
Nov 10, 2018
Things you may run across while doing your job that involves stuff and things, or as toadsworth just titled it, Bird Box:

Is this some sorta of sun-protection mask for the eyes or people are just batshit crazy and mean with poor animal?
I don't understand.


Nov 10, 2018
It was mesh so they could see through it, my guess is it's to keep flies away from their eyes?
Oh yes, now i remember something similar in my city, you are right.

I'm always a little mad when i see possible violence on animals...

Also, not related but in your avatar you are identical to oliver queen from arrow.


Dec 28, 2018
The downside of dating drunk people is when you break up and you go to the bar to forget about them, and they're there


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
Anakin was right about a lot of things.

when not can the words be done so good, mais peut faire des photos

I just pretend net is gross so that I stay happier...

Night of partying with the mrs...

obligatory bathroom selfie shot


Jesus man. You flaunting that power couple power. My wife and I are really good at being weird haha. Works great and edges on cute on the dance floor.

Have been a long time member on both GAF and ERA but never posted much..this 2019, I want to change that so I figure this is a good place to start

Here goes:

That's some damn good style. Love the mendokusai face haha.

The downside of dating drunk people is when you break up and you go to the bar to forget about them, and they're there

Stealth buy them sleeper cocktails to drunk them out of the bar. Go for the cheap, easy, fast drunk drinks. They can't say no to anonymous tender made drinks and they'll be out of the bar in 20-30 minutes, or so drunk they can't notice you.

Kill them with kindness?

Also, I'm gonna miss this thread. The mix of envy of people's cool jobs and killer style/looks with a hint of motivation to raise my game. Never partook in RP on GAF and enjoyed it on ERA. Don't know what I'm gonna do past January. Hell, I might not recognize everyone with the changed avatars...

One last pic. Wife caught me cuddlin with chino.



Oct 25, 2017
a parallel universe
And finding out that they've immediately moved on?
Haha yeah. I broke up with one GF after like 3 or so years and the next day I'm at the bar drinking away the pain and I look over at one point and her and some dude were trying to swallow each others tongues on the dance floor. That sucked.

But hey, they are married now and have a family. Something tells me they didn't just meet that night lol
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Oct 25, 2017
Don't date people and drink more often.

People are fucking weird.

Last November I spoke with a guy I used to live with. The internet at his was still in my name when he'd agreed to transfer it. He apologized and said he'd been putting off transferring it as it took ages to get through to their CS line, but promised he'd do it asap. He was polite, we had a decent chat. All good!

I get a text today from Virgin saying I owe £108.

Message him on Facebook and explain what's happening, and he removes me from his friends and blocks my messages.

Sent him a text and he tells me to "wind my neck in" and that he paid it already and that he's blocking my number.

I was being super polite to make sure I didn't piss him off and give him a reason to not pay. I've never had an impolite exchange with him. At least he paid it...


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
Haha yeah. I broke up with one GF after like 3 or so years and the next day I'm at the bar drinking away the pain and I look over at one point and her and some dude were trying to swallow each others tongues on the dance floor. That sucked.

That fucking suuuucks. Drinking places are the worst places for that kinda thing. My first marriage's ending was a life changing disaster. The things that went down and I witnessed those last few months... put me at the edge.

Don't date people and drink more often.

People are fucking weird.

Last November I spoke with a guy I used to live with. The internet at his was still in my name when he'd agreed to transfer it. He apologized and said he'd been putting off transferring it as it took ages to get through to their CS line, but promised he'd do it asap. He was polite, we had a decent chat. All good!

I get a text today from Virgin saying I owe £108.

Message him on Facebook and explain what's happening, and he removes me from his friends and blocks my messages.

Sent him a text and he tells me to "wind my neck in" and that he paid it already and that he's blocking my number.

I was being super polite to make sure I didn't piss him off and give him a reason to not pay. I've never had an impolite exchange with him. At least he paid it...

Thats.... weird. They think you were someone else? Someone else pin some crap on you or something? You eat his dog?


Oct 26, 2017
Don't date people and drink more often.

People are fucking weird.

Last November I spoke with a guy I used to live with. The internet at his was still in my name when he'd agreed to transfer it. He apologized and said he'd been putting off transferring it as it took ages to get through to their CS line, but promised he'd do it asap. He was polite, we had a decent chat. All good!

I get a text today from Virgin saying I owe £108.

Message him on Facebook and explain what's happening, and he removes me from his friends and blocks my messages.

Sent him a text and he tells me to "wind my neck in" and that he paid it already and that he's blocking my number.

I was being super polite to make sure I didn't piss him off and give him a reason to not pay. I've never had an impolite exchange with him. At least he paid it...
That's...fucking weird.

He paid it which is good, but you should probably make sure it's cancelled now if it's still in your name.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Woke up to the amazing news of Stone's arrest.

And then saw Metroid Prime 4 was effectively canceled and rebooted.



Oct 25, 2017
Thats.... weird. They think you were someone else? Someone else pin some crap on you or something? You eat his dog?
That's...fucking weird.

He paid it which is good, but you should probably make sure it's cancelled now if it's still in your name.

Story time! :D

We had some issues with things when I lived there. The guy was super depressed as his wife had left him just as I moved in, so he spent most of his time drunk lying on the sofa in the living room for a while. The living room was unusable for a few months because it was a trash heap and stank of drunk person.

Which was fine, we understood he was a mess.

But then he stopped paying bills with the money we were giving him, running up arrears, and just failing to manage the property. So I had to take charge and sort all the bills, get our money back, etc... which we managed to do in the end.

He and the other housemate also never cleaned or tidied. Ever. I confronted them about it and they said they'd shape up. The next time we spoke about it they bandied together and said I was just as responsible (I'd been tidying up after them for months). At that point I put my hands in the air and said do what you want.

One time the guy had guests, he wasn't there but they stayed for two days. He had left the room in a horrible state, and the kitchen was disgusting as I refused to clean after them any more. They cleaned the living room themselves as that's where they were staying.I told them this was all his and the other person's mess, and they said they had thought we were trashing his house and that it had been such a lovely family home before. I assured them it was nothing to do with me but I don't think they believed me. They were family friends so quite sure they reported what they thought to them.

After the bill issues I moved all bills into my name so I could handle them, in hindsight this was stupid knowing how poorly the other two managed things. The other roommate bailed on her last bill, leaving me with £400 of her debt.

When I left the property I sent the father (the actual owner, the son was managing the property and living there) an email about all of this and requested help with the girl's debt she had bailed on etc... he sent me a dismissive email back saying "I don't trust your word with these bills, it all seems very suspect to me. Also the house is in a horrible state now and we have to fix that.". I couldn't even be bothered to try to convince him.

Luckily they had not requested a deposit.

Despite all of this I remained on good terms with the guy. This must have been because at least he knew he was responsible for much of the above mess and was aware how much I had done to attempt to fix it all. He was always polite.

A few months ago I got a water bill in my name at their property. I hadn't been there for 6 months at this point. It was for £500, unpaid, and I noticed it was on one of my credit scores. I called the guy and he didn't answer, sent him a text and he apologized, paid it right away, and said he'd do whatever he could to help. I have no idea how that came to be in my name though.

Then yesterday the events detailed in my previous post happened.

So yes, there was much precedent here for weird behavior, but I was shocked by his response and action as I do tend to have a lot of faith in people (bad habit). I will need to contact him again as I need to remove these default payments from my credit score (the second time this has happened with them now, that place is a curse), and I will need info from him. So that will be fun...

There's a moral in here somewhere.
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Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
First week of classes over, decided to treat myself with some steak for the first time in like 9 months. They are on sale so I loaded my freezer with a few for when I have guests or god forbid a date.

Also, my super market fish section has "fish bits", basically odds/ends cuts of fish that they sell for like half the price per pound. Got like 3/4th pound of salmon for $3.50, fucking pumped I can cook some salmon off with my eggs or just having more fish in my diet and not break my budget

Also stumbled across a slick MF DOOM track that reminds me of Samurai Champloo, which I'm going to be binging tomorrow
Edit: Did some more digging and figured it's not a real track, apparently someone took an instrumental and hooked some lyrics together. W/E, still dig the sample
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Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
First week of classes over, decided to treat myself with some streak for the first time in like 9 months. They are on sale so I loaded my freezer with a few for when I have guests or god forbid a date.

Also, my super market fish section has "fish bits", basically odds/ends cuts of fish that they sell for like half the price per pound. Got like 3/4th pound of salmon for $3.50, fucking pumped I can cook some salmon off with my eggs or just having more fish in my diet and not break my budget

Man I love to streak but in a freezer? Well... maybe I'd do it.

Salmon is our goto. Any day I'm lazy about cooking we bake some salmon. Loove the skins.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Man I love to streak but in a freezer? Well... maybe I'd do it.

Salmon is our goto. Any day I'm lazy about cooking we bake some salmon. Loove the skins.

When I get a job and don't have to live off my previous earnings for school/apartment, I'm gonna eat so much fish. Right now I'm exploring stuff like tilapia, which is really perfect for fish tacos. Mackerel are alright, if they are on sale I grab some.

Just bought Smelts, on sale this week. Pan fried them (with salt/pepper/paprika/little cajun). Really good, and probably one of the healthier cheap fishes you can get.

I'm also frugal as hell, so when I see 89 cent chicken thighs per pound and then see $10 Salmon per pound, there is no way I'm making a meal out of the salmon lol


Oct 25, 2017


Dec 9, 2018
Fun! Right! So - My girlfriend's out on a ski weekend with friends of hers, so i had the place all to myself.
So i spent my Friday night having some crazy fun!

... installing my 3D modeled and 3D printed "doorframe" to my living room sideboard (which hides one of the litter boxes).
Cool - Did you just glue it onto the sideboard?


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
I was dealing with a kitchen fire these last few days and I emplore you to double check your shit when you go out. Got a message at work from an ex collegue, saying something like "your cat has been picked up by the police, here's a number". I was like "wat". First of all I have two cats, second my apartment was closed up and there's no way they'd get out except someone literally broke in.

Turns out a burner got turned on (to this day I have no idea how, maybe electrical shenanigans, maybe kitties, maybe I jabbed it in the morning accidentally - I didn't use that particular burner in weeks), the glass cover exploded, a wooden plate catched on fire and the police and fire dept had to break in due to smoke and smoke detector alert. They took in one cat and delivered it to a shelter, due to the danger of the good amount of smoke at my place, didn't find the other one (he was probably hiding, he has some very reliable hiding spots). Both kitties are back home now, they seem to deal well. No one got hurt. I did a LOT of cleaning and more to go, the smoke smell is still pretty much everywhere. The ceramic cooking surface is cracked, the kitchen is back in one place for the most part. This could have been a LOT worse if not for the smoke detector and my neighbors calling the police. I'm just glad the cats are safe -.-

Now looking forward to deal with insurance issues and all that crap.

tl;dr: Check your stove before you head out, guys.


Dec 28, 2018
I was dealing with a kitchen fire these last few days and I emplore you to double check your shit when you go out. Got a message at work from an ex collegue, saying something like "your cat has been picked up by the police, here's a number". I was like "wat". First of all I have two cats, second my apartment was closed up and there's no way they'd get out except someone literally broke in.

Turns out a burner got turned on (to this day I have no idea how, maybe electrical shenanigans, maybe kitties, maybe I jabbed it in the morning accidentally - I didn't use that particular burner in weeks), the glass cover exploded, a wooden plate catched on fire and the police and fire dept had to break in due to smoke and smoke detector alert. They took in one cat and delivered it to a shelter, due to the danger of the good amount of smoke at my place, didn't find the other one (he was probably hiding, he has some very reliable hiding spots). Both kitties are back home now, they seem to deal well. No one got hurt. I did a LOT of cleaning and more to go, the smoke smell is still pretty much everywhere. The ceramic cooking surface is cracked, the kitchen is back in one place for the most part. This could have been a LOT worse if not for the smoke detector and my neighbors calling the police. I'm just glad the cats are safe -.-

Now looking forward to deal with insurance issues and all that crap.

tl;dr: Check your stove before you head out, guys.
Damn that sounds like quite the scare. Glad to hear you and the kitties are fine.


Self requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I was dealing with a kitchen fire these last few days and I emplore you to double check your shit when you go out. Got a message at work from an ex collegue, saying something like "your cat has been picked up by the police, here's a number". I was like "wat". First of all I have two cats, second my apartment was closed up and there's no way they'd get out except someone literally broke in.

Turns out a burner got turned on (to this day I have no idea how, maybe electrical shenanigans, maybe kitties, maybe I jabbed it in the morning accidentally - I didn't use that particular burner in weeks), the glass cover exploded, a wooden plate catched on fire and the police and fire dept had to break in due to smoke and smoke detector alert. They took in one cat and delivered it to a shelter, due to the danger of the good amount of smoke at my place, didn't find the other one (he was probably hiding, he has some very reliable hiding spots). Both kitties are back home now, they seem to deal well. No one got hurt. I did a LOT of cleaning and more to go, the smoke smell is still pretty much everywhere. The ceramic cooking surface is cracked, the kitchen is back in one place for the most part. This could have been a LOT worse if not for the smoke detector and my neighbors calling the police. I'm just glad the cats are safe -.-

Now looking forward to deal with insurance issues and all that crap.

tl;dr: Check your stove before you head out, guys.
Damn i feel bad for you and i thought my last few days sucked. Glad the kitties are fine
You all good though?


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I didn't participate this year, but this song seems appropriate for closing time. Shout out to fans of the podcast Heavyweight by Gimlet Media.



Dec 28, 2018
After a terrible week last night I broke up with my gf... over text.
I want a do-over on 2019 already. Mine came faulty.


Self requested ban
Oct 25, 2017