
Oct 28, 2017
Finally got around to playing the base game and the DLC. Good stuff. The base game was fun enough but it felt like it was missing something and I'm not sure what that is. The DLC though? Wooooo boy. Excellent. I'm excited for the future of this franchise again.
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Oct 25, 2017
Edit: I didn't realize you started with the shotgun, oi vey. Looked like a little machine gun or something until I fired it.
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Oct 26, 2017
Just played the game for the first time and ended up completing both DLC campaigns, haven't touched the footage stuff yet. Main game was great... I think it might be my GOTY but then again I just beat it and it might just be the honeymoon phase lol. The DLC's eh, I enjoyed the Zoe DLC which was pretty ridiculous/hilarious the monsters you're so afraid of in the main game in the beginning are just jokes now. Going down in a few punches haha. The Chris DLC wasn't as good, eh I only like playing action RE with friends so I kinda wished that they had co-op tacked onto. Second player could have been a random solider just like Ada's campaign in RE6.

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
For anyone who hasn't touched the bedroom stuff, Bedroom is a puzzle-focused with surprising horror focus escape room thing, while Daughters is a narrative thing with some game stuff where you play as Zoe Baker when the Baker family begins to go crazy, has two different endings.

The other stuff I think is decently fun too, but those two I think are the closest to the main game stuff, so if want two slices of something that could've fit in the main game a bit those are what to play.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
My RE7 Gold Edition finally arrived! I didn't play this when it came out so I just waited for this edition instead.

I had skipped RE6 and thought I was done with the series at that time but I played this for about an hour and I love the atmosphere so far! Seems like a return to form.
The first person view stresses me out quite a bit, I couldn't imagine playing this in VR. Added to that the constant noises in the house...I keep thinking someone or something's gonna come through a door to hunt me or some shit. I'm sure in time I'll get used to it and know how to separate the ambient background noises from actual threats approaching but when I'm unfamiliar with the game still, everything just has me be jumpy.

I can't believe they stapled my hand back on...I do not think this is proper medical prodecure, dear Bakers.

I guess that's the advantage of playing a nobody in the RE canon...they would've never fucked you up like that if you were Chris or Leon! I didn't expect my hand to get cut off, at first I thought I wasn't fast enough and was seeing a special death animation or something...

I'm past the garage fight with the dad now. He killed me at first when I tried to start the car without a key and I didn't get away fast enough...
This being Resident Evil, he's just gonna come back even more fucked up I imagine.

I haven't read through the thread yet, what's the spoiler policy for this one? Since this is my first time playing RE7, I wanna be careful.


Oct 28, 2017
I can't play this at night. It's too scary haha. Those old Nancy Drew games used to give me nightmares so I got to be careful with this stuff. I think I'm probably more than halfway through... and desperately running out of ammo. This is gonna be interesting.

I am in the trailer and just got a message from the son to meet him for a party. Eek.

Phire Phox

Oct 27, 2017
Is Capcom going to be sticking with the first-person format for future games? It seems to work well.
I can see them doing it for 8 & 9 at least. They reinvent the games after 3. RE 1-3 were fixed camera with tank controls. RE 4-6 were over-the-shoulder 3rd person games. With RE7 they went first person, so if it follows suit, 8 & 9 will be as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished Not A Hero. That was pretty damn good, and would have not been out of place in the base game. It was an excellent combination of RE7's creepy ass atmosphere and the action of RE games post 4.


Oct 25, 2017
So as someone who hasn't picked up this game yet, I'm curious: is VR support going to be forever exclusive to the PS4 version? If not, I'm leaning more towards the PC version.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It was PSVR exclusive for a year

And I thiiiiiiiiiink? The Steam version was recently updated to prepare support for VR?

So not yet but soon?
Oo this might change things for me. I bought the gold edition during the price mistake on PSVR, but didn't use mine yet. I might sell this last key and wait for it to hit PCVR if it's that soon. I really hope we can motion control aim. But I feel like it will be fixed center aiming like PSVR.
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Oct 29, 2017
Just finished Not a Hero . Took me 2:22 hours.

Honestly it was a quality DLC, and i cant believe that capcom made it free to all. It was very tense with a lot of tigh corridors, good action, and a great last boss.

People should play it.


Nov 5, 2017
Just started the main campaign for the first time. They've absolutely nailed the atmosphere and environment - very tense. Excellent work. Still too early to make a call on how the game plays; but I'm enjoying it so far. Much prefer this kind of game to the 4/5/6 model.

Did this game do well for Capcom, financially speaking?


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished the main game, overall I had fun and liked what it ended up being. When I first saw it was first person horror I was worried it would be like Outlast and Amnesia where you were just hiding and the scares were just people going "BOOGIE BOOGIE BOO!" with their faces right up to the camera (and yeah there was some of that in this game), but no this is pretty much a classic Resident Evil game but in first person instead of fixed camera angles. I picked ending 2 with my reasoning being
it was Mia's fault I'm here in the first place

I would have liked to see more enemy variety, and maybe another boss or 2.

Completed the first 2 dlc bits, the horde mode in the furnace which I can see myself revisiting like mercanaries mode, just hoped it was more than 1 level, and the bedroom puzzle.

Also I never played RE6 and the Revelation series or the Not a Hero dlc but does it explain why
Chris is working for Umbrella? He came from the helicopter which has the Umbrella logo on!

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
Re7 > free dlc > EoZ

In that order
As an aside, I think Daughters is a good idea to play either before Not a Hero or End of Zoe, because it is a story prologue where you play as Zoe and fleshes her and the Bakers out a little more.

Also to note that Daughters has two different endings.


Oct 27, 2017
Hello all, I loved RE7 when I played it early this year.

I never bought any of the DLC (banned footage) and I can't seem to find my PS4 copy of RE7 -_-

is it worth to buy the Gold Edition right now on Steam?


Nov 5, 2017
Making progress through the main campaign. Feeling like I might need to amend my GotY list.

The atmosphere is perfect. I didn't enjoy
the second Jack fight. Died a fair few times getting through him. Was a frustrating battle.

Still, that aside, I have very little to moan about. Good series recovery, Capcom.


Wrong About Chicken
Oct 26, 2017
I've only recently started playing this on PC and just got the Scorpion Key.
Having keys take up an entire inventory slot rather than being on some sort of keyring is quite possibly one of the fucking stupidest design decisions I've seen in a Resident Evil game and whoever made that decision should never be in a position of authority ever again. All that accomplishes is artificial padding by forcing the player to backtrack more than is necessary even by the standards of a classic Resident Evil game. We're not talking about some elaborate giant plate key or something, but a literal fucking key.

The fight against Jack in the morgue was twice as long as it needed to be really, another poor bit of design.

Sabrina Rei

Oct 30, 2017
End of Zoe was deliriously fun. The fact that you basically fistfight
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made it even better. Even after
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This was a DLC left turn done right.

Sabrina Rei

Oct 30, 2017
Having keys take up an entire inventory slot rather than being on some sort of keyring is quite possibly one of the fucking stupidest design decisions I've seen in a Resident Evil game

I'm sorry but you can see that these aren't "keys" in any traditional sense, they're enormous, gnarled train spikes. It makes sense that they would require inventory space based on their size. I get that they're a pain in the ass but they work in context.

Also, your avatar and member name is life. I am sitting in an office surrounded by S&M paraphernalia on all sides.

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
I've only recently started playing this on PC and just got the Scorpion Key.
Having keys take up an entire inventory slot rather than being on some sort of keyring is quite possibly one of the fucking stupidest design decisions I've seen in a Resident Evil game and whoever made that decision should never be in a position of authority ever again. All that accomplishes is artificial padding by forcing the player to backtrack more than is necessary even by the standards of a classic Resident Evil game. We're not talking about some elaborate giant plate key or something, but a literal fucking key.

The fight against Jack in the morgue was twice as long as it needed to be really, another poor bit of design.

I'm sorry but you can see that these aren't "keys" in any traditional sense, they're enormous, gnarled train spikes. It makes sense that they would require inventory space based on their size. I get that they're a pain in the ass but they work in context.

Also, your avatar and member name is life. I am sitting in an office surrounded by S&M paraphernalia on all sides.

I'm just confused because keys take up an inventory slot in Resident Evil 0, 1, 2, 3, Code Veronica, & REmake as well. It's not like RE7 is the first entry in the series to do this. RE7 tried to make it a bit more reasonable by making the actual keys these massive things though. In the classic RE games a tiny little item literally called a 'Small Key' will take up a whole inventory slot, as well as each individual Mansion key (Sword Key, Armor Key, Helmet Key, etc.) in the original Resident Evil took up a slot each and so on.

The one thing RE7 dropped which I don't think they should is in the later classic entries after you've done everything you can do with a key it'll ask if you'd like to discard the key. I know it's kind of silly the character literally knows when every use of the key has been done, but convenience I think should win over there.
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Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Continued my playthrough.

That Baker dad fight in the garage was pretty neat. Tried getting in the car first - no keys. He pulled me out and I got shanked with a shovel.
Next try I got the keys and tried to break the garage door. Didn't work, so I tried to break through Daddy Baker. Pretty satisfying running him over several times. :P
Now afterwards I watched other people's playthroughs up until this fight and found out that if you don't get in the car quick enough, he can pull you out and then starts using the car against you! I like that there can be variations to this.
Also, when he chases you through the house he can cut off your leg and then gives you healing juice to glue it back on. That didn't even happen to me at all!
What the fuck is in that healing juice anyway? I wonder whether that's just purely a game mechanic thing or whether there's a story reason for this - they already did put my hand back on with staples and it's fully functioning now too...

Did the "Mia" video and got through without getting caught by Marguerite. Felt pretty intense. First person horror stresses me out a lot more! Felt that way about Alien Isolation too and haven't continued because of that. xD

Encountered the first "Molded" as well. That dark basement with all the black moldy goop and the squishy sounds creeps me the hell out. That bigger Molded in the incinerator killed me a few times. Shooting the legs made things fairly easy though.

So far I'm still loving the atmosphere in this. I feel constantly on edge in this house. Finding my way through the house with all the locked doors, having to find keys and maps and doing weird puzzles that open secret passageways etc really gives me that classic RE vibe despite the first person gameplay being another radical change in gameplay. I'm glad they decided to do this instead of going further down the RE5 and 6 route.



Nov 3, 2017
Wish they have done a remixed mode for the main campaign and include all the new dlc enemies. The biggest issue for the main campaign is the lack of enermy variety.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
So I've decided as someone who's already beat the game like three times on PC. That I'm going to wait for the PCVR. So my Gold Edition PS4 code is up for grabs. Just asking for what I paid at $22.

Edit: Sold
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Oct 30, 2017
How does the save file from the main game work here? I got burned with horizon complete edition where my save files of main game were region 2 and game was region 2 and it didn' work . Later on i read that there are 3 types of R2 and all necessary don' work with each other .

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
How does the save file from the main game work here? I got burned with horizon complete edition where my save files of main game were region 2 and game was region 2 and it didn' work . Later on i read that there are 3 types of R2 and all necessary don' work with each other .

Save File from the original game will work 100% to the Gold Edition, it's the same game.

However, depending on platform it may take a bit for all the DLC to install. On the PS4 it installs the main game and let's you play that before the DLC is done installing. Do remember you need to separately active and install Not a Hero, but it is free.

But save files for RE7 are transferable between the regular game and Gold Edition. Now for different parts of the world I haven't heard anything BUT I might guess that there's two regions for RE7, one which is ROW and should work globally, and then the Japanese version. The Japanese version of RE7 is different than anywhere else in the world, the game in Japan is censored to other versions and has some other regional differences. I know on Steam there's a separate Japanese entry for the DLC, so I'd assume for Japan the save file wouldn't be transferable, but for all other regions you'd be fine. But this is my speculation, I haven't tested it or seen anyone say anything on it.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
When Jack Baker grabs a chainsaw contraption but then I see there's one for me too:


Seriously, this fucking game, haha.

(and of course Jack referenced Evil Dead too, lol)

Used up a LOT of healing items in that fight though and I'm running really low on ammo.
...I love it.


Wrong About Chicken
Oct 26, 2017
When Jack Baker grabs a chainsaw contraption but then I see there's one for me too:


Seriously, this fucking game, haha.

(and of course Jack referenced Evil Dead too, lol)

Used up a LOT of healing items in that fight though and I'm running really low on ammo.
...I love it.
Personally I thought that fight went on for longer than it needed to really.

I just got the
Snake Key from the dissection room and am about to head back upstairs in the main house to check out the two rooms that it unlocks.
Am I right in thinking I'm somewhere around the halfway mark there?


Oct 25, 2017
Just started the End of Zoe DLC yesterday, man I'm loving this. Kind of glad I held off on RE7 until the complete package was out.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Personally I thought that fight went on for longer than it needed to really.

That's what I thought about the second boss, heh.

Also, me realizing that things have changed in the main house now:


God, that section with the little girl (Eveline?) in the old house was so creepy. Getting out of that hidden room and seeing all the paintings on the wall that weren't there before...that freaked me out, haha.


Oct 25, 2017
End of Zoe was deliriously fun. The fact that you basically fistfight
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made it even better. Even after
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This was a DLC left turn done right.

I liked the part where you can

actually powerbomb him in the middle of a brawl.

So awesome.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Finally finished the main game. Really loved it. Return to form for RE imo. Bring on RE8, 9 etc. in the same style!

Minor complaint though: I have read people criticizing the enemy variety and I guess I kind of agree. The Molded were pretty creepy slinking around through the darkness but it gets pretty samey after a while.

I got Ending 1 which I assume is wholly dependent on the choice to save either Mia or Zoe before the ship. I like that they're doing multiple endings again!
Also, the REmake ending theme playing was a nice touch.

So, since I skipped RE6...why the hell is Chris part of Umbrella now? Why does Umbrella exist at all? I assume that happened in 6? I may have to hit up a Wiki or something...unless that was a twist for RE7 and the reason is revealed in his DLC...I guess I better play that one first. :P
Also, nice of Chris to say his name because I sure as hell wouldn't have recognized him. Different face, different voice. Why does Capcom keep doing that? RE characters seem to change voices more often than their underwear. Why is it so hard for them to just keep actors consistent?

Anyway, I wonder what happened to Lucas? I guess that may or may not be part of the DLCs I still have to play. I like how his diaries hinted that he was a psycho way before the infection and that in the end he was only pretending to be under Evie's control.
Also, that escape room he built was pretty fun to do...I kinda want an RE-themed escape room game in real life.
Preferrably without the death and violence though. =P

Feels good to know that there is still side content to play in addition to replaying the main game for trophies, unlockables etc. Good times.

omg I only now realized I could've upgraded the broken shotgun with the second repair kit! THAT's what the toy shotgun was for! *slaps forehead*
I never found out where to use the toy axe either, just looked it up now haha
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Oct 25, 2017
Quite enjoyed the base game but haven't played a single DLC, is the season pass worth it?