Pirate Bae

Edelgard Feet Appreciator
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
im taking a break from that other thread

im hungry and i want to finish my fried noodles


Oct 26, 2017
The Good Place is absolutely fantastic! Haven't watched any of the 2nd season yet. Feeling like I want to rewatch the first. I've always loved Kristen Bell – she was insanely charming in Veronica Mars, and like Miang said, Ted Danson is fantastic. So are all the supporting characters though. The comic timing is impeccable.

The one good thing from that thread is that from reading what other women have said, I realised I wasn't the only one who has been called a puritanical prude for criticising or not wanting to play games with objectified female characters. It was a pretty big revelation, because whenever I was in discussions about it in the past, I was The Only One disagreeing. Well that's a lie – there was another good thing from that thread: Pet's description of the shitting bird cafe.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
kliklik - haha awwww thanks.

Also yes, welcome everyone who didn't post in here before. <3

I'm in no mood to start a Fashion thread but I'd love one. I love the hair and makeup thread. Once all my stuff comes in I'll review it. I should also start writing reviews for products I bought from yesstyle.


Oct 26, 2017
I should also start writing reviews for products I bought from yesstyle.
Do you buy clothes from there too? I need really small sizes and barely anything fits me in stores so I was thinking of trying asian online shopping sites. How are their returns - who pays shipping?


Oct 27, 2017
Nice to see all the new folks here.


Pirate Bae

Edelgard Feet Appreciator
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
"I'm a woman, but my brother, father, and boyfriend (if I had one) don't do that, so you must be wrong!"


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Do you buy clothes from there too? I need really small sizes and barely anything fits me in stores so I was thinking of trying asian online shopping sites. How are their returns - who pays shipping?

No. I don't like buying clothing from cheap online places (this includes most Asian places) because I HATE how the materials feel. They just feel plasticy or light, and even when it says it's 100% cotton it's not always T___T.

Usually what I do is shop at places I like and just get everything tailored. I find that dresses, especially "skater" style or "fit and flare" dresses work best on me. I also do the leggings & sweater look a lot, which means I can get away with slightly looser sweaters. I find that Express' xsmall sweaters all fit me like a glove though, and they have xxsmall sizes that are actually too tight on me.

On an off note related to ... uh, good smelling things... my friend gave me some of those hydro aromatherapy things and I LOVE it but it's so expensive in stores ($5 for a measly little disc) so my girlfriends and I are going to do a craft night and make some! Quick, what are some tried and true oil blends? I'd also love some... gender neutral scents. I don't actually think they do anything medicinally so I don't care about the "benefits," I just want stuff that smells nice and is relaxing.


Oct 26, 2017
No. I don't like buying clothing from cheap online places (this includes most Asian places) because I HATE how the materials feel. They just feel plasticy or light, and even when it says it's 100% cotton it's not always T___T.

Usually what I do is shop at places I like and just get everything tailored. I find that dresses, especially "skater" style or "fit and flare" dresses work best on me. I also do the leggings & sweater look a lot, which means I can get away with slightly looser sweaters. I find that Express' xsmall sweaters all fit me like a glove though, and they have xxsmall sizes that are actually too tight on me.

Ughhhh that's so disappointing but thank you. Ya basically I live in leggings, but I need to find things a bit more professional. Loft is like the only store with dressy XXS Petites, and even their pants are too big for me. I look like I'm wearing my grandpa's pjs. :-/ I got an XXXS leather jacket from a store and still had to wet it and shrink it in the dryer. It's hard to find business-casual in the children's section.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
kliklik - oh wow okay yeah.

I like Express for professional stuff. I find their blazers work well, but pants never fit because I'm so tiny so I go with pencil skirts. Blouses can be hid so it's not at bad.

TBH I switched to wearing dresses for work, but no one cares so hooray.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Everyone making me want to watch the Good Place. My husband actually brought it up recently as well. Maybe we can check it out once we finish Parks and Rec.


Oct 28, 2017
Hi, I happened to come across this thread and saw your discussion about sexualization in games. I have to ask, are you really surprised that the general userbase doesn't want to listen or gets the point? I think it's safe to assume that most of ERAs users belong to the audience that game devs are targeting (late teens to mid 20s) when they make scantily clad female characters. Anyone who wants to discuss the subject should set their expectations very low I think, for their own sanity.

Pirate Bae

Edelgard Feet Appreciator
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Hi, I happened to come across this thread and saw your discussion about sexualization in games. I have to ask, are you really surprised that the general userbase doesn't want to listen or gets the point? I think it's safe to assume that most of ERAs users belong to the audience that game devs are targeting (late teens to mid 20s) when they make scantily clad female characters. Anyone who wants to discuss the subject should set their expectations very low I think, for their own sanity.
If we don't make an honest effort to change the way people think, nothing will change. Everything will be the same as it always is; men will continue to foster these harmful attitudes towards women, women get ignored and dismissed and accept it because both parties think it's the norm and, therefore, acceptable. We're no better than the toxic GAF community if we don't at least try to make this place better.

I refuse to lower my standards for these reasons. Because, yeah. It's just the internet. But maybe I can change the way someone thinks, and maybe, in the future, I can make the Internet, gaming culture, and the world as a whole more accepting of the women and girls who come after me. It starts here, though.


Oct 25, 2017
Hi, I happened to come across this thread and saw your discussion about sexualization in games. I have to ask, are you really surprised that the general userbase doesn't want to listen or gets the point? I think it's safe to assume that most of ERAs users belong to the audience that game devs are targeting (late teens to mid 20s) when they make scantily clad female characters. Anyone who wants to discuss the subject should set their expectations very low I think, for their own sanity.
The fact that expectations are low is why most of the people here never bothered to touch that thread in the first place. Everybody knows nobody gets the point, so it's getting to the point where anything resembling a dialog is completely shut down and the community doesn't even want to bother interacting. This isn't something anyone here needs explained to them AFAIK. Absolutely nobody in this thread seems surprised, just kind of disgusted.

Although it really shouldn't be as hard to set up a dialog as the userbase makes it. . .

*EDIT* And I don't know why I didn't say it at first when I had it in my head the whole time, but I definitely think that it shouldn't be a reason for us to stop trying either. Why should the fact that people keep trying to stop us from having a place in the community be a reason for us to just give up and surrender?


Oct 27, 2017
It's always worth it to discuss these things. Sometimes change happens because people just yelled loud enough for long enough and couldn't be ignored. But that doesn't mean that I feel it's right for me, in particular, to discuss it at this moment. I've been doing this for years. It's exhausting. I don't currently have the energy to deal with banging my head against that particular wall.

But I'll always encourage those who do have the energy to keep fighting that fight, because it's always worth it.


Oct 28, 2017
User was warned for invading a thread to lecture women.
Are you a woman?

You sure have a pessimistic attitude about the quality of males who play video games, i have ot say.

I'm not.

I don't think it's pessimistic to think that many young men get some kind of stimulation by scantily clad gaming characters (something that lessens with age for most men... or so I'd like to think). I used to think it was exciting too when I was around 20.

If we don't make an honest effort to change the way people think, nothing will change. Everything will be the same as it always is; men will continue to foster these harmful attitudes towards women, women get ignored and dismissed and accept it because both parties think it's the norm and, therefore, acceptable. We're no better than the toxic GAF community if we don't at least try to make this place better.

I refuse to lower my standards for these reasons. Because, yeah. It's just the internet. But maybe I can change the way someone thinks, and maybe, in the future, I can make the Internet, gaming culture, and the world as a whole more accepting of the women and girls who come after me. It starts here, though.

I didn't mean that you should stop trying to engage others about it, only that you shouldn't expect too much. Like I said, I doubt most young men want to understand the issue that was brought up.

Pirate Bae

Edelgard Feet Appreciator
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not.

I don't think it's pessimistic to think that many young men get some kind of stimulation by scantily clad gaming characters (something that lessens with age for most men... or so I'd like to think). I used to think it was exciting too when I was around 20.

I didn't mean that you should stop trying to engage others about it, only that you shouldn't expect too much. Like I said, I doubt most young men want to understand the issue that was brought up.
I don't expect much. But I do it anyway, because I have nothing to lose other than my sanity. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oct 27, 2017
I don't really think anyone here needs someone to come in and tell us not to expect too much.

We know.


On Break
Oct 23, 2017
I'm not.

I don't think it's pessimistic to think that many young men get some kind of stimulation by scantily clad gaming characters (something that lessens with age for most men... or so I'd like to think). I used to think it was exciting too when I was around 20.

I didn't mean that you should stop trying to engage others about it, only that you shouldn't expect too much. Like I said, I doubt most young men want to understand the issue that was brought up.
dude, we know.

despite that knowledge, we still try. this is a good thinnggggggg.

you dont need to look out for our collective morale health, we know what we're fighting against.


Oct 23, 2017
I don't think it's pessimistic to think that many young men get some kind of stimulation by scantily clad gaming characters (something that lessens with age for most men... or so I'd like to think). I used to think it was exciting too when I was around 20.
That's cool. This isn't the thread for this. We don't create community threads so that people can be corralled into one spot to be pestered. Keep your opinions confined to the relevant thread next time.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not.

I don't think it's pessimistic to think that many young men get some kind of stimulation by scantily clad gaming characters (something that lessens with age for most men... or so I'd like to think). I used to think it was exciting too when I was around 20.

I didn't mean that you should stop trying to engage others about it, only that you shouldn't expect too much. Like I said, I doubt most young men want to understand the issue that was brought up.
This is literally mansplaining


Oct 28, 2017
Hi, all! I just found this thread. Regals is a great name :) Subscribed!

Good to see there's already a guy in here advising me on what to expect from all other men. Glad I'm still on the internet.


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
Hi, I happened to come across this thread and saw your discussion about sexualization in games. I have to ask, are you really surprised that the general userbase doesn't want to listen or gets the point? I think it's safe to assume that most of ERAs users belong to the audience that game devs are targeting (late teens to mid 20s) when they make scantily clad female characters. Anyone who wants to discuss the subject should set their expectations very low I think, for their own sanity.

You just have to come into this topic just to be contrarian, huh? Either you didn't read the original post, or did and decided this was still an acceptable post to make. I'm not sure what's more discouraging to be honest. C'mon dude.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not.

I don't think it's pessimistic to think that many young men get some kind of stimulation by scantily clad gaming characters (something that lessens with age for most men... or so I'd like to think). I used to think it was exciting too when I was around 20.

I didn't mean that you should stop trying to engage others about it, only that you shouldn't expect too much. Like I said, I doubt most young men want to understand the issue that was brought up.
Well I already kinda said it, but I beat around the bush a bit so it might do better to point out that Orio just took the words out of my mouth:

I don't really think anyone here needs someone to come in and tell us not to expect too much.

We know.

I don't think any of us need explained why men might get defensive or that it might be an uphill thing. Even someone completely living under a rock like me can figure that out that a lot of guys have a massive disconnect from the reality of the situation that they're desperately trying to keep going so they don't feel bad about themselves just lightly skimming that thread.

Coming in to explain it to us is just kinda. . .well, awkward. And that's me putting it in the super nice way, some other people might not mince words so much.

This is literally mansplaining
And there we go, this is what I was beating around the bush on.


Oct 28, 2017
That's cool. This isn't the thread for this. We don't create community threads so that people can be corralled into one spot to be pestered. Keep your opinions confined to the relevant thread next time.

It wasn't my intent to pester anyone. I'll keep my opinion confined to the relevant thread next time.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm actually more annoyed with this guy than that whole thread. It's one thing to make your terrible arguments in a public space when asked, it's another to come into what is supposed to be a more private space to lecture people.

Eee a Gunnerkrigg fan!

Yes! Yay! Glad to see another one.


Oct 26, 2017
That guys get stimulation from it hardly excuses them from ignoring, dismissing, talking down to, or shaming women for having their own opinions. Especially so when we're on a progressive forum that's supposed to respect and give voice to minorities, as Yunbuns pointed out,

It's hardly surprising but it's disappointing all the same. I don't think "well what did ya expect?" is that valuable.

I refuse to lower my standards for these reasons. Because, yeah. It's just the internet. But maybe I can change the way someone thinks, and maybe, in the future, I can make the Internet, gaming culture, and the world as a whole more accepting of the women and girls who come after me. It starts here, though.

I definitely had this perspective in the past, and I guess it just got drained out of me. At some point, I just started wondering why I felt it necessary to spend so much of my own time trying to convince rando men on the internet, like their opinion is so vitally important that it justifies a bunch of women sacrificing vast chunks of their personal time and mental health to patiently explain basic concepts over and over again that they could google if they actually cared about the answers to the questions they posed. Why is some ignorant anti-intellectual rando's opinion so incredibly important, or am I placing too much emphasis on convincing others? There was not a single step in women's progress that was achieved by convincing the majority of men that it was the right thing to do.


Oct 25, 2017
The Good Place is wonderful and I definitely recommend it to anyone that hasn't watched it. It's hilarious, has a great cast, and is really unique for a sitcom. If you tend to prefer serialized dramas over comedies, I would still recommend checking it out. The show also kind of kills it in the diversity department. I'm bummed there won't be new episodes for a while.

Ughhhh that's so disappointing but thank you. Ya basically I live in leggings, but I need to find things a bit more professional. Loft is like the only store with dressy XXS Petites, and even their pants are too big for me. I look like I'm wearing my grandpa's pjs. :-/ I got an XXXS leather jacket from a store and still had to wet it and shrink it in the dryer. It's hard to find business-casual in the children's section.

It sounds like you are tinier than me, but I definitely recommend checking out some petite fashion bloggers if you aren't already. I have always liked Extra Petite, though it's not quite as focused on business attire as it used to be. Jean has great taste and she gives a lot of good advice.


Oct 26, 2017
Generally speaking,

Girls, don't need to explain yourself to random people on the internet.

There are some battles worth fighting, some are not.

At the end of the day, know your values, and pass those a long to those who will lend you an ear(or eyes in this case). No need for anyone to get stressed out, we're all here for each other to rely on.

Edit: typos
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
I just want to say sorry before I leave, I should I have spent more time thinking before hitting the post button. Hopefully there's no hard feelings. I do agree with you guys that things should/needs to change, I suppose I'm just too pessimistic for my own good sometimes.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Generally speaking,

Girls, don't need to explain yourself to random people on the internet.

There are some battles worth fighting, some are not.

At the end of the day, know your values, and pass those a long to those who will lean you an ear(or eyes in this case). No need for anyone to get stressed out, we're all here for each other to rely on.
You too, girl. You, too.
But women have gotten attention from a number of devs recently, and collections of women who game are a valuable resource for them. I've seen a few start conversations (not in the women's OT of course!) to collect data for their own use and expansion as artists.


Oct 27, 2017
Where was the outrage when this happened?

Artistic integrity only applies when it's things you want, obviously.

That reminds me about how Dontnod had trouble getting both Remember Me and Life is Strange funded due to companies wanting them to change to male protagonists. If you bring that up, however, they argue that it makes sense in that case to change their "vision" because of the market and how companies have a right to make money.

As an artist and a developer, the "artistic integrity" argument makes me want to scream the most.


Oct 26, 2017
The Good Place is wonderful and I definitely recommend it to anyone that hasn't watched it. It's hilarious, has a great cast, and is really unique for a sitcom. If you tend to prefer serialized dramas over comedies, I would still recommend checking it out. The show also kind of kills it in the diversity department. I'm bummed there won't be new episodes for a while.

It sounds like you are tinier than me, but I definitely recommend checking out some petite fashion bloggers if you aren't already. I have always liked Extra Petite, though it's not quite as focused on business attire as it used to be. Jean has great taste and she gives a lot of good advice.
Thanks! I'll check it out. I'm limited by the stores available here in Canada, but having a quick scan through the labels, I see that some can be found here.

Also, I didn't even notice it when watching but you're absolutely right about the diversity in The Good Place. They don't lean heavily on their ethnicity for their characterisation as if that's all that defines them. They're just... flawed and funny and real characters. Man that show is good.


Oct 27, 2017
Ughhhh that's so disappointing but thank you. Ya basically I live in leggings, but I need to find things a bit more professional. Loft is like the only store with dressy XXS Petites, and even their pants are too big for me. I look like I'm wearing my grandpa's pjs. :-/ I got an XXXS leather jacket from a store and still had to wet it and shrink it in the dryer. It's hard to find business-casual in the children's section.

It sounds like you are tinier than me, but I definitely recommend checking out some petite fashion bloggers if you aren't already. I have always liked Extra Petite, though it's not quite as focused on business attire as it used to be. Jean has great taste and she gives a lot of good advice.

Fellow petite women!! I'm usually an XXS/as small as it goes. Where do you usually shop that's not too expensive? It's pretty difficult for me to find anything, and jeans are a nightmare. I'm definitely a leggings/dresses kind of girl.