly uncovering the gem underneath, Microsoft and Xbox gamers needed a hook, something that would wow them from day one.

People forget that the true way to play Bayonetta (dodge ofset) was never advertised at all and neither for the most part were the intricacies of the combat system. They came secondary to the main hook of the game :- A badass sexy witch who was as stylish as a DMC character.

Mechanics sell games, but character and setting have to draw you in first. If the media had concentrated more on why the Dragon was such a badass or why we should like the DmC reject Drew a bit more, people would have engaged with the project more.

In scalebound I think Platinum coasted a bit too much on kamiyas name and didn't think enough on how to sell themselves to a market that was as unfamiliar with them as studio, even if they had enjoyed what they made previously. They should of also kept an eye on the winds of change around them and realised they needed to get to the point quickly.

Barrel Cannon

It's Pronounced "Aerith"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The marketing of the game was bad, and the idea of multiplayer seemed kind of weird to me. It only made sense in Anarchy Reigns and TMNT sort of made sense to an extent. I didn't really see why they were putting money into MP other than to add a checkbox. I still don't fully understand why projects this long in dev aren't just released quickly to at least recoup some costs.


Oct 27, 2017
Don't own an xbox but honestly was looking forward to seeing if this would add one to the collection. I wish MS had more faith in platinum.


Oct 28, 2017
ok after e3 everyone was shitting on the game. then when it was cancelled everyone got mad at. the game looked awful. and probably played worse. let it go.


Honest Work
Oct 27, 2017
Always felt weird how they signed with MS on their biggest project and cockblocked them with Nier.

Suddenly Scalebound cancelled. Lol

Whatever the reason is both parties suffered a lot. MS might never have a chance to work with an exclusive Japanese studio and P+ suffered mentally and just money and time down the drain.


Oct 27, 2017
Palm Desert,CA
RIP Scalebound we hardly knew ye!

Thank you OP for taking the time for writing this up. Will forever be bummed I won't get to play this game. Considering I have an Xbox One S solely for exclusives this game was always one of my reasons for purchase!

Do we know if Microsoft owns the IP for Scalebound? Is this something that can be resurrected by another company fitting the bill for Platinum as publisher and distributer? Or is this dead Jim?

Deleted member 1839

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
RIP Scalebound we hardly knew ye!

Thank you OP for taking the time for writing this up. Will forever be bummed I won't get to play this game. Considering I have an Xbox One S solely for exclusives this game was always one of my reasons for purchase!

Do we know if Microsoft owns the IP for Scalebound? Is this something that can be resurrected by another company fitting the bill for Platinum as publisher and distributer? Or is this dead Jim?

It's owned by Microsoft.....so yeah this might be dead Jim.
Oct 27, 2017
This is great infor. Is a shame that it was cancelled and shows how much MS has fallen from grace this generation after being so good during the 360 days. Hope that someone eventually helps revive this project in other form.


Oct 30, 2017
Excellent post, it really is too bad since it's obvious a lot of work went into this. The art alone is amazing to me. That Christmas artwork shows the love that this title had been given. A shame.

Spine Crawler

Oct 27, 2017
Great thread. Thanks for the link to Windows Central too. I'd been DM'd some rumors about Scalebound being killed, but I didn't believe it, figured there was no way Microsoft would kill such a big flagship project. I'd recently interviewed Hideki Kamiya and JP Kellams who both seemed really upbeat about the project, so it just seemed really odd that this kinda rumor would be circulating. Later that same day, I got a call from Microsoft, offering us early access to some news on the state of Scalebound. I was pretty stunned.

We had a brief 15 minute Q&A, they wouldn't offer details on why it had been killed. I asked about the gap it was gonna leave in Microsoft's lineup, and they gave a typical PR response pointing to other games in the lineup (many of which have now been delayed). I think it was pretty soon after Scalebound got killed that the central criticism of today's Xbox started focusing on exclusives, and I don't think that's going to go away any time soon.

A few weeks later and after a few conversations with people I know who were involved with the project (no names, sry), the impression I was given was that Platinum missed a few development milestones. There was definitely a sense, at least a rumor, within Microsoft that PG was essentially putting Microsoft's $$$ towards projects like Nier Automata. Whether that's true or not I don't know, I never got PG's side of the story, so take that with a pinch of salt (and that's why I never published that rumor really). I was also told that the main character was a point of contention, considered to be unappealing to mainstream Western audiences. Again, don't know if 100% true.

I think Scalebound would've been really good if things had gone better. I saw the game running at E3 on a console that year and, sure it was a demo, but it seemed really solid, at least conceptually.

I'm happy over all with my Xbox, but that's mainly because of third-party games. I think for those who are concerned about missing out on exclusives will continue to consider the Xbox a tough sell, even with 6TF.
scalebound at the form we saw it last looked way better than nier though. nier has good character models and cool artstyle but once you go into more natural looking environments the graphics are really not that special.

scalebound looked incredible (the dragon and the protagonist) and was insanely ambitious with multiplayer and everything. i would have considered buying an xbox one x just for this one game to be honest. at this point its just baffling, why microsoft would cancel one of their most promising games.

Spine Crawler

Oct 27, 2017
I'm sorry but even as a huge Platinum and kamiya fan, they simply didn't sell this game well to either Microsoft or to the general public.

The problem is Platinum misread their audience. While Nintendo fans and Nintendo themselves would obsess over the intricacies of something like TW101, slowly uncovering the gem underneath, Microsoft and Xbox gamers needed a hook, something that would wow them from day one.

People forget that the true way to play Bayonetta (dodge ofset) was never advertised at all and neither for the most part were the intricacies of the combat system. They came secondary to the main hook of the game :- A badass sexy witch who was as stylish as a DMC character.

Mechanics sell games, but character and setting have to draw you in first. If the media had concentrated more on why the Dragon was such a badass or why we should like the DmC reject Drew a bit more, people would have engaged with the project more.

In scalebound I think Platinum coasted a bit too much on kamiyas name and didn't think enough on how to sell themselves to a market that was as unfamiliar with them as studio, even if they had enjoyed what they made previously. They should of also kept an eye on the winds of change around them and realised they needed to get to the point quickly.
i disagree. the game had huge hype when it was announced (i remember it being shortly before the launch of bayonetta 2) and with every year passing the list of xbox exclusives got smaller and smaller and this became one of the top 3s for the console for many people in that other forum (including me).

i remember the gameplay reveal at the last e3 and how many people praised it.

and yes the mai character looks kind of like your stock japanese action game hero but at least the dragon looked so great..