
Aug 28, 2019
Considering how Jake was received, I don't understand why Capcom is willing to go into such a similar route.
Well, Rose is supposed to have some of Evelinne's abilities right?

Those lean more on mind manipulation and the sort, which would still be interesting in future horror focused Resident Evil games.

I doubt she's going have super strenght, speed, and all of the Matrix bullshit that Wesker had.

At most I could see her having some sort of regeneration just like Ethan.


One Winged Slayer - Formerly Undead Fantasy
Oct 25, 2017
Same. He's dry as hell

Low key I'm happy about the time jump. Hopefully we can get a fresh set of characters in the mix and a better overall story
I'm mixed on the timeskip.

On one hand it assures the story will not get rebooted in the future since we have Rose leading the series in the 2030's. It also gives a somewhat happy ending to Chris becoming a father.

On the other hand, this has me worried that other characters will get screwed over and will never appear again like Jake, Sherry, Rebecca, Moira, etc.

Alex and Blue Umbrella are still out there so they are sure to be dealt with in RE9 or another game.

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
It's fucking crazy to me that this series's story started in 1998 and is now in the 2030s. That's blowing my mind tbh.


May 10, 2018
Well, Rose is supposed to have some of Evelinne's abilities right?

Those lean more on mind manipulation and the sort, which would still be interesting in future horror focused Resident Evil games.

I doubt she's going have super strenght, speed, and all of the Matrix bullshit that Wesker had.

At most I could see her having some sort of regeneration just like Ethan.

The leaks doesn't say anything about her having the same powers that Eveline had.
But it does hints at her having some type of Wesker-like powers when she threatens the agent at end.
And yeah, it doesn't seem to make much sense.


Jul 3, 2020
Well, Rose is supposed to have some of Evelinne's abilities right?

Those lean more on mind manipulation and the sort, which would still be interesting in future horror focused Resident Evil games.

I doubt she's going have super strenght, speed, and all of the Matrix bullshit that Wesker had.

At most I could see her having some sort of regeneration just like Ethan.

It says that she pushes some guy against a car and threatens him to use a power "not even Chris is aware of"

I mean wth lol


Oct 30, 2019
My big takeaway ain´t Rose Redfieled and the near future. That less than 1% of the game and other people will have to pick that thread up. Unless Mikami finally stops being the only director who did more than one main RE game. Bring him back for one more ride btw Capcom, please.
Molded are back with vengance baby! They were never the problem with RE7, it´s the over relance on them that was problematic. This game on the other hand has enemy variety so they are the extra spice this time. And good on Capcom for daring to dream. You can overshoot, see RE6, but this looks and sounds like RE/Capcom game so things are looking good and the usual B movie dialogue is still there. Ethan even gives a big old anime speach before he suicide bombs Mother Miranda.
The amount of people Chris looses on mission.

Jake was ok if you ask me. What was the epilogue of REmake 3 about btw? It and the ending to Rev 2 are the only things RE needs to pick if from the loose threads so far. Outside of the shitty Umbrella Corps lore. It may or may not have resurrected Wesker. At least a scary soundalike is out there inside Red Umbrella. Weird.

Edit: Kōshi Nakanishi technically did both Rev 1 and RE7. What´s he up to anyway?
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May 10, 2018
Jake was ok if you ask me. What was the epilogue of REmake 3 about btw? It and the ending to Rev 2 are the only things RE needs to pick if from the loose threads so far. Outside of the shitty Umbrella Corps lore. It may or may not have resurrected Wesker. At least a scary soundalike is out there inside Red Umbrella. Weird.

REMake 3 had a weird post-credit scene where we can see someone (most likely Jill) putting the broken vial of the vaccine on a table.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
Meanwhile, Jill keeps waiting for someone to let her know when she's out of quarantine and can DO something worthwhile again.

...and day now.

It hurts...


Oct 27, 2017
Well, at least Chris lives. But other than that, this story seems really messy. RE7 was more stripped down compared to this.


Oct 30, 2019
Its funny how RE ate Silent Hill´s corpse when Konami let it out to rot. We even got our own Heather Mason now and a similar time jump into our future and her having powers and her being hunted for being a "reborn being" and... This meme came true!

More like Heather Sunderland with how her dad was searching for his lost wife the last time. Silent Hill, you can rest now. Capcom got it from here.


Jul 3, 2020
Its funny how RE ate Silent Hill´s corpse when Konami let it out to rot. We even got our own Heather Mason now and a similar time jump into our future and her having powers and her being hunted for being a "reborn being" and... This meme came true!

More like Heather Sunderland with how her dad was searching for his lost wife the last time. Silent Hill, you can rest now. Capcom got it from here.


Stuff like this looks more SH than RE tbh
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Aug 25, 2018
Ethan dying kinda bums me out lol
But I'm not surprised that the only main character Capcom dares to kill is one who most people didn't care about.
I liked him though, welp.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I wasn't a fan of the story focus in 7 and I'm not a fan of this. As others have said, this sounds like sloppy fan fiction. I just want games that are grounded and follow the main characters through whatever the world is like post-Umbrella. But we just get these weird games with crazy enemies and characters instead.

Edit: (This is not a new complaint from me. I didn't like RE6 or Revelations 2 either.)


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Chris got to continue the Redfield bloodline before Jill managed to leave her lockdown lol.
Oct 25, 2017
When Jill finally comes back in RE9

Maybe RE5 Remake will expand Lost in Nightmares and redo Desperate Escape into the main plot with Chris.
Honestly they should look back at the old concept art,
Jill gets rescued, Sheva gets grabbed, Chris & Jill do a version of the ship together and fight Excella.
Sheva is rescued there, Jill coughs up some blood says she will hold back and secure the deck for Josh while Chris & Sheva move on to fight Wesker.


Oct 30, 2019
We are only 20% into the Capcom leak fam. See you next year Kegels. The beatings will continue until... I don´t know. Moral certainly wont improve.

2023, Resident Evil Apocalypse: Heather. Its up to you to stop Neo Umbrella.

And then we eat the corpse of Metal Gear and Chris is already Old Snake.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
NGL, i do wonder now if one of the new live-action series being set on the future is a hint on where the games are going as well. The fact RE9 is potentially called Apocalypse is another big red flag.


alt account
Dec 13, 2018
I'm pretty happy about the time skip to be honest. The best part of VII was when it was fresh and didn't connect with the old stuff/characters. Unfortunately that didn't last too long.


May 10, 2018
NGL, i do wonder now if one of the new live-action series being set on the future is a hint on where the games are going as well. The fact RE9 is potentially called Apocalypse is another big red flag.

Yeah, RE9 being potentially called Apocalypse makes me think that it will either end the mainline or reboot it.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad Chris isn't crazy or evil and is just extreme in his methodology. You can't really blame him for that, anyway, given how much shit he's been through.


Oct 30, 2019
Don´t put this evil on me Sargerus. That said. The film and Netflix show had big leaks of their own. I present you the outline to the pilot for RE Netflix. It is either close to the truth or fully on the money as I read plots and plot points like this on German sites (all TV/film adaptation outside the anime productions have Germany money behind them) since early 2020.

2022 scenes
It is some three months before the pandemic. Jade and Billie Wesker are a pair of 14-year old sisters. Their family dynamic is complicated, being half-twins born through IVF to a surrogate mother. Their father, Albert, has recently been re-hired back onto Umbrella Corporation's board of executives after a long absence, which requires the family move to his new office in Raccoon Two, a planned community built over the former Raccoon City. Everyone in the city is an employee of Umbrella in some way, whether they work at Raccoon High School or at a cupcake store, and it is due to this commonality that the people maintain an almost Stepford Wives display of happiness when in public, ever watched by CCTV cameras. Albert has had problems with his teenage girls for some time now, with Jade showing contempt for his parenting, his busy work schedule and having to move home so suddenly. Billie meanwhile is the more sensitive of the two, having become isolated after almost being expelled at her old school.

When the family arrives at their new home, they are greeted by Carol, an old colleague of Albert, who displays the same level of fake emotion as the other adults. Jade tries testing her with vulgar and sarcastic remarks, but the two soon leave her behind when Albert gets an urgent call about an incident at an Umbrella lab in Tijuana. Billie confronts her sister about her "bitch act", but only becomes another focus of Jade's displeasure. In the evening, the family has pizza for dinner as an icebreaker, though Jade is still angry over the move and claims she is on her period as an excuse to leave. Albert himself is finding the move just as difficult as his daughters are, and fears he is losing Jade for good. At bed time he asks Billie about Jade while taking a blood sample - something regularly done every two weeks - but another phone call about Tijuana distracts him. Jade hands him a blood sample she took on her own due to his distraction. With Albert heading into his bedroom, Jade goes to meet Billie, where they talk about their upcoming first day at Raccoon High alongside shared jokes about how their dad is probably a vampire due to his unexplained need for their blood. Albert meanwhile places samples under a microscope for observation, records his findings, then injects the blood into his neck.

At lunchtime the following day, Jade has already made new friends at school and sits with them at the cafeteria. Billie meanwhile has not been so fortunate, and avoids sitting with her sister. Her lonesome behaviour gets the attention of Tammy Isaacs, a student with a history of bullying. Tammy listens to Billie introduce herself and mocks everything about it, from her parentage to her veganism, and finally begins punching her after Billie tries standing her ground. Jade spots what is going on, but is unable to help when the other children cluster around the fight and record it for social media.

Back at home, Albert is in an online meeting with Umbrella's sales team to review the adverts for their new antidepressant product, Joy. He is displeased by the company's portrayal of a customer as such an idealic figure and wants realism, but agrees with the sales team's own problems - that Umbrella sales have been on a consistent downward trajectory for two and a half years and they absolutely must get the product out without delay. Billie and Jade return home from school, and while Billie heads straight to her room Jade lashes out at her father for not picking up the phone due to the meeting, finally smashing his tablet in anger. She refuses to tell him what happened to Billie when he asks, opening this rift further. When Jade finally gets to talk to Billie, she learns that the fight has spread online with Billie now a laughing stock.

The following day, the two girls head out to school once more, and though Jade has insisted she fight Tammy, Billie instead offers to make amends, only to get a burrito thrown at her instead. Having seen this from afar, Jade cuts class to steal one of the school's Raccoon mascot costumes. When she sees Tammy leave class to play games in the bathroom, she makes her move and bashes her in the head with a rock. Though Tammy would not possibly identify the assailant, she reports it to the principal, Mrs. Morgan, that it was Billie. With Jade having placed the costume's head in Billie's locker, she is directly implicated and both girls' parents are called.

In the parents' meeting, Dave - a server admin - lays into Billie with threats of pressing criminal charges and a lengthy stay in prison, before mocking her with suggestions she is a paranoid schizophrenic. Albert arrives at the meeting late, but in time to overhear the threats from Dave, who realises too late he has threatened the daughter of a company board member. Albert toys with Dave, first threatening his resignation to pressure the company into firing him, but quickly changes his mind with the threat of using the company's influence to blacklist him from any IT jobs to the extent even PornHub would be too afraid to hire him. Dave is quickly left a broken man, and he not only calls off the charges, but apologises for threatening Billie, then forces Tammy to do the same. Albert is happy to have his edge back and feel like a proud parent, and offers Billie to have lunch with him at his office so they can spend some time together.

After school, Billie heads down the street to Umbrella HQ, congratulated along the way by another student Tammy was bullying. Giving her name to a voice recorder, she is let in the building with a three hour guest pass. The building is heavily automated, with no need for a permanent security force to patrol the building. Offices have glass walls, allowing all employees to be seen doing their jobs, whether it be a sales team reviewing a child-targeted Joy ad, or doctors overseeing the expertise of a prototype SurgeryBot. Albert sits in his office, having an important meeting with Roth about the recent events at Tijuana. Roth provides him with bodycam footage recovered from one of the guards, showing him shooting at another man, commenting that he isn't being killed by the gunshot wounds, and then being killed, himself. The incident has not yet made its way to the press, luckily. Albert's assistant Rhonda notifies him about Billie, who has just arrived outside his office. Back in the hallway, Billie's attention shifts to an attendant, Carl, as he pushes a cart carrying live rabbits into an elevator and, using a keycard, takes them down to level B4. Being opposed to animal testing, she is haunted by this experience for the rest of the day as Albert takes her out to lunch.

That night, Jade enters Billie's room again to apologise for going behind her back, but insists that by pinning the blame on her she will no longer be picked on and has earned some respect. Billie however, is more concerned with the rabbits, having checked online and found that Umbrella has officially come out against animal testing. Playing in to Jade's rebellious nature, the two agree to sneak into Umbrella HQ and get proof of animal experimentation. They plan things out with ease. As their dad is an executive, he has the right keycard. As his phone has voicemail, they can get by the voice reader at the door. As the facility is so heavily automated there are no guards patrolling the facility. The only problem they have is the CCTV, but Jade is sure that by shining torches at them anyone reviewing the tapes will be unable to identify their faces.

The two arrive at Umbrella HQ late into the night, and are able to enter the facility with ease. They hit their first snag, however, when they take the elevator down to B4, where an automated message reveals that travel to that floor requires a security escort. On the other side the two find themselves in a lab with cages full of rabbits, rats, birds and monkeys, serving as proof of animal testing. While Billie eagerly takes photographs on her phone, Jade takes advantage of Albert's monotonous nature and inputs his name and most-used password - "Spock21" - into a computer and accesses his files. One file catches her attention, titled "Raccoon City Incident - 1998", detailing how Raccoon City was destroyed that year with a 10 megaton bomb in an incident that caused many deaths, a fact that was so oddly never brought up by anyone in the city.

When the security alarm goes off, the girls are on borrowed time. As Billie investigates one last cage, she opens it to get a look at the animal, which is a mutant doberman suffering from a severe case of gangrene. The animal attacks her, but Jade is able to fight it off for the time being and they make their way into the elevator. When they reach the ground floor, however, they soon realise the animal has escaped the lab and is running up the stairs, using enhanced physical strength to burst through doors on the way. Racing down a hallway in search of the exit, the girls hide out in the sales team's office, but their presence triggers the playing of a Joy advert. The dog enters the room, and follows them back out by simply jumping through the window. The girls reach the front door right as Umbrella security guards arrive to investigate the alarm, but are unable to get out as they need Albert's voicemail again. While Jade takes out the phone, the dog lunges at Billie and begins tearing at her neck and chest. With Billie losing blood fast, Jade grabs a fire extinguisher and batters the dog to death with it.

2036 scenes
It is now fourteen years after the pandemic began. Earth's ecosystems have been ravaged by the T-virus, and the uninfected human population has dwindled to three hundred million. The remaining six billion have suffered brain damage and have become violent cannibals known as "Zeroes". They have mutated to have enhanced durability, though are physically deteriorating with many now blind and deaf, reliant on the sense of smell to hunt. The national governments that existed before the pandemic have long since collapsed, as have most of the cities. In their place are several large political entities - "Amazonia", "The Faith", "Sihai", "Fortress Scandinavia", the "Papal States", and a stretch of the American west coast controlled directly by Umbrella. Outside these entities are vast stretches of land called the "Dead Land", where the Zeroes thrive. Small enclaves exist in these places called Freeholds, where survivors in Boston, Paris, Capetown, Mumbai and Brighton maintain some degree of livelihood.

Jade is now a researcher for a university in Madrid. Sent out on a research project to record any new mutations in the Zeroes, she has spent the past three months in Britain. Much of this time has been spent in London's St. James' Park. Every day she gets out of her fortified encampment, brings out a rabbit, pricks its ears and observes as the Zeroes chase it around. Today she gets a call from Arjun Batra, her senior at the university. Batra is displeased with her findings which show no change in 81 days, and gives her three days to make a breakthrough then head home. She runs her test as usual, letting the rabbit out so she can observe Pack #2426. Among the Zeroes is a man she nicknames "Dickface", owing to a penis-like growth on his face. She observes how the blind, deaf man tries in vain to catch the rabbit, with no help from the others. During her observations, Jade slips and cuts her leg on a rock. With their enhanced smell, the pack quickly determines where she is, and she runs back to the camp. Dickface is able to grab her, but she knocks him back into the security perimeter. As the other Zeroes arrive, they are incinerated by flame throwers. Though she is safe, her observations are now ruined due to the premature death of the subjects.

Suddenly, a massive forty-foot long caterpillar digs its way under Jade's camp, having felt the chaos above. Their fight is brief, with the caterpillar getting the upper hand by simply rolling over her and pressing her against a wall. The creature is killed by gunshots from a a team of survivors - Tate, Yen and Maskey - who have come into London by helicopter to salvage anything of value. Confirming that Jade is neither dead or a Zero, they decide to rescue her, but soon take notice of a tattoo on her wrist marked "R002".

Jade wakes up in the Brighton Freehold in a medical bay, having been treated by one of Umbrella's SurgeryBots. Tate comes in soon after, and shows her around the settlement. Much of it is a shantytown, with the Zeroes kept back by series of well-placed shipping containers. With the Zero population on the other side of the wall measuring anywhere from a few hundred to thousands over the course of the year, the only means of transport is by helicopter, with Paris and Oslo being regular destinations for their trade in computer parts. Heading into a bar, Jade explains to Tate her research task, while Tate tells her about how he escaped the pandemic by being put on a refugee boat sailing from Glasgow to Fair Isle where he spent the next ten years. Their conversation is cut short when Yen reports that an Umbrella helicopter is on its way. When Jade realises they are working with Umbrella, Tate has to take a gun out to keep her confined to her seat. As she is a person of interest, Tate believes he can hand her over to Umbrella in exchange for access to their West Coast settlements.

Soon, three Blackhawks fly over the camp and deploy troops, led by the overweight Richard Baxter. When Jade is pointed out to him, he immediately shoots Tate dead and orders his troops to wipe out the other survivors. As the two factions enter a shoot-out, Jade tries to hide in the medical bay, soon followed by Baxter and a flame trooper. With the building set alight, she heads back out, seeing how the Brighton survivors small arms are unable to penetrate the soldiers' armour. With nowhere else to go, she climbs up onto the shipping containers, ready to throw herself into the mass of Zeroes. Baxter soon spots her and orders the troops to detain her. Though he is able to pause her suicide attempt by telling her her sister is alive and is looking for her, Jade rejects his surrender offer and jumps down to the mass of Zeroes.
Go to hell Constantin. The Sony co-produced film sounds ok btw. Not great but it won´t embarrass us too much. Part of it can be found here.
Does anyone have the full thing? These pages are older than any announcements btw.

Deleted member 35618

Dec 7, 2017
I wasn't a fan of the story focus in 7 and I'm not a fan of this. As others have said, this sounds like sloppy fan fiction. I just want games that are grounded and follow the main characters through whatever the world is like post-Umbrella. But we just get these weird games with crazy enemies and characters instead.

Edit: (This is not a new complaint from me. I didn't like RE6 or Revelations 2 either.)

Agreed. This plot is straight up awful, and at this point, I'm glad I had spoiled myself so I don't waste my time any further with this.


Jul 3, 2020
Also, am I the only one who finds a shapeshifting person a bit too much for RE? Not in that they can mutate into monsters and so on, but completely replicate a person.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm been a fan of Chris since REmake.
I've liked Chris since my friend brought his action figure to after-school when I was like 8 years old

I literally left that day went to Babbages bought Chris & Jill figures and Resident Evil 1 on PS1.

22 years later, Chris is still one of my favorite video game characters and Resident Evill one of my favorite franchises.
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Common Knowledge

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Game seems built to be the end of Chris's story in the franchise, at the very least. 20 years is a heck of a lot of time for other RE events to happen so they still can put games covering all that time involving the other characters.