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The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
"I bet I'd have some takers here today if I wanted to sell my Animal Crossing island from the latest Nintendo Switch version. I'd like to be able to monetise that."

You LITERALLY do not need blockchain for that, or for any of the other examples. It brings nothing to the table, and only helps killing the planet faster.


May 28, 2020
Setting aside all hateboners for crypto and normal boners for Reggie, there's like 4 valid use cases for Blockchain tech and this ain't it. He was always just a (good) salesman, so he'll understandably jump at a chance to sell. Good thing he wasn't in charge of actual company production decisions because he never seemed like a creator.


Oct 25, 2017
For people saying blockchain technology is killing off the planet, you do know that proof of stake exists right?

I'm not necessarily agreeing with Reggie here, but if for instance gaming companies where to implement their titles into the blockchain, it would probably be one of the newer energy efficient chains.
Proof of stake will never be the dominant form of crypto because it has it's own massive fundemental problems that make it fundementally untenable for any big cryptocurrency which is why Etherium's supposed shift to it hasn't manifested despite being talked about for years and likely never will be anything more than or fluff to assure people that crypto is good actually


Oct 27, 2017
You don't need block chain to sell virtual items/islands, especially in a heavily controlled platform. Good grief I wish people would stop acting like that's a requirement.

Deleted member 12867

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It's funny how quickly the blockchain went from being new, buzzworthy concept to being something that now carries Boomer energy. Every time I hear somebody trying to hamfist blockchain / crypto / NFTs into gaming I'm like
It's the one time that gamers have non ironicly risen up.


Oct 30, 2017
Of course they'll also ignore that etherium moving to proof of stake is something that's been talked about for ages but never shown any signs of actually happening and probably never actually will because proof of stake is a horrendously vulnerable tech that is inherently super susceptible to abuse and would almost certainly be the subject of a 51% attack for any crypto device big enough to actual be worth the effort at which point literally all the supposed advantages evaporate and it the currency is fundementally compromised in a huge way

Yep. "moving to proof of stake" is just the new "the check is in the mail."

I really wish people reporting on this shit or doing interviews like this would work harder to spot the patterns.


Oct 27, 2017
Never understood why anyone liked this guy. Biggest bullshitter in PR history and couldn't give an answer without sounding like a politician. Oh but he said my body is ready so he must be cool.


Oct 30, 2017
Also, why on earth would you say this publicly now?

Why go on-record and say "you know that thing everyone has hated for like half a year now and has resulted in consumer outrage every time someone has tried to shoehorn it in? The thing that seems to be winding down because nobody's found a compelling use for it apart from endless scams? I'm a big fan of that."


Oct 27, 2017
I was fine with it initially since he was careful to say "blockchain" and not "NFTs" or "crypto", but then he starts talking about "play-to-earn" and all possible benefit of the doubt went right out the window.

Blockchain is indeed a very compelling technology that has sadly been completely hijacked by the aformentioned concepts. How it can be implemented into games aside from those, I'm not entirely sure, but I'd actually be open to hearing about new blockchain concepts in gaming that has nothing to do with those three.


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck off, Reggie.

He'd just follow the script and say something like "ethereum is moving to proof of stake" or whatever. Somebody will solve every issue with crypto in the nebulous future!

Just add "in 6 months" to end and you'll be right for years to come at this rate.

Blockchain tech is not at all revolutionary and any use of it can be replicated without it.
Hey Reggie: You could sell your AC island without the need of any blockchain tech if Nintendo really wanted to offer that option. Crazy I know.

And you don't have to look outside gaming space, Valve has been doing this with Steam Market for almost a decade. (And i believe user to user trading existed before that).

I get what he's saying and I agree - I like the idea of being able to sell stuff I've made/accumulated in games (like old rare skins or something like that) but I don't think the key to that lies in a power-hungry thing like this.

It's something that would be dope to have, it just doesn't require blockchain at all lol. That's just a "solution" in search of a problem.

Idea maybe sounds good, reduced to "earn money by playing",
but huge problem will be balancing and legal issues.
And more you think worse it sounds for average player.

What's the point of buying anything if everything can be gained easily?
What's point of paying extra for skins / visual flair in SP games?

That someone earns by playing means someone else will be paying extra to continue playing (with publisher taking cut, obviously)
And publisher taking cut means there's incentive to keep rate of earners low, items will have higher prices, more trades, etc.

So you will actually need items that are required or very useful or otherwise desirable - that very few users will actually be able to get.
Maybe combined with paywall (like CS:GO does with lootboxes and free drops are like 0.01€ and impossible to sell).

That's not taking account that you'd probably run into issues with gambling laws, if someone can argue that those items extend gameplay. (in US).
Some EU countries even cosmetic items can be illegal (Netherlands, Belgium).


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
We are proud to announce that Mother 3 is finally being localised... as an NFT!


Mar 13, 2018
Why would you need the blockchain to sell a game account? People do that all the time already with Genshin Impact and other gacha games.

In the case of Animal Crossing I even remember some people decorating your island themselves for money back in 2020.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
blockchain is something specific... he's still talking about tokenization of data that you want to sell, it's not the same thing really, and the latter can be done entirely without the former

plastic love

▲ Legend ▲
Sep 19, 2019
Man behind Bigfoot Pizza believes in the Blockchain.

EVEN IF the blockchain was incorporated into video games successfully and critically acclaimed, try telling game publishers we 'own' our game and want to sell it second-hand. Publishers and developers are going to want their cut, and using NFT's/Blockchain is another means to fill their pockets while not giving anything up to the consumer.
Relevant PA comic


▲ Legend ▲
Aug 28, 2019
I really can't believe anyone believes Reggie left the board of GameStop out of some principled stand, and not because he was straight up iced out (along with a lot of the existing board) by new shareholders (i.e. Ryan Cohen) who wanted to bring their own people in onto the board. This is both extremely common and obviously what happened. Cohen gained control over the board and pushed out the people who were there before him in order to bring on people he knew already. I mean Reggie was one of 8 who left at the same. That is someone cleaning house.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I play games to have fun, not to collect things I might be able to sell later. I wish corporations would understand that.


Nov 15, 2017
Him being the friendly face of Nintendo for X period of time does not make me surprised that the successful (?) businessman is about business/profit

Jota typeZERO

Nov 3, 2017
Damn, how the giants end up falling.

I mean, the current concept of blockchain doesn't have to do anything with the original concept from the 90s, but the waters are still so goddamn muddy that the only mood allowed for the moment should be "shut up, please shut up". And by "the moment", I mean "many, many years".

Also, that Jim S. Sterling is already preparing another "crypto is bullshit" video should be granted at this time.


Avalanche's One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
good thing he had zero actual decisive power at Nintendo because seems he's just full of shit.
also, his time as NoA president was the worst NoA era by far. what a shitshow.


Master of the Reality Stone
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
2. Non-gaming related stories are, for the most part, not allowed. If it's something substantial, like, "Facebook/Meta requires users to sign away their soul with an NFT 'smart contract' in order to use Oculus" then all right. "Idiot loses $140T in ape jpgs," "Tucker Carlson hosts three-hour-long segment about which cryptocurrency he'd like to fuck," or "Crocs release NFTs of their most fashionable shoes" are not. An informative thread about the topic is ok, but subject to close due to user behavior.
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