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Oct 27, 2017
Essex, UK
I've often mentally referred to kills as hits or whacks, but I suppose those make more sense in terms of the overnight scum kills. It'd also be helpful to make sure that there's a clear differentiation in terms between the vote-out kill and other ones (like the night kill or vig shots) for discussion purposes.

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
I know, but that's such a minor exception (one that I haven't seen used in our games, anyway) that it doesn't seem worth continuing to pay this weird, sexist tribute to it.

IMO it's more helpful to players (myself included) to call something by a more functional name, something that's clearer about what the role does, versus something much less obvious which I have to go look up.
The point is, maintaining the inertia about something pretty insulting/gendered/sexist because "that's the way it's been done in the past" is just not good enough
We don't. At least since I've been here, the "hooker" role has not officially been used that I've seen. When we do refer to it, we are only referencing LB2 and the fake claim.


Pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down
Oct 24, 2017
Yeah I think the closest thing to "hooker" that's ever been an official role here was the "Cyril Figgis, Sex Addict" role in Archer.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I know, but that's such a minor exception (one that I haven't seen used in our games, anyway) that it doesn't seem worth continuing to pay this weird, sexist tribute to it.

IMO it's more helpful to players (myself included) to call something by a more functional name, something that's clearer about what the role does, versus something much less obvious which I have to go look up.

Contrary to what the Loveboat 2 crew thought, the difference between a hooker and roleblocked insinuates a difference in alignment. There are times even without the virgin role where you want the scum roleblocked to be named something else for interaction with investigations.


To the point at large, I know kill sounds easy but we should probably differentiate between the vote death and the night deaths and the night deaths tend to be the kills.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Oh I didn't come to the next page, I see Alexem had the same thought.


Oct 25, 2017
I think kill is fine? We already differentiate between day kills and night kills when we need to. Can always say town kills when you need to specify, and most of the time it doesn't even matter


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I think kill is fine? We already differentiate between day kills and night kills when we need to. Can always say town kills when you need to specify, and most of the time it doesn't even matter

There are roles it can matter for. Bombs, for example, only happen on a kill not on a vote death. A kill can happen during the day (day vigs) which means day kill doesn't work and town kill insinuates that town can only kill with the vote which is also hardly ever true. If I can point to all those things then someone from a different community will for cure get confused.


Pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down
Oct 24, 2017
Condemn: Sorian


Community Resettler - Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
There is something about roleblocking I never quite understood: do they only stop active roles(ie roles that send a command like a doctor or a normal cop) or do they also stop passive abilities like bulletproof and self watcher?

Usually I assume the second but I don't remember if I ever got into a situation that clarified that doubt.

For example, would a roleblock+kill combination kill a bulletproof or a roleblock command been seen by a targeted self watcher?

Is the roleblocker standardized in the community?


Actual Brazilian
Oct 24, 2017
São Paulo, Brazil
There is something about roleblocking I never quite understood: do they only stop active roles(ie roles that send a command like a doctor or a normal cop) or do they also stop passive abilities like bulletproof and self watcher?

Usually I assume the second but I don't remember if I ever got into a situation that clarified that doubt.

For example, would a roleblock+kill combination kill a bulletproof or a roleblock command been seen by a targeted self watcher?

Is the roleblocker standardized in the community?
It's not standardized as far as I'm aware. The roleblock in Simon Says, for example, only affected active roles. On the other hand, in HvV there was a roleblocker who could invalidate BPs.


Oct 25, 2017
There is something about roleblocking I never quite understood: do they only stop active roles(ie roles that send a command like a doctor or a normal cop) or do they also stop passive abilities like bulletproof and self watcher?

Usually I assume the second but I don't remember if I ever got into a situation that clarified that doubt.

For example, would a roleblock+kill combination kill a bulletproof or a roleblock command been seen by a targeted self watcher?

Is the roleblocker standardized in the community?
Most roleblockers I've seen only affect active roles, i.e ones where you have to submit a command

Game runner's discretion though, I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
The name bit where it shows the player, either click on it to open the list and go down it or type in your name (taking away Bronson who is there cause alphabetical order lists him first).

I can't get it to work :( can't really click anything.

Btw now i see Kalor's stats so that's an improvement :)

I think i'm just being shown what the last person was seeing.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So huh how do i see other players besides Bronson?

On mobile btw.

After touching the cell with a player's name, you get a dropdown menu like the one circled at the bottom. Touch that menu and just pick whatever name you want to see stats of ^^



And yeah, Bronson wasn't there because names are listed in alphabetical order (*Splinter is the one that shows up first in that manner), he was there because it was the last name someone checked.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I edited my post with better instructions above, saenima, I think you should be able to use the sheet after that.


Oct 25, 2017
Aaaah, that's what you meant by editing. Yeah, you gotta install an app on your phone to do that. I'm glad you could check your stats (100% winrate wooo)!


Can't wait for a chance to ruin that rate tho

I'm assuming there's gonna be a review period of both recent games and then we'll get some news regarding the next ones. Or something like that?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
There is something about roleblocking I never quite understood: do they only stop active roles(ie roles that send a command like a doctor or a normal cop) or do they also stop passive abilities like bulletproof and self watcher?

Usually I assume the second but I don't remember if I ever got into a situation that clarified that doubt.

For example, would a roleblock+kill combination kill a bulletproof or a roleblock command been seen by a targeted self watcher?

Is the roleblocker standardized in the community?

Let me answer this a little bit better so we aren't just saying "/shrug gamerunner's discretion."

The standardized roleblocker blocks active abilities. When I say active, I mean, if you looked at the game runner's sheet, if there is a spot for a target or a result then it is active.

I make that differentiation because in your example, you call a self-watcher passive and I see why you say that but for these purposes, it is active. It is an action that has to trigger each night to get a result so it can be roleblocked (that said some gamerunners will override that standard which is within their grounds as long as they specifically state it in the watcher's role PM, the roleblocker does not need to be informed).

The most common examples of what can not be roleblocked are bulletproofs (the bulletproof is already there, it does not need to "activate" each night, it is just always activated) and automatic commuters (odd night/even night and the like, different from someone who has to actually send a command to commute, those have to be blocked).

All that above is what is standard, there are ways the gamerunner can tweak those assuming they specifically state it in someone's role PM, it's usually bad design to stray from the above and not actually tell anyone in the game and it should always be in a role pm so that a flip reveals that info to everyone.


Oct 25, 2017
the length varies season to season. The number of games, how big those games are, how long those games run etc. all impacts.


And remember the info on the minis. They don't affect normal priority so feel free to sign up for one if you wish! ;)

I just might. Are minis a bit more demanding? In a large group you can coast a bit while observing and there's more room for error, i assume.
Oct 25, 2017
I kind of missed the "lynch" discussion, and while it personally doesn't bother me now, I remember being kind of uncomfortable when I first went to actually say it in that context, and I try to use "kill" instead. So yeah, I'm cool with changing it


Oct 25, 2017
I just might. Are minis a bit more demanding? In a large group you can coast a bit while observing and there's more room for error, i assume.

Minis are meant to be more casual, You still have the 10 post requirement but it's good for people who may be too busy for large games.

Mini Mafia

  • These games are 13 players or less and can be selected to run from one of many pre-approved sources for game designs.
  • In order to properly differentiate between these and our normal, custom games they will be called Mini Mafias. We've already had a few of these (4 in fact) and they simply follow each other numerically. The next Mini Mafia would be 5, followed by Mini Mafia 6, and so on.
  • Due to how small these games are they can run alongside any normal Mafia game. Players can also play in both a normal game and a Mini Mafia at the same time, though they will have lower priority when trying to play in more than one game at a time.
  • The '10 post count rule' will be enforced for both games. If you are playing in both games you will receive warning(s) per game and if you receive two warnings you will be removed from both games.
  • These don't affect normal priority. Think of them like small, bite-sized games!
  • @Fireblend and @Stuart444 are already planning on running the next game so keep an eye out for it soon!!
  • Interested in running one? Pick a set up and let either myself, Dr. Monkey, or melonrabbit know so we can get you started!

There is the info on it again :).

Like listed, think of them like small bite-sized games and thus don't affect the normal priority system.


Oct 25, 2017

I just might. Are minis a bit more demanding? In a large group you can coast a bit while observing and there's more room for error, i assume.

It really depends on you. I like slightly smaller games because there are fewer people to try and read. There is less room for coasting and it is more important to explain your opinions.

Mini is going to be 13 players on a semi-open setup.

My game, 999 mafia which should have sign ups soon, is going to be even smaller and faster than mini.


Oct 26, 2017
It really depends on you. I like slightly smaller games because there are fewer people to try and read. There is less room for coasting and it is more important to explain your opinions.

Mini is going to be 13 players on a semi-open setup.

My game, 999 mafia which should have sign ups soon, is going to be even smaller and faster than mini.


Oct 25, 2017
Minis are meant to be more casual, You still have the 10 post requirement but it's good for people who may be too busy for large games.

There is the info on it again :).

Like listed, think of them like small bite-sized games and thus don't affect the normal priority system.

Thanks Stu :)

It really depends on you. I like slightly smaller games because there are fewer people to try and read. There is less room for coasting and it is more important to explain your opinions.

Mini is going to be 13 players on a semi-open setup.

My game, 999 mafia which should have sign ups soon, is going to be even smaller and faster than mini.

But i've only played VLR :(

Seriously though i'm gonna sign up for one of the next games for sure. Undecided if mini or full game yet. Don't even want to think about playing two at the same time though. I'm still learning and i'd just be confusing myself lol

999 looks dope, i noticed the different rooms on OM and i imagine it's gonna be an interesting design. Will it have enough lore or such that it would spoil the game? Like i said, i've only played VLR but still wanna play 999 one of these days.


Oct 25, 2017
Seriously though i'm gonna sign up for one of the next games for sure. Undecided if mini or full game yet. Don't even want to think about playing two at the same time though. I'm still learning and i'd just be confusing myself lol

If it makes you feel better, you'll have a better chance of getting into the mini since 999 is smaller and you lasted until the end of the last game so your priority won't be too high.


Oct 26, 2017
What type are the upcoming games? I'm always up for a role madness game.

And I don't think I've been in bastard games much.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
i know people are excited, but let's wait until the games are officially announced before we start talking about them, everyone c:
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