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Oct 25, 2017
People genuinely believe Sonic is gonna be in Smash lmao.
People genuinely believe Snake is gonna be in Smash lmao.
People genuinely believe Cloud is gonna be in Smash lmao.
People genuinely believe Banjo Kazooie is gonna be in Smash lmao.
Snake opened the door to third party reps. There wasn't even a chance for anyone to "lmao" the idea of Snake in Smash.


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
Not sure why some people think Doom Guy/Slayer is unlikely. Doom is one of the most influential series of all time, debatable the most influential American made game. Doom has a history with Nintendo that goes all the way back to SNES, the N64 has an exclusive Doom game that is actually more relevant to the current Doom plot than Doom 3 is, and now with Doom 3 having been released on Switch the entire series is on Nintendo platforms. Nintendo picked the DLC characters and with Doom 2016 having released on Switch and Eternal coming to Switch it makes sense to pick him from that perspective as well. As for content wise there's nothing about him that would stop him from being in Smash. Bayonetta introduced bullets to Smash and Joker has a realistic gun, Snake has plenty of realistic weaponry and Corrin even has a chainsaw.

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
Keep monster hunter out of smash. The mc is way too generic. This can't be true
As opposed to all the other avatars already in the game
I'm not sure why people even want Doomguy -- his signature move is chainsawing people in half and ripping them apart, obviously not something that would be included in Smash. So he would run around and shoot cartoony shotgun blasts and punch people? Not super exciting.
have you ever played a Bayonetta game
Oct 25, 2017
I'm torn. Doomslayer would be a Big Deal™ but I feel he would hurt the chances of realizing our Master Chief dreams.
Doomguy is basically Master Chief's dad. If you squint you won't be able to tell the difference.

If he were making it into the game, my hope is for it to be a bit of a hybrid design between modern and classic. Sakurai's team usually leans classic but also seems to be good at creating unique amalgamation versions of characters at times.

If it's going full modern, I wouldn't be mad. I really like the modern designs. But I'd hope for a classic inspired alt along with it.

have you ever played a Bayonetta game

Or Metal Gear Solid.
Violent, murderous, unlikely characters have already happened. And they still have their signatures. You just don't see blood or dismemberment afterward.
Doomguy could still be blasting players with shotguns, punching and chainsawing without there necessarily being blood and guts accompanying it.
...but it would inspire a lot of bloody fanart.
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Oct 25, 2017
Doomguy is definitely a reasonable pick at this point. Not that I necessarily buy this particular leak but I could see it being real.


Oct 27, 2017
Other than Banjo and Kazooie, I think the DLC characters have been totally underwhelming (especially if this leak turns out to be true). Would have preferred additional 1st party character DLC rather than a bunch of third party.


Oct 25, 2017
Monster Hunter with an accompanying cavalcade of amazing MH music and remixes is the only DLC I've wanted since launch.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah, I don't buy MH Hunter thing. First, MH is already represented in Smash, in best way possible after as a fighter. Second, third Capcom rep? Before Namco's second and KoTec (closest third party to Nintendo) first reps? Whatever Capcom did to deserve such honor? Scamming fans with overpriced RE ports, only one DMC game out of the collection?

Doom Slayer is a great candidate but I think the last one is still Hayabusa.


Oct 27, 2017
Would be hilarious if Mh dinally arrives to Smash in THIS generation, after the change in capcom support especially for that series, fro wii and 3ds to switch


Oct 25, 2017
People think a Monster Hunter character would be boring? smh. Play the games, people. The Monster Hunter can do things that make the rest of the roster look boring in comparison.

I mean a boring choice ... like a Resident Evil character would be more interesting. Or Dante

MH has so many possible options for a moveset that it almost become too "do whatever you want sakurai"


Teyvat Traveler
Jun 8, 2018
United States
Don't really care for doomguy but Monster Hunter could be neat just from all the weapon and costume options available in that series.


Oct 29, 2017
I still think Rayman is a given as Ubisoft has no reps and Rayman would make too much sense.

From there it's a toss up between Doomguy, Minecraft Steve/Creeper or someone extremely unexpected.


Mar 19, 2018
People genuinely believe Sonic is gonna be in Smash lmao.
People genuinely believe Snake is gonna be in Smash lmao.
People genuinely believe Cloud is gonna be in Smash lmao.
People genuinely believe Banjo Kazooie is gonna be in Smash lmao.

Oh yeah I can totally imagine his Final Smash, tearing Nintendo characters limbs off and beating them with it.

I like Doom, but I find it hard to understand how generic shooter guy would be put into this game.

To the people that say Bethesda and Nintendo are on good terms, I think Ubisoft is on even better terms so I could see a believable and realistic character from them before a Bethesda rep. Like I don't even desire Rayman in Smash, but if they are going to go with one more western character in this game it's likely going to be him.


Dec 13, 2017
That would at least make 1 character I care about in this DLC. Though I can't ask that much anymore, I got Ridley and K Rool.


Nov 25, 2017
So DOOM guy with his BFG as his final smash would be our consolation prize for not getting master chief. I'm good with that.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
Doomguy is cool, but I'd much rather have Phoenix Wright in over Monster Hunter.

I mean, Monster Hunter is fine, but it's kind of a safe pick.


Oct 25, 2017
How does it make more sense? Because Monster Hunter was on Nintendo consoles? Doom has more presence on Switch than Monster Hunter when Eternal comes out and Capcom clearly doesn't give a damn anymore.

Yeah, no. So Doom and Doom Eternal getting Switch ports means that Doom Guy makes more sense than Monster Hunter, which has a much richer history with Nintendo platforms, especially recently, and is one of the most popular IP in Japan. How is Monster Hunter any more laughable than Joker, or even Cloud?

Monster Hunter objectively makes more sense than Doom Guy from a business and brand perspective. Feelings about Capcom's treatment of Switch are irrelevant.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
To people really expect doomguy to have a chainsaw if true? Smash bros is kid friendly and it will likely be removed/censored lol
Why would a chainsaw be censored in a game with hammers, swords, axes, and drills? It's just a weapon like any weapon many other characters use.

lol if a chainsaw user gets into Smash before a spear user, though.
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