Oct 26, 2017
Can I just point out that the guy is an engineer and an astronaut (kosmonaut, same thing) who works at the freaking ISS? He is way more competent than me and probably most of you when it comes to items in space.


Oct 25, 2017
Wouldn't that line of lights have to be incredibly close to the ISS to actually show up like that? Otherwise the implications that what that is is much farther out and absolutely massive which makes it a bit harder to believe its anything but some visual trick or camera weirdness.


Oct 26, 2017
The way those lights are angled seems misaligned with the earth in the way I'd imagine those star link satellite wouldn't be ( They seem to align away from the earth instead of curving with it like I imagine satellites would). I'd like to hear from somebody who'd know if that's correct or not. Also there was like 5 different "UFOs" in that video and most I would agree looked like they could be anything, but those aligned lights at the very least should eliminate space junk as the culprit. I suppose it could be a reflection, but I feel like the astronaut would be able to eliminate that possibility first.
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Nov 8, 2017
Literally the definition of UFO and people are ready to call the man a lunatic.

Does his pedigree mean nothing? He didn't earn the right to be up there by chance.

You're witnessing an equal and opposite reaction to the phenomenon whereby pilots get superhuman infallibility and perfect judgement attributed to them by the wink wink nudge nudge I'm not saying it's aliens crowd. Keep a look out for how much people like to really emphasise credentials as arguments against mundane explanations.

In reality yeah we don't need to make any kind of firm judgement call within 15 minutes of any story appearing somewhere, but that's the internet for you. There's some lights. We don't have to extrapolate anything further, except that it's battle #231 in the ongoing broader discussion.


Oct 25, 2017
I love the idea that a species advanced enough to travel light years to check out earth is also gonna like leave its headlights on or something lol

Kingpin Rogers

Oct 27, 2017
1st page era certainly like to think highly of themselves haha. I thought the video was interesting, I don't think the UFO was an alien or anything but it was interesting nonetheless.


Oct 27, 2017
Literally the definition of UFO and people are ready to call the man a lunatic.

Does his pedigree mean nothing? He didn't earn the right to be up there by chance.

Fucking brilliant.
It's because of the topic title. The astronaut doesn't "claim" to have seen UFOS, he has seen things he can not identify, therefore he has seen UFOS. The "claim" part of the title makes the topic silly.


Oct 25, 2017
Judging by the comments I feel like I'm the only one who sees the two floating black objects coming from the bottom left at 53 seconds in the video.

What's the 9-12 others have mentioned?

I also thought that was supposed to be the UFO, but I actually think that's just land on earth (with the bright light being cities). I don't get how the ocean is supposed to reflect all those stars though, no clouds obstructing, pure reflection of the night sky.
Feb 24, 2018
It's because of the topic title. The astronaut doesn't "claim" to have seen UFOS, he has seen things he can not identify, therefore he has seen UFOS. The "claim" part of the title makes the topic silly.
Also doesn't help that the word UFO has been tainted because decades worth of conspiracy theories, hoaxes, media misrepresentation, "ALIENS!!!!" etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Also just reread and got a kick out of the thread title, "claims to see" when there is clear video evidence, he didn't claim to see anything, he fucking saw and recorded it lol.

Sorry not trying to shit on you op, just reminded me of those shitty news headlines that twist what is actually happening.

No worries - I almost took the "claims" out myself, but I decided against altering the article's headline since I was really just reposting it.

I'm sure there's a reason news outlets do that, but I certainly don't know what it is.

Also doesn't help that the word UFO has been tainted because decades worth of conspiracy theories, hoaxes, media misrepresentation, "ALIENS!!!!" etc.

This is probably one of the reasons why.


Oct 27, 2017
Can I just point out that the guy is an engineer and an astronaut (kosmonaut, same thing) who works at the freaking ISS? He is way more competent than me and probably most of you when it comes to items in space.
It really grind my gears how a lot of people are gas lighting the guy. He's knows way more than us and wouldnt just "guess"

Jesus era
Oct 31, 2017
Yeah, I saw them too. They're StarLink satellites. Quite obviously.
Judging by the comments I feel like I'm the only one who sees the two floating black objects coming from the bottom left at 53 seconds in the video.

That's part of the ISS. The bright objects in a line near the beginning are StarLink satellites, and then there are more satellites (either StarLink or something else) a bit later.

There was *just a launch* the other day. The satellites would all still be in a row by the time this video was taken, as it takes several days for them all to disperse to their final orbits.


Oct 27, 2017
No worries - I almost took the "claims" out myself, but I decided against altering the article's headline since I was really just reposting it.

I'm sure there's a reason news outlets do that, but I certainly don't know what it is.

This is probably one of the reasons why.
Yes. Because it's more sensational.


Oct 26, 2017
Would have been nice to get the time it was recorded to see the internet detective work.

Not that anyone finding what it is would have really mattered, it would only be some youtuber or something. Argumentum ad verecundiam and all that.

Deleted member 49611

Nov 14, 2018
yup that's an UFO. i mean if it can't be identified then it classifies as UFO.

is it aliens? doubt it. probably just some satellites. but i ain't a astronaut so wtf do i know? if a government comes out and says they don't know what it is then it's a bit interesting.
Oct 31, 2017
Looked like the light ships that buzzed the Galactica in War of the Gods from the original series.
While likely unintentional, the music selected to go with the aurora show does lend itself to ufo cynicism. The formation looks like descriptions of Starlink sightings from the ground. Video sent for analysis...to be continued?


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
He never indicated that it was UFOs.

Pretty sure he knew very well what it was (most likely some satellites) and just thought that was cool as well.
But obviously some shit-rag has to make a clickbaity headline out of it.

Like, you really see these Starlink satellites all the fucking time.
I even happened to see them in a row once when they were being (re)deployed, which looked like this:

It was the middle of the night and I was high and on a walk with friends. Huge turmoil until I found this video and the explanation what it actually was.

We had everything from alien invasion to morse code projected into the sky, but I suspected satellites as soon as they all disappeared at the same spot in the sky. (the point at which sunlight didn't reach them anymore because it was blocked by earth)


Sep 3, 2018
No worries - I almost took the "claims" out myself, but I decided against altering the article's headline since I was really just reposting it.

I'm sure there's a reason news outlets do that, but I certainly don't know what it is.

Honestly that was my first assumption, media outlets are great at that unfortunately.


Oct 25, 2017
If aliens come to Earth it is because we failed their expirement and will be nuked back to the stone age to try again


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (1 week): antagonizing another user
Yeah, I saw them too. They're StarLink satellites. Quite obviously.

That's part of the ISS. The bright objects in a line near the beginning are StarLink satellites, and then there are more satellites (either StarLink or something else) a bit later.

There was *just a launch* the other day. The satellites would all still be in a row by the time this video was taken, as it takes several days for them all to disperse to their final orbits.

Look at this expert here. Pulling bullshit out of your ass to debunk an astronaut that has seen more star link satellites in one trip to the ISS than you will in your entire life. You figured it out. Congrats, you bested the astronaut. Let's send you up to the ISS instead.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
If aliens are smart enough to space travel, they wouldn't come to Earth



Nov 8, 2017
Look at this expert here. Pulling bullshit out of your ass to debunk an astronaut that has seen more star link satellites in one trip to the ISS than you will in your entire life. You figured it out. Congrats, you bested the astronaut. Let's send you up to the ISS instead.

Yeah, it isn't like there's a history of astronauts and pilots reporting UFO sightings only to either debunk it themselves or have it debunked by others.

(from Wikipedia)

In a transcript of Gemini 7 mission, the astronauts mention a "bogey" which ufologists have claimed was a reference to a UFO.[7] Oberg, based on his trajectory analysis of the mission, describes the astronauts' comments about a "bogey" as referring to booster-associated debris, and not a reference to some sort of UFO.[8] The astronaut who made the comments, Frank Borman, later confirmed that what he saw was not a UFO, and that when he offered to go on the television show Unsolved Mysteries to clarify, the producers told him, "Well, I'm not sure we want you on the program."[7]

During a 2005 spacewalk outside the International Space Station, astronaut Leroy Chiao reported seeing lights in a formation he described as "in a line" and "almost like an upside-down check mark".[4] The incident was promoted as a possible UFO sighting in the television series Are We Alone?.[4] Chiao later identified the lights as being from fishing boats "hundreds of miles below".[4]

In August 2013, according to NASA TV, astronaut Christopher Cassidy saw a UFO float past the International Space Station near its Progress 52 cargo ship.[10] It was soon identified by Russian flight controllers as an antenna cover from the Zvezda service module.[10]


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, it isn't like there's a history of astronauts and pilots reporting UFO sightings only to either debunk it themselves or have it debunked by others.

(from Wikipedia)

In a transcript of Gemini 7 mission, the astronauts mention a "bogey" which ufologists have claimed was a reference to a UFO.[7] Oberg, based on his trajectory analysis of the mission, describes the astronauts' comments about a "bogey" as referring to booster-associated debris, and not a reference to some sort of UFO.[8] The astronaut who made the comments, Frank Borman, later confirmed that what he saw was not a UFO, and that when he offered to go on the television show Unsolved Mysteries to clarify, the producers told him, "Well, I'm not sure we want you on the program."[7]

During a 2005 spacewalk outside the International Space Station, astronaut Leroy Chiao reported seeing lights in a formation he described as "in a line" and "almost like an upside-down check mark".[4] The incident was promoted as a possible UFO sighting in the television series Are We Alone?.[4] Chiao later identified the lights as being from fishing boats "hundreds of miles below".[4]

In August 2013, according to NASA TV, astronaut Christopher Cassidy saw a UFO float past the International Space Station near its Progress 52 cargo ship.[10] It was soon identified by Russian flight controllers as an antenna cover from the Zvezda service module.[10]

Your Wikipedia link doesn't back up what you said. Not one of those astronauts said they saw a UFO. Stop trying to discredit astronauts based on what others claim what they saw.


Nov 8, 2017
Your Wikipedia link doesn't back up what you said. Not one of those astronauts said they saw a UFO. Stop trying to discredit astronauts based on what others claim what they saw.

Oh, they didn't?


Did NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao have a UFO encounter in 2005?

Astronaut Leroy Chiao who was commander of the International Space Station for six and a half months in 2005 had a jaw-dropping experience in the outer space.
On a spacewalk 230 miles above Earth, travelling at over 17,000 miles per hour, Chiao suddenly saw something that made his "heart leap up into his throat".

"I saw some lights that seemed to be in a line and it was almost like an upside-down check mark, and I saw them fly by and thought it was awfully strange," Chiao told The Huffington Post.

Chiao has a feeling that he was visited by aliens. He said: "I don't rule it out 100 percent. I have an open mind and I do believe there's other life in the universe.

"If there is life out there that's so much more advanced than we are and they know either how to travel great distances in short amounts of time, or they're able to come from a parallel universe into ours, why don't they just come and show themselves?" he said.

NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy alerted ground controllers on Monday to an unidentified flying object floating near the International Space Station

I also literally said 'debunk it themselves', I don't know how that's supposed to be discrediting astronauts, if they see something not immediately explainable they need to report it for basic safety reasons.


Oct 27, 2017
Throughout the video there seem to be quite a lot of objects that are all going by in the same direction as the 5 aligned objects. Because one of the 5 aligned objects only barely seems to catch the sunlight, it's not unreasonable to think that there might be a longer line of them hidden in the dark. A Starlink train seems likely, but obviously I don't know shit.

The aurora sure does look amazing, though.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah but like, you'd think a species that has mastered traveling across galaxies would also have a decent degree of stealth technology if they were clearly trying to keep their presence masked.

Why do you think they couldn't mess up? We're an advanced race but we still do stupid fucking shit all the time.
Oct 29, 2017
Would be pretty cool if they were UFOS, but I think the coolest part of the video is seeing the aurora. It's always so mystifying to watch.


Nov 15, 2017
Told this to friend, and mentioned 'cosomonaut' and they immediately lost interest (they are severely anti-russian). Sigh.

This is a tangent, but the ISS is literally where humanity can throw away our differences towards common good and that's exactly what those men and women are coming together to do and I have nothing against their nation's people.

Anyways I think this is cool and Ivan certainly won't be the last astronaut to see odd objects. It doesn't mean they know anymore than we do or the space agencies. I imagine, if they can't identify something, they are just as perplexed.
Hell Gordon Cooper claimed seeing a typical saucer thing LAND on the fkn ground.


Oct 27, 2017
I think the idea of aliens visiting earth is so ingrained in our society as ridiculous/fantastical that people will not accept any proof, short of direct diplomatic contact or invasion.


Oct 25, 2017
yeah as someone posted images of the starlink sats, you can see they fly in linear series, one after the other, not side by side . If you full screen the video and look, there's a bit of distortion when passing over one of the background lights (stars?) between the unidentified lights like a reflection or something, and also some background lights being blocked out.