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Oct 25, 2017
Jeez remember when we had that thread, will corona affect gaming?..I know it's been brought up a lot but really puts it in perspective how wrong people get it on here.


Oct 27, 2017
Anything COULD happen. There is no evidence that it is likely to happen. Not to mention that conditions are apparently improving a bit in China.

Here's an article btw:

A pinch isn't enough



Oct 25, 2017
Jeez remember when we had that thread, will corona affect gaming?..I know it's been brought up a lot but really puts it in perspective how wrong people get it on here.
Outside of the handful of comments that actually were insulting other people and stuff, I don't think we need to play the hindsight game. Most people didn't think it would get this far, which seemed reasonable 3/4 weeks ago.


Oct 25, 2017
The coronavirus is the beat scapegoat they could have and save face while canceling the whole thing for good. Especially knowing the state of things before covid.


Dec 10, 2017
You literally wrote that you read articles about how severe the flu season was then you go on to say how it was hardly mentioned in the news. Think about it.

Regardless, the flu was covered extensively by the US media.

Hardly mentioned isn't the same as not mentioned at all. So not sure what this 'gotcha' is supposed to be.

It wasn't covered that extensively at all outside some new blips that lasted for several seconds before moving on to the next news story. Especially given how many people the flu ended up killing.


Oct 25, 2017
We are now expecting the announcement of cancellation of an event for announcements, 2020 is w i l d.


Oct 28, 2017
Nintendo Directs in origin, Sony dropping off last year, we were already slowly moving towards a more digital-style of presentations, and now with E3 being cancelled it seems like we're just speeding up the process.
Kind of like my job: we were dipping our toes in the water with smart working, and now we've all been ordered to work from home, and since it is actually working i wouldn't be surprised if it becomes more standard.


Dec 10, 2017
The flu has been covered, a lot.

Nowhere near the extent of this virus to point of closing down events despite it affecting more people. It actually got to the point that the hospital my grandmom is in had to tell people to stay home if they felt sick since people kept coming to work with flu symptoms.


Oct 25, 2017
Nowhere near the extent of this virus to point of closing down events despite it affecting more people. It actually got to the point that the hospital my grandmom is in had to tell people to stay home if they felt sick since people kept coming to work with flu symptoms.
Just in the last 5 days or so...for a reason. CV is 3%~ and fast spreading right now, and possibly a little easier to spread.


Oct 27, 2017
Obviously the right decision. People's health comes first and I expect much bigger public events to suffer the same fate over the next 2 to 3 months (eg. The Euros and the Olympics).


Nov 22, 2018
Just crazy and very premature. Virus is already slowing down in China. Still have 3 months. Could've made a decision in late April early May.
It's taken three months for the virus to slow down in China and they are still new cases ever day. It hasn't even begun to take hold in the US and Europe yet.


Dec 10, 2017
Just in the last 5 days or so...for a reason. CV is 3%~ and fast spreading right now, and possibly a little easier to spread.

It does spread quicker, but it's telling that the nurses actually said that while the virus is deadly, the flu is actually more of a concern since people are so willy-nilly about the flu because it's the flu and will go out while being sick and spread it around. They even said that they're still dealing with the flu in the mist of this new virus.


Oct 25, 2017
It does spread quicker, but it's telling that the nurses actually said that while the virus is deadly, the flu is actually more of a concern since people are so willy-nilly about the flu because it's the flu and will go out while being sick and spread it around. They even said that they're still dealing with the flu in the mist of this new virus.
Okay, well people aren't being willy nilly now, and people that have to go to workn are even now. Even then, I know you aren't trying to, but you are in a downplaying mode right now and that just isn't helpful.


Oct 25, 2017
Just crazy and very premature. Virus is already slowing down in China. Still have 3 months. Could've made a decision in late April early May.
It's slowing down in China due to extreme measures like quarantining entire cities and mass testing . We are doing no such thing. Our future looks more like Italy but worse.


Oct 28, 2017
Fuck. I know it had to be but I'm bummed. Even E3 in its rough states were something really exciting to me.


Dec 10, 2017
Okay, well people aren't being willy nilly now, and people that have to go to workn are even now. Even then, I know you aren't trying to, but you are in a downplaying mode right now and that just isn't helpful.

That is kinda my point. People are concern about this new virus for very good reason. However, this kind of worry wasn't shown for another virus despite it affecting more people because 'it's the flu'.

And I am not downplaying anything. I mentioned it because the nurses brought up a good point that everyone is panicking over the new virus to the point of staying home and buying up all the toilet paper, yet when another virus went out of control, it was met with mostly shrugs and people came to work or went to school despite clearly being sick and spreading the flu around, which annoyed the nursing staff because they would have wanted this kind of awareness during the terrible flu season they had to deal with and are still dealing with to an extent.

Deleted member 15395

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
This is really sad, E3 always felt like christmas in June to least COVID game them the perfect excuse to cancel it and save face.


Oct 27, 2017
After reading about that Biogen conference in Boston that spread the virus, this is easily the right decision.


Digital Foundry
Oct 26, 2017
even before the coronavirus there was never really any need for these huge hardware/gaming can easily hype up products using a YouTube video or press fact just release the product with very little hype and you'll still get the same amount of sales...From Soft should just release Elden Ring next month as a gift :D
Not true. You're forgetting the human element. It's a rare chance for meetings that otherwise don't happen. For someone just watching conferences and reading news, sure, it's not a big deal but it's important for many.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
Anything COULD happen. There is no evidence that it is likely to happen. Not to mention that conditions are apparently improving a bit in China.

Here's an article btw:

China has been on a quarantine and lockdown of unprecedented proportions. No western country will be able to do the same. And despite that, the situation still isn't over. And even if they were able to contain it, a reintroduction of the virus could restart the cycle again. So no, it's not a solved problem yet.

Being in the hospital for the last several days with my grandmom actually put this virus in preceptive for me.

We were talking to a nurse who was caring for my grandmom and the news started to talk about the virus. The nurse mentioned that everyone is worried about the virus, yet the US just had a very nasty flu season that killed at least thousand people, yet it was hardly mentioned on the news. I do remember this since near the beginning of the year, I got articles on my phone about how terrible the flu season was this year with a stain that was resistance to the flue shot and how teenagers were actually dying. Yet, this never really made the big headline news.

This isn't to discount the virus, but more of an insight how this virus got all this news, yet the flu season we just had never reached this point despite it killing more people.

The virus has killed more people in Italy over the past month than the flu has killed in the entirety of last year. And we don't know of the full impact on the quality of life of the survivors yet. We do not have a vaccine, and we are trying to "flatten the curve" aka not overwhelm the medical system.


In italy, the health workers union sent out a note saying that their hospitals are entirely overwhelmed and that they will start refusing elderly patients since they're so likely to die, so they are instead going to focus on younger patients who have a higher chance of survival. They are so strapped for doctors that they have brought out doctors from retirement and fast tracked med students to graduation. This situation is nothing like the seasonal flu and it is disrespectful to the grave situation in Italy to make this comparison. Please stop posting ignorant bullshit like this.


Oct 25, 2017
Gamescom is threatened too if the situation goes out of hand in germany.

Merkel said that between 60-70% of the population in Germany could contract it. When it comes to events like gamescom, the issue is less about that specific country having it and more about what will happen if people from all over the world were to come to a specific area and then return to their homes. This is what people weren't getting when Sony cancelled their appearances at PAX and GDC. People, including the Mayor of Boston, argued that there weren't cases there so why cancel while ignoring that people from all over the country, and some potentially from outside of the country, would be going there. The Biogen conference in Boston was happening at the same time as PAX and now dozens of people that attended the conference are testing positive for it.


Oct 26, 2017
Everyone should just accept it and start preparing Webcasts or announcement videos instead of events for 2020.


Oct 27, 2017
China has been on a quarantine and lockdown of unprecedented proportions. No western country will be able to do the same. And despite that, the situation still isn't over. And even if they were able to contain it, a reintroduction of the virus could restart the cycle again. So no, it's not a solved problem yet.

The virus has killed more people in Italy over the past month than the flu has killed in the entirety of last year. And we don't know of the full impact on the quality of life of the survivors yet. We do not have a vaccine, and we are trying to "flatten the curve" aka not overwhelm the medical system.

In a lot of countries the capacity line and the x-axis basically coincide


Nov 5, 2017
Bruv, most people here only care about the conferences, and they will just be live streamed if necessary.


Dec 10, 2017
China has been on a quarantine and lockdown of unprecedented proportions. No western country will be able to do the same. And despite that, the situation still isn't over. And even if they were able to contain it, a reintroduction of the virus could restart the cycle again. So no, it's not a solved problem yet.

The virus has killed more people in Italy over the past month than the flu has killed in the entirety of last year. And we don't know of the full impact on the quality of life of the survivors yet. We do not have a vaccine, and we are trying to "flatten the curve" aka not overwhelm the medical system.


In italy, the health workers union sent out a note saying that their hospitals are entirely overwhelmed and that they will start refusing elderly patients since they're so likely to die, so they are instead going to focus on younger patients who have a higher chance of survival. They are so strapped for doctors that they have brought out doctors from retirement and fast tracked med students to graduation. Please stop posting ignorant bullshit like this.

I was talking the US, not international where the new virus clearly affected more people. I thought I made that very clear in my post. Also, my post was more of commentary on how the US news blew up the new virus, while the flu went under the radar to point that the staff at the hospital had to tell people to stay home and all the severe cases they had to deal with, which could have been avoided with more awareness. Even the candidates running for president barely mentioned the dangers of the flu season, despite them holding giant rallies with thousands of people where the flu can easily spread.

Also, not sure how my post is ignorant bullshit when it's coming from nurses who had to deal with this kind of thing.


Oct 26, 2017
Im with Jason Schreier. Now it will definitely be the year publishers will see that they don't need this event.
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