
Oct 25, 2017
They were aware. It's why so many of their tanks have that funky top grill over turret, it's hail mary deflector against Javelin.

It isn't working out so hot for them and Russian doctrine still is very armor heavy.

I think that deflector is for the RPGs Ukraine was originally using in the Donbas and it was pretty effective there. Doesn't do shit against real anti-tank weapons, as was demonstrated in the videos of Ukraine testing them


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
There are an unbelievable not 0 amount of supposed anti-war left wingers (not absolute randos either, one is a sitting NY city council member) trying to tie the responsibility for Russia invading Ukraine to the NATO actions against the Former Yugoslavia in response to the genocide that was going on there

And I'm just like what in the flying fuck


Oct 25, 2017
Finnish state broadcaster reported that they're partially shutting down facebook in Russia, seemingly because their information control isn't going too well.


Oct 28, 2017
That's on the eastern side of the river right? I would assume holding that was going to be integral to the Russian's pincer maneuver plan?
Yes. They crossed the river last night and were trying to take chernihiv all day today. Russians apparently suffered heavy armor losses there and now seem to have retreated out of the city for now.


Oct 27, 2017
On my way home from work I saw quite a few soldiers at the train stations (in Germany). Shit is closer than some people think.
This is such a gigantic shitshow only one person wanted, and millions are affected. Surreal.

Was swift delayed until gas could be secured perhaps? Get enough lng cargoes to get more buffee
According to Linder, they currently assess the situation if Russia would cut the gas supplies in retaliation. Baerbock also mentioned that SWIFT would affect regular citizens, too. In Germany living Russians wouldn't be able to send money home and so on, while the oligarchs would have the resources to circumvent most of the restrictions (paraphrasing a bit here).

There have been massive cyberattacks in the last weeks and constant bomb warnings and so on before the invasion. So I guess you just missed it.


Oct 27, 2017
Does Putin not realize that he's basically pushing all his neighbors into joining Nato?

Or maybe all his talk about Nato is bullshit anyway


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Seriously, are they addressing the pet situation because of Zepla? She's the only reason I knew the pet thing was a big issue in trying to leave and take refuge.

Pets were/are likely an issue for a decent amount of people. I'm sure there were a good amount of people who chose to stay on fear of leaving their pets.

It's good to get this message out as it might convince some who previously thought they may not be able to.

Bill Gaitas

Oct 25, 2017
I just noticed that on Rada they're broadcasting from a parking lot. Is there any reason for that? An hour ago they were on the studio.


Apr 5, 2018
My 84-year old godmother called me for the second time in two days. I think she is suffering from some kind of PTSD. She was visibly shaken, says she hasn't slept in two days and relives fleeing from war in WWII. So fucking sad that I'm far away from her and can't offer more comfort.
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Oct 25, 2017
There are an unbelievable not 0 amount of supposed anti-war left wingers (not absolute randos either, one is a sitting NY city council member) trying to tie the responsibility for Russia invading Ukraine to the NATO actions against the Former Yugoslavia in response to the genocide that was going on there

And I'm just like what in the flying fuck

to be fair, it's the closest -- and only comparable -- thing NATO has done. That said, you have to ignore all the contemporary context with Bosnia, Rwanda, etc. and also believe the bullshit Russia claims that Ukraine is run by Nazis committing genocide for the comparison to actually make sense. Even if you somehow reconcile all that, it was just an air mission that led to the United Nations, including Russia, taking over

Something tells me that Putin doesn't want this to end with UN peacekeepers in the Donbas. Or Crimea for that matter


The Fallen
Dec 26, 2018
Makes me wonder if China is worried about the west strengthening ties because of this war.

One would imagine a similar international response if China were to ever invade Taiwan -- swift and decisively. I bet they're surprised at the scale and don't want these response actions to be codified/standardized in case they ever make a play for conquest.

And if anything, China's military readiness is likely worse than Russia's since they don't have any large scale actual battlefield experience as they don't have a Syria-equivalent.


Jun 9, 2018
There have been massive cyberattacks in the last weeks and constant bomb warnings and so on before the invasion. So I guess you just missed it.

Bomb warnings wouldn't be cyber attacks, those are traditional. Any reports on infrasturcture in Ukraine actually being put out of commission? I guess the power plants near Kyiv weren't vulnerable.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
I just noticed that on Rada they're broadcasting from a parking lot. Is there any reason for that? An hour ago they were on the studio.

The BBC News people there stay in a car park as well so I imagine it's a journalist sort of HQ, sleeping safe space from bombs in the basement.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 7, 2020
There are an unbelievable not 0 amount of supposed anti-war left wingers (not absolute randos either, one is a sitting NY city council member) trying to tie the responsibility for Russia invading Ukraine to the NATO actions against the Former Yugoslavia in response to the genocide that was going on there

And I'm just like what in the flying fuck
"US/NATO bad" is not a foundation for understanding history and foreign policy.

Everyday Math

Oct 25, 2017
One would imagine a similar international response if China were to ever invade Taiwan -- swift and decisively. I bet they're surprised at the scale and don't want these response actions to be codified/standardized in case they ever make a play for conquest.

And if anything, China's military readiness is likely worse than Russia's since they don't have any large scale actual battlefield experience since they don't have a Syria-equivalent.
Pretty much what I was thinking.


Jun 13, 2019
Someone laughed about this yesterday but it's the same principle. Deny the people these things because these places can be used as communication centers and propaganda networks for niche cyber groups

It will definitely get the attention of the general public, no question. If you start denying amenities people get pissed off. And from the looks of St Petersburg and Moscow the other night, not every Russian is down for this shitty power grab by Putler.


Oct 25, 2017
According to Linder, they currently assess the situation if Russia would cut the gas supplies in retaliation. Baerbock also mentioned that SWIFT would affect regular citizens, too. In Germany living Russians wouldn't be able to send money home and so on, while the oligarchs would have the resources to circumvent most of the restrictions (paraphrasing a bit here).
This is true, Russian Youtubers and Twitch streamers are worried that they would be completely cut off from their income if a SWIFT ban happens.

The problem is that rich people have many ways of moving money, so this will not impact that at all and just make the lives of average people worse.

Given how many oligarchs own property overseas, the way to punish them would be to basically seize their assets entirely.