
Oct 26, 2017
MOD EDIT - Do not make this a list thread. Give reasons as to why you're ranking the games as such as the OP has done.

Let's rank the Resident Evil games, including all the spin-offs. Yes, even that really bad one.

I haven't played everything in the franchise yet but from the ones I played:

1. Resident Evil 4 - Just replayed it. Still holds up. Still insanely fun. Certain parts of the island section becomes too bombastic and ignoring the insta-kill QTEs this game is flawless. The cheese filled dialogue and tight gameplay is the highlight here.

2. Resident Evil (2002) - The best remake ever made. The atmosphere, the surgical-precision level design, that mansion and all her secrets. Simply exquisite.

3. Resident Evil 2 - I love it for a lot of the same reason as above in addition to the higher level of action.

4. Resident Evil 7 - This is the second time the franchise re-invented itself and it works for the most part. Slightly lacking in enemy variety and the final section in the mines is a little too linear but otherwise a very solid RE game. It recaptures the subdued nature of the pre-4 RE games while introducing a bunch of new elements. Really enjoyed this one.

5. Revelation 2 - Not terrible, not great. Mostly unmemorable.

6. Resident Evil 5 - It took some of the worst parts of RE4 and rolled with it. The ugly ass visual doesn't help either.

7. Resident Evil 0 - Their heart was in the right place but the design wasn't. The partner system simply isn't very fun. This is the only RE game I dropped (on the floor) and never finished.

8. Umbrella Crops - Yikes.


Oct 26, 2017
1. RE6 - Easily plays the best out of all the titles. Gameplay is smooth and it just built upon RE5's coop campaign. Only negative thing about the game was Ada's campaign.
2. RE 5 - Just one of my favorite co-op games that I've played.
3. RE 7 - Great game, it's just that the mines area was a let down and the game was pretty short.
4. RE Revelations - It's all right, the level design of the ship was great, but the guns felt weak and off. Game could also have had co-op since you're with a partner 99% of the game.
5. RE Revelations 2 - Game is pretty bad. Bought it for co-op and it turned out to be ass. At least the controls were fine.
6. RE 4 - Game is one of the worst tps I've played. Tank controls?! Naaah, I'm good.

Can't even get past ten minutes with the other titles. Tanks controls/ fixed camera angles? ugh no thanks. I didn't even complete RE 4, dropped that within a hour.
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Nov 10, 2017
From the ones I've played

1. REmake - Perfection, one of the top 10 games ever made

2. RE 4 - Such a well paced game, but I do miss some of the classic elements
3. RE 2 - Just about to start a replay due to REmake 2 hype, so excited

4. RE 3 - I do love Nemesis stalking you but it doesn't have the charm of 2 for me
5. CV - I think it's unfairly maligned at times, but will agree the backtracking is a little much in this one. Best save music.
6. RE 0 - Could never really connect with the characters compared to the above titles. 2nd best save music.

7. RE 7 - Really started losing steam near the end, though the initial hours were cool

8. RE 5 - Couldn't get past the first few hours

Never tried 6 after being so disappointed in 5.
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Oct 30, 2017
I can't possibly compare old classic REs to the new ones so I'll make a separate list.

Classic top 3
1-Resident Evil Remake
2-Resident Evil 2
3-Resident Evil Code Veronica

New top 3
1-Resident Evil 4
2-Resident Evil 5
3-Resident Evil 7


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
I'm not going to rank them, but I do think RE2make is going to be the best game in the series.

RE4 until the castle, is like gunning for being the best game ever, then it kind of goes too stupid for me. It's not creepy or atmospheric anymore. REmake has a perfect aesthetic and mood throughout, but I personally (yeah, I know people hate this) think it controls like complete shit, and fixed cameras are horrible.

RE2 had atmosphere and it had scope. RE2make, having a more modern control and design, but with the atmosphere, and the reach of that original game?

It's going to be a masterpiece.


Oct 31, 2017
1. Resident Evil 2 / Resident Evil: Code Veronica
2. Resident Evil 4
3. Resident Evil (Remake)
4. Resident Evil 3
5. Resident Evil 7
Oct 25, 2017
1) REmake
2) RE4
3) RE2
4) RE5* (as an action coop game)
5) RE7
6) RE3
7) RE0
8) Revelations 2
10) RE6
11) Revelations

#1-3 are in a class of their own design wise compared to the rest. Some of the best games of all time.

RE5 and RE7 have their flaws but are great games.

From there the games go from good to mediocre.


Oct 25, 2017
1. RE4
2. REmake
3. CVX
4. RE2
5. RE7
6. RE3
7. RE5
8. REV1
9. RE0
10. REV2

RE6 is so bad it doesn't deserve to even rank. REmake and RE4 are so close together but 4 just shades it, as I believe it's the best game ever. I also lump REmake and the original in together, IMO they are the same game. I like CVX more than most and easily rank it third, best music, atmosphere and story in the series.

Mary Celeste

Oct 25, 2017

RE4 is one of the best games ever made, so it gets placed firmly at the top
RE7 was a brilliant return to form with some of my favorite moments in the series, so it gets the silver medal
REmake is the best that classic survival-horror has to offer
RE2 is fucking great
RE5 is alright
Rev2 is alright
RE6 is bad but is fun sometimes
Rev1 is bad but is fun never
I haven't played the rest


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
1. Resident Evil 4 - Never gets old. Some of the, if not the best pacing in a video game. One of the few games worthy of the title of "masterpiece".
2. REmake - Excellent level design, and atmosphere. Some of the most enjoyable exploration you'll find in a game, especially your first time through. Uncovering the horrors of the Spencer Mansion. This game is among RE4, SH2 as not only one of the greatest survival horror games ever made, but one of the best games of all-time.
3. RE2 - A game that's hard to put down once you start. All combat sections, environments and puzzles complement each other well. The soundtrack is also very special. Probably some of the best scenarios in a Resident Evil game, as they test your wits, and skill.
4. RE:CV - A refreshing unique location. A story with characters that push you to keep playing. One of the more fun RE's to revisit.
5. RE3 - Best controls, combat, and movement of a RE game of that era. Nemesis, and constantly being on the run give this game a very unique feeling. Never feeling safe, and Nemesis sudden appearances made this a very tense game to play at times.
6. RE5 - This is a really, really fun game to just play, especially with friends. It's paced extremely well, and the rewards are satisfying. Playing it today is almost like playing it for the first time years ago, it's extremely well. One of the RE's I 100& Gamerscore.
7. RE6 - I had an amazing time playing through this game with a very good friend of mine. It's packed with a lot of gimmicky concepts, and mechanics but that doesn't mean it's a blast to not partake in.
8. RE7 - This game felt like an experiment. It's unique setting, and first person perspective are admirable risks that paid off in the end. The game felt like it could've used one more metroidvania area before the final section. RE8 with this perspective, lengthier and better pacing could be a special game


Oct 28, 2017
RE4 would be a favourite if the island section wasn't an overlong and frankly boring end to the game. Not to mention the final boss appearing without any buildup and being super easy to kill.

Resident Evil 2 is easily my favourite, best level design of the series. Code Veronica isn't as good in that department but everything it does is as stronger, if not stronger except for the characters. REmake is great, Revelations 2 is surprisingly good, RE7 has some very good stuff let down by a weak final stretch.

RE3 is honestly boring and is stuck in an in-between of action and horror. Nemesis gets grating super fast. The respawning of enemies is the worst mechanic to date, and the dodge happening when you try to aim and kills you because of it is also terrible.
RE1 original is fine but gets much better when you leave the mansion. The first hours of the game, most doors are locked and it's not fun at all.
RE5 is fine but not very good until you get close to the end with good fights such as wesker, RE6 is bad and too long
RE0 is probably the worst RE I've played by far

2.Code Veronica
8. RE5
10. RE6

Everything else, even RE Survivor and Gaiden

12. RE Zer0


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
It's been way too long since I've played the older RE titles, so I'll just mention my favorite - RE7.

It's the current "gold standard" of horror games. I'm pretty desensitized to horror at this point, but playing RE7 in the middle of the night, alone, in the dark was a glorious/terrifying experience. The last quarter of the game is disappointing, but not enough to take away from the title as a whole.

Shoutout to Code Veronica as well. The setting and vibe of this title just screams survival horror.


Oct 30, 2017
  1. Resident Evil 2 - I never beat it actually, but the vibes are so good. Remake of it looks great but mostly as its own thing. I think it's starting to lack the tone of the original the more I see.
  2. Resident Evil 3, yeah, I dunno what it is, but I just like the city as a setting and I like the sense of conflict and Nemesis is scary in that you never know when to prepare for a really rough enemy!
  3. Resident Evil Remake, It's just an atmospheric venture through a scary ass mansion and opening every door has me trembling in suspense. The various ways you get to beat it and various endings makes this the best in all but flavor. As much as I love the mansion for horror, the other two are somehow more stylish.
  4. Resident Evil Deadly Silence. I love REmake but I actually just want to play the original sometimes. The DS version is cool, it has new minigames that add more to certain puzzles and ramp up the tension. It also features more types of enemies in one room and crows.
  5. Resident Evil 5. The game is epic and arguably the best co op game ever made. There's just something special about being in this highly directed experience with a second player as their own character that makes the sense of companionship in the story feel genuine because of the gameplay during cutscenes. Each player is projected on to Chris and Sheva and the cutscenes are definitely entertaining both in script and action.
  6. Resident Evil Revelations 2. It's got multiple endings and solid core mechanics. The production and story feels janky, but also kind of charming.
  7. Resident Evil 6. Meh half the time, pretty cool other times. It's a weird game.
Oct 25, 2017
  1. REmake - This title nails the atmosphere, environment and gameplay loop better than any of the others, in fact it's one of the best games I've ever played.
  2. Resident Evil 2
  3. Resident Evil 1
  4. Resident Evil 4
  5. Resident Evil 3
  6. Resident Evil Code Veronica
  7. Resident Evil 5
  8. Resident Evil 6 - Still a good game


Nov 14, 2017
Of the ones I've played, REmake > 2 > Code Veronica > 7 > 4. I prefer slow-paced atmosphere and tension over action. I also prefer fixed camera.

That being said, RE2 Remake will likely be my new favorite.


Oct 25, 2017

RE4 - not a lot really needs to be said.
RE5 - RE4-2, though its campaign isn't quite as varied or consistently good. Better than its predecessor in several ways, which gives us the series' best Mercenaries.
REmake - Real Survival with Chris is the apotheosis of this style of RE.
RE6 - Heavily flawed, but ultimately brilliant and gloriously indulgent. Play on Professional at minimum.
RE1 - basic, but (unless you're Jill) this has the tightest resources of any RE minus the remakes, which I appreciate.
RE3 - Not a fan of the dodge but this is still great. The branching paths give it a lot of replayability.
RE2 - Lavish, but too easy, and if taken as one singular campaign, the A and B scenarios make pacing weird.
RE7 - Kind of an awkward middle ground; environments and level layouts are less interesting than the classic games, and combat is less interesting than the modern ones (it's intensely lacking compared to even, say, The Evil Within). Still an extremely enjoyable game though.
Revelations - Mediocre slop.

I still want to play Code Veronica and Zero too. Maybe sometime.
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Deleted member 11517

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
  • Resident Evil 5 my first Resident Evil game, this is hard to decide for me if this or REmake is my favorite, but I think the co-op gives 5 the edge for me. I was lucky enough to play with someone online from start to finish over the course of a week or so and it was just plain fun and exciting, never got boring the pacing is basically perfect. I like it so much I probably have played through the story 20 times plus countless hours in the various online modes.
  • REmake HD, well that was my second Resident Evil game, loved it right away had huge issues with the puzzles though, just not my strength I guess, I find them overly obscure though admittedly they're also clever for the most part. So I did look up most of them, didn't look up anything else though. Similarly to RE5 it's just fun and trying to find your way through the mansion is an interesting twist, loved the parts with Lisa most, it actually got a little scary, other than that I already learned dodging in RE5 and it's the same here, also loved the hunters, especially trying to sneak past them. I wish there were more games like this, perfect balance between tension, action and story.
  • Revelations, played Revelations 2 first which I really liked, but something felt "off", not a fan of walking and shooting though, in any case this captures the feeling from original Resident Evil better than 2, loved especially the underwater parts.
  • Revelations 2, great game although it sometimes tries a little bit too much to be like Uncharted, aka walking simulator, in the end it's still a pretty good game doesn't come quite close to my fav RE games though.
  • Code Veronica, only played a little bit, wasn't really my thing so can't say much.
  • Resident Evil 6 uh, not sure I like this, played about 50 minutes got really bored and refunded it - still want to try out Mercanaries Mode sometimes which seems to be fun and I loved Mercanaries in RE5, still play it occasionally.
  • Resident Evil 0 not sure what to say, finished it, sure was somehow fun, but also didn't really feel like Resident Evil, even if the ingredients are there (minus the crazy mutated monsters I guess) something felt just wrong, and the *very* strange ending only cemented that. Weakest entry in the series imo.

That's.. it, I think?

Looking forward to RE2 Remake!
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Oct 27, 2017
I'll give my top 3:

1. Resident Evil 2 - It took the best of RE and built upon it with a better protagonists, better environments, and story. It's my favorite of all time and I'm super excited for REmake 2.

2. Resident Evil 7 - One of the greatest survival horror games I've played. Putting the game in FPS mode hasn't filled me with this much tension and dread since playing Survivor on PS1 all those years ago. Amazing game.

3. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis - Getting constantly chased around while trying to get through the game? Awesome concept.

To be honest if I had expanded it to my top 10, RE4 wouldn't have made it. I've always thought the game was mediocre, suffered from horrible controls, terrible characters (outside of Leon and Ada), and was just overall a very overrated game. I even tried going back not too long ago and playing the game again on PS4 and it hasn't not held up well at all.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
1) Remake: A timeless masterpiece, full of atmospheric attention to detail, creepy lore and the best of what survival horror can offer, mixing the original's potential and refining it into a pure gem.

2) Resident Evil 4: Instant classic, being the perfect bridge of the action and classic fanbase, with tons to like on both sides and somehow still keeping a decent balance of sub-genres.

3) Resident Evil 7: Not only successfully twisting the original's trilogy format into something new and exciting, but also creating a setting worth of being on top with the best antagonists and locations of the whole series, while making use of the first person angle in the most effective way possible.

4) Resident Evil 2: By far the most iconic RE title to date, full of top class characters, ambience, soundtrack and enemy designs, propelling the series into one of the most influential franchises out there.

5) Resident Evil 5: The best co-op experience i've ever had, on top of the most impressive visuals and levels of polish in gaming, being also able to deliver the most fun and responsive combat mechanics in the series.

6) Resident Evil Revelations 2: Surprisingly full of charm, a story that goes beyond of what i could expect from modern Resi titles and a cast of amazing characters, bringing back the potential within horror touches reaching the franchise again, while making two separate campaigns and partners functional in a shocking level.

7) Resident Evil Code Veronica: A flawed gem, full of potential but still enjoyable when the execution works, which is not often. The themes and setting of the game, alongside exploration and interesting boss fights are amongst the best in the franchise, even while the story gets a HUGE stepback even for RE.

8) Resident Evil Revelations 1: The first spark of light for a modern, horror based Resident Evil game. While still flawed, it has one the most interesting settings and enemy encounters in the series, with a villain arch that was very good compared to the rest of the plot.

9) Resident Evil 6: Probably the worst experience i had with the mainline titles. Doing simple things in this game is a chore, the complex and full of liberty combat mechanics are still janky and not responsive enough to be fun, and the enemies are amongst the most boring and uninspired in recent times. The story has specifics parts that i really like (Chris and Jake), but the overall plot is bag of convoluted excuses to laughable fan-fiction exists inside a AAA project, bringing the worst villains i've ever seem in any media (Carla and Simmons). Not nearly as bad as its forced setpieces tho, that not only breaks the flow of gameplay but becomes boring, frustrating to deal with and takes away the control of the player too often in favor of QTE's.

10) Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City: The biggest disappointment i had with Resi titles, such potential wasted in a broken game with nothing redeemable, just a pile of frustrating experiences with one of the best settings the series could offer, sadly.
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Deleted member 9971

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Resident Evil 7 with vr is the best imo.
Ill probably rank resident evil 2 remake behind it closely cuz that looks awesome as hell aswell.

1 re 7
2 re rev 1
3 resident evil 4
4 resident evil rev 2

Havent played more yet sadly but ill play 1, 5 and 6 soon.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
1. Resident Evil 4 - The over the head camera felt revolutionary, many memorable moments like the opening village ambush, being hunted by the 'right hand', a chainsaw maniac chasing you on a mine cart...

2. Resident Evil Remake - feels like the most refined of the pure formula. Did everything it needed to do as a remake. Plus Lisa Trevor and the Crinsom Zombies were awesome additions.

3. Resident Evil 3 - Loads of great ideas like branching paths, creating ammunition and of course being chased by the nemesis.

4. Resident Evil: Code Veronica - It felt like a longer version of Resident Evil 2. Not very innovative but really good if it's your first.

5. Resident Evil 2 - Changes on the second play through like Mr X and William's final form were cool, a good game although not as as fresh as 1, 3 or 4.

6. Resident Evil Revelations - The new Ooze monsters were cool and the boat setting. The 3D graphics were really impressive for the system.

7. Resident Evil 5 - The story is a lot of fun with DC Douglas' hammy, brilliant portrayal as Wesker. The African cities with the intense sun made an interesting setting. Still there's too much generic action in this one and managing your parter as she drains supplies, can challenge your patience.

8. Resident Evil 0 - Great graphics and some interesting new enemies (Monkeys, a man from Leeches) The locations are generic though (another mansion!, returning to the RE2 lab) Micromanaging both characters' supplies isn't my favourite.

9. Resident Evil - An awesome game but hard to recommend nowadays.

10. Resident Evil VII: A bit crap, too much scripted encounters and the mansion setting is generic.

Not played 6, only played the first episode of Revelations 2 (which seemed ok)
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Oct 27, 2017
  1. RE 1 HD - superb remastering of my favorite classic RE.
  2. RE - The story begins. I choose this over RE2 for it's lovable flaws, like the atrocious acting.
  3. RE2 - Extremely well rounded, but less heart than RE1.
  4. RE6 - Overhated, I found this enjoyable throughout and combat was more approachable than RE4.
  5. RE4 - I understand why this is many folks #1. I came to this way too late to appreciate it fully, the combat felt too stiff and the story was way too long.
  6. RE0 - Not very memorable, just very solid in the classic vein.
  7. RE3 - STARSSSS...I hate Nemesis, this game gives me annoying stress. All around still a great RE, just pales in comparison to most.
  8. RE5 - Truly awful AI companion and a cringe-inducing racial overtone. Combat is fine otherwise.
  9. Code Veronica - Proof that the classic 1-3 era was over and RE had to move on.

Unplayed: RE7
Oct 25, 2017
1. RE2 - A classic and one of my favourite games of all time. I replay it a dozen times a year for speed runs.
2. REmake - Another classic.
3. RE3 - Loads of mechanical improvements for the series, an incredibly compelling villain and a further attempt to evolve the zapping system and city environment of RE2.
4. RE7 - A wonderful return to form for the classic style of RE. The bakers are excellent antagonists and the first person perspective is immersive and scary. The first half is so strong that the weak second half doesn't hurt it too badly.
5. RE6 - Everyone hates it but I love it even with its glaring faults. The mechanical depth is incredible, the co-op fun, the story is the best kind of dumb. The J'avo are so finely tuned to the combat it's a shame the level design isn't.
6. RE4 - I've cooled on this game over time. Obviously it's influential but I feel like the idea that it's pacing being flawless is overstated. The opening is incredible but everything after the castle is merely alright.
7. Revelations - Super solid attempt to marry RE4 gameplay and the older series atmosphere.
8. RE0 - Solid yet predictable RE entry. The opening is strong but gives way to an okay RE entry that is hurt by some of the worst enemies in the series.
9. Revelations 2 - Interesting asymmetrical co-op and a good story. Pity you can't play it like that online.
10. RE5 - A ridiculously fun co-op game I've played dozens of times but a game I don't like very much.
11. Code Veronica - Graphically a huge leap forward but ditches a lot of the interesting things RE3 added to the mechanics and the story is just straight up garbo.

Dead Aim and the Outbreak games are good/great but I couldn't think where to put them on my list. I'd rather piss glass than even think about Gun Survivor or ORC.
Oct 28, 2017
1. Resident Evil (2002)
Probably the best remake in gaming. Perfected the tank control gameplay and the GameCube version still looks good today.

2. Resident Evil 2
A revolutionary game in a lot of ways and one that is very dear to my heart as one of the first mindblowing games I played on PS1.

3. Resident Evil 3
In some ways a better game than 2, but comparatively just not as impressive and with a worse story.

4. Resident Evil 7
Doesn't really feel like a Resident Evil game in a lot of ways, but a very solid horror game and a great reboot for the series.

5. Resident Evil 4
Another game that really didn't feel like a Resident Evil game when it came out, but obviously was hugely influential and impressive at the time. I really like it when it came out, but haven't played it recently I thought many aspects like story, QTE's and every escort section had aged really poorly.

6. Resident Evil/Directors cut
Not a bad game, but just so inferior to the PS1 games that came after it. Now the best thing about it is the "acting".

7. Resident Evil 5
I had fun playing through this in co-up, but then again most decent games are pretty fun with friends. Alone it's really not a great experience.

8. Resident Evil: Code Veronica
I liked the graphics back in the days, but even they haven't aged great. In most other ways it just wasn't a game on the level of the earlier classic Resident Evil games.

9. Resident Evil 6
I didn't play more than 5-6 hours of this, but it seemed like a pretty terrible C-tier action game.


Oct 30, 2017
4 = REmake >> 2 >>>>>> 3 = 7 >>> 5 >>>> CV >>> 0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6

4 is just a masterfully designed game as is REmake. 2 is not on the same level but still a great game. The rest are a mixed bag but the only one that is truly bad is 6. Just a disaster in every way.


Oct 28, 2017
1. RE2 - Improves upon the original in every single possible way, crazy ambitious with its four different campaigns + bonus modes, best soundtrack in the series.

2. REmake - Fixes all the things wrong with the original RE1 (like the relatively featureless hallways) and even adds some entirely new content that manages to fit in perfectly, plus changes some things slightly to keep veterans on their toes. Also still one of the best looking games of all time.

3. Revelations 2 - It usually seems pretty divisive but I loved this one. Just being able to play as Barry makes it amazing, Moira is fantastic too. Nice mix of RE4 gameplay and classic RE atmosphere with some cool monster designs. Raid mode is also great, though it was better in Rev 1.

4. RE0 - Controlling two characters was integrated much better here than it was in RE5 and Rev 1/2, being able to split them up completely and just go in entirely different directions is great. Being able to drop items anywhere is also nice, it just sucks when you're moving to the second part of the game and need to move everything over (Also screw the 2-space grappling hook). Graphics are technically just as great (or better) than REmake but the areas themselves are less memorable. Second best soundtrack in the series imo.

5. CODE: Veronica - They didn't age as well as the prerendered backgrounds but 3D environments with a moving camera were a well executed idea imo. Also loved playing half the game as Claire and half as Chris, plus it has the only knife in the series that's actually really good. Steve sucks though.

6. RE4 - Amazing game in its own right, but it just doesn't feel like the RE games I truly love. It at least has cheesy dialogue and a handful of creepy sections, but I would've much rather had the original hook man prototype instead.

7. Revelations 1 - Incredible achievement for the 3DS and probably still the best looking game on the system. Its shortcomings become a bit more apparent in the HD versions but it still has lots of great moments and some good new characters like Parker and O'Brian. Plus it has Raid mode which is the best minigame in the series.

8. RE1 - Obviously outdone by the remake but still holds up pretty well.

9. RE3 - Nemesis never really did that much for me, I always thought Mr. X from RE2 was way more intimidating. Also not a fan of randomized items which are more of an annoyance than a neat gameplay feature, and the dodge move really should've been easier to figure out, because I never got the hang of it. I do love being able to create ammo any way you see fit though.

10. RE7 - Great game the first time, but when you play it again afterwards you quickly realize how heavily scripted the whole thing is, which hurts it a lot imo. If you know exactly where to go I don't think it's a stretch to say that more than half the game consists of cutscenes and being forced to sit around and wait while stuff happens. The quality also dips pretty heavily after the mansion and old house, and the best character in the game (Jack) bows out pretty early.

11. RE5 - Just feels like an RE4 expansion pack, really. There's so many similarities it's ridiculous, I had to do a double take when a Majini with a chainsaw showed up early on. And while it's cool to see Wesker again I'm not a huge fan of the direction they took with him here. He's great for memes though.

12. RE6 - The only RE game I never even finished due to how much I disliked it. I finished Leon's campaign which was incredibly mediocre and never bothered with the others. Leon's campaign was supposed to be the one most like classic RE games (because of zombies) but even it just goes completely nuts with ridiculously over the top situations and constant explosions.
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Deleted member 7450

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
1# RE 4 - Because it is the best;

2# REmake - Because it is very well designed;

3# RE 2 - Because... I just like it;

The rest are what they are, the rest.

Can't speak for RE 7 though, never touched it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not going to make a full list but let me just say that RE3 underrated and would benefit the most from a REmake.
Imagine a more advanced Nemesis AI and not being safe from it in any location!

My dream was still for RE2 and RE3 to be remade as one big game with an added Jill scenario, since they take place at the same time in roughly the same area.


Oct 27, 2017
This should be interesting to see, although I will be outright dismissing any list that has RE4 in any of the first two spots.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
1. RE4 - I don't think there's much I can say. Outside of not being able to move while aiming(I know its made with that in mind but Im sure they could rebalance it so enemies can take it into account.) It's a perfect game, or at least as perfect as a game can get.
2 . RE Remaster - pretty much proves that the old RE formula has aged pretty well. I love it to bits.
3. Original RE - Its just the best cheesiest weird fucking thing I played back in the 90s. It was just so weird and fun. I have extremely good memories about it.
4. RE2 - again, I don't know what I can say about it that hasn't been said. It's a perfect sequel in that it keeps the original spirit of the first game. It's just a good sequel that adds a lot to the lore of the series by introducing a lot of new standards.
5. RE Revelations 2 - the only RE game that comes close to RE4 after RE4 came out. It's also probably the best writing in the entire series because its subdued enough that theres very little cringe. I liked playing as Claire again and I liked the relationship between the characters. I also loved Raid mode. Its a solid RE4/TLoU "clone."
6. RE Code Veronica X - totally basing this on nostalgia. I loved this game when it came out on PS2. The story is so fucking wacky. It's great. I haven't gone back tot replay it.
7. RE6 - the combat gameplay is great and I think the campaigns are mostly alright. I didn't think they were the blight against mankind that a lot of gamers thought. God knows theres a lot of Japanese games that get a pass on having shitty story modes because the gameplay is good. Im not sure why this doesn't qualify.
8. RE3 - at the time it came out I was just not into RE gameplay so I dropped it early. I should get back to it someday.
9. RE5 - this isnt necessarily a bad game, but I hated that they added co-op to RE4. Its basically what it is. Its RE4 with co-op, but with a worst campaign. It never feels right, it feels forced, like they jammed 2 things as hard as they could and its uncomfortable as hell. It just doesn't feel like that gameplay was made for co-op.
Had they just made another single player game it would have possibly turned out great. I would have loved a true RE4-2.

10. RE Revelations - just an incredibly dull game with dull characters in a dull setting. I thought it was ok.
11. RE0 - Ive never been able to make it more than an hour into it. I just find it incredibly boring. Beautiful to look at though.

Tawney Bomb

Oct 25, 2017
1) REmake - they nail the atmosphere so well here and all of the additional parts of the story and mansion felt very organic and not forced.

2) RE4 - I can suplex a zombie on their head and their head explodes. Nuff said.

3) RE 3 - I enjoyed the Nemesis mechanic a lot and feeling as though you had more freedom than the first two was a good feeling.

4) RE 2 - Built on the first game and added some of my favorite characters.

5) RE 7 - This game starts out with a bang and is pretty damn intense. It eventually levels off, but it never dips to a point that I'd call bad. Hope Capcom builds on this and expands this approach.

6)RE 5 - Though it felt like a downgrade, I still enjoyed playing through this a lot. The inventory system was pretty bad though.

7) RE 0 - if this game wasn't hamstrung by an expiremental inventory system, I think I would have loved it. Not every enemy was a winner, fuck toads, but the leech monsters felt cool. Rebecca did and still does deserve another game.

8) Code Veronica - This game started out fun, then it sticks around for way too long.

9) RE 6 - This game sticks around longer than CVX and that's saying something.

I haven't played or don't remember the others, but that's my list.


Nov 8, 2017
I played through the RE series in a very disjointed order, something that has likely had a big influence on my rating of many of the titles. I believe it was something like REmake->RE2->RE0->RE5->RE6->RE3, with RE4 (which to my shame I have never been able to get through fully) somewhere in between. Although I haven't finished all of the series main entries, this would be my ranking:

1. Resident Evil 2
- The game that started it all for me. I remember renting the N64 version back in the day and it left a huge impression on little early teenager me. It wasn't until years later that I finally got my hands on it and played through the whole game on Gamecube. Man oh man, what a game. Oozing with atmosphere, great variety of enemies, locations and scenarios. Needless to say, the remake is on the top of my wishlist.

2. Resident Evil 5 - This seems to be a very divisive game, and although I can kind of see why, I feel it gets way more flak than it deserves. Having skipped RE4 at the time, this was the first of the 'action-oriented' RE-games I played. Me and a buddy did the whole game in co-op and had a blast. I played through the entire thing at least two more times by myself since then, and although the AI can get annoying at times, the game as a whole is just a fantastic roller-coaster ride. I love Wesker and Jill in this, Chris too in all his muscle-pumping glory. Sheva was a great partner and the rest of the cast wasn't horrible either. Although (some of) the depictions of the native African population were a bit out of touch, I still think that Africa was a great and original setting for the series as well.

3. REmake - Visually this game blew my mind when it came out, and it continues to impress me all these years later. So many memorable scenes and moments in this one; the shark pit, Lisa Trevor, crimson heads, the list goes on and on. The controls and very limited item storage make it a bit hard to replay nowadays, but it's still up there with the best of what the series has to offer.

4. Resident Evil 3 - I first played this game a few years back on Vita. And although it's tough to surpass RE2, it still stands strong on its own. Nemesis hunting me down never failed to stress me out and added a lot of tension to the game. It was a bit on the short side, and it didn't leave as big an impression on me as the other classics did, but despite this, it's still a very good game.

5. Resident Evil 4 - Having never beaten this game I'm not sure if I can count it, but since I have gotten to the castle area and played it plenty of times I'll rank it anyway. The game's opening scene is of course its highlight, and on its own it's one of the series best moments. It's a shame that all of that goodness ends the moment Ashley comes into play. I don't have a single good word for her as a character or the way she's entwined in the gameplay. She's a typical damsel in distress, annoying as hell, helpless to a fault and stands in the way of all the fun the game has to offer. I will eventually beat this game one day, and perhaps that will drastically change my opinion on the matter, but I highly doubt it. As it stands, it's a pity, 'cause without her (or at least without her being in the game as prominently as she is), RE4 game would sit somewhere at the top of this list for sure.

5. Resident Evil 0 - This is a weird one. I always welcome more classic RE. And having just come from the superior REmake at the time, this just felt like a little after-party. The train scene in the beginning was damn good, but everything after that just gets kind of boring and forgettable. It didn't help that neither Billy nor Rebecca were interesting as main characters. I had fun with this while it lasted, but ultimately it didn't leave a big impression.

6. Resident Evil 6 - I feel this game was full of potential and good ideas, but it was ultimately wasted by the lack of a good villain and internal cohesion. The idea of separate story-lines slowly coming together was cool. And I love Chris and Leon meeting up at odds with each-other, as well of having a 'young' Wesker and Cherry thrown into the mix. In the end though, it went nowhere really. The enemies were not particularity fun to fight either, with the exception of the old-school zombies in Leon's earlier scenarios. The gameplay was good once I got the hang of it, but this too amounted to nothing because the enemy encounters were horribly scripted with very dull environments and settings to boot. A shame, really.

Not on this list are Resident Evil 7, since I intend to play this fully in VR when I finally get myself a VR-set, and Code Veronica X. The latter one seems to be on sale quite often and I wonder if it's worth playing through at this point. I consider the Revelations series a spin-off, one I will play eventually but I'm not in a hurry to do so. All in all, I feel the series is in a very good place at the moment, and hopefully REmake 2 will continue the trend.


Oct 27, 2017
1. Resident Evil 2: Its the best game in the series, I will always remember the aligator and Birkin.
2. Resident Evil Code Veronica X: Claire is really good here, great characters and villains.
3. Resident Evil Remake: Still great, i like the backtracking.
4. Resident Evil Revelations 2: The best story in the series and Alex is one of the best characters in the franchise.
5. Resident Evil 6: The combat gameplay is f** great, it has some problems in the campaign, but still a great game.
6. Resident Evil 3: Its fun to see Nemesis chasing you.
7. Resident Evil 4: I don't think its the best thing ever, but still has great moments(the village part)
8. Resident Evil 0: Some problems, but i like the interactions between Rebecca and Billy.
9. Resident Evil 5: Hmm, i like Chris and Wesker fight and Mercenaries mode is fun.
10 Resident Evil Revelations: Its not good, but there's some scary moments.


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
  1. RE2 - The first RE game I played and my current favorite. I love the police station as a setting and Leon/Claire is my favorite pair. It's got just the right mix of survival horror and camp. I love it.
  2. RE7 - Despite the last bits this game was really special. It brought RE back to a more survival horror game while introducing new mechanics (first person) and new characters. Playing it in VR is one of my most memorable gaming experiences.
  3. RE3 - The follow up to my favorite, RE2, RE3 gave us not only a new story set during/at the end of the previous game, but also some QOL changes. I also really liked nemesis.
  4. REmake - I don't know what to say about this that hasn't been said already. Such and amazing job at re-imagining the series flagship title. I'm glad I got to play it because I was never able to play the original game.
  5. RE4 - I bought a Gamecube for this game. Loved it to death. I wasn't really prepared for what RE4 did to the series but I'm glad we got what we did from it. I'm actually playing through this one currently.
  6. RE: CV - The last classic RE game. I didn't know it was the end when I played it and didn't really appreciate it for what it was. I've since gone back and played the re-release on PS3 and now on PS4.
  7. RE0 - I played this when it came out on PS4 and while I find it's shortcomings to be quite apparent, I also appreciate what it does for the lore of RE and so it's okay in my book.
  8. RE5 - Not a bad game per se, just not what I expected when I bought the latest RE game when it came out. I don't really mind the more action oriented titles, I just prefer the more survival horror ones.
  9. RE6 - I've only played a few chapters and I keep dropping it. I want to finish the game, I just never seem to get it done.
I left off all the spin-off titles because I either haven't played them, or really didn't like them. I think I would have liked Survivor a lot more if the US version retained the Gun Con support but it didn't so I didn't. I also really wish I gave Outbreak more of a chance but that sort of game wasn't my thing back when it launched.

I have both the revelations games on PS4 and I'll play them eventually.


Nov 1, 2017
Raccoon City

    Pretty simple. One of the greatest games to exist; great length, varied content, multiple enemy types, incredible replay value, etc. It's just a really good action game. As an RE game, it.... doesn't really feel like RE. At all. Literally the only RE things about the game at the time were Leon, Ada and Wesker. Regardless, it's so amazing that I'm willing to bypass the "no RE elements!" error and rank it at the top.


    Ask me what a perfect horror game is, and I'll tell you RE2. Awesome old-school gameplay, cohesive storyline, characters, enemies, locations, immense replay value.. really, it's the horror old-school equivalent to RE4. It's a defining moment for the series and arguably its peak in terms of perfection -- the only thing taking away from that perfection is the length of the game. Thankfully, the remake is aiming to increase that and some. So I'm so excited.


    This is actual perfection to old-school horror if it weren't for the fact that the story and characters fall short to RE2. Gameplay and graphics, it beats RE2 easily. But it pales in music, story, enemies and locations. However, this game does atmosphere PERFECTLY. A true gem. The Top 3 RE games are honestly somewhat interchangeable, so just because this is #3 it doesn't mean it's inferior to the previous two games, they're just different gems in their own ways.


    Here comes the controversial one: before we start, yes, I will 100% cosign with you that the plot is fucking dumb. But the controls in this game are smooth as butter, and give you the freedom to live and act out your own action-movie moves. Wanna slide and do a 180 and dual pistol the shit out of what you're running away from as Leon? You got it! Wanna turn into a melee freak with so many moves using a weapon literally called "hand-to-hand" with Jake? Go right ahead! Want to do cartwheels and ninja flips using Ada? Why the fuck not! Or do you wanna shoulder bump a zombie and pick them up then throw their whole body at another with Chris? Be my guest! The gameplay is amazing in Mercenaries mode, and it's hours and hours of mindless fun even if you're not aiming for high scores. The story's campaign has four fully-fledged campaigns with unique locations, enemy variations, interactions, and bosses. And every campaign has its own flair to ensure it doesn't get stale as you play all of them. Leon's story is slow-paced "action horror", Chris' story is more RE5/CoD/bro shooter style, Ada's story is more stealth and on-the-run, and Jake's story is platforming and combat focused. It's insane how much content is in this game, maybe the bloated and bang-for-you-buck type of approach took away from the story focus but it's an amazing game if you don't take it too seriously.


    Here comes another controversial one: oh RE5, the birth of boulder punching Chris and Wesker's CHRISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! This game is top 5 simply because this is one of the most fun couch co-op games on this planet. Yes, the stop-and-shoot mechanic is well and alive and here but the melee system this game has (which is the best melee system in ANY RE game) and the fun weapons are a blast to play with. The DLC this game is also my favorite DLC of any game, playing as the poor-sidelined Jill Valentine again in them was a breath of fresh air. Again, this game has amazing replay value, and as long as you don't take it seriously and know what you're getting into, you should appreciate the gem(s) in this game (and there are a lot!)


    I think this game came at a perfect time, it rejuvenated interest and the critical acclaim in the series after RE56 did a number on them. For that much, I gotta give it credit. I personally didn't mind the first person perspective, nor did I hate the all-new setting and characters, but my main gripe of the game was that it really lacked replay value. It's an amazing game to play through it the first time, but multiple re-runs weren't as exciting as it was for the Top 5 above.


    Okay, so this game has the BEST Music in the entire franchise, and the second best villains after RE2. I loved Claire's return, but this game is... severely outdated. Something about it just doesn't click; there are multiple REALLY flawed game design choices (eg: abrupt character changes) and a fluctuating character arc. But the enemies in this game are badass and this game truly marked the beginning of RE going into bat-shit territory. Don't blame RE4, blame this one. Regardless, amazing music and amazing characters (sans Steve, who's fucking atrocious).


    Ah, Revelations 2. Good things: interesting storyline, Barry's return, an actual likeable little kid in a horror game, smart tie-ins (RE6 and RE5 DLC) and references and it doesn't take itself seriously. Bad things: Low budget reeks out of it, and Claire's characterization; they retconned so many things about her that she literally feels like a new character that just has the same name: she suddenly doesn't know how to act with kids (which is something emphasized in all of her previous appearances, especially with Sherry and Rani) and is aloof, naive and unsympathetic -- she even confesses a line (and Moira brushes her off lmfao) that Steve said in Code Veronica where she took offense to. It was a flaw that was hard to overlook as everything this "Claire" did was soooo out of character, it literally took effort for me to suspend my belief playing the game. Overall, it's a really interesting entry and although finishing it barely gives you anything that would benefit you from knowing about the main numbered games, at least it DOES have something. But if you skip it, it's no big deal.


    BEFORE YOU ATTACK ME: it's just my opinion. Literally the ONLY good things about the game are Nemesis and Jill. That's it. Nothing else is revolutionary, unique, gripping, or really interesting. The boss fights are non-memorable, the setting is really similar to RE2, the gameplay is identical except with awful characters (Carlos and his random accents can go get impaled by Nemesis and Nikolai is single-handedly the most boring villain in a RE game, even worse than RE0's -- and that's saying something). This game is not horror. At all. In fact, it's very actiony; so it blow my mind when people act like RE4 started the action shit when in reality, RE3 did and RE:CV added onto it. The "fight-or-flight" system is... there. I guess. Look, this is not a bad game. It just does not feel like a sequel, in fact, it was NOT intended to be a main numbered sequel, but Capcom changed it last minute. It feels like a glorified RE2 DLC. The greatness of Nemesis and Jill alone carry this game, everything else is just there. I do appreciate the ammo-making system, though.


    More like Resident Borefest 0. This game is... boring? Not bad, just boring. I liked figuring out the puzzles and the interesting zapping system between Rebecca and Billy; but this is a fine case of good on paper, not so well in execution. Plotwise, really this serves as an underwhelming prelude to RE1 and 2. In fact, only play this game if you, for some reason, wanted more of the side character in RE1, Rebecca Chambers. Other than that, you'll probably won't like this one very much. I personally don't hate it, I just wouldn't play through it again. Played it once because I like Rebecca, but there's no incentive to go through it again (unless you wanna get the Platinum trophy like me lol): cinematics are bland, story is confusing and doesn't make much sense, continuity mismatches, etc. It's just more Resident Evil, really. Want more? Play it. Feel content already? Skip it with your eyes closed.


    Whereas RE0 and REV2 barely give you any information about the plot of the current main numbered series, this one breaks the record by not only giving you nothing, but also confusing you in the process. This game is fantastic for the 3DS. It's easily a 10/10 there, because it's a good game. But as an RE game this one is just weird; Jill finally comes back to lead a title but she's sadly stuck in a convoluted plot that only drags the game down -- now RE6's plot suffered from the same thing, but why is it so high up and this one so low? Because RE6 had the gameplay to back it up. This one is RE4-lite, except in a less interesting setting and less gripping atmosphere. Now, this game could have actually mattered if Capcom didn't try so hard to imagine that it didn't exist; this game and its characters do not get referenced again, ever, except in two situations: In Revelations 2, the Terragregia Panic incident is interwoven with the plot (barely) and in RE7, Clive O'Brian is referenced on a small book in a random box. But here's the thing, you don't need to play this game to understand those references. Everything else is forgotten: Jessica and Raymond? Never heard of again. Parker? Who dat? FBC/Veltro consequences? We don't know them. Again, this is not a bad game (I don't consider any of these RE games bad games, actually) it's just one where if you skip it, you won't feel like you skipped out on much, if anything; you would have skipped out on the headache of trying to weave the story together because the cutscenes don't do the best job.

Final disclaimer: I breathe RE in and out, so even though this is a "ranking", I adore each and every RE game and hold them close to my heart. I love Revelations as much as RE2, I just probably will play the latter much more, that is all. :3
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
I think all mainline RE games except Zero and 6 are pretty rad, so some of the games at the lower end of this list are still pretty great:

RE4 - my favourite game for over a decade. Revitalised my love for this series and became the game I measure all others by.
REmake - perfected the classic gameplay.
RE5 - it has some serious flaws and it's unbelievably problematic. But the core gameplay never gets old for me.
RE3 - managed to step out of RE's shadow with a faster pace and movement between areas.
RE - one of the defining games of the PS1 era (alongside TR, FFVII, and MGS). REmake outclasses it in many areas, hence its lower placement.
RE7 - another great reimagining, but I don't find it as replayable as many of the others.
RE2 - probably the most iconic of the PS1 games. But it's so short and the RPD isn't as intricate as the Spencer Mansion, both of which make it harder for me to return to.
CV - it's probably aged the worst of the classic games and the campaign is bloated, but I'll always have a softspot for this one, at least before it moves to Antarctica.
RE0 - a good RE game whose innovations work against it turning it into an often unenjoyable experience.
RE6 - probably the most disappointed I've ever been in a game.

Not sure where I'd place the Revelations games. I like them both well enough.


Oct 25, 2017
1. Revelations 2 - The perfect mix of the camp and dread of earlier titles and the action of the latter. My personal favorite as someone that prefers the action style games over the classics
2. Resident Evil 2 - Arguably the best title in the series, offering a lengthy and diverse campaign in a great environment. The upcoming remake is a strong contender for the best Resident Evil ever made
3. Resident Evil 4 - The birth of action style Resident Evil. While the gameplay is not as refined as in latter entries, the campaign here is at its strongest
4. REmake - The remake of the first game in the series ages like fine wine. This game will look good 100 years into the future. Even so, it was not as revolutionary as Resident Evil 4, and is not as diverse in its setting as Resident Evil 2
5. Resident Evil 3 - Essentially an add-on to Resident Evil 2, and while Nemesis is intriguing, it does not really offer much new otherwise
6. Resident Evil 6 - Offers an incredibly meaty, but poorly-designed campaign, as well as incredibly deep controls that the game spectacularly fails to explain to its players. Because of that, it only gets better on replays, but that may be entirely too late. Also offers the best characters and shipping potential of the entire series
7. Resident Evil 7 - An incredibly atmospheric experience, especially in VR. Sadly, the game starts out much stronger than it ends, by the end focusing too much on action that only dampers the intimacy the game initially creates
8. Resident Evil 5 - Hates by fans of the classic style Resident Evil games, and for no good reason. Sorry, but Resident Evil 4 was not scary either. The gameplay is improved upon in this title as well, and the Co-op a blast to play. However, the campaign feels somewhat devoid of memorable set pieces and experiences
9. Resident Evil 0 - Not a bad game by any means, but very close to being. That some minor changes could have made it so much better makes this game especially disappointing
10. Code Veronica - The weakest of the classic style games and therefore towards the bottom of this list. There isn't anything that makes it stand out compared to its peers
11. Revelations - Praised by many, but personally I found it the weakest of all REs. The first hour or two aside, the game's campaign simply is no good. Hailed a return to the series' roots, the abundance of poorly designed action sequences in tiny corridors and rooms squandered any enjoyment I had. On top of that, the writing is absolutely abysmal


Oct 25, 2017
Coral Springs, FL
Code Veronica: the pinnacle of classic RE. Lots to do, huge variety of characters and areas.
RE2: Second best for similar reasons.
RE4: Never gets old, reinvented the wheel.
RE6: Has the best RE4-type gameplay, but dragged down by the RE5-esque stuff, and co-op.
RE1: Still classic.
RE3: Fun, but short.
RE5: co-op, blech. The rest is okay.
RE0: Just a chore.

(Haven't played 7.)


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
I have only one doubt, really, which one is rock bottom, RE5 or RE6.

First one is RE2. Gotta side with the classics. Also the first one ive played so it gets a special spot in my heart.
Second is the first game. Maybe playing it after 2 colored my perception of it, but it wasnt anywhere as impressive or fun to play to me. Still a bloody good game though.
Third place is RE7. Loved it way more than i think i would and it being a big kick in the balls of everything RE6 represented and what RE6 fans liked made it even more special. Fuck RE6. Game gets kinda boring after the bakers house, though (ship segment is a giant waste of time) and the DLC was kinda dumb so i never tried it, but the bakers house alone is full of greatness, and made the game good enough for me to get a third spot
Fourth place is RE3. I like it, but i never gave it much thought. I remember being mighty annoyed with Nemesis though.
Then RE4. Yup just fifth place. Don`t really care about it and it was the beginning of ~dumb action all the time~ RE which i bloody hate. Still had enjoyable moments though which is why it gets mentioned in this block.
Sixth place is REvelaitons 2. Its just super bland - nor good nor bad. Coop was okay i guess? Game made me super motion sick for some reason though.

all other games not mentioned i either havent played or havent played for a significant time to draw a conclusion (like code veronica, re0, revelations 1 and etcetera)

rock bottom is RE6. i made up my mind. it's the dumbest thing ive ever played and ive played a lot of dumb games. and no, i didnt find the action fun, so it was just a very dumb game in the end to me, but it gets all my ire because thanks to a friend i was "forced" to finish it instead of dropping it halfway like i did with RE5. so i suffered the full dumb experience, down to the credits and i hate everything about it thanks to that.


Jimbo Replacement
Oct 25, 2017
1. RE3: Nemesis: I found this one to be the perfect balance of action and terror. Nemesis was a terrifying series of encounters. In RE2 I wanted to see more of Raccoon city and I got it with this one.

2. RE2: It was my first RE game and the reason I bought a PS1 20 years ago. Choosing the characters to the graphics just complelty blew my mind. It was one of the first 3d games I've ever played. I played that game so many times.

3. RE: I played this one after 2 & 3 which didn't help. The scale was smaller and the game was harder.But it was still a sublimely designed game.

4. RE4: I think this was a great game but I was very disappointed while playing it because I thought this was not RE. Still can'r deny how revolutionary it felt at the time.

5. Code Veronica: I liked this game a lot and it was going to be one of my favorite REs but it just kept going and dragged on.

6. RE 5: I was thought that RE4 will take the franchise in a direction I wouldn't like. My worst fears materialized with RE5. Once the main enemies started carrying projectiles, I loathed it. Co-op through the entire game meant there isn't any tense moment. But still I thought it was a decently made game.

7. RE Survivor: At the time I wanted to play anything RE. Well I learned what spin offs means and that RE spin offs are usually bad. I still finished it and found it enjoyable in it's own weird way.

8. RE 6: The only numbered RE game that I haven't finished or planning on finishing. Just an absolute shitshow. Not even the often lauded gameplay here is actually good. After this game I swore off the franchise because I thought it became this zombie that I don't recognize.
I tried RE rev 2 first episode and I didn't like it that much.

Pending: RE7 I played the first couple of hours in VR and it was one of the best moments in gaming for me. Unfortunately, it kinda scared from playing the game and a lot of great games came out in 2017. I picked RE7 back up last week without VR and I love it so far. I think a perfect future RE game would be RE7 level design with the 3rd person camera.


Nov 2, 2017
Blackpool, UK
Resident Evil 2 - My favourite, this game is probably my favourite game, period. I love the old school gameplay (that'll inform the rest of my list too), the music, the atmosphere, the secrets, the separate story lines. Love it, perfection in my eyes.
Resident Evil - Classic, stonewall classic. Love the goofy voice acting, love the gameplay, love the tension and puzzles.
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis - Great additions and refinements over Resi 2, Nemesis is great, it's just not quite the perfect package that 2 is, or as charming as 1.
Resident Evil 4 - Moved away from the original gameplay, but a top notch blend of action and horror in a well presented package. The Wii version may be control perfection, loved the controls on the Wii. Made an excellent game better.
Resident Evil Remake - Great graphics and atmosphere, features old school gameplay, so you'd think it'd be higher on the list. Truth is, I've never completed it. I've played it, I know it's good and a damn fine remake, I've just never gotten around to finally getting properly into it. I respect the fuck out of it though.
Resident Evil Code Veronica - It's much maligned, but I enjoyed it despite it's issues. It's old school style Resi, I could never hate it. Steve is kind of annoying at times, but I still felt for him. Nice to play as Chris again too.
Resident Evil Revelations - This was fine. A step down from the classic style AND the action/horror blend of 4, and the story was a bit meh, as were most of the newer cast. Level design was kind of....there. Nothing special or memorable.
Resident Evil 5 - Didn't get far into this one at all. For all it's obvious similarities to 4, it just didn't click with me at all. I hated having to manage the inventory of a 2nd character, not to mention her baffling disregard for ammo. Nice graphically, but that's about all I took from it.

Resident Evil 6 I'm not going to properly rank, for even though I hated the demo, that's all I've played of it. Not fair to totally write it off, despite the video footage I've seen. Leon acting like a total idiot in the face of a zombie President put me right onto the hate train for the game. Why the fuck was a guy of his experience trying to talk down a turned person like a rookie? He knows better. Ugh.
I've played the likes of Gun Survivor, one of the Wii on-rail shooters and the GBC game RE Gaiden, but I don't think they really count. Really want to play Resi 7, but any time I tried to watch gameplay videos I got motion sickness from it, so it's kind of put me off trying it. Just recently got it on PC for a price I couldn't resist, so hopefully playing it reduces the effect of the nausea.

The classic gameplay is my preference, but REALLY liked the approach of Resi 7 and the amazing footage of the Resi 2 remake has me salivating. Resident Evil is awesome, and it's future is a lot brighter nowadays than it was when 5 and 6 limped out the gate (I do know that both sold very well, but I'm interested more in the horror experience I have than sales charts. Resi 7 and Resi 2 REmake being as awesome looking as they are is just what the series needed).