
Oct 25, 2017
Can you say Boss of the year?

A generous local restaurant owner made dreams come true for dozens of her employees and their families.

The State Farmers Market Restaurant is a great place to trade a little gossip over a plate of country cooking -- but a few months ago, the juiciest rumors were flying in the kitchen.

"We were told we'd be going to Disney World, and of course nobody believed it," said Jasmine Kamel, an employee.

The word around the restaurant was that owner Gypsy Gilliam was going to load up the employees and take everybody to Disney World after Christmas.


The rumors, however, were true. Last week, Gilliam closed the restaurant for a few days, loaded up about 20 employees and their families and took them to Disney World.
Gilliam made sure her 50 or so guests didn't have to worry about a thing -- except having a good time.

"The room, the board, the food, the rides -- everything was free for us," employee Nelson Ellison said.

"I have a 5-year-old son," added Burr. "I don't know what the future holds, but I know this is something I wouldn't be able to do for him. I am forever grateful to Gypsy, and I don't have any idea how to pay her back."

I love feel-good stories like this one!


Nov 3, 2017
Imagine all the raises the owner could have given for all that expense!


Oct 27, 2017
Nice boss but I would have preferred paid time off just because I hate Disney World lol.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I bet the restaurant will have off-brand Dole Whips on the menu this summer