
Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Lmfao idk how i forgot about this

The Archon

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Saints Row 3 surprised me with it's unreal shenanigans. Gangsters dropping in Parachute while the song "power" in the background.

Or Saints Row 4 saying goodbye on the intro mission with the Aerosmith "I don't want to miss a thing" while riding a missile to then fall to the White House and become the POTUS.


Oct 27, 2017
Blows my mind how many ppl dont read the OP even though it's so short.

Among my favourite surreal moments would be putting a silver suited, nano machine boosted, katana wielding cyber ninja to sleep as a little old lady in Overwatch

Its like some of the posts arent even looking at the examples some ppl posted, lol. Watch Dogs 2, God of War 3, Hit Man, Metal Gear Solid, Just Cause, Batman, Yakuza....

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
I put on Hotline Miami 2 for an hour


It was fun to play, brilliant gameplay.

I put on RDR2 afterwards and I just couldn't be arsed to play it. I think good art styles and hyper realism may be my bag.


Alt Account
Dec 18, 2018
I thought this was thread was about how some games have a seemingly realistic visuals but make everything go over the top. Stuff like making all the silver ridiculously shiny and the dark pitch black.

But yeah - the kind of games this thread is discussing is good shit.

Krvavi Abadas

Oct 26, 2017
Every time Max Payne destroys time itself by diving so hard that it slows down. Silver casings dropping from the bullets hitting everyone in the room.


Oct 26, 2017
Th whole clip is nonstop awesome, but if you want reality-breaking epic, just go to 2:14...

Yes, son, you just dropped 7,000 feet off the top of a mountain in a FUCKIN' TURBO TRUCK and KEPT GOING!

Morotstorm? Pffft, second-place silver loser. EXCITE is where it's at!

Great example, take something so "simple" as a racing game and make the whole game be about jumps turbos, spins...

Almost all Platinumgames games, specially The Woderful 101.

I don't remember if is there any wonder silver though
Yup, I had to rewrite the examples in the OP several times because I always ended up using Platinum games.

Going at breakneck speeds in F-Zero GX is the silver lining for me.

This beats any modern realistic racing game in my opinion.
Another great example. I hate racing games where you have to deccelerate before a turn...please allow me to slide, use a turbo or bump into opponents to correct my trajectory while I keep accelerating.

The truck trying to kill you in Sonic Generations. Massive with buzz saws and rocket boosting along the sides of buildings. Gold star.

Didn´t know about this one, must´ve been an awesome surprise when playing it!

People in this thread are the epitome of no fun allowed killjoys, geez. Don't fucking reply if you don't want to play along, nobody is holding a gun to your head.

But yeah, this is Platinum games the thread. I really wish I knew why AAA games are so utterly obsessed with realism to the point of utter boredom, as if realism was a silver bullet that instantly solves all other problems in these games. "It's not boring, it's realistic".

And don't get me started on developers that think "realistic" means "everything has the same hue", whether that's yellow, brown, green or blue.
100% agree on this. At least this gen is not so bad as last one, where 99% of AAA were brown, but it´s still a problem IMO.

Blows my mind how many ppl dont read the OP even though it's so short.

Among my favourite surreal moments would be putting a silver suited, nano machine boosted, katana wielding cyber ninja to sleep as a little old lady in Overwatch
I´m really surprised of how many people do read the OP...but only the beginning.


Nov 13, 2017
First time was when I played my first game Super Mario Bros. back in the day. It was just so over the top with everything and my childish imagination couldn't get enough.

Last time was when I replayed Bayonetta on Switch. Damn. Those moves! Hope they make some nice silver hairstyles for Bayonetta 3 if they implement Super Witch (think Super Saiyan!).
Oct 26, 2017
United Kingdom
Great post. Well written too. Op has a silver tongue.

My contribution to the thread would be wonderfully ridiculous and schlocky plot twists in games like Bionic Commando (i.e. your wife IS your arm) and Binary Domain (i.e. android waifus can get knocked up now).

Only in gaming do these types of over the top plot point transcend the realms of silliness to ultimate greatness.


Oct 30, 2017
Everything has to be done in moderation. If all games were totally striving for realism the industry would be fucking boring. It would however also be boring if all we got was wacky anti-realistic titles or solely games that seem realistic but break the mold with silly moments.

I'm just happy we see different things throughout the years and none of them end up being there to stay as the dominant one.

Dr Pears

Sep 9, 2018
I love how Sunset Overdrive doesn't even explain why you could grind on rails with your shoes or dash forward in mid air. That game is the epitome of unrealistic but fun gameplay and traversal. I don't even mind getting silver trophies in the challenges because i love the traversal enough to challenge myself to het the gold.


Oct 25, 2017
Area X in Rez on PSVR was like seeing the ending of 2001 A Space Odyssey all over again. It was overwhelming and awe inspiring and something everyone who is at all interested in VR should try.


Apr 6, 2018
What a silly experiment. Create an over-the-top title specifically designed to get a rise out of people then complain that they're being reactionary and not reading your post..

Anyway, I prefer all my SP games to be strongly grounded. This doesn't mean they have to strive to be a simulator, but I want them to be somewhat feasible. I don't mind if it's a sci-fi/fantasy setting, but I don't want stupid cartoony shit going on that's going to take me out of the game and won't allow a single second of immersion.

When it comes to multiplayer then I don't care. Give me whatever it takes to make a compelling mode.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
You know OP. I am with you. During the silver age of gaming it was ok to ride a dinosaur while punching an alien in the mouth on top of a volcano.

Now we got a 97 rated game where the actual act of gaming is a hassle, from shooting to moving to looting, etc.

Why can't we have an Old West game with steampunk shit or super electrical mechanical spiders ala Old West?

Now we got Survival games being all the rage. Meh. Why the hell do I want to keep track of cold, hunger, thirst, sleep, etc... when I really want to punch/slice zombies apart like in a Wuxia novel or a game from the 80s/90s but with better graphics and more options.

Edit:. Since Platinum games have all been mentioned. How about Resonance of Fate and it's gun-fu combat plus all the gun/bullet/clothing customization. Stylish as shit, unrealistic to an extreme but fun as hell
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
You know OP. I am with you. During the silver age of gaming it was ok to ride a dinosaur while punching an alien in the mouth on top of a volcano.

Now we got a 97 rated game where the actual act of gaming is a hassle, from shooting to moving to looting, etc.

Why can't we have an Old West game with steampunk shit or super electrical mechanical spiders ala Old West?

Now we got Survival games being all the rage. Meh. Why the hell do I want to keep track of cold, hunger, thirst, sleep, etc... when I really want to punch/slice zombies apart like in a Wuxia novel or a game from the 80s/90s but with better graphics and more options.

There's room for both AND every gradient in-between.

Oh, and OP? You can suck my code word.