
Nov 14, 2017
President Starscream strikes again:

Director of National Intelligence Maguire "learned about his firing from reporters reaching out for comment before publication, and had to call the national security adviser to confirm that he'd been replaced by Grenell."


Maguire and several of his deputies were reportedly fired because an official in his office, election security expert Shelby Pierson, briefed Congress without Trump's knowledge on Russia's ongoing election interference, though the White House is disputing that version of events. The NSA, CIA, and Pentagon have been urged by the White House not to share information about Russia and Ukraine with lawmakers, while the "Gang of Eight" senior members of Congress were bypassed leading up to at least one major intelligence operation. And intelligence community leaders have backed out of the public portion of the annual worldwide threats hearing, fearing Trump's wrath if their assessments don't align with his.

The purge of the nation's chief intelligence overseer was swift, and emblematic of Trump's determination to hastily quash any hint of disloyalty: Maguire had been telling staff just days before his ouster that he believed he could be nominated to serve as permanent director, according to a former senior intelligence official. He then learned about his firing from reporters reaching out for comment before publication, and had to call national security adviser Robert O'Brien to confirm that he'd been replaced by Grenell.

You'd think after 3 years people would stop lining up to run interference for this guy, but without fail, every one of them steps up thinking "surely, this one act of sycophantic loyalty and rule-breaking will insulate me from a future purge when I inevitably draw the line at another, worse crime or just try to do my job for real." It's pathological at this point. If you ever draw the line, if you ever insinuate that you have standards, you're not only fired but tarred and feathered as a Deep Stater and a liberal.

And it's accelerating. Maguire breaking DNI precedent to give WH counsel discretion over the whistleblower complaint happened just 6 months ago.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, Trump is a coward. I believe Comey learned about his firing when he saw a headline about it on a TV.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
It makes sense. Trump doesn't ACTUALLY fire people in person. That's what others are for.