
Oct 28, 2017

Horrific accounts of murders, rapes, torture and indiscriminate shelling allegedly committed by the Burmese army against the Rohingya people and other minority groups have been laid out by UN investigators in an extensive new report detailing evidence for their accusation of genocide against the country's military.

The report from the fact-finding mission, presented to the UN human rights council (UNHRC) on Tuesday, said Myanmar's military, known as the Tatmadaw, had committed "the gravest crimes under international law".

The full 440-page report, a summary of which was released in August, includes accounts of women tied by their hair or hands to trees then raped; young children trying to flee burning houses but forced back inside; widespread use of torture with bamboo sticks, cigarettes and hot wax; and landmines placed at the escape routes from villages, killing people as they fled army crackdowns.

The worst of humanity

Deleted member 2809

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Oct 25, 2017
women tied by their hair or hands to trees then raped; young children trying to flee burning houses but forced back inside; widespread use of torture with bamboo sticks, cigarettes and hot wax; and landmines placed at the escape routes from villages, killing people as they fled army crackdowns.
You just can't go any lower


Oct 27, 2017
And Haley refuses to call this a genocide, still calling it ethnic cleansing.


Oct 27, 2017
Heartbreaking read....

The full 440-page report, a summary of which was released in August, includes accounts of women tied by their hair or hands to trees then raped; young children trying to flee burning houses but forced back inside; widespread use of torture with bamboo sticks, cigarettes and hot wax; and landmines placed at the escape routes from villages, killing people as they fled army crackdowns.

Rape and sexual violence were a "particularly egregious and recurrent feature" of the Tatmadaw's conduct, the report said. It cited eyewitnesses accounts of Rohingya people who claim to have seen naked women and girls running through forests "in visible distress" and villages scattered with dead bodies with "large amounts of blood … visible between their legs".

Fucking vile....


Oct 25, 2017
Aung San Suu Kyi is 100% complicit and should be tried for crimes against humanity. She was in full knowledge of what was ongoing and not even once, in the slightest, tried to condemn/protest the army given her position, there was no effort of prevention, and the fact of how she saw the press as an enemy regarding reporting of this. She like many in her country is racist and hates the Rohingya people.


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Oct 25, 2017
This has been going on for quite some time. The West simply does not care. Nor anyone else really. Tragic situation.


Oct 28, 2017
This has been going on for quite some time. The West simply does not care. Nor anyone else really. Tragic situation.

The conservative Australian government paid fleeing refugees to go back to the slaughter. They paid tax payer dollars to people to go back and die rather than help them. Let that sink in.
Oct 25, 2017
What's the practical difference? And aren't both terms considered horrific?

If Haley does something I don't care what she calls it.

You should care.

If the UN classes something as genocide then the member Nations are legally bound to intervene and stop it, using force if required. That's why the US State Department had lawyers telling them to call it anything other than genocide when talking about Rwanda 25-30 years ago and it's why they won't say the G-word to save the Rohingya now.

This way they can pretend nothing is happening while the more liberal and empathetic politicians can tut tut and maybe in rare cases condemn what is happening but they will always stop *just* short of the G-word so nobody actually has to do a fucking thing.

Don't worry though, in 20 years time we can watch a Hollywood movie about the whole thing and pat ourselves on the back about how we are so much more enlightened nowadays and this will happen #NeverAgain.

Deleted member 4274

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Oct 25, 2017
You should care.

If the UN classes something as genocide then the member Nations are legally bound to intervene and stop it, using force if required. That's why the US State Department had lawyers telling them to call it anything other than genocide when talking about Rwanda 25-30 years ago and it's why they won't say the G-word to save the Rohingya now.

This way they can pretend nothing is happening while the more liberal and empathetic politicians can tut tut and maybe in rare cases condemn what is happening but they will always stop *just* short of the G-word so nobody actually has to do a fucking thing.

Don't worry though, in 20 years time we can watch a Hollywood movie about the whole thing and pat ourselves on the back about how we are so much more enlightened nowadays and this will happen #NeverAgain.

Thanks for the insight. I wasn't aware there really was a difference between the two. The fact that we use legalese to avoid doing anything pisses me off so much.
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The conservative Australian government paid fleeing refugees to go back to the slaughter. They paid tax payer dollars to people to go back and die rather than help them. Let that sink in.
This...wow...this is something. To knowingly send people back to a straight up genocide, is...wow.

Chairman Yang

Oct 25, 2017
It's pretty horrifying, and worse, seems to have broad support in Myanmar. It's not a Nazi-like minority that's determining policy.


Oct 30, 2017
You should care.

If the UN classes something as genocide then the member Nations are legally bound to intervene and stop it, using force if required. That's why the US State Department had lawyers telling them to call it anything other than genocide when talking about Rwanda 25-30 years ago and it's why they won't say the G-word to save the Rohingya now.

This way they can pretend nothing is happening while the more liberal and empathetic politicians can tut tut and maybe in rare cases condemn what is happening but they will always stop *just* short of the G-word so nobody actually has to do a fucking thing.

Don't worry though, in 20 years time we can watch a Hollywood movie about the whole thing and pat ourselves on the back about how we are so much more enlightened nowadays and this will happen #NeverAgain.

Thanks! I always used these as synonyms, and didn't realize that there was such an important distinction.

Unfortunate that the reason for the distinction is so reprehensible.
Oct 25, 2017
This is what's going to happen. (I'm referring to your post btw.)

The indifference many in the west have for the Rohyngian GENOCIDE (because that's exactly what it fucking is) has always astounded me.

I hold very little hope things will get better.
I wonder if something will happen when the burmese military moves on from the Rohingya to the other minorities that are fighting the goverment


Oct 28, 2017
This is what's going to happen. (I'm referring to your post btw.)

The indifference many in the west have for the Rohyngian GENOCIDE (because that's exactly what it fucking is) has always astounded me.

I hold very little hope things will get better.

Brown and Muslim. Why care about those.

Not forgetting the other Muslim countries lack of action is also pathetic. Again why help poor stateless people Muslim or not.

The world is fucked when things like this can happen again and again
Oct 27, 2017
I was watching a conference for Southeast Asian countries a while back and the Burmese delegate was swearing up and down that the genocide and forced migration was just a hoax. Of course, nobody bought it.


Oct 27, 2017
Why don't the other nations just boycott them? I mean it's not like the Burmese are a global or economic power.
Oct 25, 2017
Directly from the report:

OHCHR Report said:
Children, including infants and babies, were specifically targeted; some were wrenched from their mothers' arms and thrown to the ground, others were thrown into fires and burned alive. As one woman explained, women were sometimes slower to flee and therefore easier targets, particularly if they were carrying their infants and children. One woman was inside her house with a group of children when the house was set on fire. She ran to escape, carrying her 20-month old baby, and dragging along her eight-year old child. She was then shot. The bullet hit both her and her baby, who died immediately. Her eight year old was also shot, and died later that night in the paddy field where they were hiding. Another mother recalled the death of her young son who was two and a half years old and who was shot in the side of his upper torso. His last words were, "I need water, mother, I am very thirsty." She held his dead body in her arms all night.
Feb 3, 2018
As a Norwegian I am ashamed that the Nobel committee will not revoke Aung San Suu Kyi Nobel Peace Prize after these revelations she is overseeing a genocide and has even tried to justify it.
Nov 8, 2017
Why the fuck is no one doing anything about this?

There is always considerable foot dragging. Unlike a civil war, it's not necessarily immediately obvious what is going on, particularly the scale, so people want to send fact finding missions, which take time. Unless there is an immediate strategic interest involved, average countries don't want to get involved in drastic action like an invasion or mass deployment of UN troops. A lot of people hoping that problems will just go away so they don't have to deal with it. Probably a lot of behind the scenes phone calls with diplomats in Myanmar telling them to rein their shit in.