The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
smoking that Rush pack


Oct 25, 2017
That has been rumored forever. Supposedly used to go the the Dominican Republic for underage male prostitutes. Rumor was his bag was checked either coming or going and there was a ton of viagra within. Again, rumors, not verified but it has been whispered forever.
The viagra was completely true. He could have faced charges apparently but they never went for him.

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra

Held At Airport After Drug Lacked Prescription; Could See Deal In Prior Case Collapse


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017


"If you find it distasteful to be happy about his death, it's not because you are morally superior, it's because you don't care about the harm he's done."


Nov 9, 2018
Multiple people at my workplace seemingly have their radio dials permanently stuck to whateverthefuck AM station Rush was on in this part of Texas. Was still poisoning minds up to the last few months of his life. The world is at least a slightly better place now.


Oct 25, 2017
My neighbor across the street that works in his garage, that always BLARES Conservative radio all fucking day, is having a bad one. I just saw his wife pat him on the shoulders while he had his head down.

Maybe I'll never have to hear his hate rhetoric against my will again.


Oct 25, 2017
Multiple people at my workplace seemingly have their radio dials permanently stuck to whateverthefuck AM station Rush was on in this part of Texas. Was still poisoning minds up to the last few months of his life. The world is at least a slightly better place now.
Considering how much hate he spread I'd say the world is significantly better with him dead.


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
The best tweet about this so far is "If Rush Limbaugh is so pro life, how come he is dead?"


Nov 26, 2017
One thing I remember Rush preaching were the virtues of total victory during the Iraq invasion. He posited that complete and crippling destruction of your enemy was the only path for lasting peace. He was provably wrong, but I'm glad cancer to that lesson to heart and lungs. Rot in Pieces.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Going through this thread just shows some men make it their life purpose to be evil.

No one's death should be celebrated this way but here we are.

My condolences to his family but what an awful human being who decided to spread hate during his time here.


Nov 9, 2018
Considering how much hate he spread I'd say the world is significantly better with him dead.
I used "slightly" with the idea that he had already done most of the damage to humanity that he was going to do. I will upgrade to significantly taking into consideration that he will not be in anyone's ear during the leadup to elections in '22 and '24.


Oct 26, 2017
Seriously, guys. If you can't say something nice about someone, then they're probably Rush Limbaugh.

Wood Man

Oct 30, 2017
My dad used to listen to this asshole back in the 90s. I remember back then thinking this guy seemed wrong.

He was not a good person and that's all I'll say about him.

Goat Mimicry

Oct 25, 2017
Nobody should be giving condolences to Rush's family. If they recognize what a monster he was, they won't want any, and if they don't, they don't deserve any.

I'm gonna be annoyed if people do the same thing when Trump dies. None of these conservative shits deserve any of that high ground bullshit.
Last edited:


Jan 26, 2018
Whew. This man is 90% of the reason I barely have a relationship with my dad. My dad once looked at me with deep concern in his eyes "Can you believe rush limbaugh has cancer?" I kept my mouth shut then, but I just can't today. Such a good day.

Interestingly enough, you would think the death of one man wouldn't set back a whole movement, but Rush was truly a titan of Conservative news. I don't understand it in the slightest, but there is no one bigger in the right wing media sphere. Can anyone think of a possible replacement? Mark Levin maybe...? I can't think of anyone else who comes close to commanding the level of respect Rush did.



Oct 29, 2017
The amount of damage right wing pundits have created makes it difficult to care for this personal loss.
The amount of damage right wing pundits have created makes it difficult to care for this personal loss easy to not give a fuck that he's dead.

Fixed that for you.

This is the energy I needed today.
Seriously, guys. If you can't say something nice about someone, then they're probably Rush Limbaugh.
You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Oct 25, 2017
Whew. This man is 90% of the reason I barely have a relationship with my dad. My dad once looked at me with deep concern in his eyes "Can you believe rush limbaugh has cancer?" I kept my mouth shut then, but I just can't today. Such a good day.

Interestingly enough, you would think the death of one man wouldn't set back a whole movement, but Rush was truly a titan of Conservative news. I don't understand it in the slightest, but there is no one bigger in the right wing media sphere. Can anyone think of a possible replacement? Mark Levin maybe...? I can't think of anyone else who comes close to commanding the level of respect Rush did.

Maybe Ben Shapiro? I don't know many conservative mouthpieces, but I'm sure plenty of filth will scramble to fill the hole left by Rush's death.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not going to waste the effort coming up with something witty, I'm just glad he's gone.
Feb 9, 2018
And nothing of value was lost.

Seriously. It's about fucking time. I never cheered for cancer until Limbaugh got it, and it's the height of irony that he was killed by lung cancer that he got from smoking, after years of telling people that the scientists were making shit up about the harmful effects of tobacco. It would have been better for society if his drug-addled, draft-dodging chickenhawk ass had keeled over 30 years ago. Limbaugh has done more to poison political discourse in America than just about any other private citizen in the past 40 years. He set the standard for the modern right-wing pundit: an unprincipled firebrand propagandist who profits off of keeping the Republican base perpetually outraged and misinformed. He made a career out of spreading conspiracy theories and generally making up whatever bullshit he wanted, prattling on for three hours every weekday.

He knew the best way to keep his audience's ears glued to the radio was to constantly tell them that the Democrats are literal communists that are responsible for everything wrong with America past, present, or future, and that they're intentionally trying to destroy America with whatever he deigns to classify as "socialism." And of course he would never actually debate anyone on even terms on his show, because a slick propagandist knows you never even give the opposition the time or day or otherwise expose your audience to other viewpoints. Simply convince them that "You can only trust me. The other side are lying monsters," and you'll have them eating out of the palm of your hand.

What we've seen in recent years with the Trump cult and all of its associated conspiracy theories is the culmination of decades of lies and fearmongering that started when Limbaugh hit the airwaves. The "New Right" Reaganites that were taking over the party in the 80s needed to build up a propaganda apparatus so they could bullshit their way into people's hearts and minds, and with the abolition of the Fairness Doctrine and subsequent beginning and success of The Rush Limbaugh Show, they got what they wanted. From there it was only a matter of time before we inevitably got Fox News and now also the world of "alternative facts" on the internet. The American Right lives in a bubble where rigid adherence to "conservative" ideology and absolute loyalty to the GOP matters more than truth, justice, and the American Way.

People like Rush Limbaugh make me wish hell is real and that there is a just God, because he and the rest of the right-wing propaganda machine are pure evil. Fuck every single last one of them.