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Robotics;Notes DaSH, which was first announced in May 2017, will launch for PlayStation 4 and Switch on Novmeber 22 in Japan for 7,800 yen (8,242 yen with tax) at retail and 7,000 yen (7,560 yen) via download, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals.

The visual novel will depict a story of the former members of the Robot Club, starting with Kaito Yashio, who have graduated high school and are seeking out their dreams.

Zwei will sing the opening, and Kanako Itou will sing the ending. There will be more information coming in the August 2 issue of Famitsu.

There's some confusion regarding if Daru or Kai is the protagonist. I'd say that most likely, it's still Daru.


Dec 23, 2017
Unfortunately at the moment Robotics;Notes isn't localised in the West, I really hope that they could localise it as long as this sequel, it could be the perfect moment to sell it.
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