
Jan 29, 2018
Birmingham, United Kingdom
  1. Shenmue III - 20 years in the making. A nostalgia pick for sure but can't wait!
  2. Resident Evil 2 - One of my all time favorite games and the new control/re-imagining of certain parts is exactly what I'd want for this!
  3. Judgement - I think I actually prefer the idea od this more-so than the Yakuza games
  4. Days Gone
  5. Animal Crossing (Don't yet own a Switch, but this could be the title that turns me)
  6. The Good Life
  7. Twin Mirror
  8. Deep Down
  9. Dreams
  10. Left Alive
Last edited:


Oct 24, 2017
  1. Kentucky Route Zero - Act V is all but confirmed to release very early in 2019, and as KR0 has blown me away with every installment I need to see how it all ends (and probably rebuy/play on Switch).
  3. Devil May Cry V - Never really fucked with DMC but having played Bayo 1&2 now this just looks like crazy flashy fun.
  4. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy - I've played the first game through so many times but I can't wait to do so again, and JFA/T&T.
  5. Resident Evil 2 - Never played the OG but this looks deeply atmospheric and respectful to the original.
  6. Indivisible - Always exciting when a long-term crowdfunded title nears completion, and the betas for this have been super fun.
  7. Pokemon Gen 8 - I've fallen off the bandwagon a bit since X&Y disappointed, but having seen Let's Go I am excited for a full new hardcore Switch gen.
  8. Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes - Hasn't really lit my fire yet, but I'm onboard for a fully directed SUDA51 title regardless.
  9. Shenmue III - This would probably be higher if I'd finished I & II.

Notable ineligible mention:
  • Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers - Heavensward and Stormblood were both stellar FF games, let alone MMO expansions. Full faith in Yoshi-P to deliver.
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Dec 3, 2018
Wish I could rate Dmc V from 1 to 100 , but I guess that's not allowed . So here goes .

1. Devil may cry 5 .. The return of the king . The return of greatest character action title of all time . The GOAT Hack n Slash series of all time . Combat unprecedented . After 10 fuckin years . Yes , Dmc is back bitches.

2. Resident evil 2 remake . Looks rad and kickass . Can't wait to get my hands on it .

3. Crash team racing . Would have preferred a crash bash , but when it comes to crash , anything goes .

4. Animal crossing . Going to be my first time with it . Let's see what all the hurrah is about .


Apr 26, 2018
  1. Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fuel - can't wait to test my rusty skills online; playing tournaments with friends is one of my fondest gaming memories.
  2. Ori and the Will of the Wisps - the first one was spectacular, so...
  3. Crackdown 3 - huge Crackdown fan (even liked the second one), I've missed hunting those damn orbs.
  4. Resident Evil 2 - never played the original, but the remake reminds me od TEW2, which is one of my favourite games this gen.
  5. Shenmue III - it can be a 10/10 experience or a 4/10 one, hard to tell, eager to find out.
  6. Doom Eternal - what more can you ask for? It's more Doom!
  7. Devil May Cry 5 - the first DMC is my favourite (nostalgia probably), never played the second one, 3 is great, 4 not so much, I also didn't despise Ninja Theory efforts; the DMC5 demo left me a bit underwhelmed, but after watching other people's playthroughs I think I've played it wrong or something, will try again on release for sure.
  8. Sekiro: Shadows die Twice - not big on the souls genre but this looks like a good balance between the souls formula and something like Ninja Gaiden (Black for life).
  9. Gears 5 - it's been about 10 years since I've played this series so I'm ready for some more backpain sprinting.
  10. Control - I'll give anything from Remedy a shot.
No particular order really, the only game I'm truly excited about is CTR :)


May 29, 2018
Barring a surprise Nintendo Direct that drops a ton of megatons in the next two weeks....

  1. Kingdom Hearts III - I've been following this series since the start. For myself, my GF, and probably others this is our Avengers: Endgame.
  2. Mage's Initiation: Reign of the Elements - Backed this on KS way back in the mists of time solely on the strength of its demo. My most anticipated point & click for next year.
  3. Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon - The backer demo that came out earlier this year was really strong. I don't play as many Metroidvanias as I feel like I should, so this still holds a lot of appeal to me after a year where it felt like a new one was releasing every month.
  4. In the Valley of Gods - Played through Firewatch earlier this year. I'm down for anything by this team assuming it releases this year. Babooo!
  5. Doom Eternal - I picked up DOOM very late (just two months ago!) but it's been a blast. Looking forward to this one.
  6. Judgement - In recent years the Yakuza series finally came onto my radar mostly due to the buzz around the releases of 0 and Kiwami 1. While I have yet to start a Yakuza game, I'm intrigued enough by this game that I might just skip straight to it.
  7. The Outer Worlds - I'm hoping this scratches the itch that Borderlands used to scratch. Less the looting and shooting and more the goofy, scrappy, run-down border world atmosphere.
  8. Yoshi's Crafted World - Absolutely love the Yoshi games. This is a slam dunk for me. Hopefully it won't be as content light at launch as Kirby Star Allies was.
  9. Guard Duty - My second most anticipated point & clicker which seems to have this weird time travel story going on between a fantasy realm and dystopian cyberpunk future which is a mish-mash of styles I'm looking forward to exploring.
  10. Daemon x Machina - This game looks absolutely bonkers. I need to know more!


Oct 28, 2017
Guys, you need to write the full official title in Bold for your votes to be counted.

DMC5, DMCV, Devil May Cry V = Wrong (won't be counted)
Devil May Cry 5 = Right (will be counted)

Please read the OP to see if your post doesn't have any other formatting problems. A lot of the posts in this thread aren't following the correct format and won't be counted :(

Thanks, as many others I really thought the title was Devil May Cry V.

Also quoting for visibility since users keep doing the same mistake

Big G

Oct 27, 2017

  1. Resident Evil 2 - REmake is the greatest horror game ever made, and one of my favorite games of all time. After all these years, Capcom is finally remaking RE2. This time around, they seem to be reimagining the classic title by combining many of the best elements of REmake, RE4 and RE7. There's very little to complain about here, and it'll be a great way to kick off 2019! (Capcom)

  2. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - The next big game from the director of Dark Souls and Bloodborne (my favorite game of the current generation), and this one looks to really shake up the "Souls" formula that they've been primarily known for over the past decade. (From Software)

  3. The Outer Worlds - The trailer essentially said it all: "From the original creators of Fallout, and the makers of Fallout: New Vegas." While each new Bethesda Game Studios' release continues to move in a less appealing direction, this seems poised to be the new Fallout game that I actually want. (Obsidian)

  4. Doom Eternal - Doom was one of the biggest positive surprises of 2016, and one of the best FPS games released in a generation. The sequel appears to take things to a whole new level. I just hope it doesn't suffer the same decline in level design quality that Wolfenstein II did. (id Software)

  5. Devil May Cry 5 - Everybody's back! Despite not being great at these games from a combo/ranking standpoint, I've always had a lot of fun playing them. After mixed results with the DmC reboot, it'll be nice to check back in with the old crew. (Capcom)

  6. Ori and the Will of the Wisps - It's the sequel to one of the best Metroidvania games I've ever played. Also: This is going to be stunning in 4K+HDR. (Moon Studios)

  7. Control - I've liked all of Remedy's games to an extent, particularly on the story and world-building front, but game design missteps have often held them back. By focusing on crafting a less linear and more open-ended experience with Control, I think they may finally put it all together. (Remedy)

  8. Yoshi's Crafted World - Good-Feel continues to be one of the most underrated developers on the planet. Woolly World is an excellent game, and only Tropical Freeze bests it as far as Wii U 2D platformers go. I questioned how this got delayed to 2019, but it made sense after seeing how ambitious the level design was shaping up to be. (Good-Feel)

  9. Shenmue III - Having backed this game on Kickstarter without having yet played either of the first two games, I feel obligated to put it on the list. This is as much about Shenmue III as it is about how much I'm looking forward to finally playing Shenmue I & II next year. (Ys Net)

  10. Psychonauts 2 - I played Psychonauts for the first time earlier this year, and consequently this shot way up my most-wanted list. What they just showed at The Game Awards looked exactly like what I'd want from a sequel. (Double Fine)
Honorable Mentions:
  • Luigi's Mansion 3
  • Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
  • Metro: Exodus
  • Judgment
  • Animal Crossing (Switch)
Games that would have made my list if confirmed for 2019: Cyberpunk 2077, The Last of Us: Part II, Metroid Prime 4, Death Stranding, Bayonetta 3, Dying Light 2.
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Oct 27, 2017
  1. Resident Evil 2 - I played it long ago as a kid, but i've forgotten so much that this feels like a brand new entry for me. I'm trying to stay away from previews and addtional videos so that i can maintain my surprise once I play, but everything I have seen looks great and just what people wanted with a remake.
  2. Days Gone - the freakers horde looks amazing and it looks like it will be fun to upgrade your bike and guns along the way. Dynamic night and day systems should keep scenery intersting and i'm curious what brought about this dystopian world.
  3. Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled - I really enjoyed the Trilogy and had played those previous games, but i never played CTR. It looks akin to Mario Kark (which is really fun) and there's always been positive feelings about it. Ready to dive in.
  4. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Bloodborne is my game of the generation, despite not falling in love with the Dark Souls series. So i'm open to giving this a shot with the way crazy enemies look and of course.....the grapling hook.
  5. Pokemon Gen 8 - I barely dabbled in the Pokemon universe on my friends gameboy 20 years ago. I'm ready to give this a shot.


Oct 24, 2017
Let's see:


  1. Anthem - Everything I've seen since the E3 2017 reveal has looked great to me and I generally love BioWare game design. I'm really digging the world itself (a violent, natural world left in chaos by the 'gods' abruptly leaving), the javelins look badass, and the visuals are damn beautiful. I'm usually not into 'shared world' RPGs or looter shooters, but I trust BioWare Edmonton to have crafted an in-depth story to go along with everything based off the footage so far. I also think the javelins are going to feel great during combat and flying (I may or may not know this lol). I'll take this Iron Man game.
  2. Shenmue III - Been waiting 17 years for this. Shenmue's one of my favorite IPs of all time. It felt hopeless for so long but seeing the third installment start coming together it so nice to see. The smaller budget has my expectations in check but I genuinely don't expect insane production values so I'm sure I'll be satisfied. I just want to continue Ryo's story so badly and finally confront Lan Di. I think Yu Suzuki's a brilliant game creator. I'm so ready.
  3. Gears 5 - Gears of War is a series I fell in love with last gen so I'm glad to see it continue to go strong. I know some feel the narrative and characters aren't all that serious but I've grown pretty attached to Marcus, JD, Kait and seeing what awaits them in this one. This year's reveal footage looked fantastic with more color, more drama and more open spaces. It's also stunningly gorgeous. Looking forward to killing me some more grubs.
  4. The Outer Worlds - The original creators of Fallout (and the developers of New Vegas) coming together to create a brand new space-based sci-fi RPG with deep systems in customization and dialogue looking like a mix of Mass Effect, Bioshock and Fallout. Nothing else needs to be said. I need it.
  5. DOOM: Eternal - What can I really say for this one? Doom 2016 blew me away and easily made my top 10 that year. This looks even better. More please.
  6. Resident Evil 2 - This definitely makes my list, not only because it positively looks beautiful and incredibly well made, but also because I never played the original. After attaining a new found love for horror games after pushing through RE7 and The Evil Within games, I'm very much pumped for this. Every bit of footage has looked *chef's kiss*.
  7. Metro: Exodus - The Metro series is vastly underrated in my opinion and are some of my favorite first person shooters in the last decade with wonderfully tense atmosphere, interesting creature design, and world that feels uniquely lived in. It's such a fresh setting rarely seen in games and I actually care about Artyom and Anna. Exodus dials everything up even further from the looks of it. I can't wait.
  8. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Put this one on here for two reasons. One: I tried some Dark Souls games and I tried Bloodborne. I loved Bloodborne and Dark Souls, not so much. I prefer the pace and combat of Bloodborne and this looks even more action oriented. Two: The world and setting look cool as hell. Been a while since I last played as a samurai so, yep, pumped for this.
  9. Days Gone - For some reason this seems to be the black sheep of Sony's first party output this generation among some fans, but I dig what Bend Studios is going for. The freakers are at least different from your typical 'zombie', the world is gorgeous (not surprising), and I want to know more about the story. Seems quite a few don't like Deacon as a character too but really, how many biker protagonists have we seen lol? I feel there's going to be a deeper backstory underneath with the loss of his wife and what happened before it all. I want to play it.
  10. Devil May Cry 5 - I've enjoyed all the DMCs (hell yeah even 2 and DmC), and the demo was awesome. It's been way too long since the last game. I'm ready for some Dante/Nero action.

Honorable Mentions: There's so many others I'm excited for next year that narrowing down to 10 was difficult enough. Had to give a shout out to more:

-Control: Been a fan of Remedy's since the first Max Payne. Control looks to continue their legacy of building worlds with interesting settings, lore, plot direction and gameplay. I want to learn more about what exactly's going on in that damn building. I'm just happy to see more games from the studio.
-Wolfenstein: Youngblood: Machinegames has been pretty quiet on this front since E3, but my hype's still there. Loved The New Order, The Old Blood and New Colossus. BJ's a m'fin badass, and the chance to play as twin daughters? Oh hell yes. Time to die again Nazis.
-Jedi: Fallen Order: Yeah, we haven't even seen the game at all, but Respawn's proven to me that they're a super talented developer and I'm so excited to see their take on Star Wars, especially with Stig Asmussen at the helm.
-Crackdown 3: How long has it been now? I just want to play the damn thing! I'm happy they're taking their time to get it to as high a quality as possible of course. I wasn't a fan of 2, but the original game was super addictive. I'll hunt for green orbs again, yep.
-New Core Pokemon: I skipped Let's Go this year because from all impressions and footage, it's not really what I want out of the series, and I'm ok with that too. There's more than enough room for all types of players, but I'm excited for the next 'core' game in the series. I haven't played a Pokemon RPG since the first Black & White games, so I'm ready to dive back in.

Of course, much of this would look very different if games like TLOU II, Ghost of Tsushima and Death Stranding were 'officially' announced for next year, but alas, rules are rules and all :)
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Oct 28, 2017
1. Anthem - Destiny 1 is my most played PS4 game. This may be something that I will enjoy just as much.
2. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - I love From Software games even though most of the time I'm pretty bad at them. This one does not look as interesting to me at first glance but maybe it will still be fun
3. Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled - well, arcade racing was mostly dead this gen, but at least kart racing will get some nice representation next year
4. The Outer Worlds - when I stop and think about it it looks like Obsidian is a developer whose games I enjoy very much, so looking forward to this one as well
5. Ace Combat 7: Skies unknown - I have always wanted to try out this franchise, but for various reasons I did not. Hopefully this entry will be good.
6. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy - I know that this is available on mobile but I'm glad that I will be able to enjoy these once more on a console
7. Days Gone - not feeling this yet. I don't really want another zombie game, but Sony games have been great recently so mildly optimistic about this one as well.
8. Judgement - I became a Yakuza 0 fan and slowly going through other games in the franchise. Looking forward to seeing what else this devs can do.
9. Kingdom Hearts 3 - well, this is a weird one. I love Disney and tried 3 or 4 Kingdom Hearts games. They were mostly really bad experiences for me apart from the presentation and apart from Kingdom Hearts 1 I dropped them frustrated. Hopefully, with the updated gameplay this one will be ok. I don't have high hopes, but I will probably get it close to release.

I can't think of any other game that I'm excited about next year. I'm probably ready to slowly wrap this gen up and get Cyberpunk 2077 on next gen (and hopefully fully backwards compatible PS5).
Oct 30, 2017
  1. Anthem - While its probably the underdog of this forum, this is my most anticipated game. I have a lot of hope that BioWare can pull this off and reset expectations of the quality of games they can make. So far from what I have seen Im pretty hopeful. The only concerning thing to me so far is there doesn't seem to be a variety of environments. I mean its like Destiny, but not Destiny... but totally is in some ways lol.
  2. Resident Evil 2 Remake - Mostly nostalgia. I think they have done an amazing job in remaking it so it will definitely be worth a trying out.
  3. The Outer Worlds - the potential for a competent first person RPG without the bloat made by the people that created Fallout and made New Vegas.
  4. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Anything from this developer is worth trying. Im a little burnt out on the souls formula, so i am glad they switched it up. Not sure if this will make me forget that ive played 5 of their other games already though.
  5. Stanley Parable - Have always meant to buy it. So this seems to be a good time.
  6. Shenmue III - Still need to play the first 2, but the game has my attention. Its something a little different.
  7. Rage 2 - Just looks fun.
  8. Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey - Someome has to play it.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Here it goes!

  1. The Outer Worlds - Obsidian? Skill Checks? New Sci-Fi Universe with the creators of Fallout and NV involved? I'm throwing my money so hard at the screen.
  2. Resident Evil 2 - I am somewhat of an old school RE2 purist and was very angry when we first saw the RE2remake; but the RE2 remake does seem like it's going to be worth the delve back into Raccoon City thanks to some gorgeous looking environments, a visceral combat system that really makes weapons feel impactful, and some great updated boss designs while aiming to bring back things like puzzles, backtracking, and survival elements that felt missing in games like 4/5/6. While it's not the "perfect" remake I was hoping for, I am convinced that Capcom's new take is gonna be a good one.
  3. Luigi's Mansion 3 - So had to make my first edit to include room for Luigi's Mansion 3! Loved the original on Gamecube and Dark Moon, so the next entry seems like a pretty sure bet to me.
  4. Ghost of Tsushima - Love Sucker Punch studios, and Ghost looks amazing. New IP is also intriguing.
  5. The Last Of Us II - Loved the Last of us for its narrative, but it's not really a game I've gone and replayed a bunch. Looking forward to seeing the story continue and Naughty Dog's production values are top shelf.
  6. Kingdom Hearts 3 - I've had this game preordered since like 2015 (Got it on Amazon for $40 due to a pricing error). Younger me would have been way more excited; and maybe if RE2 wasn't coming out the same day I'd feel more excited about this one.
  7. New Pokemon Game - Might be higher on the list if we knew more about it; but Pokemon is always a series I'm interested in seeing what they're like. Didn't check out Let's Go Pikachu or Evee so I'm still hungry for a Pokemon on Switch.
  8. Doom Eternal - Doom 2016 was really fun, so yeah.
  9. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
  10. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 - Looks like a fun Switch game to me, despite people hating on the lackluster technical side.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
- Ori and the Will of the Wisps
- Gears 5
- Anthem
- The Outer Worlds
- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
- Sable
- Devil May Cry 5
- Kingdom Hearts 3
- Session
- Rage 2


Oct 27, 2017
  1. Resident Evil 2 - Long long ago I borrowed the PS1 version of this game from a friend. Got close to the end and he wanted it back. 20 years later I get to back to Resident Evil 2 and finally finish off one of the two RE games that I never finished (the other being RE0)
  2. Gears 5 - This would be on top if it wasn't for RE2. The Gears replays will start again sometime in March, most likely.
  3. Metro Exodus - I really enjoyed the first two games. They had that eastern European jank that I sometimes like.
  4. Doom Eternal - It's Doom... of course I'm getting it.
  5. Wolfenstein: Youngblood - See Doom Eternal.
  6. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Even though Ninja's aren't my thing, From Software certainly is.
  7. Devil May Cry 5 - I have full faith in Itsuno.
  8. Control - I'm a Remedy homer. This was on my list as soon as I saw they were making it.
2019 looks fantastic for me. 2018 had some good games, but only one shooter that I was interested in. The top 5 for my 2019 list are all shooters. There's also another half dozen shooters that don't have a firm launch date, or I'm waiting for reviews on them. I'm REALLY excited for 2019.


Oct 28, 2017
1. Control
2. CTR remake
3. Kingdom Hearts 3
4. Metro Exodus
5.Days Gone
6. AC 3 + Liberation Remastered - i'm a sucker for AC games
7. Twin Mirror
8. Jump Force
9. Trials Rising
10. Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown

Deleted member 11093

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Guys, you need to write the full official title in Bold for your votes to be counted.

DMC5, DMCV, Devil May Cry V = Wrong (won't be counted)
Devil May Cry 5 = Right (will be counted)

Please read the OP to see if your post doesn't have any other formatting problems. A lot of the posts in this thread aren't following the correct format and won't be counted :(
Thanks for reminding all these users. DMC5 has a pretty good chance at being #1 assuming everyone follows the rules and edit their posts accordingly.

I blame this on you for the DMCV leak that lasted for such a long time.


Oct 25, 2017
Hampshire, UK.
  1. Luigi's Mansion 3 - I'm a huge fan of LM1 and 2, Luigi is probably my favourite Nintendo character and I much prefer him to Mario. I just cannot wait to get back inside a huge, deep, complex mansion again.
  2. Kingdom Hearts III - Only played 2 hours of KH1 earlier this year before deciding it wasn't for me but I watched the entire series on YT to get ready for KH3 and I want it so bad. I've been watching Disney movies as well to get some familiarity with the worlds.
  3. Resident Evil 2 - Never played the original game and have always wanted to. This looks nothing less than sublime in every way. I'm a huge fan of survival horror.
  4. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Absolutely adore the Souls series (less so Bloodborne) but I just cannot wait to see what From come up withdor this. I don't need to see anymore, I cannot wait to immerse myself in this strange, multilayered Japanese world.
  5. Devil May Cry 5 - Never actually been a fan or finished any of the games but I love Bayonetta and I really enjoyed the demo for this so fingers crossed I'll end up loving it. Looks nothing less than sublime.
  6. Mortal Kombat 11 - I made a concerted effort to get into fighting games in 2017 and the only one than stuck with me was Injustice 2. It seems the only ones that really resonate with me and that I can get to grips with are NRS games. So I cannot wait for this, Day 1 Premium Edition.
  7. Shenmue III - Been a Day 1 backer and a very long time Shenmue fan. Absolutely cannot wait to have the game in my hands, honestly think I'll burst into tears and be utterly overcome with emotion.
  8. Doom: Eternal - Loved the 2016 game. This looks more of the same but even crazier so I absolutely cannot wait to get stuck in.
  9. Judgment - I'm a huge Yakuza fan since Y3. This cannot come soon enough.
  10. Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fuelled - I'm a huge Crash fan but never actually played this much when I was a kid. Looking forward to getting into it next year.
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Oct 27, 2017
NW Indiana
The Last of Us Part II, Death Stranding, and Ghost of Tsushima would be my top 3 easily. But knowing Sony and their dev process, they're all 2020 probably.

  1. Resident Evil 2 - What's there to say? Been waiting for this since I finished REmake on Gamecube, a long fucking time ago.
  2. Days Gone - Bend's one of my favorite studios and this is their biggest game by far. It looks a lot of fun to play, but they need to nail the story. I hope this puts them on the map among Sony's elites.
  3. Concrete Genie - My sleeper hit pick of 2019. I get a thatgamecompany vibe from this game. Simple, unique, and beautiful.
  4. Dying Light 2 - The first game is brilliant and was Techland's coming out party. Can't wait to see how they build on it.
  5. RAGE 2 - The sequel to both RAGE and Mad Max 2015, two of my favorite games this decade.
  6. Blood & Truth - The follow-up to The London Heist, one of the coolest VR experiences. Hope it hits like Astro Bot did.
  7. The Pathless - The next game from Matt Nava and Giant Squid. Loved Journey and Abzu, and this looks just as beautiful.
  8. Judgement - Next big franchise from the only team that's keeping Sega relevant.
  9. Dreams - I won't create a damn thing, but that didn't stop me from loving LBP. Some of the stuff being made looks incredible.
  10. MediEvil Remake - Never played the original back in the day, so I'm glad this is being made.
Last edited:

Deleted member 12352

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
  1. Judgement - Because there is no such thing as too much Yakuza (even if it isn't technically Yakuza).
  2. Super Robot Wars T - I've fallen hard for this series in recent years, so another entry in english is a real treat.
  3. Days Gone - There aren't enough "straight" open world zombie action games around, so something in that vein with such high production values as this is most welcome.
  4. Resident Evil 2
  5. Ace Combat 7
  6. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
  7. Mortal Kombat 11
  8. God Eater 3
  9. Concrete Genie
  10. Left Alive
I seriously struggled with this list as most of my most anticipated games for next year aren't definite 2019 releases.


Oct 25, 2017
There's no one single game I'm dying for next year, but there seems to be a whole lot that might be really really good. I'll post a list later.


Self Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
  1. Anthem - I love these big online games and new IP are always exciting to see. Game looks beautiful and impressions for gameplay have been really positive. Bioware's recent output makes me a tad nervous but overall I'm really excited
  2. Resident Evil 2 Remake - Everything about this project looks better than I could have ever imagined
  3. Gears of War 5 - Live the franchise and the trailer at E3 looked incredible
  4. Pokemon 2019 - it's a new gen Pokemon. That's all that needs to be said really
  5. Mortal Kombat 11 - MK9 and X are 2 of the best fighting games I've ever played. 11 is gonna be legit
  6. Devil May Cry V - Game oozes style and looks great mechanically
  7. The Outer Worlds - Fallout New Vegas in space? Uh yes please
  8. DOOM Eternal - more DOOM. I'm in
  9. Days Gone - Another zombie game doesnt exactly get me super interested but I love open world games and this looks to have an interesting narrative
  10. The Division 2 - Had a good time with last one


Oct 27, 2017
  1. Resident Evil 2: The more I see of this, the less I can wait to play it, but let's be honest - it's RE2, and that should be reason enough to be excited.​
  2. Animal Crossing: It's been too long since I've last had the opportunity to escape the prospect of crushing debt and daily tasks by facing exactly the same in the lovely company of anthropomorphic critters.​
  3. Fire Emblem: Three Houses: Despite my misgivings about Fates, more Fire Emblem is generally a good thing, and I'm looking forward to seeing what Intelligent Systems can do once liberated from the technical constraints of the 3DS.​
  4. Yoshi's Crafted World: Woolly World is my sleeper hit of 2015, and after that and Epic Yarn, it almost seems as though Good-Feel can do no wrong. At the very least, I'm expecting another delightfully charming and visually unique 2D platformer.​
  5. Catherine: Full Body: I simply adore Catherine, and getting the opportunity to play it again without having to get my PS3 out of the closet is a great proposition.​
  6. Luigi's Mansion 3: I may have my issues with Dark Moon, but prime Luigi is simply too much goofy fun to pass up.​
The rest is as of yet to be determined.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
Pokemon 2019: With 2018's game being wasted on shitty nostalgia pandering, I really need a new proper mainseries Pokemon game in my life.

Kingdom Hearts 3: I didn't even play KH2 until years after it came out, but it's been one hell of a long wait. I'm pretty pumped to finally get to play this game, it looks great.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses: It's more Fire Emblem, not much more to say.

Luigi's Mansion 3: Dark Moon wasn't the best, but I love me some Luigi

Yoshi's Crafted World: I love playing these types of games co-op with my cousin, can't wait.


Oct 27, 2017
  1. Kingdom Hearts III - Its finally time to see the end of the Xehanort saga, my hype for this game is enormous.
  2. Resident Evil 2 Remake - Didn't expect to like so much the behind-of-shoulders camera, i wanted the classic camera, but after seeing the game for the first time i changed my mind, CapGod.
  3. Devil May Cry 5 - Its looks so good everytime we see new footage, this is the perfect sequel for DMC4.
  4. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - From Software always delivers.
  5. Judgment - Love the Yakuza series, and this game looks like another amazing game from the same team.
  6. Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition - I love the original Vesperia, so excited to see the new content in the remaster.
  7. Onimusha Warlords - I loved Onimusha 2 and 3, but never played the first game, i'm excited to see the beginning of the series.
  8. Catherine Full Body - Never played the original game, but in the P-Studio team i trust.
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
  1. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - They continually improved the original over time and I think they learned a lot in the process to make something special out the gate.
  2. Days Gone - Sony hasn't let me down with the last couple releases and I expect it to be the same here.
  3. Metro: Exodus - Love the atmosphere of the first two games. Can't wait to see what they do with larger play spaces.
  4. RAGE 2 - Looks like a good chaotic time.
  5. DOOM: Eternal - Expecting a solid follow-up to the reboot.
  6. The Outer Worlds - It should scratch my RPG itch quite well.
  7. Anthem - Not sure about this game, I don't expect there to be anything in the end-game and expect them to have the same troubles as Destiny and Division.
  8. Dying Light 2 - If it has co-op, it's on the list. My friend and I had a good time with the original.
Last of Us Part II, Ghost of Tsushima, and Cyberpunk would easily be my top three if they were eligible though.
Jan 11, 2018
  1. Luigi's Mansion 3 - Dark Moon is my favorite 3DS game, so naturally I'm really looking forward to this.
  2. Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes - Suda's first game as a director in 11 years. I'm in.
  3. Sekiro: Shadow Die Twice - New IP from Miyazaki... Unlike Bloodborne, this actually looks like a decent departure from the souls series. Super pumped for this.
  4. Life Is Strange 2 - I only just played the first one a handful of months back and was blown away. Can't wait for the rest of the adventure.
  5. Days Gone - Not usually a fan of open world games or zombi games, but for some reason this game has grabbed me.
  6. Control - I've never played a Remedy game before but I'm glad this is coming to PS4. It looks really unique
  7. Yoshi's Crafted World - Good Feel is my second favorite platformer developer after Retro. Can't wait to see them get a chance to make their own sequel finally.
  8. Concrete Genie - Another unique looking AA game that we need more of.
  9. Resident Evil 2 - Bummed they made it a TPS but still stoked to play a reimagining of one of the best games of all time.
  10. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - It's been far too long since we've had an Igavania.


Oct 28, 2017
1. Anthem - It´s the experienced BIOWARE :D ... And EA :(
Like that fantastic couple you´d really like to see again. And the secret is you just like one of them, but have to invite both because you don´t want be an asshole.
2. Fire Emblem Three Houses - Hoping for that Awakening-quality again.
3. Wargroove - So many years i waited, for the next AW-installment.
4. Control - Remedy never disappoint (me).
5. Phoenix Point - An new IP for us TBT-people.
6. The Division 2 - If the SP is rewarding.
7. Kingdom Hearts III - KH foreeeever. People who started playing 1 and 2 back then might be other people today.
8. Resident Evil 2 Remake - Flex your muscles Capcom.
9. Luigi's Mansion 3 - I hope they somewhat update the already great concept.
10. Devil May Cry 5 - Flex your muscles Capcom 2.
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Oct 25, 2017

  1. Shenmue III - It's been 17 years. Top of my list for obvious reason.
  2. Dreams - The ultimate outlet for the imagination. I might make stuff with this thing.
  3. Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled - The nostalgia is strong with this one. CTR > MK.
  4. The Pathless - Stunning project from Matt Nava (art director of Journey and ABZÛ) and Co.
  5. Resident Evil 2 - Fresh take on a classic. Looks scary and beautiful.
  6. Streets of Rage 4 - This came out of nowhere, and I expect it to be a day one purchase.
  7. Judgment - I'm always up for more Kamurocho action.
  8. Psychonauts 2 - Appears to be one of those "perfect sequels". I hope I'm right.
  9. Days Gone - Looks to be Sony's most systems-driven open-world game yet. I just want to fight the bear!
  10. Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey - It's the first game directed by Patrice Désilets in 10 years, since Assassin's Creed II.


Mostly Positive
Oct 25, 2017
Norway but living in France

  1. Resident Evil 2 Remake - While I remember a lot of RE2 I don't remember it quite in detail like I do RE1. The word is that this new one is closer to a re-vision than a remaster with lots of new content but still I'm eager to rediscover this classic. The execution looks to go beyond expectations and zombies actually look frighteningly convincing and seem to have a lethal bite this time around. Aiming your weapon is done without much assist at all so make sure those bullets count!
  2. Dreams - I will be there day 1 purely as a consumer of other people's creations. I'm expecting the main campaign by Media Molecule to strike deep emotionally and the game with its music, playfulness, technology and scope to inspire. This game was near the top of my 2018 list as well so crossing fingers.
  3. Star Wars Vader Immortal - Honestly this vote is more for what portable, tether-less, low-friction & standalone 6DOF Virtual Reality will bring to the table. Oculus Go was surprisingly solid and regularly used until quality content ran out and this Oculus Quest launch exclusive lets you play Darth Vader wielding a light-saber in first-person! Besides that we can expect lots of already proven VR titles to show up like The Climb & Moss.
  4. Doom Eternal - The first one turned out amazing once the gameplay got into the groove of things. Holding on for dear life as you rip and tear for what feels like the FPS answer to Devil May Cry while being blasted by an amazing soundtrack. This new one seems to take new steps in terms of mobility as well as community play w/player invasions.
  5. Control - Remedy seems to be back in style with an intriguing & mind-bending new game world. Action looks really good and the visuals are just sublime. Here's to hoping it has a good amount of content that varies up.
  6. Days Gone - Comfort food. The game looks wonky in contrast to the other AAA Sony games and it follows most tropes of an open world third person action game so don't go into this one without an innate desire to play it as I doubt there will be surprises abound. Still, it seems to be a solid zombie game with impressive crowds and more emphasis on survival gameplay with a lot of tinkering, story and world building.
  7. Devil May Cry 5 - I might actually buy a DMC game. Visuals looks quite excellent and 60fps gameplay is always great. I'm expecting this to be a great package but I will check out deeper gameplay videoes nearer release to see if this is my thing.
  8. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - It deviates a lot from the 'deeper' Souls RPG formula which makes me lose interest but one should never underestimate Myazaki. I recently mildly enjoyed Déraciné on PSVR (which was FROM's first Unreal Engine 4 project) and I consider this the second half of that investment into the future (where Sekiro represents more agile gameplay).
  9. Blood and Truth - From the makers of The London Heist it will likely turn out to be the PSVR's swansong title before PS5 and next-gen PSVR platform leaks and rumors start dropping. Will go down as the strongest technological showcase for the platform.
  10. Shenmue III - Helped kickstart this one like many others so I'm curious about the result. I tried dipping my toes into the original for the first time recently and it's pretty vague in terms of how to make progress which made me stop. Still it has a charm and I will take a second look before watching some summary videos and jumping straight to the third game.
Calling it though: The leaked Valve VR headset + Knuckles VR controllers + rumored Half-life VR spin-off... All three happening would rock the gaming scene.
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Oct 25, 2017
  1. Bloodstained Ritual of the Night - As a big old school and Castlevania fan I very enthusiastically Kickstarted this game back in May of 2015 for more money than I probably should. It's my number 1 most anticipated game if only because I put my money where my mouth is 3 and a half years ago and it has been delayed twice already (first to 2018 and now 2019). I have high hopes and everything they've shown to backers on monthly updates has left me knowing Iga is making a good game and I can't wait to see it finished. Also the spin off Bloodstained Curse of the Moon that launched earlier this year is fucking amazing too.
  2. Resident Evil 2 - Never played the original and became a fan until they changed the gameplay in RE4. The fact that this remake plays like 4 and looks this good has me salivating for it.
  3. Kingdom Heart III - fuck this franchise's dumbass story, I won't know what the hell's going on but I still can't wait to get into this game for its gameplay, music, fan service and Disney worlds.
  4. Indivisible - I didn't back this game but an RPG inspired by Valkyrie Profile? Sign me up! Stilll not sure it'll deliver, though but I'm anticipating it.
Damn I can't think of more I'm anticipated that have a 2019 confirmed release. I was prepared to write TLoU2, Death Stranding and Metroid Prime 4 but they don't qualify :(.


Oct 27, 2017
1. Metroid Prime 4 - First HD Metroid, new Team. Really curious about this one.
2. Bayonetta 3 - My favorite character action game series.
3. The Last Of Us: Part II - One of the best story and characters in gaming with very dynamic combat scenarios.
4. Fire Emblem: Three Houses - This one could bring the franchise to the next level.
5. Sayonara Wild Hearts - Love the artstyle and pop songs already.
6. Baba Is You - Very intriguing puzzle game. Probably pushed to 2019.
7. Devil May Cry 5 - Looks fun
8. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - The verticality and less RPG elements could make this fun
9. Resident Evil 2 - Looks like a brilliant retelling of the original but I'm worried it might be too stressful for me.
10. Unruly Heroes - Rayman Legends-styled co-op brawler? Could be good. Probably pushed to 2019 as well.
Metroid, Bayonetta, and TLoU2 are ineligible.


Oct 25, 2017
Just going to preface my list- I bet for sure my most anticipated game is something I haven't heard of yet- kind of like how the Tetris Effect was far and away my most anticipated game of last year despite it only being announced around E3

  1. Fire Emblem: Three Houses - while the story of Fates was terrible, I loved the gameplay of it, and can't wait to see what they do next with the franchise
  2. Resident Evil 2 - One of my all time favorite games is getting a modern remake!
  3. Judgment - Not just happy for a new Yakuza studio game, excited to see it getting a loving localization for the first time as well. I hope this gets picked up by more people!
  4. Dead or Alive 6 - I'm kind of glad they are turning the T & A down a bit here, because I love the gameplay of DOA- the counters have always looked BRUTAL- but the cheesecake element has always been a turnoff
  5. Devil May Cry 5 - It's going to have been 10 years between mainline entries in this series- and Capcom has rebounded significantly as a company in that time
  6. Bloodstaind - It's been so long since I backed this game, and it's not even coming out on the Vita anymore, but it's also been a decade since Iga's last Metroidvania
  7. Kingdom Hearts 3 - not because i'm actually going to play the game, but i'm fascinated to watch the 3 hour long youtube videos trying to explain the plot of the game, AND it should revitalize the shipping community around the game, which will provide a steady stream of content.
Please correct your typo on Bloodstained otherwise it might not be taken into account when whatever automated thing keeps tally.


Oct 25, 2017
  1. Devil May Cry 5 - I've been waiting for this thing for an entire decade, always believed it'd eventually come out even when the reboot was in development, the announcement of the game almost made me tear up from happiness.
  2. Anthem - I love Bioware and I've been meaning to get into loot shooters but I've never gotten the chance, it having free story expansions also makes this a very enticing purchase for me as someone who hates the idea of shelling $40-$50 per year on top of the base game to get more content.
  3. Resident Evil 2 - the remake of the second game of my favorite video game franchise, everything I've seen from it makes it a strong contender for the best third person survival horror game in the genre.
  4. The Outer World - I adore Obsidian's games and as someone who had a very sour experience with Fallout 4, I can't wait to play a proper new Fallout game, even if it doesn't share the same name.
  5. Doom Eternal - the 2016 was a joy to play and despite its simplicity, it never bore me, I hope that the sequel is as fun!
  6. Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled - I've been asking for this ever since the trilogy remaster, I only pray that it's 60fps on consoles, else I'd have to wait for the PC version, the original game is my favorite kart racing game.
  7. Sekiro - Miyazaki is one of my favorite Japanese directors and I've played most of the Soulsbornekiro series, except for Dark Souls 3, so I'll eventually get this after beating that one.
  8. Rage 2 - Not a lot of people seem excited for this on the interweb? But everything I've seen from this game looks just my cup of tea.
  9. Jedi Fallen Order - Well... I like Respawn, and I hate Star Wars, I'm excited for it but at the same time I'm somewhat disappointed that it's a Star Wars game, doesn't help that the reveal was super lackluster and I can't muster any hype for this other than Respawn having some of the best designers in the industry.
  10. Mortal Kombat 10 - It's a Mortal Kombat game, and it sure looks like a Mortal Kombat game all right from the screenshots we've seen, and we sure new it existed long before MKX even came out, it's my least hyped game but I'm still super interested in it and hoping that NRS outdo themselves yet again with another stellar story mode.
In your #10 I think you meant MK11? Correct that or your vote won't count in favor of that game.


Oct 25, 2017
  1. Kentucky Route Zero - Act V is all but confirmed to release very early in 2019, and as KR0 has blown me away with every installment I need to see how it all ends (and probably rebuy/play on Switch).
  3. Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers - Heavensward and Stormblood were both stellar FF games, let alone MMO expansions. Full faith in Yoshi-P to deliver.
  4. Devil May Cry V - Never really fucked with DMC but having played Bayo 1&2 now this just looks like crazy flashy fun.
  5. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy - I've played the first game through so many times but I can't wait to do so again, and JFA/T&T.
  6. Resident Evil 2 - Never played the OG but this looks deeply atmospheric and respectful to the original.
  7. Indivisible - Always exciting when a long-term crowdfunded title nears completion, and the betas for this have been super fun.
  8. Pokemon Gen 8 - I've fallen off the bandwagon a bit since X&Y disappointed, but having seen Let's Go I am excited for a full new hardcore Switch gen.
  9. Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes - Hasn't really lit my fire yet, but I'm onboard for a fully directed SUDA51 title regardless.
  10. Shenmue III - This would probably be higher if I'd finished I & II.
Check the rules. They state no expansions are allowed so your #3 isn't eligible. And your #10 name isn't bolded, change it or it won't count.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm positive there are other games to get excited about but given the rules this is where we're at.

1. Anthem: Iron Man in an alien fantasy world appealed to me from the beginning. Yeah we aren't Dragon Age 4 for awhile but meh, I can live without it until 2020 if this is good.
2. Fire Emblem: Three Houses: This game looks like the evolution in Fire Emblem I've wanted for years. Graphics are great, the new way they're designing fields to resemble a battlefield is an inspired choice. I'm eager to get back to this universe.
3. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order: MUA was my favorite video game of 2006. It was essentially a theme park of the Marvel Universe, and I'm fascinated to see how Team Ninja takes what actually worked and improves on it.
4. Pokémon Generation 8: I wanna see what the first new generation looks like on the Switch.


Jan 19, 2018
  1. KH3 - I wanna see the closure to Terra, Ventus, and Aqua's story so bad
  2. Sekiro - Comeon.......Its a Fromsoft game. Doesnt help that it looks and play as good as what it is
  3. Ori and the Will of the Wisps - The first game is absolutely amazing
  4. REmake 2 - RE4 Is probably my top 5 game ever, and this, from the demo, looks and play similarly


Oct 27, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Shit, I think the only game I can think of that even qualifies for me is

  1. Kingdom Hearts 3- I wasn't super hyped for this for a while, but the LP streaming channel I follow (The NyanCave) did a blind run of the whole series thus far and now I'm ON FUCKIN' BOARD
But the two games that I'm more hyped for than that are:
  • Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers - Despite being a filthy casual in it I love this game so much I paid someone money to draw a picture of my character to use as my avatar, so of course I'm fuckin' hyped for this one. Story looks like it's gonna go into some interesting places.
  • Metroid Prime 4- I liked 2 less than 1 and 3 less than either of them but I still like all three better than any non-Prime Metroid other than Super, so I'm hoping the 10+ year hiatus from making Metroid games has resulted in them making something closer to Super/Prime 1 than the more linear/hand-hold-ey/story-based Metroids.
I'll also probably pick up the new Fire Emblem, Pokemon, and Devil May Cry games, but that's less of an "I'm anticipating this game" thing and more of an "I skipped over these series for years but now I might give them a shot" thing.


Oct 27, 2017
  1. Animal Crossing - I haven't played a game in the series since City Folk, and I am excited at the potential for a new console AC game. I'm hoping this is a big shake-up for the franchise, with a much wider scope than previous entries.
  2. Psychonauts 2 - I've been loving Double Fine's output and Tim Schafer is simply one of the funniest writers in gaming. Can't wait to see how they follow up the original.
  3. Dreams - This game is going to be huge. LittleBigPlanet on 'roids. I'm confident in the people behind it, and confident it'll be the biggest shocker of 2019.
  4. Ori and the Will of the Wisps - First game was incredibly well made and designed. Looks like the sequel kicks everything up a notch.
  5. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Not looking forward to getting my ass kicked, but definitely looking forward to exploring another strange From Software world.
  6. Afterparty - Art looks great and the dev's last game, Oxenfree, had a neat gameplay/dialogue system that I'm excited to see return here.
  7. Gears 5 - This franchise looks like it's finally getting past its macho-bro roots. Also, melee combat!
  8. The Walking Dead: The Final Season - Episodes 3 & 4 - Gotta see how it ends.
  9. New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe - Never played it, and I loved NSMB on the DS. Don't judge.
  10. Days Gone - I'm less excited to actually play this and more excited to just find out if it's good or not.
Sincerely hoping The Last of Us Part II makes it in 2019. My anticipation for that game is about all of these combined x10. Come on, Naughty Dog!

Kaz Mk II

Oct 27, 2017
  1. Daemon X Machina - I'm a simple man. I see 3D mech combat with customization and solid designs, I'm sold. Plus From Software is taking forever making the next Armored Core game
  2. Devil May Cry 5 - I love character action games and this ones looks to have it all. 3 distinct playable characters, deep combat, awesome bosses and enemies/ I couldn't ask for a better looking followup to DMC4
  3. Resident Evil 2 Remake - I never played the original but always enjoyed Leon and Ada as characters. Everything I've seen from it looks insanely promising and tension filled.
  4. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - Been waiting for the return of the Igavania type castlevania games forever. Curse of the Moon is one of my favorite games this year and I was never much of a fan of old Castlevania. I have high expectations of the true game after how good that was.
  5. Kingdom Hearts 3 - I'm interested to see how the combat feels and where the story goes. Personally I like Birth By Sleep the best out of the KH games because I dont care all that much about Dinsey properties. Either way I'm sure I can get over myself enjoy KH3 for what it offers.
  6. Animal Crossing - I never get THAT deep into animal crossing but they're always chill experiences to loose time to. I expect no different with the 2019 game.
  7. Pokemon - Even though my enjoyment has declined over the years (I dont like Gen 6 & 7 very much) I cant help but be sort of excited to see a REAL pokemon console release.
  8. Indivisible - I love the way this game looks and it seems to be trying something interesting in the RPG space. I'm all for it and it seems like they're holding back a lot which excites me.
  9. Fire Emblem 3 Houses - Not much to say yet. The trailer was vague but clearly showed off some new mechanics. Troops being more visible than ever before seems like it's going to make the battles feel closer to an actual war than ever before.
  10. The Outer Worlds - I'm sure I'm going to get swept up in the hype for this. Plus I've been looking for a more roleplay focused RPG that isn't a top down CRPG for a while now. I hope Obsidian delivers.


Sep 7, 2018
Bronx, NY
1. The Last of Us 2
2. Crash Team Racing
3. Ghost of Tsushima
4. Days Gone
5. MK11
6. Death Stranding
7. Sekiro
8. Devil May Cry 5
9. Anthem
10. Resident Evil 2 Remake


Oct 27, 2017
  1. Kingdom Hearts III - I've been day one with this series since 2002, after the original became one of my favourite games ever.
  2. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - The Demon's Souls / Dark Souls / Bloodborne team hasn't released a single game that wasn't awesome.
  3. Devil May Cry 5 - DMC3 is one of my favourite games ever, and the usually humble Itsuno has been talking this up like crazy.
  4. Shin Sakura Taisen - I love SRPGs, and Sega is taking this one very seriously.
  5. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - Demo was rad, and I love Iga's other work in this genre.
  6. Digimon Survive - A surprisingly good looking Digimon SRPG? Hell yeah!
  7. Fire Emblem: Three Houses - A bit apprehensive about this one, but we'll see.
  8. Resident Evil 2 - Looks great, etc.
  9. Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled - Somewhat worried Activision will fuck this up (and that Beenox is developing it), but excited nonetheless.
  10. Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown - More Ace Combat, hooray!

NOTE: Sega has Shin Sakura Taisen listed in their financial reports as a 2019 release, so that's why I've included it.
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Schierke Mori

Oct 28, 2017
1. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - It's been too long since the last FROM game. The previews shown off a few months back look great.
2. Animal Crossing - Don't have a Switch yet, but this will push me over the edge to get one.
3. The Outer Worlds - Haven't enjoyed a proper RPG since New Vegas. This will change that.
4. Doom Eternal - First one surprised me. Expect the same here.
5. Judgment - Will no doubt pick this one up - Yakuza games were great.
6. Control - Trailer made this look unique. Intrigued to find out more.
7. Resident Evil 2 Remake - Looks to be the right of action and horror
8. Fire Emblem: Three Houses -
FATEs was a disappoint, hoping for a better story here.
9. The Division 2 - Hope they can learn from their mistakes with D1 and not pull another Destiny.
10. Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers - Haven't played in a while, but the expansions also seem to bring me back in for a few months.
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Oct 31, 2017
1. Kingdom Hearts III - I've been waiting for Kingdom Hearts III since 2006, I can't believe it comes out next month...I need this now!
2. Pokemon Gen 8 - I'm excited to see what Pokemon on Switch will be like that's not Let's Go related
3. Dragon Quest XI S - Hope this counts, I need DQXI on Switch today!
4. Luigi's Mansion 3 - I love Luigi's Mansion
5. Animal Crossing - I'm really excited to jump back into Animal Crossing, and an HD Animal Crossing is what I need
6. Resident Evil 2 Remake - I'd be more excited if it didn't release at the same time as KHIII, so I'll wait to buy this but I am very excited to get it
7. The Outer Worlds - Looks really different from the games I usually play and I'm intrigued to try it out!
8. Fire Emblem: Three Houses - I've never gotten into a FE game before but this looks good and I want to try it out!
9. Daemon X Machina: - Looks amazing and I want to try it out!
10. Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled - I loved the original on the PS1, a remake is what I need.


Oct 28, 2017
Literally the only games I'm looking forward to with a 2019 release date are 1. Resident Evil 2 and 2. The Outer Worlds.


Oct 25, 2017
1. Devil May Cry 5
2. Pokemon Gen 8
3. Days Gone
4. Sekiro
5. The Last Of US Part II
6. Fire Emblem: Three Houses