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Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
This game is officially the best game I have played since Witcher 3. Hands down GOTY.

I finally got around to doing the "Billy Midnight" portion of the gunslinger questline and after it was over I had to wait for the train to stop so I was just looting the baggage cars and when I was done I noticed it had stopped. And since I had been in the baggage cars I couldn't see outside. I step off the train thinking its gonna be some podunk town or train stop and I am in a fucking CITY and the view hits me like a fucking freight train.

Trolleys, huge factories, proper buildings, and people fucking EVERYWHERE. One of the few times a game has made me audibly gasp. And I had the weirdest feeling, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was.

I then find out that I am in "Saint Denis" and I obviously wanna see the whole town so I start walking around and its so detailed. Every little building. Every street corner. Meticulously made to be unique. No two buildings look the same. The advertisements, the shops, and the people. I couldn't believe it. Keep in mind the biggest town I had been to before this was Valentine. I still had the strangest feeling that I couldn't put a word to.

And then when I was done exploring the town I realized what the feeling was! I felt out of place. I was uncomfortable in the big town. I wanted to leave as soon as possible. The town felt "big" and cramped. There was too many people. Too many buildings. Too much civilization. I wanted to get back out into the open world. It was the strangest feeling I had all along and then I finally figured out what it was. And I loved it. The game made me feel like Arthur was out of place and he was out of place. But they did it so subtly and so quietly that it took me awhile to realize what was wrong.

This game is a god damn marvel.

Deleted member 8106

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
In my camp there's an icon to do a hunt with Charles but there's no way I can start the hunt, I talked with Charles, tried to interact with items near the icon but nothing.


Oct 27, 2017
Stranger question

So I am still fairly early into the main quest lines but I stumbled across a guy being carted in the back of a jail coach . After freeing him he tells me of a good house to rob north of strawberry fields .

Is that the taxidermy house ? No clear way to enter . Or is there another house I am missing ?

Deleted member 862

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Question: Did they offered translated subtitles for the part where you meet that German family near that creek, in chapter 2? I play without subtitles and just wondered if they went the Max Payne 3 direction in not offering a translation to make you feel like Arthur (or Max, respectively) who "barely speaks English" (according to him :D).
Yeah it says [German] and then there's English subtitles. Same with anyone speaking Spanish.


Oct 26, 2017
Played through the first chapter yesterday and though it was fine. Didn't find it annoying like other players have said and thought it was long enough. Gonna explore more today

Deleted member 49132

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2018
RDO with these free aim mechanics would be hilarious.

Free aim is actually extremely viable and a joy to play once you fix the godawful default settings. I've been playing the game in free aim since the first mission in Chapter 1, right after I went in and fixed everything.

See below
I understand that many people have not been too keen on the way this game controls, whether it be the movement, the aiming/combat, or just the general weightiness of Arthur.

I believe I have a solution to many of these problems, and they are easily fixed in the games settings.

With a considerable amount of hours playing GTAV/GTAO on console over the years, and jumping into RDR2 last week, I noticed that Rockstar once again hindered the potential enjoyment of this game with terrible default control settings, most of which the vast majority of players will, understandably, never bother to go in and change/fix.

I believe that once these settings are adjusted to what I have provided below, you will find yourself having a much better experience with this game, as it essentially makes it control more in line with what you'd expect out of a traditional console TPS/FPS.

So, let's begin shall we.

This first image is accessed by pressing Pause>Settings>Controls>scroll down to the the Third Person / First Person section

The most important thing to note here, is the change to "Standard FPS" for Third Person (and First). This one is a revelation, because it completely gets rid of "tap X/A to sprint", while also fully allowing you to move your camera and look around while running.

It remaps running to clicking the left stick L3; click once to run, click once more to sprint. This is a vastly better and logical alternative to having to tap X/A, because when doing that, you're taking your right thumb off the camera stick, removing the ability to look around while navigating on foot. Tapping X/A is also a tedious headache, so this will be great for those who hate doing that. Naturally, this remaps crouch/stealth to the X/A button.

Also, be sure to adjust all of the other values to the ones provides in the screenshot; they are just as important, and will make your aiming/combat experience feel much smoother and more responsive as a result, guaranteed.

Using these settings, if anything feels a little too fast for you, only adjust the Look/Aim SENSITIVITY settings to what feels comfortable, DO NOT touch the acceleration/dead zone. Acceleration must be all the way up, and dead zone must be all the way down, no matter what.


This next screenshot is very important for those who also like to enjoy the game in First Person.

The important things to note here are:

First Person Auto Level Camera = Off
First Person Field of View = Max
First Person Head Bobbing = Reduced
First Person Cover = Off

The Auto Level Camera setting is a big one. For some idiotic reason, this is set to On by default. The problem with this, is that whenever you are playing in First Person, and move forward with the left stick, the camera will begin to Auto-Center back to eye-level.

This is very bad, as it completely disregards where you have your camera pointed or what you're trying to focus on, as soon as you start moving Arthur forward. No other FPS game controls like this, and it's just weird and unfortunate that Rockstar even decided this should be in their games (it's also on by default in GTAV)

Field of View is self-explanatory. The default value is extremely low, and makes it feel like you're looking at the world through a tiny window. Please set this to Max. This will greatly improve your enjoyment in First Person.

Head Bobbing is also self explanatory. I appreciate the attempt at immersion here, but Rockstar should know that this doesn't add anything of value to the game, and only looks bad, might even cause motion sickness.

First Person cover is another big one. Trying to have a shoot-out while behind cover in First Person is no-bueno, especially when you have the option to actually see what you're trying to shoot.


You may be skeptical of what I'm showing you here, and it might be hard to believe that adjusting them will dramatically improve your experience with the game - I totally understand that, but PLEASE give this a try and see how it feels. I wouldn't have gone through the effort of making such a long and detailed post if I didn't think this will be anything short of an absolute game-changer for you.

Thanks for reading, I hope this helps, and I hope you enjoy this game better as a result.


Oct 27, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Meet my horse Solid Snake's story:

I was playing when a friend just came at my house with pizza and beers.
He doesn't have a ps4 and was very excited for RDR2, so he watched a lot of videos about this game this week before coming my place.
I was at the mountain regions, and he remembers theres a video about a pretty nice horse around the mountains. So after he google it we found the location but no horse, only wolfs. I killed the fuckers and make a camp until the next day with the hope to see that horse. That was our 1st beer.

At the next day the wolf's corpses still there. No sight of that legendary horse, i left my current horse, Liquid Snake, near Lake Isabella's border and starting to walk in the snow towards some trees and for our surprise the horse spawned just when a sunlight from sky appears like a freaking divine intervention. This dude looks like a freaking glowing unicorn.

My friend said to me: "comments in internet says is not easy to get that horse" so make a save.

I need to capture the horse by my own so i ask to not spoil me about a method to do so. Never captured a horse before and i don't remember too much about the mission with Hosea so my only help was the tutorial at the upper corner.

I started to walk slowly. Thank god i know how to track animals with the R1 feature. The horse notices me and start to running away from me. I still walk slowly but the trees don't let me see where exactly he is but the tracker was on so i'm sure the horse was there even i didn't see him.

I continue walking toward him again, following the on screen instruction using the calm prompt and mount him. He's very rebel and starting to runnng all over the place. I push with all my strengh down in my left stick and that seems to work he's starting to calm and then the notification on screen says i dominate the horse. The joy! We celebrate with the 2d beer. (The pizza was gone at this point)

The bad weather was gone. I go back to the lake to Liquid Snake for changing my mount to my new horse: Solid Snake.
The ansiety. I didn't want to lose this new horse. So i save and my plan was to go back to Valentine to the stable to save and change the name. The wolf corpses still there my horse was nervous so i calm him almost all the way down.

At that point i didn't knew how to make horses follow you. So i my hope was Liquid spawned at the stable. So i leave Liquid behind. See you later pal.

The way down with Solid was at first peaceful. I go down trough Ewin Basin and i instant recognize that place as the first fight at chapter 1, then i discover Wallace Station i was very surprised to see a train station there and continue my way to Valentine. There's a lot of grey-sideways-quest some of them seems to be dangerous. After Downes Ranch, some enemies have the road closed, i talk to tranquilize them and still can't pass. Even with a save state i prefer to go all the way down in Caliban's Seat because i don´t want to lose this horse. This was my 3rd beer, a very stressfull beer.

Finally arrived to the stable in Valentine, the weather was cloudy and i can proudly say my new arabian horse was named Solid Snake. Sadly, Liquid wasn't at the stable and now every time i press pause i see an icon over Lake Isabella labed as temporal horse and colored black.
- Is he black because he is freezing to death?
- Maybe after sleeping he will respawn?

-Are you going to rescue Liquid?- my friend ask me.
-No, fuck Liquid.
I'm going to the camp Horsehoe Overlook. Maybe he will return to the city tomorrow. lol

I run towards the camp and i can check Solid is really fast, but just when i arrived, when a little music came after salute Charles, starts to rain very hard. Dutch comes to me saying he hans't see me in a long time. I walk to the bed and then at the background someone said: -Why are you so sad?.
- Dude we need to rescue Liquid- That was the 4th and sad beer.

I could easily reload a save state to save time. But i want to do this the right way. Liquid deserves it, he was my horse in this last days at chapter 2. Yes, i'm still at chapter 2 doing random stuff instead to progress in the story. I'll explain later. I send Arthur to sleep, i need it full capable for the rescue mission.

The next day i started very early, there's sun. According to the map Liquid was still in Lake Isabella, as a sad black icon "temporal horse" freezing to death. That confirms he didn't go back to the stable. The journey is long. Again at Downes Ranch there's some problems and shootings i tried to avoid them but there's no path so i go back to the road and the people shooting dissapear. lol

I follow the same route when i go back down because it feels safer. Solid earn some points and now is a more trusted horse, the wolf corpses still there and even the footprints. The lake was very bright and then i see Liquid, on two foots happy to see me. I have a 18 years cat very sick who is very happy to see me every day i came from work. And i was very emotional when i reunite with Liquid. He was waiting me. Freezing. Betrayed. Felt so real. That was the 5th beer. A different brand and emotional beer.

Then i just discover there's a comand to order Liquid to follow me. I feel stupid. I look the map and the black horse icon turns into a white horse who follow me really fast. I said goodbye to the wolf's corpses and i don't wan't to see them again. The way down was very silence until my friend told me: Hey! press L3 again!
-Arthur calms the horse: ooooohhh good girl-
- Solid Snake is a girl!- We scream at the same time. That was the final 6th beer. A rule 63 beer.

I don't wan't to cross the river again and pass trough Downes Ranch because every time some stuff happened there. And now i'm running with two horses and don't want to lose one of them. A crazy idea comes to my mind. I stopped at Wallace Station and make a save state. I order Liquid to follow me again, then i buy a train ticket to Valentine. The cutscene never felt so eternal. We are out of beers.

For our surprise that worked! I was at the train station, Solid appears besides the train as your main horse like usual but also Liquid was there following me!! I feel so relieve man and laughting for "cheating" the game. After mounting Solid i need to order Liquid to follow me for a third and last time until the stable. I clean both horses and feed them. I don't think i'm going to get ride Liquid again.

I guess you can get better horses. Maybe you already owned this horse without know of his existence or google help. But this felt very special to me and i must said this was at the right time. Being honest, i wasn't feeling the game in the first days. I rushed the first days only to realize last sunday i missed some missions, collectibles and other stuff. I was at mid chapter 3 and i wasn't having fun with the game. I like to complete very much all the stuff the game can offer so in a very personal way that day i restart it from scracth.

I can't say the game totally clic on me yet but this was a really special experience for me. I think i'm going to still in chapter 2 for a couple of days more in this "2nd playtrough". Maybe this slow pace suits me. I don't even mount a horse in real life but this dumb stuff was a rollercoaster of emotions. Apologies If my english is not perfect and for writing drunk. Cheers for Solidus my first horse; Liquid the second i get at the Hosea mission and my new girl..

Solid Snake.

What a story. I was concerned you had lost your previous horse. When I was doing all that I had no idea if I could have two horses at the same time and wasn't sure how I could handle it all but I just remembered about what I had previously done when I had gotten off my horse at other times and then wanted to call them to me. Tried the same here (whilst sitting on the new horse with saddle removed from the older one) and thankfully it worked and they followed me all the way back to the stable whilst I rode on the newer horse.
Oct 28, 2017

What is it with people not understanding exploration for the sake of exploration and getting distracted by everything in the world? I'm like 25 hours in and still on chapter 2. I'll go at my own pace I do the story when I feel like it. My friends need to stop bugging me about it. This is how I play open world games.


Oct 29, 2017
Free aim is actually extremely viable and a joy to play once you fix the godawful default settings.
Toggle to run, as in the screenshot provided, is also very important.

Otherwise you will have to tap the sprint button every two seconds when aiming with a weapon. And you do want to run while aiming because Arthur is so damn slow. Not thinking about tapping (or even holding) the sprint button while aiming is a huge game-changer.
Yeah it says [German] and then there's English subtitles. Same with anyone speaking Spanish.
I see. Thanks!

Deleted member 49132

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2018
Toggle to run, as in the screenshot provided, is also very important.

Otherwise you will have to tap the sprint button every two seconds when aiming with a weapon. And you do want to run while aiming because Arthur is so damn slow. Not thinking about tapping (or even holding) the sprint button while aiming is a huge game-changer.

I see. Thanks!

You won't even have to worry about toggle-to-run or tapping X ever again once you change the TPS control scheme to Standard FPS.

Do this. It will take some getting used to since it remaps the running to L3, but it is VASTLY superior, and once you get used to it you will never wanna go back. Trust me on that.

Note that horse galloping will still be tied to X - there's no changing that, due to the horse galloping system being designed that way. It will take awhile to adapt and remember to use X on horse and L3 on foot, but once you get it down, it's becomes second nature.
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Mar 17, 2018
I tested this game yesterday at a friends house and i was afraid to jump in because the whole outcry about the controls. I learned to never ever ever again listen to resetera and just get the games i want. the controls are perfectly fine and there is nothing annoying about them... This whole community is turning into one complaining bunch and everday it becomes less fun to come back here to the games area and instead i just head to the etcera area...jezus

Oh jesus then move on lol. If a forum hurts your feelings you need to move on. The controls are somewhat archaic. Big deal.
Mar 17, 2018
Toggle to run, as in the screenshot provided, is also very important.

Otherwise you will have to tap the sprint button every two seconds when aiming with a weapon. And you do want to run while aiming because Arthur is so damn slow. Not thinking about tapping (or even holding) the sprint button while aiming is a huge game-changer.

I see. Thanks!
How does the toggle for run work in this one? I honestly cannot stand tapping X to run. What are the negatives of using this mode?

Deleted member 49132

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2018
How does the toggle for run work in this one? I honestly cannot stand tapping X to run. What are the negatives of using this mode?

Make the changes that I show you here and all your worries will be washed away, you'll never have to worry about tapping X to run again, and the responsiveness of aiming will be dramatically better - to the point you can use free-aim comfortably.

I understand that many people have not been too keen on the way this game controls, whether it be the movement, the aiming/combat, or just the general weightiness of Arthur.

I believe I have a solution to many of these problems, and they are easily fixed in the games settings.

With a considerable amount of hours playing GTAV/GTAO on console over the years, and jumping into RDR2 last week, I noticed that Rockstar once again hindered the potential enjoyment of this game with terrible default control settings, most of which the vast majority of players will, understandably, never bother to go in and change/fix.

I'm certain that once these settings are adjusted to what I have provided below, you will find yourself having a much better experience with this game, as it essentially makes it control more in line with what you'd expect out of a traditional console TPS/FPS.

So, let's begin shall we.

This first image is accessed by pressing Pause>Settings>Controls>scroll down to the the Third Person / First Person section

The most important thing to note here, is the change to "Standard FPS" for Third Person (and First). This one is a revelation, because it completely gets rid of "tap X/A to sprint", while also fully allowing you to move your camera and look around while running.

It remaps running to clicking the left stick L3; click once to run, click once more to sprint. This is a vastly better and logical alternative to having to tap X/A, because when doing that, you're taking your right thumb off the camera stick, removing the ability to look around while navigating on foot. Tapping X/A is also a tedious headache, so this will be great for those who hate doing that. Naturally, this remaps crouch/stealth to the X/A button.

Also, be sure to adjust all of the other values to the ones provides in the screenshot; they are just as important, and will make your aiming/combat experience feel much smoother and more responsive as a result, guaranteed.

Using these settings, if anything feels a little too fast for you, only adjust the Look/Aim SENSITIVITY settings to what feels comfortable, DO NOT touch the acceleration/dead zone. Acceleration must be all the way up, and dead zone must be all the way down, no matter what.


This next screenshot is very important for those who also like to enjoy the game in First Person.

The important things to note here are:

First Person Auto Level Camera = Off
First Person Field of View = Max
First Person Head Bobbing = Reduced
First Person Cover = Off

The Auto Level Camera setting is a big one. For some idiotic reason, this is set to On by default. The problem with this, is that whenever you are playing in First Person, and move forward with the left stick, the camera will begin to Auto-Center back to eye-level.

This is very bad, as it completely disregards where you have your camera pointed or what you're trying to focus on, as soon as you start moving Arthur forward. No other FPS game controls like this, and it's just weird and unfortunate that Rockstar even decided this should be in their games (it's also on by default in GTAV)

Field of View is self-explanatory. The default value is extremely low, and makes it feel like you're looking at the world through a tiny window. Please set this to Max. This will greatly improve your enjoyment in First Person.

Head Bobbing is also self explanatory. I appreciate the attempt at immersion here, but Rockstar should know that this doesn't add anything of value to the game, and only looks bad, might even cause motion sickness.

First Person cover is another big one. Trying to have a shoot-out while behind cover in First Person is no-bueno, especially when you have the option to actually see what you're trying to shoot.


You may be skeptical of what I'm showing you here, and it might be hard to believe that adjusting them will dramatically improve your experience with the game - I totally understand that, but PLEASE give this a try and see how it feels. I wouldn't have gone through the effort of making such a long and detailed post if I didn't think this will be anything short of an absolute game-changer for you.

Thanks for reading, I hope this helps, and I hope you enjoy this game better as a result.
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Oct 27, 2017
For those in end game.

Are there no stranger missions in New Austin? It's a nostalgic feeling riding through it, but so far no stranger mission, which is a bit disappointing.

Deleted member 41178

User requested account closure
Mar 18, 2018
I seem to have an issue with a bounty poster in Strawberry, it's on my map as available and I've now fast traveled from my Camp to Strawberry twice and each time the bounty poster disappears.

I'm now riding from Rhodes to Strawberry to see if that works, anyone know why it might vanish after fast travel?


Oct 27, 2017
Does honor affect how likely an NPC is to become a witness? 'Cause as a mostly dishonourable Arthur, I murdered a rando in Valentine and... ... nothing happened. I had no disguise, no lawmen showed up--nothing at all happened. This was on the main street just a bit away from the stables.

The whole bounty system has kind of made no sense to me so far. I have a bounty in every area I've been in and it's not really impacted me at all, aside from being unable to persue bounty hunter quests and the occasional bounty hunter annoyance. My bounty isn't kill-on-sight or anything but I though it'd be a lot more troublesome based on how it's described.

Deleted member 41178

User requested account closure
Mar 18, 2018
I seem to have an issue with a bounty poster in Strawberry, it's on my map as available and I've now fast traveled from my Camp to Strawberry twice and each time the bounty poster disappears.

I'm now riding from Rhodes to Strawberry to see if that works, anyone know why it might vanish after fast travel?

Going to quote myself here, as soon as I crossed into Strawberry the marker for the bounty mission disappeared from my map!


Oct 27, 2017
What's up with the medals for the missions? It seems so much against the overall mood of the game, forcing you to do things quickly instead of soaking it all in

Blade Wolf

Oct 27, 2017
Game of the generation. But it's definitely not for all. Slow pacing could irritate the less patient gamers. A pity the 4k mode on pro it's really disappointing; the only negative note about this release. The X version is flawless.

It certainly is an incredible game, but they need to fix some bugs, lots of people had their experience ruined / soured by certain bugs. Including some mods here.

Bugs such as John, Jack, Abigail and Sadie not the in the camp for two entire chapters, weapon customization not working properly and keeps changing color back to default, and horses randomly catching on fire.

The bugs in this game are nasty, they stick with you and never go away, beware you might be the next.


Oct 25, 2017
It certainly is an incredible game, but they need to fix some bugs, lots of people had their experience ruined / soured by certain bugs. Including some mods here.

Bugs such as John, Jack, Abigail and Sadie not the in the camp for two entire chapters, weapon customization not working properly and keeps changing color back to default, and horses randomly catching on fire.

The bugs in this game are nasty, they stick with you and never go away, beware you might be the next.

That little Jack disappeared for a while when I had some items to give him but I did a few missions to advance the story and then he reappeared again.

Blade Wolf

Oct 27, 2017
That little Jack disappeared for a while when I had some items to give him but I did a few missions to advance the story and then he reappeared again.

That's not the bug pal, you didn't have the bug.

Also try not to mess with the weapon cosmetic too much, it might fuck up your grip texture forever. Some of my dark wood grips are now brown forever, I have to reload back to Chapter 2.


Oct 27, 2017
I tested this game yesterday at a friends house and i was afraid to jump in because the whole outcry about the controls. I learned to never ever ever again listen to resetera and just get the games i want. the controls are perfectly fine and there is nothing annoying about them... This whole community is turning into one complaining bunch and everday it becomes less fun to come back here to the games area and instead i just head to the etcera area...jezus
Etcera is not what I would call a fun place to be...

Overall I agree though. I had to tweak the controls to really get it where I wanted.


Nov 6, 2017
Fuck these gambling challenges. The last 3 are pure RNG and completely out of your control.

1 in 20 hands of black jack even allow you to fucking hit 3 times much less win
Playing a cardsgame and complaining about RNG lmao. I know what you mean though.

I wonder if you're playing poker and blackjack the game treats it as completely RNG or more in favor of the player.


Oct 27, 2017
Been on a hunting expedition from the heartlands to Strawberry and Northeast into the West Grizzlies. Man what a ride. The things you see and bump into in the game are just incredible. Wandering is... sublime. I don't want to get into too many stories here since it's only been out a week but man do I have a few to tell in due time.


Oct 26, 2017
so the game just deleted one of my revolvers, and it was a good one.

during a mission an npc friend died (like I even care) and it failed
after realoading a checkpoint I had no weapon anymore.
i had to pick one up from a dead guy and of curse it's a shitty revolver and my good one is gone for good, even at the horse later I couldn't get it back.

super annoying and incredible that this went through QA.


Oct 27, 2017
Does anyone else have the bug where you can't view all your tasks in the log? I'm on PS4. When I hit left on the d-pad, i can only view the first 9 tasks, though it plainly shows me 9 of 19. I'm on Chapter 3 right now. Anyone know of a workaround at least??


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still confused by the looting + breaking law system. If I save someone by killing some bandits, I'm good. If I loot them, I'm wanted. Play a mission and dead bodies are nearby, I'm wanted.

I feel like I'm missing something.
Oct 27, 2017
Bounty system seems to make sense to me thus far. Mask on, shooting lone strangers, nothing happens if no one is nearby. If someone hears the shot or sees what's going on or finds a body then I get a 'witness investigating' notification. Take them out too, no bounty. Let them run but leave the area, no bounty.

Antagonise the sheriff and get a 'Wanted, move away' notification which goes away if you walk off.

Thus far it seems to work as I would expect. Witnesses seem to have quite a wide radius of awareness. I've not gone too in depth though.


Sausage Tycoon
Oct 25, 2017
I got the Arabian, I feel like a piece of shit putting Jennie in the stable for this fancy ass horse.

Deleted member 1698

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Really struggling with this game.

I've done a couple of missions after getting the first "camp" and I'm really not feeling it. It might be the controls, it might just be the old PS4 struggling to keep up.
Does it get better from here? Is there a point I should keep pushing on to get to or should I pretty much bail out now?
Oct 27, 2017
Bounty system seems to make sense to me thus far. Mask on, shooting lone strangers, nothing happens if no one is nearby. If someone hears the shot or sees what's going on or finds a body then I get a 'witness investigating' notification. Take them out too, no bounty. Let them run but leave the area, no bounty.

Antagonise the sheriff and get a 'Wanted, move away' notification which goes away if you walk off.

Thus far it seems to work as I would expect. Witnesses seem to have quite a wide radius of awareness. I've not gone too in depth though.

It gets more muddled and difficult to work with as more complex or emegent situations arise. Its dine, just lacks nuance in how it processes things, but you cant really expect that. Just stands out more when the rest of the game has such a high level,of interaction details.

Im pretty sure I completed the gunslinger photo mission from the salon in Valentine yet the game doesnt show that I did it... maybe I hafta find the reporter guy somewhere else?

I did the mission and haven't found him again yet either.

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
Bounty system seems to make sense to me thus far. Mask on, shooting lone strangers, nothing happens if no one is nearby. If someone hears the shot or sees what's going on or finds a body then I get a 'witness investigating' notification. Take them out too, no bounty. Let them run but leave the area, no bounty.

Antagonise the sheriff and get a 'Wanted, move away' notification which goes away if you walk off.

Thus far it seems to work as I would expect. Witnesses seem to have quite a wide radius of awareness. I've not gone too in depth though.

Yeah I haven't had any issues with the Wanted system yet. I think people see "WANTED" pop up and automatically think a posse is coming after them. I haven't had bounty hunter encounters yet so I don't know if they're exceptionally hard to kill or something, but I'm pretty sure having a bounty on your head in a state or two at any given time is an expected thing, that's why some missions force you to take on bounties — to get you used to the concept of being a wanted outlaw.
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