Oct 28, 2017


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
CTRL+F "David Fincher"
-- Not found

I can sleep comfortably knowing that my favorite ain't on that list.

Edit: fuck dammit, Michael Mann.
Kabuki Waq

Kabuki Waq

Oct 26, 2017
So it seems if most of MCU is not on the list. So guess title should have been "many older favourites...."


Dec 12, 2017
Something new I learned today:

Additional allegations, 2010 onwards

In 2010, British actor Charlotte Lewis said that Polanski had "forced himself" on her while she was auditioning for a role in Paris in 1983, when she was 16.[153]

In August 2017, a woman identified only as Robin told a news conference in Los Angeles she was "sexually victimised" by Polanski when she was 16, in 1973.

In October 2017, a woman named Renate Langer interviewed by Swiss police said Polanski raped her in the town of Gstaad when she was 15, in 1972.[154] That same month, Marianne Barnard accused Polanski of having assaulted her in 1975, when she was 10-years-old.[153]

In November 2017, Mallory Millett accused Polanski of having tried to rape her twice in 1970.[155]


Oct 25, 2017
What's point of this list. Does anybody actually copy this list into Excel, and copy the imdb list of any movie you want to watch and see if there is any overlapping?


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
The revelation of more accusations piling up will hopefully get people to publicly rescind their prior support of Polanski. Clearly, what happened was not an isolated event and we now know the man is, by all accounts, a sexual predator and pedophile.
Kabuki Waq

Kabuki Waq

Oct 26, 2017
What's point of this list. Does anybody actually copy this list into Excel, and copy the imdb list of any movie you want to watch and see if there is any overlapping?

I think it's Value added to atleast be aware. Also since Many posters here don't know who Scorcese is I doubt they know who Polanski is . It would be good to read up .

If you have an easy time separating the Art from the man... then good for you. Move on.


Nov 26, 2017
My favorite did not. Harrison Ford.

That list is missing a lot of names, maybe it's different to the 2009 petition?

"The names on the petition include Natalie Portman, Tilda Swinton, Isabelle Huppert, Penelope Cruz, Diane von Furstenberg, Wes Anderson, Darren Aronofsky, Martin Scorsese, Monica Bellucci, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Harmony Korine, Ethan Cohen, David Lynch, and Harrison Ford. (Also, Woody Allen, but who's surprised there?)"



Nov 29, 2017
People here seriously don't recognize Inarritu, Lynch, Scola, Bertolucci, Anderson, Allen, Monicelli, Scorsese etc...?

Do you even like cinema?


Oct 27, 2017
This letter is from 2009 and was a response to Polanski's unexpected arrest in Switzerland (which ultimately declined to extradite him and instead released him).

The episode is at least as much a Euro v American jurisdiction story as a "supporting rape" story. You'll notice most of the signers aren't American.
Kabuki Waq

Kabuki Waq

Oct 26, 2017
That list is missing a lot of names, maybe it's different to the 2009 petition?

"The names on the petition include Natalie Portman, Tilda Swinton, Isabelle Huppert, Penelope Cruz, Diane von Furstenberg, Wes Anderson, Darren Aronofsky, Martin Scorsese, Monica Bellucci, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Harmony Korine, Ethan Cohen, David Lynch, and Harrison Ford. (Also, Woody Allen, but who's surprised there?)"


Fuck you are right. I used Google poorly this isn't even the complete list


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The majority seem to be Europeans, who we've learned from the "Me Too" movement have differing opinions on how these things should be treated, unfortunately.


Oct 25, 2017
This letter is from 2009 and was a response to Polanski's unexpected arrest in Switzerland (which ultimately declined to extradite him and instead released him).

The episode is at least as much a Euro v American jurisdiction story as a "supporting rape" story. You'll notice most of the signers aren't American.

The celebrity worship is olympian ITT. It's so telling how desperately some are trying to explain it away, and how even more just don't give a fuck.
Oct 27, 2017
The posts in this thread are like the people who make "Sportsball" posts on the day of the Super Bowl or World Cup Finals


Oct 25, 2017
Besides a few directors, the only person whose works I've seen and enjoyed on that list is Tilda Swinton. But no OP, that list isn't "all your favourites" for anyone. Hell there isn't a single popular actor in that list. Who the fuck are most of these people?

You now have to hate every movie she's been in. Also the 1000s of people that worked on a film she worked on. It's the 7 degrees of sexual assault law.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
This letter is from 2009 and was a response to Polanski's unexpected arrest in Switzerland (which ultimately declined to extradite him and instead released him).

The episode is at least as much a Euro v American jurisdiction story as a "supporting rape" story. You'll notice most of the signers aren't American.

Reading up on it, it actually seems more about the Swiss police using a film awards ceremony to arrest a French national for a US arrest warrant. It wasn't supporting the morality or drugging and raping a child.

As for Polanski's films, he has made some utterly incredible films. I would put his filmography against any prolific filmmaker. Avoiding his films for moral reasons is perfectly fine, of course, but I haven't, and I'm glad about that.

I'd be interested in a 'separating art from the artist' thread, because with Louie CK, I've been thinking about it a lot recently. It had never bothered me until him, I think because his material relates in some ways to his crimes. Having said that, Tess is does feature an underage, sexually active girl.


Oct 27, 2017
These people know the man personally, so who am I to judge. He did something bad back in what, 68? He also had his wife murdered with their friends brutally in their house. The judge fucked the whole thing up.. or he would have served his time. You can't go from 42 days to 50 years and think that's fair. I know there's other allegations, but there's a lot of people who stand by him, who know him personally.

If they choose to forgive, then why can't the rest of us.

It's kind of sad these days that everything is a witchhunt and people can't outlive their past.


Nov 26, 2017
These people know the man personally, so who am I to judge. He did something bad back in what, 68? He also had his wife murdered with their friends brutally in their house. The judge fucked the whole thing up.. or he would have served his time. You can't go from 42 days to 50 years and think that's fair. I know there's other allegations, but there's a lot of people who stand by him, who know him personally.

If they choose to forgive, then why can't the rest of us.

It's kind of sad these days that everything is a witchhunt and people can't outlive their past.
He got 42 days for drugging and raping a 13 year old.
Kabuki Waq

Kabuki Waq

Oct 26, 2017
These people know the man personally, so who am I to judge. He did something bad back in what, 68? He also had his wife murdered with their friends brutally in their house. The judge fucked the whole thing up.. or he would have served his time. You can't go from 42 days to 50 years and think that's fair. I know there's other allegations, but there's a lot of people who stand by him, who know him personally.

If they choose to forgive, then why can't the rest of us.

It's kind of sad these days that everything is a witchhunt and people can't outlive their past.

He raped a 13 year old girl.......he was convicted. Fled the country.



Nov 26, 2017
Seems like a bunch of french nobodies + Scorsese

"The names on the petition include Natalie Portman, Tilda Swinton, Isabelle Huppert, Penelope Cruz, Diane von Furstenberg, Wes Anderson, Darren Aronofsky, Martin Scorsese, Monica Bellucci, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Harmony Korine, Ethan Cohen, David Lynch, and Harrison Ford. (Also, Woody Allen, but who's surprised there?)"


Oct 27, 2017
Nobody is my favorite. I don't idolize celebrities and I'm not a fan of any actor or filmmaker. But I do love movies and will continue to watch them.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
I've always thought treating 'separating the art from the artist' as some high-minded ideal was just an excuse to continue enjoyinfg the things we enjoy without guilt.

You can separate something utilitarian from its creator, but there is no separating art from an artist.

Alright, here we go:

You can separate a craft, a utilitarian work, from its craftsman. Skill, craft, and utility are inherently lacking in ethos. They have no belief structure and are a political. If asked to create a fork, a fascist craftsman. and a socialist craftsman will produce the same object. Now, there is a variable level of artistry that can go into craftwork, and that artistry can be used to impart a message (the fascist carving a swastika into his fork, for example), but that is not innate to the craft itself.

Art, however, is innately reliant on the artist's ethos. It will reflect te creator's thoughts and beliefs on some level, even at its most vapid. Tell two 'equally' skilled writers to write the same story with the same story beats and you will receive two very different tales with veru different meanings. A facist, but still non-racist JK Rowling writes an entirely different Harry Potter than the one we got, for example.

But obviously art is not independent of craft or skill.

Acting, I think, is teetering on that line between artistry and craftsmanship. As an actor (assuming you are not also writing or directing) your job is to filter someone else's vision through yourself. And a talented acto3 can pretend to be something or someone they are not.

Wonder Woman and Batman, even DCCU Wonder Woman and Batman, can be separated from Gadot and Affleck.

Gadot's DCCU Wonder Woman and Affleck's DCCU Batman, however, cannot.

I described an actor's performance as a filter. And like all filters, some things will be filtered out. Gadot's Wondy, for example, will always be a hypocritical character. Despite being written around direct opposition to war and the evils men inflict upon one another, no matter the side or justification, you will never see her written to, allegorically or literally, oppose Israel's treatment of Palistinians. Because Gadot would object.

Likewise, even if we see Affleck's Batman confront a sexual harasser, or abuser, becaise of the actor in the role it will ring hollow. Or worse, be a source of ridicule.

So no, an actor cannot be separated from their performance. Nor an artist from their art. Thay isn't a declaration of judgement. I'm not even saying someone should feel guilty for enjoying the work of a bad person. That is an individual decision that each of us should make on our own. The point is that, in an effort to avoid that guilt all together, we pretend there is a partition between the artist and the work that does not exist. And I don't believe that we should. Or, at the very least, we should stop acting as though doing so is being rational, instead of simply putting our heads in the dirt to avoid feelings of guilt by association.
Oct 27, 2017
I feel like this thread would've been more interesting and productive if it had been generally about Hollywood's attitude toward Polanksi rather than the whole "your fave is problematic" thing, which just leaves people saying "X actor isn't on it so I'm good!"

Deleted member 4222

Oct 25, 2017
That's a shame, still gonna watch their movies though. I'm not gonna not watch Scorsese.