
Oct 28, 2017
if you're a man who's offended by the statement 'all men are trash', you are in fact trash.

be better.


Oct 25, 2017
There's something pretty funny/tragic about an apology lamenting "discrimination against men" with "for gamers, by gamers" emblazoned at the bottom.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I'm seeing a victim of abuse responding with understandable negative sentiment towards her abusers and Razer then pathetically siding with the abusers against the victim. Followed by a predictable dose of victim blaming from "gamers".

The semantics of a tweet shouldn't be the focus of discussion here at all, I just hope her and her family can stay strong through this.

Yeah she has been repeated harassed by men so it's obvious that she's referring to the type of men who are harassing her in her tweet. Like what do people expect her to do? Say "Men are trash but maybe these ones over here are OK"?


Jan 17, 2018
Not a fan of "men are trash!!!" I don't feel offended but it's just not very smart. However, her saying that is understandable considering the context. And fuck Razer for giving those poor oppressed men who harassed women the win.


Oct 28, 2017
If she was talking about it after being harrased then OF FUCKING COURSE she is referring to the idiots harrassing her and if anyone is offended by that I seriously don't understand. Even if it is generalization it makes sense in this context AND the group that is being generalized IS NOT discriminated in any way in real life so really, that's not the same as sexism towards women. It's really simple.


Jun 19, 2018
If she was talking about it after being harrased then OF FUCKING COURSE she is referring to the idiots harrassing her and if anyone is offended by that I seriously don't understand. Even if it is generalization it makes sense in this context AND the group that is being generalized IS NOT discriminated in any way in real life so really, that's not the same as sexism towards women. It's really simple.

Context is a very concept difficult for a certain subset of men apparently.


Oct 26, 2017
Well I am at least glad their same post on their facebook page is getting a lot of "Grr" reactions. I hope the backlash is so big they have to take the statement down.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Madrid, Spain
Even if she had said "Literally all men are garbage" she would obviously be using "literally" to vent and exaggerate. And she didn't even do that!

Gamers are garbage. Razer Brazil is garbage.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
The average christian and conservative citizen you mean? C'mon, are you talking from the same Brazil? The majority is christian or conservative, man! Wake up!
Dont tell me to wake up while trying to force your notions of the Brazilian people on me
Also on all your travels did you encounter truly common people or just privilieged ones?

Deleted member 274

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Men are indeed trash and any bullshit offense you or me take from said statement detracts from us actually learning and discussing how fucked up the patriarchy is and what we need to do to fix shit, be human, and make our society safe, just and welcoming to everyone

It is not that hard to have some empathy and realize that sometimes it's not about you, unless you're one of the despicable dumbfucks that are willing harass this and other women to "defend" their shit stinking bubble of privilege
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I will gladly remain not buying Razer products in the future, this is a really dumb move on their part. Then again, this country's hate against females (and blacks, natives, LGBT folk and so on) has never been on the rise since last year's election.


Oct 27, 2017
Athens, Greece
Razer should cut ties with anyone in Razer Brazil responsible for this announcement and the reaction.
They punish the victim of the harassment and encourage the harassers for their stupid action.
Oct 26, 2017
I'm surprised at how many people on here actually get offended by the "men are trash" statement.

I know I'm not trash, I also fully understand what people mean when they make that statement. If it offends you, it's time for some introspection and mayhaps some empathy towards those slightly less fortunate.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
I can not comprehend focusing on the non-issue of someone saying "men are trash" as a response to men being trash, after being made aware of this situation where a woman was harassed, understandably had an emotional outburst (which she later apologized for and the seemingly innocent guy who was targeted was ok with), which was later dug up by some anti-SJW outrage grifter on Youtube, leading to (I presume) a mob of shitheads contacting companies she worked with, leading to Razer ending their relationship with her.

The problem here is not the woman who called trashy men trash, it is the behavior and actions of these men, and companies like Razer.
And by dismissing the actual problem and trying to make the conversation about how she is the one who did wrong, you're contributing to it.
Ditto for trying to make it about how saying "men are trash" should be considered an offense on the same level as hateful language targeting a vulnerable or oppressed group.

It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad and shitty that those who react badly and negatively towards and feel hurt and offended by this perceived insult, largely dismiss and are seemingly unable to empathize with this woman who received actual targeted harassment and death threats towards herself and her family.

Like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why should anyone care about your bullshit plight?
It's like going on the stage of a fundraiser for cancer and going: "Please pray for me and open your wallets, for I am sick. I have a cold!" when that rasp in the back of your throat is actually just from breathing with your mouth open when you were gasping at the audacity of the person previously on stage saying "Fuck cancer!" "I was born in July, I'm a Cancer, they said fuck me!", you thought, like an idiot.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Athens, Greece
Perfect lol


self-requested temp ban
Oct 27, 2017
I'm surprised at how many people on here actually get offended by the "men are trash" statement.

I know I'm not trash, I also fully understand what people mean when they make that statement. If it offends you, it's time for some introspection and mayhaps some empathy towards those slightly less fortunate.
Yeah at first I was like why all these guys getting banned and for saying we should generalize? But it's pretty obvious what the phrase implies and it's not like she went out of her way to rip ALL men specifically. Gotta use a little common sense ppl and of course some empathy. I work at a NJ turnpike and the first time a group of women drove by and basically treated me as sex object "take off your hat, stand up and let me see you, etc etc.." all I could think of is "is this how women feel all the time?" Fooook this!

You think you would be flattered, nah, it just makes you feel uncomfortable.

"And since we all came from a woman
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman
I wonder why we take from our women
Why we rape our women — do we hate our women?
I think it's time to kill for our women
Time to heal our women, be real to our women
And if we don't we'll have a race of babies
That will hate the ladies that make the babies
And since a man can't make one
He has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one
So will the real men get up?
I know you're fed up, ladies, but keep ya head up"
Oct 25, 2017
To better contextualize the thread, here's what I could gather from this:

Her original tweet (direct translation below):


"There will always be a fucking man to talk shit and sexualize women even when a woman is making a joke, right? That's why men are trash."


- "Gee, Gabi, you don't need to generalize either :("
- "Yes, I do. When we say this stuff, men say "hey, don't generalize, not all men" and on their FIRST opportunity, act like assholes towards a girl. Men that aren't TRASH are the exception, not the majority. We need to generalize so these sons of bitches wake up."

She apologized not long after these tweets, though, but she kept being harassed (of course). She and her family are receiving death threats, with people posting places she goes to on Chan.
She's 100% right. Men sure love passing blame around but taking collective responsibility and holding each other accountable? Nah that's generalization mate!

If your first reaction to "men need to stop treating women like shit" is "HEY I DON'T DO THAT SHUT UP WOMAN!!!!!!11" then get the fuck out of here.


Dec 25, 2017
I'm sorry, but the Twitter harassment AND this thread is fucking silly. If I say "all men are trash", then as a man, you have a right to be offended, and should very well be offended. Fuck how your trash ass feels. There is no situation in which I'm saying "all (any group) is trash" without generalizing, and it's probably because I've been subject to or witnessed so much trash behavior from men that it's hard to believe otherwise.

HOWEVER, you aren't gonna use that as a launchpad to ignore the real, ACTUAL problem of men being trash to women. And even being a person who has made peace with the consequences that statement might bring doesn't justify anyone actually proving me right. In addition to that, I'd be DAMNED if anyone made a generalization about a group of people that I identify with and was told that I couldn't take offense "becoz context"; I literally have to deal with people at work using that lame ass excuse to justify some dumb shit they said about "the blacks" or some dusty ass black guy saying some weird shit about all black women because of "their personal experiences"...

I gotta take a fuckin' long ass break from this site...


Oct 25, 2017
Deserved. As a man I take personal offense by her words. She should learn to defense herself without using generalizations. There are people and people.
Do not generalize an entire group of people.

you're wrong tho, All women are trash

now let's see who gets the ban hammer, come on mods, prove me wrong
The double standards of Resetera strike again.
The misandry in the thread is disgusting. Let's hide behind all the guys harassing her with dick pictures and lash our at all males, and any male who disagrees with any male insult is "fragile" and gets banned.

Its absolutely terrible that she is dealing with death threats but cant the scope of the discussion be kept within the scope of the story, or is the concensus around her that all men are thrash?

I'm fine with fragile, and I'm very happy that I'm not the kind of person that considers it fine to throw around sweeping generalisations as is happening in this thread.

Do we have to start apologising for being male now?


Oct 26, 2017
I'm sorry, but the Twitter harassment AND this thread is fucking silly. If I say "all men are trash", then as a man, you have a right to be offended, and should very well be offended. Fuck how your trash ass feels. There is no situation in which I'm saying "all (any group) is trash" without generalizing, and it's probably because I've been subject to or witnessed so much trash behavior from men that it's hard to believe otherwise.

HOWEVER, you aren't gonna use that as a launchpad to ignore the real, ACTUAL problem of men being trash to women. And even being a person who has made peace with the consequences that statement might bring doesn't justify anyone actually proving me right. In addition to that, I'd be DAMNED if anyone made a generalization about a group of people that I identify with and was told that I couldn't take offense "becoz context"; I literally have to deal with people at work using that lame ass excuse to justify some dumb shit they said about "the blacks" or some dusty ass black guy saying some weird shit about all black women because of "their personal experiences"...

I gotta take a fuckin' long ass break from this site...

Stop. With. The. False. Equivalence.

You are comparing fucking RACISM to calling men trash? Are you fucking kidding me?


Cant you see how fucking stupid that sounds? Are you one of those that support straight pride and believes in reverse racism too?


Oct 25, 2017
She obviously doesn't think every man is a bad person. She's also obviously right that men as a societal entity are corrupt.

I do think there's a better way to communicate that than "all men are trash," but so what. If men weren't so fragile they would easily be able to see the message here.


Oct 25, 2017
This thread might explain why I've rarely dated gamers, even despite being so deep into gaming myself.
The amount of bullshit commentary, opinions, and actions I've dealt with is enough to fill a book.

It's not like this shit is a secret either; BUT LET'S BE MAD AT GABI. >___>

(yeah im generalizing, don't @ me)


Dec 25, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Ignoring staff post and hostility towards other members
Stop. With. The. False. Equivalence.

You are comparing fucking RACISM to calling men trash? Are you fucking kidding me?


Cant you see how fucking stupid that sounds? Are you one of those that support straight pride and believes in reverse racism too?
My God, you didn't actually read any of what I just typed, did you? You couldn't have possibly reached THAT conclusion, if you did...

On what planet does "people should get offended when offensive things are said about them" translate to "yes, racism and talking about male gamers are equally bad"? The fact that you're being so extra right now makes me believe you're one of those people that don't belong to any marginalized group whatsoever but really makes a point of overdoing it when you try to speak FOR us. It's really annoying and it makes you look like a fucking clown, please stop...


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Ignoring staff post, history of inflammatory generalizations towards the community, numerous severe infractions
My God, you didn't actually read any of what I just typed, did you? You couldn't have possibly reached THAT conclusion, if you did...

On what planet does "people should get offended when offensive things are said about them" translate to "yes, racism and talking about male gamers are equally bad"? The fact that you're being so extra right now makes me believe you're one of those people that don't belong to any marginalized group whatsoever but really makes a point of overdoing it when you try to speak FOR us. It's really annoying and it makes you look like a fucking clown, please stop...
So accurate it hurts.

ThIs thread is baffling; but then again, its ERA.


Nov 6, 2017
So I never got an answer before; was she associated with Razer when she made the statements in question?


Nov 20, 2017
Dont tell me to wake up while trying to force your notions of the Brazilian people on me
Also on all your travels did you encounter truly common people or just privilieged ones?
What do you think? I was working, not doing turism.

As long as we deny that there's something wrong with our culture in that regard, we're bound to the circle of one generation liberal, one generation alt right extremists.


Oct 27, 2017
People say things all the time that are generalizations

You need to know context and interpret it.
If she has a history of misandry sure ok call her out and cut ties. But an off the cuff comment in a moment of duress while under harassment is not it.

This is not that hard to parse. iMHO


Nov 14, 2017
The average christian and conservative citizen you mean? C'mon, are you talking from the same Brazil? The majority is christian or conservative, man! Wake up!
While that's true, I think you are ignoring that the average brazilian has almost no education, half of our citizens don't have even basic sanitation. And yeah, most of of this people are christian, but are they really conservative? They don't care about human rights, it's true, but I think that seeing someone die every week on your street or having to run on your way to school to avoid a shooting can fuck up your notion of what human rights is, you just want it to stop. These people want free education, free healthcare, they want more government, but they can't trust the government anymore and, seriously, can you blame them? I don't know every brazilian here, but it's safe to say that we're really fucking privileged. I never even heard of anyone that has no basic sanitation, while half of brazil don't have it, that's how privileged I am.

That's not to say that we don't have our share of shity people, but it's important to note that Bolsonaro's popularity is bigger on our whitest and richest cities and these people (myself included) aren't the average brazilian.

Squid Bunny

One Winged Slayer
Jun 11, 2018
Digging through her tweets, there seems to be another female streamer just straight-up pandering to the alt-right scum by attacking her.
Never underestimate the power of the cookie. Some people live for it.
While that's true, I think you are ignoring that the average brazilian has almost no education, half of our citizens don't have even basic sanitation. And yeah, most of of this people are christian, but are they really conservative? They don't care about human rights, it's true, but I think that seeing someone die every week on your street or having to run on your way to school to avoid a shooting can fuck up your notion of what human rights is, you just want it to stop. These people want free education, free healthcare, they want more government, but they can't trust the government anymore and, seriously, can you blame them? I don't know every brazilian here, but it's safe to say that we're really fucking privileged. I never even heard of anyone that has no basic sanitation, while half of brazil don't have it, that's how privileged I am.

That's not to say that we don't have our share of shity people, but it's important to note that Bolsonaro's popularity is bigger on our whitest and richest cities and these people (myself included) aren't the average brazilian.
While I agree that, yes, Bolsonaro had a sweeping majority of upper-class elites voting for him and they aren't the real Brazil, we can't kid ourselves into thinking that somewhere the "real average Brazilian" voted for him out of a sense of naiveté and good intentions. Bolsonaro is a populist, his whole point is making his platform about easily digestible talking points with little nuance (that joke that his government agenda was just "Tem que mudar as coisa aí" isn't far from reality).

Plus, this wouldn't be the first time a company tried to cash in on the conservative wave in Brazil.


Nov 14, 2017
Never underestimate the power of the cookie. Some people live for it.

While I agree that, yes, Bolsonaro had a sweeping majority of upper-class elites voting for him and they aren't the real Brazil, we can't kid ourselves into thinking that somewhere the "real average Brazilian" voted for him out of a sense of naiveté and good intentions. Bolsonaro is a populist, his whole point is making his platform about easily digestible talking points with little nuance (that joke that his government agenda was just "Tem que mudar as coisa aí" isn't far from reality).

Plus, this wouldn't be the first time a company tried to cash in on the conservative wave in Brazil.
Oh, I don't think people were just naive. I just think it's a bit unfair to categorize these people as just conservative. Our country clearly failed them and it's very hard to not fall to populism rhetoric when you're that marginalized.

Squid Bunny

One Winged Slayer
Jun 11, 2018
Oh, I don't think people were just naive. I just think it's a bit unfair to categorize these people as just conservative. Our country clearly failed them and it's very hard to not fall to populism rhetoric when you're that marginalized.
That is very true. Reminds me of when people were calling people from Roraima as anti-immigrant when the situation was clearly of a small rural community having to struggle for resources with an immigrant population, an alarming situation created by two governments (Brazil's and Venezuela's) completely failing their people.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
While that's true, I think you are ignoring that the average brazilian has almost no education, half of our citizens don't have even basic sanitation. And yeah, most of of this people are christian, but are they really conservative? They don't care about human rights, it's true, but I think that seeing someone die every week on your street or having to run on your way to school to avoid a shooting can fuck up your notion of what human rights is, you just want it to stop. These people want free education, free healthcare, they want more government, but they can't trust the government anymore and, seriously, can you blame them? I don't know every brazilian here, but it's safe to say that we're really fucking privileged. I never even heard of anyone that has no basic sanitation, while half of brazil don't have it, that's how privileged I am.

That's not to say that we don't have our share of shity people, but it's important to note that Bolsonaro's popularity is bigger on our whitest and richest cities and these people (myself included) aren't the average brazilian.
Oh, I don't think people were just naive. I just think it's a bit unfair to categorize these people as just conservative. Our country clearly failed them and it's very hard to not fall to populism rhetoric when you're that marginalized.
Yep. It's even more glaring when you realize that several people that voted for Lula before voted for Bolsonaro now. The problems are way more nuanced and all the pigeonholing happening since the elections just made everything worse.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
Someone says: "Women are trash"
"F YEAH that's right! Get back to sewing clothes women! Leave this to the real gamers!"

Woman says: "Men are trash"

Do these people not see how stupid they are???


Nov 6, 2017
I refuse to believe that any actual grown ass men got mad at her comments. Man-childs on the other hand? That I can see.

Slack Attack

Oct 28, 2017
Someone says: "Women are trash"
"F YEAH that's right! Get back to sewing clothes women! Leave this to the real gamers!"

Woman says: "Men are trash"

Do these people not see how stupid they are???

This is totally how I feel Razer responded to this situation (and I feel it's even more ridiculous that this happened YEARS ago and they feel that retrospectively this is the appropriate course of action). I think the lines are a bit blurry in the responses in this thread however.


Apr 13, 2019
I think she should have considered the repercussions just because (ironically) her main demo are male gamers. So saying something like htat directly affects her viewership.

She had a bad day and lashed out, she even said she has matured and would have responded differently today, its stupid to crucify anyone within this context, specially a woman who sees abuse on a daily basis.

Its sad that women need to measure some things to see success in this filed. Because even they cater to male gamers for viewers, as they are the main public that consumes livestreams and such. I dont agree with what Razer did, of course, but I see it. The public who buys their shit started going after them, so they panicked and protected thei bottom line.

They should still be taken to task tho. See why and how they could be better than this.


Oct 25, 2017
A woman is being harassed, threatened, and dropped by a source of her income but some of y'all had to go all #NOTALLMEN because of a statement she made in justified frustration.

Doesn't excuse the terrible comments from before the clarification either.


Oct 26, 2017
Lol, because context matters. Are you the person who asks why there's no white history month?

Lol, the fragility in this post.

More like the fragility in this whole fucking thread, Jesus.

Imagine getting this worked up over a comment made by someone half a world away, which may not apply to you, in a fucking language most of you wouldn't even understand without someone translating it for you.

These guys are more fragile than Mr. Glass when he bumps up against a wall and breaks his arm in three places.


Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
So she got fired for basically speaking the truth? Men as a collective and most concepts of masculinity are in fact toxic and trash. See: homophobia, rape culture, misogyny, etc.

We're trash. I would know, I'm a man.