Mr Swine

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Dimps is really odd as a developer. Sonic Advance 1 is fantastic yet each new game released by them got progressively worse and worse.

i still wonder where Sonic CD fits in the classic timeline since Sonic 1-3 is the death egg saga


Oct 27, 2017
They weren't great. Good for like a single play through, but zero desire to revisit them whatsoever.

Episode 2's promotion made me laugh though. Hyping up the return of Tails (who isn't playable), Metal Sonic (who was in the previous game) and new enemies and bosses, as if that's something praise-worthy


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Episode 2 is perfectly serviceable as a junkfood sonic platformer, but episode 1 is so horrid. Sometimes people say "Well if it wasnt called Sonic 4" as a defense and so what if it wasnt? Itd still be a platformer with one of the worst feeling jumps this side of a bootleg nes game.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
It was f'n awful and the controls were horrible.

And then it was split up in two episodes/games. Only bought the first and very rarely do I regret a games purchase this badly.


Oct 28, 2017
It was… OK I guess. But certainly not a sequel worth its title. Sonic Mania is not Sonic 4 either, though, being the (albeit brilliant) mash-up it is.

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
I remember how the video gaming press loved Ep 1 but didn't have the same energy for Ep 2 despite it being a little better.

But yeah, it's terrible - both eps for similar and different reasons. Good excuse to pull up Savaged Regime's Gecko Yamori's Splash Hill remix though. I can't remember when he did it but I want to say it was right near launch.

I thought the music was the only good thing about those games. Mainly the composition and melodies, NOT the execution of those songs.

It was an ugly game with terrible physics and largely awful music made with cat noises.

Episode II is fairly solid though and had some cool tracks.

The music was good, but the choice of how they represented it through synth choices and such was horrible. I'm sure if Tee Lopes ever got around to doing remixes of a lot of these songs, they'd sound great. I love his Splash Hill remix:

It's just, the way they chose to represent them in Episode 1 and 2, it was like they were saying, "It's gotta sound retro, like bloops and bleeps!", but managed to make it sound WORSE than what you heard in the Genesis era. They literally sound like when, back in the day, fans would upload very basic sounding MIDIs to their Geocities fan pages. "Hey, look at my Beatles Geocities fan page and listen to this bad sounding 'Hey Jude' MIDI as you look around!"


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Feb 2, 2018
I couldn't believe anyone involved with that game had ever played a Sonic platformer, regardless of its mobile origins. There was no momentum nor physics based control that made any sense. I'm not exaggerating when I say I just couldn't play it, my muscle memory wouldn't let me adjust to how bad it all was.
Sonic Team makes the same mistakes so it's not that

Deleted member 3010

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think anyone thinks it's a secret

Oh how I love how 4 was conveniently omitted. :lol

It deserves to be omitted.


Oct 28, 2017
I had fun with that game, but I don't want to play it again, unlike the others Sonics.

Such a waste to use the "4" for that game.


Oct 30, 2019
I literally saw it yesterday on the 360 backward compatibility list OP. The craziest thing about it isn´t even how bland and boring it is. The game was episodic, with the 2nd ep taking 1,5 years to come out and also being the last ep. Sonic Colors and Generations came out in between. You know, the 2 kinda good 3D games? That´s wild.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
I hardly think it's an abomination or anything, but Sega did both it and the classic series a great disservice by slapping the Sonic 4 label on it.

Like others have said, Episode II was decent, so it's funny how much the games media seemed to have cooled on it compared to Episode I.

Just another chapter in the long and storied history of game critics giving a thumb's up to certain Sonic games in the moment, then a few years later pretending they were never good, and also the Genesis games were trash all along too!

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Sonic 1, 2, 3&K, Mania.

Everything else is a sliding scale of garbage. Yes, including CD(except for the intro animation).


Oct 26, 2017
Episode 2 is honestly a pretty good game. Absolutely not worthy of the title Sonic 4, but it's no worse than the stuff Dimps did on the handhelds.

The first episode is probably one of the worst games I've ever played. I think the biggest problem I have with it is that it manages to be so awful even though it doesn't have a single unique idea of its own.
Oct 29, 2017
I'm pretty sure I ended up never actually playing Sonic 4 but I do remember someone on a forum I was on before the game came out back then getting hilariously angry over Sega not using the Genesis design for Sonic when it was being called Sonic 4.


Oct 27, 2017
Sorry for the slight bump but i also came across this video today of this fan project which released around the same time as Sonic 4.

I wonder why this project stopped? Everybody was talking about it back then. I just remember thinking how this fan project made Sonic 4 seem that much worse. lol