
Oct 30, 2017
My parents are going to this tonight. I know better than to say anything, but it is depressing to see them go deeper into fringe religious and political ideologies. Any time we talk about it we just fight and feel miserable.


Oct 25, 2017
I keep seeing online that they're fudging the numbers by buying all the tickets for the movie but if you actually go to the theaters it's empty. Not sure if it's true but I've seen multiple people do this. It's also how they get conservative books to the best sellers list so it wouldn't surprise me.
Some people on a local FB said "it must be the libs buying up the tickets so nobody can see the truth!" 🤦‍♀️
Oct 22, 2020
Having seen the film, which was filmed 5 years ago and was in pre-production before Q came out, there wasn't a single democrat, adenochrome, harvesting, bs or whatever in the film.

It was a deeply disturbing film because things like child trafficking do in fact exist. I could give two fucks if Kari Lake and Jack P like the film.
It's a QAnon movie.

It's a movie starring a QAnon believer about a QAnon believer - involving one of the central aspects of the QAnon conspiracy theory, being actively marketed to adherents of QAnon and Q-curious conservative folks. The production date is irrelevant; it's not like QAnon came out of nowhere.

So congrats on both patronizing and sticking up for a QAnon movie.


Oct 27, 2017
Having seen the film, which was filmed 5 years ago and was in pre-production before Q came out, there wasn't a single democrat, adenochrome, harvesting, bs or whatever in the film.

It was a deeply disturbing film because things like child trafficking do in fact exist. I could give two fucks if Kari Lake and Jack P like the film.

The movie stars a full on QAnon nutjob and is based on the stories of an absolute known liar who was recently booted from his anti-sex trafficking org after HR complaints were filed against him.

I mean, obviously sex trafficking exists. But, that in no way means anyone should be supporting this movie and the pieces of shit involved.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
The box office totals are inflated because it's just a huge grift. As I said in the weekly box office thread, I searched in my closest major city as well as big cities in conservative states. I couldn't find more than 10-12 seats being occupied for any showing and showings between 9-10 PM are completely empty. So it's just people buying tickets for the film hoping to "pay it forward", but no one is actually going to see it.


Oct 26, 2017
I knew there was something off with this movie when i kept seeing ads about "the movie no one wants you to see" and i had never even heard of it.

Figured this was some grift or shady movie especially seeing Cavaziel is involved.

This some QAnon bs. Smh


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe this grift is working so well. I assume it will be the new modus operandi for every one of these rightwing/religious movies, ending with a QR code and the leading nutjob telling people to go buy tickets en masse for those "in need." High-grossing movies that no one will see. lol. God. And it's infuriating how this Qanon garbage seems to infiltrate and infect the mainstream more and more instead of the opposite. It is depressing actually.

At least theaters will be making money, I guess.


Oct 31, 2017
I know the theater in these and there's about a 0% chance they would ever sell out for a right wing movie lol

I wish cinemas would just boycott this flat out And kill it dead.

But there are are a lot of sympathisers enabling this bullshit sadly. that plus this payout forward crap, means the grift never ends, they have no reason to stop stop the gravy train.
Fake ticket buyers don't buy concessions and those are where the big margins are for theaters, so they have at least some reason to not want this.
Jul 10, 2020
At least theaters will be making money, I guess.

Yeah hate to be that guy, but theaters aren't making money off the people who do show up to Sound of Freedom.

Based on that stories put out on R/TheaterEmployees they're either not buying concessions, sneaking in their own and acting high and mighty about it when caught, or harassing theater staff about any minor inconvenience with the movie is some deep-state left wing Joe Biden Shadow President Plot to "Stiffle The Truth"

So yeah, the people who are seeing buying into the hype of SoF are the ones who you would expect to, and they are behaving like you expect them to.

Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017
I keep seeing online that they're fudging the numbers by buying all the tickets for the movie but if you actually go to the theaters it's empty. Not sure if it's true but I've seen multiple people do this. It's also how they get conservative books to the best sellers list so it wouldn't surprise me.

Of course...


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah hate to be that guy, but theaters aren't making money off the people who do show up to Sound of Freedom.

Based on that stories put out on R/TheaterEmployees they're either not buying concessions, sneaking in their own and acting high and mighty about it when caught, or harassing theater staff about any minor inconvenience with the movie is some deep-state left wing Joe Biden Shadow President Plot to "Stiffle The Truth"

So yeah, the people who are seeing buying into the hype of SoF are the ones who you would expect to, and they are behaving like you expect them to.
I assume they're still getting a cut of every ticket sold in this pyramid scheme.
Jul 10, 2020
I don't think that's true at all.

I'm pretty sure that mostly true. I don't think theaters make alot of money of ticket sales at all.


Found something.

According to Yang, small theaters make 80% of their revenue from concessions and 20% from ticket sales. Meanwhile, larger chains, like AMC, tend to earn 35% from concessions and 65% from ticket sales.

Ultimately, the ratio will come down to the theater's ability to negotiate a deal.


Finance expert explains how movie theaters actually make money: 'I was shocked to find out'

A personal finance expert on TikTok revealed how movie theaters make money. It's pretty surprising.

So SoF is really fucking over smaller theaters
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
I know the theater in these and there's about a 0% chance they would ever sell out for a right wing movie lol

Fake ticket buyers don't buy concessions and those are where the big margins are for theaters, so they have at least some reason to not want this.
Oh yeah if they can selI empty seats to fake ticket buyers and make big money for zero effort they are not going to give that up.
Oct 28, 2017
Having seen the film, which was filmed 5 years ago and was in pre-production before Q came out, there wasn't a single democrat, adenochrome, harvesting, bs or whatever in the film.

It was a deeply disturbing film because things like child trafficking do in fact exist. I could give two fucks if Kari Lake and Jack P like the film.
This is why this movie is insidious. On the surface it looks like a real movie but it's a Trojan horse for right wing conspiracy. You just have to look at the people behind the movie who are very vocal about their Q conspiracy beliefs and you need to look at the people who are the ones supporting the movie. It's literally just right wingers who are claiming that Hollywood doesn't want you to see this movie.


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
I know these people are morons but how fucking stupid do you have to be to think "yea I am going to buy a ticket to a movie to help a cause what could possible be going on that's shady with a call to action for that"

'Our cause is so popular we need to engineer pseudo-popularity! The only way people will learn the truth is for us to lie!!!'
Oct 27, 2017
Mount Airy, MD

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Trump admires the grift of it. You watch, don't be surprised to see a movie about Trump--painting him as a god-like hero, of course--come out in the near future employing this film's shady "pay it forward" grift. It will be just one more way Trump will be able to pocket millions.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a QAnon movie.

It's a movie starring a QAnon believer about a QAnon believer - involving one of the central aspects of the QAnon conspiracy theory, being actively marketed to adherents of QAnon and Q-curious conservative folks. The production date is irrelevant; it's not like QAnon came out of nowhere.

So congrats on both patronizing and sticking up for a QAnon movie.
the folks involved are lunatics, but the movie seems to be a fairly generic hollywoodized depiction of child sex trafficking, no? like it doesn't have any of the aspects that make qanon qanon. idk, going too hard on it as a qanon movie is giving me similar sort of vibes to when people were freaking out about the joker being a dangerous incel movie. what happens when someone who doesn't really know what the qanon theory entails watches the movie and hears that it's being denounced as a qanon film... are they going to come away thinking *we're* the ones losing the plot and this qanon thing doesn't seem so bad?


Oct 25, 2017
This FUCKING movie. The discourse around it has even reached the non-anglosphere YT sphere - my mom barely knows English and she watched a video on it that said "it's the movie 'they' don't want you to see" and told me she got interested in watching it since it felt like child trafficking/pedophilia was a legit concern in Hollywood and it wouldn't surprise her if 'they' tried to keep that under wraps.

Because, AFAIK, that's how they're trying to "guerilla marketing" this movie: a lot of astroturfing online about how "it's the movie 'they' don't want you to see" since it "exposed how deep the corruption goes". The implications being, of course, "they" are the liberal elites/the Democrats/the Jews/whatever. It's always 'them'.

I told her that the problem with the film is that there's a lot of QAnon people around its orbit, either promoting it or even outright involved with it - and since she hates QAnon (her being very left-wing but not very into the "online discourse", she only learned about it like a year ago) she seemed kinda deflated a bit. In a "well, maybe they're horrible people but maybe they have a point here" way. So I said that what's awfully insidious about these conspiracy theorists (including the QAnon nutjobs) is how they use a grain or semblance of truth to wrap around and hide their actually batshit and dangerous ideas so people are slowly hooked and start to believe what they propose - it's really quite dangerous when used against people who don't have developed critical skills. Which, sadly, there are a lot around.

I think she just stayed in that "well, maybe they have a point this time with the pedophile stuff even if they're all around horrible people", which kinda pisses me off 😂

So fuck this movie and fuck QAnon.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Theaters get most of their money on concessions, so this movie must be kinda infuriating to them. Since it's a theater that supposedly should be held, but nobody is actually there and buying popcorn, lol.


Feb 17, 2018
One of my coworkers is, I just said "oh I'm catholic".

You should have told her that you can't change from being Catholic, since it's the only real Christian religion and all the Protestants are going to hell, to see her head explode.

Probably would explode at you though, so, good call.

It's a real shame about Caviezel, PoI is one of the best series ever, and knowing how weird he made it, bummer.


Oct 25, 2017
does anyone have that series of tweets where someone is looking at the seats open for this movie and noticed how the Monday matinee showings were almost completely booked up, but the more expensive night time tickets (and especially the weekend showings) are all basically empty. i just though that's neat.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Missourah, USA
I know the theater in these and there's about a 0% chance they would ever sell out for a right wing movie lol

Fake ticket buyers don't buy concessions and those are where the big margins are for theaters, so they have at least some reason to not want this.
Yeah I could see theaters implement rules to disallow this type of ticket buyers in the future for that reason


Oct 25, 2017
Despite how pilled Jim Caviezel and the general hype surrounding the movie both are, the Qanon content of the film itself is relatively mild, mostly just believing Tim Ballard's bullshit and promoting a Taken style "global network of random child kidnappers" view of human trafficking that a lot of Americans sadly believe already, even many liberals. Those promoting it will also probably will send a decent number of people into Qanon or Q-adjacent rabbit holes on social media, which isn't great.

The inevitable follow-up is definitely going to be completely out for blood, that's the one we should have a Joker style moral panic about.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Having seen the film, which was filmed 5 years ago and was in pre-production before Q came out, there wasn't a single democrat, adenochrome, harvesting, bs or whatever in the film.

It was a deeply disturbing film because things like child trafficking do in fact exist. I could give two fucks if Kari Lake and Jack P like the film.

Useless, obvious movie that will be used to make Qanon idiots more rich and with more reach on the braindead karen conservative crowd.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017

‘Sound of Freedom’ Is Cleaning Up at the Box Office Because You Can Buy Tickets for Strangers

The child-sex-trafficking drama starring Jim Caviezel made over $14.2 million on July 4 thanks to distributor Angel Studios' creative crowdfunding.

But the film's real godsend is the ability for "Sound of Freedom" fans to buy movie tickets for complete strangers.

Angel Studios calls it "Pay It Forward," in which you can buy a ticket for "Sound of Freedom," pay for another one, and someone else can apply to redeem it if they don't have the financial means. A larger group of people buying tickets in bulk, such as for a company or a church, can even redeem a portion of their tickets for free. The distributor says of its $14.2 million haul, $2.6 million came from people overpaying through those Pay It Forward ticket sales.

That is one hell of a grift.


Oct 25, 2017
You should have told her that you can't change from being Catholic, since it's the only real Christian religion and all the Protestants are going to hell, to see her head explode.

Probably would explode at you though, so, good call.

It's a real shame about Caviezel, PoI is one of the best series ever, and knowing how weird he made it, bummer.

Haha ya know that reminds me I should have just quoted this scene instead

View: https://youtu.be/90OFZQx_7xI

I think she would have actually wanted to talk to my manager after lol


Oct 25, 2017
Having seen the film, which was filmed 5 years ago and was in pre-production before Q came out, there wasn't a single democrat, adenochrome, harvesting, bs or whatever in the film.

It was a deeply disturbing film because things like child trafficking do in fact exist. I could give two fucks if Kari Lake and Jack P like the film.
You might change your mind after reading about the organisation the film is based on.


QAnon movie that your weird aunt and uncle are raving about on Facebook crossed $100M at the box office

https://variety.com/2023/film/box-office/jim-caviezel-sound-of-freedom-box-office-100-million-milestone-1235674000/ "Sound of Freedom," this summer's unlikely box office hit, has crossed the $100 million mark in North America after three weeks of release. It's an impressive milestone for the...

QAnon movie that your weird aunt and uncle are raving about on Facebook crossed $100M at the box office

https://variety.com/2023/film/box-office/jim-caviezel-sound-of-freedom-box-office-100-million-milestone-1235674000/ "Sound of Freedom," this summer's unlikely box office hit, has crossed the $100 million mark in North America after three weeks of release. It's an impressive milestone for the...


Oct 25, 2017
The other disturbing things about the movie are:
1. The way people assume it's automatically good to "raise awareness" even if you're promoting an inaccurate version of a real issue
2. People arguing that anyone criticizing the movie must be in favor of human trafficking, because the movie is against it
Just nasty stuff all around.


Oct 27, 2017
Didn't the movie's producers purchase every ticket available in a bunch of theaters to juice its box office numbers?

Deleted member 7148

Oct 25, 2017
What's up with the oddly high Rotten Tomatoes score?


Oct 28, 2017
Having seen the film, which was filmed 5 years ago and was in pre-production before Q came out, there wasn't a single democrat, adenochrome, harvesting, bs or whatever in the film.

It was a deeply disturbing film because things like child trafficking do in fact exist. I could give two fucks if Kari Lake and Jack P like the film.
The big issues I've seen raised are

1) Human trafficking isn't as glamorous as portrayed in the film and is most often performed by family and friends of victims. The more easily digestible cinematic version is easier to digest than the more common version that caused unease.

2) the organization is full of shit. They exaggerate or make up events and often take credit for things they never did.

3) investment in the organization the film is based on diverts resources from more boots on the ground groups that provide more long term care and work to make human trafficking less common rather than get photo and videos for good optics.


Aug 30, 2022
This is why this movie is insidious. On the surface it looks like a real movie but it's a Trojan horse for right wing conspiracy. You just have to look at the people behind the movie who are very vocal about their Q conspiracy beliefs and you need to look at the people who are the ones supporting the movie. It's literally just right wingers who are claiming that Hollywood doesn't want you to see this movie.
The smart tactic this movie employs is that it has a premise that in theory every decent person would be against so chuds can call anyone that goes against it pedophiles.
Oct 27, 2017
It's a QAnon movie.

It's a movie starring a QAnon believer about a QAnon believer - involving one of the central aspects of the QAnon conspiracy theory, being actively marketed to adherents of QAnon and Q-curious conservative folks. The production date is irrelevant; it's not like QAnon came out of nowhere.

So congrats on both patronizing and sticking up for a QAnon movie.

Five years ago was 2018 too lol


Oct 27, 2017
There's always one of these every few years like God's Not Dead (tho that obvi made less money at the BO). The film's biggest sin too apparently isn't even it's Q adjacency, or Jim and Tim's pandering to it via their statements on adrenochrome harvesting while promoting the film, or even the fact that Tim Ballard pretty much lying extensively about the case this film is based on. No, it's apparently just really dull and boring, and only held up because of its target audience being satisfied.

I keep seeing online that they're fudging the numbers by buying all the tickets for the movie but if you actually go to the theaters it's empty. Not sure if it's true but I've seen multiple people do this. It's also how they get conservative books to the best sellers list so it wouldn't surprise me.
It's because donors and churches are "paying it forward", so that congregations can go en masse, even if it means some of the screenings are emptier but others are packed to the gill. It would likely have a decent box office w/o it, given the group who the film is targeted at (i.e. Trumpers who barely ever go out to the theatres).


Oct 25, 2017
I just read through the plot summary for this movie on wiki and it seems like a run of the mill action movie.

What's so QAnon and right wing about it? Apart from the fact that it's got Jim Caviezel in it.