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Oct 25, 2017
I came across a wagon with 4 horses. Any where I can sell that thing or release the horses so I can sell them individually? Or is there a way to store it and keep it?

While riding or standing next to and facing your horse, hold the weapon button (L1 / LB), press the toggle button to switch to the middle section (R1 / RB), and your clothes are at the bottom. You can choose your stored wardrobe at the main camp.

Oct 28, 2017
Super basic intro question but how do you feed your horse? I've got oatcakes which clearly show they can replenish horse health and stamina, but I'm not sure how to feed them. I keep accidently eating them myself.
Approach your horse and focus on it and there should be a prompt for it. Otherwise, when on it, you can go to the horse item wheel and feed him the item on the left.

For people who have beaten chapter 6:

Am I locked out of doing stranger quests in the epilogue? I'd like to go ahead and beat chapter 6 but I'm feeling like Arthur is going to keel over at the end of it and don't want to miss out on those quests.

s y

Nov 8, 2017
I feel like the quests in RDR 2 have a repetitive concept. Go to place, shoot lots of people, run away. Sometimes you have to catch someone. That's pretty much it. Standard Rockstar fare. Witcher 3 quests feel so much better. There are interesting things to find with even the most mundane sounding side quest in Witcher 3. Some even have multiple ways to resolve them. Still need to finish before I can say whether this beats Witcher 3. For now it only beats Witcher 3 in the level of detail in the world and the physics. Also wins big in immersion factor. I feel bad for my horses but the horse doing a flip after faceplanting into a tree in a mounted firefight is just plain awesome. Everything else feels very 'been there, done that' in other Rockstar games.
I don't think R* mission design is great but I hated Witcher 3 quest design. Everything was witcher vision, investigate scene witcher vision. Awful, completely turned me off the sidequests, not to mention the terrible gameplay.


Nov 7, 2017
Is there some special trick to catching legendary fish? No matter how quickly I rotate the right stick when the fish is tired, it isn't coming any closer. Frustrating.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Well, that's one way to avoid getting a bounty on your head. Lure an enemy who's trying to fight you in the middle of town into a secluded building and beat the shit out of him where no one can see you.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like the quests in RDR 2 have a repetitive concept. Go to place, shoot lots of people, run away. Sometimes you have to catch someone. That's pretty much it. Standard Rockstar fare. Witcher 3 quests feel so much better. There are interesting things to find with even the most mundane sounding side quest in Witcher 3. Some even have multiple ways to resolve them. Still need to finish before I can say whether this beats Witcher 3. For now it only beats Witcher 3 in the level of detail in the world and the physics. Also wins big in immersion factor. I feel bad for my horses but the horse doing a flip after faceplanting into a tree in a mounted firefight is just plain awesome. Everything else feels very 'been there, done that' in other Rockstar games.

Yeah, I feel like that's how I have felt about the game.

Jason Frost

Oct 27, 2017
Red Dead Redemption 2's list of initial benchmarks include:
  • Biggest opening weekend in retail sell-through across all entertainment releases;
  • Second biggest launch (three days) in retail sell-through across all entertainment releases;
  • Biggest entertainment launch of 2018;
  • Most pre-ordered full game ever on PlayStation Network;
  • Biggest day one full game sales ever on PlayStation Network;
  • Biggest first three days full game sales ever on PlayStation Network.
Last edited:


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I came across a wagon with 4 horses. Any where I can sell that thing or release the horses so I can sell them individually? Or is there a way to store it and keep it?

You can sell the wagon at the wagon fence you unlock through the story. No idea about releasing the horses, but probably? I imagine if you shoot or break the axle they'll run off.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Anyone else just have their horse suddenly disappear to a random part of the map miles away?
No, but I did a side mission that involved me jumping on to a train. I didn't hitch my horse, so I watched it running beside the train throughout the mission... when I made it into town, I noticed it didn't follow me into the town, so I ran back to meet it on the other side of the water.... it had clearly been run down by another train and killed. I loaded a past save and repeated the mission.


Oct 25, 2017
Hampshire, UK.
Yesterday was the day everything finally clicked for me with this game.

Granted it had taken a very long time (13 hours) and lots of fiddling with settings to get there but wow what a game now I know what it is and have a grasp on its controls and systems.

Don't get me wrong the previous 9 hours I was engrossed by it but today I was absolutely mesmerised. You can usually tell how engrossed I am in a game by how little/much I drink my drink next to me when I play and today I drank literally nothing in 3 hours before realising what the time was.

The first thing I did when starting the game up was sort the HDR issues - I had the calibration set to the recommended 100 and put it up to 400 - which improved the visual quality massively and meant the world didn't look so grey and washed out anymore. Instead the world was now full of colour, the nighttime luminescence from lanterns, wood fires and inside houses is nothing less than jaw dropping and the sky full of bright twinkling stars.

To sort my control issues out I upped the sensitivity even more and then upped the aim acceleration and lowered the aiming dead zone. It still isn't perfect but it makes the combat feel so much snappier, smoother and responsive instead of the heavy feeling, slow default option. The other more confusing control issues I had with the various menus have gone away too but I think I've just got used to them by now.

I do understand the complaints from others that they focused on the realism too much and not enough in making it a 'game' and 'fun' and I agreed with those complaints at times within the first 9 hours but now everything has clicked I'm struggling to see them manifested personally.

To me what it feels most like is Fallout. But, Fallout without all the gamey elements stripped away. Instead of the Top Compass from Fallout showing you silhouettes with points of interest on the horizon gradually becoming clearer as you get closer in this the points of interest are just houses, farms, abandoned towns etc. That you can choose or choose not to explore. They catch your eye and entice you in through light or smoke and stoke your natural curiosity to explore rather than relying on an icon to do this for you.

It just feels so organic and real. I was just riding past this house earlier, snuck up around the outside to see a guy inside a window reading a newspaper and some piles of money on the table. So I equip my shotgun, kick in the front door and take their heads off in the stairwell, then loot the place and net myself a nice healthy amount of cash.

I also infiltrated this farm which didn't go to play at all. I approached and tried to be friendly but they started firing so I shot them, then the dog started biting me so I had to kill it. Whilst I was inside reading a book I found someone discovered the bodies and by the time I came out a load of Lawmen were hot on my tail, they chased me all across the swamps and I had to gun a load of them down which led to a full $195 bounty on my head.

The hunting has grown on me too, the Eagle Eye thing does feel a bit unrealistic in a game based in realism but I get that it's probably the best compromise R* could come up with. Hunting this Legendary Bear on one of the early missions really got my heart pumping but unfortunately he charged and killed me before I knew what was going on.

It has taken a long time to get there but now all the pieces of the puzzle have come together I truly think this could be the next step in gaming and the first time a game has truly properly felt like a living, breathing, real place. I don't want to get bogged down in the hyperbole yet as it's still early days, but, wow.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Ugh. Got killed by the legendary wolf and now I can't find it again. I hate how even if you reload your save the game doesn't respawn you exactly where you left off.

Kaji AF16

Nov 6, 2017
Eleven hours into the game, I decided to stop until next Saturday, when I´ll be receiving my brand new Xbox One X. The difference in resolution with my old fattie is so significant that it was the last excuse I needed to upgrade.

Some takeaways from what I played:
-The game is indeed unbelievable ambitious, technically speaking. IMHO it surpasses every other open world game. My beloved The Witcher 3 looks surprisingly cartoony in comparison (even if it aims for a very different art style).
-I am liking Arthur Morgan a lot more than what I expected. I thought he was going to be a relatively generic protagonist.
-Great voice acting.
-After years of Destiny and Warframe (just to name some examples of games where the control over your virtual avatars flows and feels intuitive), RDR 2´s controls do feel disruptive. The sheer complexity of the possible commands gave me some trouble.
-I´m surprised at the number of friends who decided to skip it, generally mentioning that "they don´t want a cowboy GTA". Probably because of the time passed since RDR 1, many "sub-25" gamers I play with relatively ignored RDR 2´s launch.


Oct 30, 2017
Can anyone tell me how exactly the completion % next to my save works? Game says i have 34% completion and yet story is only at 16%? Is story such a small chunk of the game?


Oct 25, 2017
This stung



The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Can anyone tell me how exactly the completion % next to my save works? Game says i have 34% completion and yet story is only at 16%? Is story such a small chunk of the game?

Ignore it. There are "completion" challenges that, despite not actually reflecting your real percentage of completion, count toward your "total" completion. Just ignore it.


Oct 27, 2017
So i tried to capture the white horse on the snow area, but two dammed wolves spawn camped me and lost the horse,can the horse respawn or I lost him?


The Three Eyed Raven
Oct 27, 2017
This game's production values are not going to be matched in like a decade or until the next R* game comes out, it looks pornographic 90% of the time. It makes almost every other game out there look like a cheap little game, Rockstar is absolutely insane.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Guys, I seriously need help with this wolf shit. As soon as they hit me I'm on the ground and dead. How do you break out of animals' tackle attacks?

It's legitimately not fun to keep dying over and over again due to stupid lunge attacks I have no way of protecting against.


Oct 24, 2017
This is...insane. Random NPC encounter spoiler:

I just came across a guy on the road with his arm badly damaged. Like he got attacked by an animal. He was begging for help, to take him to the doctor in the city. Arthur reluctantly agreed. On the way he was in and out, Arthur kept saying to hang in there, stay with me etc. We finally get to the doctor's office, the doctor's shocked with me walking in, bloodied.

"Oh my god bring him here quick"

The doctor and the guy talk, a full convo, he says he has to amputate to save him. The guy's begging no, he gives me some drugs. I walk out. I decide to go back in, thinking, how far can this go? The doctor says, you probably don't want to be here for this. And begins sawing his arm off. Arthur: "JESUS..."

He wraps his arm, and dumps the amputated piece in a bucket, wipes his clothes, and talks more.

This is all with complete animations that are well done, a full dialogue...I'm at a loss for words. Absolutely astounding.

s y

Nov 8, 2017
Beat this lady up just to see how dirty an a regular NPC's model could get



Oct 30, 2017
Do trinkets need to be somehow equiped or do they work passively as long as they are in your inventory?
Oct 27, 2017
This is...insane. Random NPC encounter spoiler:

I just came across a guy on the road with his arm badly damaged. Like he got attacked by an animal. He was begging for help, to take him to the doctor in the city. Arthur reluctantly agreed. On the way he was in and out, Arthur kept saying to hang in there, stay with me etc. We finally get to the doctor's office, the doctor's shocked with me walking in, bloodied.

"Oh my god bring him here quick"

The doctor and the guy talk, a full convo, he says he has to amputate to save him. The guy's begging no, he gives me some drugs. I walk out. I decide to go back in, thinking, how far can this go? The doctor says, you probably don't want to be here for this. And begins sawing his arm off. Arthur: "JESUS..."

He wraps his arm, and dumps the amputated piece in a bucket, wipes his clothes, and talks more.

This is all with complete animations that are well done, a full dialogue...I'm at a loss for words. Absolutely astounding.
I just did this exact encounter and...

The guy f'ing died literally in the hallway of the doctors office because I took too longer getting the. Like 3 more seconds and I'd have made it.


Oct 31, 2017
I feel like the quests in RDR 2 have a repetitive concept. Go to place, shoot lots of people, run away. Sometimes you have to catch someone. That's pretty much it. Standard Rockstar fare. Witcher 3 quests feel so much better. There are interesting things to find with even the most mundane sounding side quest in Witcher 3. Some even have multiple ways to resolve them. Still need to finish before I can say whether this beats Witcher 3. For now it only beats Witcher 3 in the level of detail in the world and the physics. Also wins big in immersion factor. I feel bad for my horses but the horse doing a flip after faceplanting into a tree in a mounted firefight is just plain awesome. Everything else feels very 'been there, done that' in other Rockstar games.

This has been my experience 100%. The world is incredibly realized but my motivation to continue is dwindling due to how repetitive everything feels.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
Guys, I seriously need help with this wolf shit. As soon as they hit me I'm on the ground and dead. How do you break out of animals' tackle attacks?

It's legitimately not fun to keep dying over and over again due to stupid lunge attacks I have no way of protecting against.

you can evade with the dive move, it´s on square+direction when you have a weapon out. or you can blast them with a shotgun. or you can use dead eye to give you slow motion and shoot them.


Nov 7, 2017
Is there some special trick to catching legendary fish? No matter how quickly I rotate the right stick when the fish is tired, it isn't coming any closer. Frustrating.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
you can evade with the dive move, it´s on square+direction when you have a weapon out. or you can blast them with a shotgun. or you can use dead eye to give you slow motion and shoot them.

How do I make the legendary one come back? I'm still in his territory but after he killed me the first time the only wolves I see are just regular ones.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Sep 2, 2018
Guys, I seriously need help with this wolf shit. As soon as they hit me I'm on the ground and dead. How do you break out of animals' tackle attacks?

It's legitimately not fun to keep dying over and over again due to stupid lunge attacks I have no way of protecting against.

I just spam B on xbox and it seemed to work when I got mauled by a bear. There was a struggle like in that movie with DiCaprio then it gave me the option to unload on it with my gun.


Oct 25, 2017
In Chapter 3 (I think) and Dutch just randomly and softly says to me something like
"I believe even you will betray me in the end, Arthur." I was away from him so I had to walk across camp to be like what? His delivery made me feel like I actually had betrayed him and felt how powerful his manipulation can be at the same time.


Oct 27, 2017
That's the reason. If you are full of premium cigarettes you can't pick up more. I didn't realize the cards were auto picked when grabbing a pack. I must have missed 20+ cards now because I was full of premium packs ugh.

yeah, you'd assume that you can only get the card by smoking the pack, but nope. Makes a certain stranger look stupid imo.
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