Pyrokinesis or Cryokinesis

  • Pyrokinesis

    Votes: 68 27.9%
  • Cryokinesis

    Votes: 176 72.1%

  • Total voters


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
You're like a perpetual motion machine if you've got pyro powers. The people in the OP haven't shown any signs of having to eat extra or do anything special to be able to blow off the massive amounts of energy they project. For practical purposes I'll go with pyro.

Same goes for freezing, cryogenic energy storage is amazing technology that I would argue has more applications than a single person being able to make fire in their vicinity.


Oct 25, 2017
Look up Bobby Drake some time. Already doing the impossible. Nothing to stop you taking it further
That goes both ways. "Temperature" is just how fast particles are move, if you want to use that argument, it goes both ways. Besides, pyrokinesis is controlling fire, not specifically heat.
I mean yeah, are we talking here about controlling ice, and fire or able to make it? 🤔
Bobby's only limit is that he can't go below absolute 0, but has so many uses of it that it's just OP, while a Pyro I guess can go so hot that it destroys everything everywhere, but that's about it, can't do much if you are a good superhero and don't want to kill everyone hahah.


Oct 25, 2017
You can do cooler things with ice (no pun intended), but I hate the cold, so if cryokinesis doesn't also grant me the ability to withstand cold temperatures better, I'll take pyrokinesis. The flames would keep me warm even in the cold of winter.


Oct 29, 2017

I'll take some ice. Can be more versatile, and I can bike over the ocean:


Oct 30, 2017
I'll take the power that requires that either I be able to break the laws of physics or that I've actuallygot both and just haven't figured the other out yet, please and thank you. Cryokinesis.

Not really. Cryokinesis requires you either break the fundamental laws of physics (by creating cold) or that you can already manipulate heat to a fine degree.

Pyrokinesis just requires you be able to generate and direct heat. You could get a variant that controls heat to a finer degree, but you don't have to.

In terms of physical plausibility, I don't really see much of a difference (definitely not in the cited points).

Both revolve around changing the amount of heat present. There is no reason to "create cold", which doesn't really have a physical meaning anyway. Adding or taking away heat from the universe violates the same physical law: creating or destroying energy.

They could both avoid this by redirecting heat, but the environment would need to cancel out the energy change. This clearly doesn't happen in most (all?) fictional representations but let's assume it's done properly.

One would concentrate heat around the hottest points, the other would disperse it away from the coldest points. These both violate the second law of thermodynamics, since they require colder matter to transfer heat to warmer matter.

tl;dr they both violate the same physical laws to a comparable extent so just pick whatever is most fun.
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One Winged Slayer
Jan 10, 2018
I'll just take energy-kinesis and add Lightning to the repertoire. Than I'll truly be a FF black mage.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
Ice. Ice-Man was always one of my favorite X-men characters.

Plus maybe you could help out global warming depending on how easy it is for you to generate the ice.
Oct 26, 2017
Not really. Cryokinesis requires you either break the fundamental laws of physics (by creating cold) or that you can already manipulate heat to a fine degree.

Pyrokinesis just requires you be able to generate and direct heat. You could get a variant that controls heat to a finer degree, but you don't have to.
Secondary power wasn't right, but you said what I was getting at. Cyrokinesis is already heat manipulation.
It really depends on how limited the growth potential is. Comic book writers have been stretching the limitations of superpowers for decades.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Gotta be Cryo, since I imagine it gives me locomotive options. Pyro I think you really have to stretch to imagine you can use it to "fly" or anything, sure some characters can but I could imagine getting stuck with the ability to burn shit but not actually push myself in any way. With Cryo I could raise myself up on ice in theory, or move the ice along the ground, etc. I guess the rules there matter too tho, maybe all it lets me do is freeze water that exists, not shape it.

Ultimately whichever one lets me fuckin move around cool!!!


Nov 3, 2017
Cryo: Can you have power/can create H20 or do you just have the power to lower the temperature?

Chie Satonaka

Oct 25, 2017
I think of the two, Cryo is the more practical choice and the one I like better.

"Both" is the more fun answer.

That said, I want lightning/electricity powers. Electrokinesis?


One Winged Slayer
Jan 19, 2018
I was (and still am at times...) a child that played with fire. It's an obvious answer for me.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017

Pyrokinesis is badass A.F., but in real life, I'd be accidentally setting stuff on fire. I would like for my things not to be set on fire.


Oct 29, 2017
Midwest USA
Despite the fact that I love the idea of being a pyro, because I love building and controlling fires in real life- I think cryo would have more daily uses.

I'd honestly pick whichever let me regulate my body temperature so I could always be comfortable. That's the biggest daily use right there.